Peerless Martial God 2

C1608 The Old Illness Relapsed?

C1608 The Old Illness Relapsed?

Lin Feng did not make it too humiliating. When Chief Wang heard that Lin Feng was still holding back, he quickly said, "Then tell me what other private matters you have and I'll send someone to help you settle it. Do you want to find Nian Lingjiao? I'll tell them to continue searching for you. It's better to look for her alone than with more people!"    


This made Lin Feng's heart skip a beat. If he could really use Chief Wang's men to search for Nian Lingjiao, that would be the best-case scenario!    


But Lin Feng thought about it and immediately rejected the idea. If he really borrowed Chief Wang's power, it would be equivalent to owing him a big favor. At that time, wouldn't he have to pay him back in double?    


There was an old saying that accompanied a king was like accompanying a tiger. Although Chief Wang was not the previous emperor, his status was still quite prominent and special. Lin Feng really did not want to get involved in this mess!    


"Ahem, I am not talking about my personal matters with Nian Lingjiao. There are still a lot of trivial matters that I can't finish with just a few words ..." Lin Feng politely refused.    


When Chief Wang saw that Lin Feng was determined, he sighed lightly and said, "Alright, in that case, I won't force you. But I also have to say that as long as you are willing, you can come and report to me anytime!"    


After drinking another round of tea, Lin Feng and Wang Yuan bid farewell and left the mysterious courtyard. On the way back, Wang Yuan kept complaining about Lin Feng, saying that Lin Feng was too stubborn. He actually rejected such a good opportunity!    


Lin Feng had no way of explaining all of this to Wang Yuan, so he didn't say anything.    


Halfway through the return journey, Lin Feng suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach, as if countless steel needles were drilling into his stomach from all directions. Even someone as strong as Lin Feng couldn't help but cry out in pain!    


Wang Yuan was driving when he was frightened by Lin Feng's sudden change and shouted, "Lin Feng, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"    


Lin Feng was in so much pain that he could not speak. The pain was as if it was not physical, but a kind of pain that came from the depths of his soul. It was impossible to suppress it with Yuan Qi!    


"I... I..." Lin Feng only said the word I before his head tilted to the side and he fell onto the passenger seat!    


This scared Wang Yuan. He quickly braked and parked the car by the side of the road. He reached out and touched Lin Feng's head nervously. It was boiling hot, and he tried his breath and heartbeat, but it was still stable. Wang Yuan quickly started the car again and drove towards the Air Force Hospital.    


The young nurse, Qing Huangtian, looked at Lin Feng, who was lying on the hospital bed and couldn't help but shake her head. Last night, when she returned, she had spent most of the night thinking about him. She had even flipped through all the photos and records of her classmates from kindergarten to university. Only then did she confirm that she had never had a classmate or friend called Lin Feng!    


But why did this man keep repeating his name in such a nauseating manner? It made Qing Huangtian feel strange and helpless.    


The young nurse, Qing Huangtian, pouted as she listened to Lin Feng's sleeptalking and muttered, "Who could the names of the people he called be? Who is Nian Lingjiao? Who is Qianjin Caiyue? And who is Lin Zu?"    


"What a strange man. Why does he keep calling me by my name? Is he a member of his family?" The nurse frowned. She really wanted Lin Feng to wake up right now and ask for an explanation!    


As she was thinking, the nurse's cell phone vibrated. She pulled it out, looked at it, and her face darkened. She hurried out of the room and picked up the phone, saying sourly: "Hey, how many times have I told you, I have a boyfriend, don't bother me again, okay?"    


Just as she was about to hang up the phone, she heard the man on the other side say, "Xiaoqing, don't lie to me. I've already investigated. You don't have a boyfriend at all. You have been single from primary school to college, and now you're working alone. Just agree to be my girlfriend. As long as you are my girlfriend, you have a lot of rooms and cars. Do you need to work so hard as a nurse?"    


The nurse's face darkened even further, and she shouted angrily: "Zhou Pengbo! Shut up! How dare you investigate my privacy! Do you believe that I will sue you?"    


This topic made the nurse a little embarrassed. Zhou Pengbo was right. The nurse had never had a boyfriend since she was young. It was not that she was not beautiful or cute. The only thing to blame was that the boys were too bad and unattractive. The nurse seemed to have never met a boy who could make her heart beat.    


Feelings were too mysterious for a nurse. She had imagined countless times that her Prince Charming would suddenly appear on the corner of a street, but the reality was that he could only meet a beggar on the corner of a street.    


This became a sore point for the young nurse, as her classmates and colleagues had all gone to the right rooms, but she herself was left alone in the empty rooms every day, so that she was too embarrassed to contact her classmates and friends, and all the parties of the past year had been rejected by her for all sorts of reasons!    


But the nurse was not the unluckiest. The unluckiest thing was that she happened to meet a shameless person like Zhou Pengbo. Just because he came to the hospital for an injection to reduce the fever, Zhou Pengbo began to pursue the nurse, Qing Huangtian.    


They sent flowers, cell phones, and handbags, and they even insisted on taking the nurse, Qing Huangtian, for a drive in a sports car. The nurse, Qing Huangtian, was annoyed to death!    


When he thought about it, he forgot to hang up the phone. When Zhou Pengbo saw that Qing Huangtian was silent, he said, "Xiaoqing, I really like you. Just give me a chance. I know your family's financial situation is not very good, and your mother is seriously ill and owes hundreds of thousands of usury. But don't worry, I've already paid off the loan for you. They won't come to your house again in the future!"    


"What! You returned the loan shark? " Qing Huangtian said in surprise. These hundreds of thousands of loan sharks could be said to be the biggest burden on the young nurse, Qing Huangtian. The loan sharks found a group of local ruffians to ask for a loan, and every now and then, they would go to the corridor to swallow a mouthful of food, and they would always call to harass Qing Huangtian!    


"How about this, am I generous enough? This is enough to prove that I really like you, Xiaoqing, just promise me. How about I invite you to a 3D blockbuster tonight?" Zhou Pengbo said while the iron was hot.    


For the first time, Qing Huangtian hesitated. Could it be that this playboy really liked her? Otherwise, why would he pay off hundreds of thousands of usury for her? But would he really spend the rest of his life with her? Zhou Pengbo was one of the four young masters of the capital, famous for being unfaithful!    


"Xiaoqing, just agree. It's just a movie..." Zhou Pengbo begged again.    


Although Qing Huangtian was very reluctant in her heart, she still gave a soft hmm. After agreeing, she hung up the phone and couldn't help but cry out in grievance. Did I really agree to him for money? But I don't like him at all!    


If his mother hadn't been sick and borrowed so much money from usury, he wouldn't have given up postgraduate studies, wouldn't have been running around part-time, wouldn't have been knocked down in a motor lane half a year ago because of lack of sleep!    


It seemed that nothing good had ever happened to her since she could remember. Her family was not rich since she was young, and then her mother fell ill and her father was discharged from his post. All the burden of the family fell on Qing Huangtian, who had just graduated!    


"No...No..." Suddenly, Lin Feng shouted at the top of his lungs from the ward. The nurse quickly ran in!    


The nurse, Qing Huangtian, looked at Lin Feng. His eyes were still closed, and he was still in a coma, but he kept shouting No, no. Qing Huangtian carefully walked up to Lin Feng's bed and asked softly, What are you talking about?" Hey, are you dreaming? What are you saying?"    


"I... I... I said don't... don't go with him... go to the movies with him..." The unconscious Lin Feng answered intermittently.    


Qing Huangtian frowned again and muttered, "You're so strange. What does it have to do with you whether I want to go to the movies or not? Why don't you let me go?"    


Lin Feng's eyes were closed, but his face was filled with anxiety. He said intermittently, "Qing Huangtian... You are my wife... You can't go to the movies with others..."    


This made Qing Huangtian furious. Her eyes widened, and she wrinkled her nose and said fiercely, "What nonsense are you talking about? Who is your wife?! If it wasn't for the fact that you are my patient and unconscious, I... I would have cut off your tongue!"    


Qing Huangtian stood up angrily and walked towards the door. However, when she reached the door, she stopped and turned around suspiciously to look at the unconscious Lin Feng. She thought to herself,'This guy was eavesdropping on my phone call. Could he be pretending to be unconscious?!'    


Qing Huangtian thought to herself, but she did not show it on her face. She walked out quietly and deliberately closed the door. Then, she peeked in through the crack. She wanted to catch this mysterious patient and make him appear!    


But after looking for a long time, Lin Feng was still sleeping soundly with his eyes closed. He did not look at the door at all. Could it be that he was not pretending to be unconscious? But why was he so strange? First he woke up with my name in his head, then he called me in his dreams, and then he eavesdropped on my phone calls in a state of depression, and the strangest thing was that he said I was his wife?! How infuriating!    


She was secretly observing Lin Feng inside when she suddenly heard a voice beside her: "Hello, nurse, you... What are you doing?"    


Qing Huangtian was so shocked by this person that she almost threw the thermometer in her hand to the ground. She quickly stood up and looked back. It was Wang Yuan. Qing Huangtian quickly covered it up and said, "It's fine, it's fine. I didn't do anything. I just... found that this door is a little unstable..."    


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