Peerless Martial God 2

C1602 The Plane Hijacking Was a Shock to the Soul!

C1602 The Plane Hijacking Was a Shock to the Soul!

At that moment a bandit came up from behind, dragging a stewardess forward with a sharp knife to the neck of the American stewardess, probably because of the struggle and the wound on her neck and the blood running down the front of her chest!    


Seeing this, the anger in Lin Feng's heart surged. He wanted to pounce on these robbers and kill them. At the same time, he sighed to himself that he was really unlucky. This was the second time he had been on a plane since he was born, and he had already been hijacked!    


At this moment, the man with the high explosive grenade arrogantly walked towards Lin Feng and Wang Yuan. Lin Feng quickly asked Wang Yuan in a low voice, "What should we do? Should we kill him?!"    


Wang Yuan quickly said in a low voice: "Don't act rashly. They haven't made a request for a hijacking yet. Don't anger them easily!"    


Wang Yuan understood that these people had yet to make a request. If he acted rashly and provoked them, it was very likely that they would deviate from their original plan of action. It was very likely that they would be forced to start a massacre, or even detonate the high-explosive bomb, causing a plane crash!    


Generally speaking, the aim of the hijackers was no more than to hijack a plane, change course, and fly to the destination they wanted, or, for some political purpose, to make some request to a political object, and so on. Of course, it was no more than a case of pure mental illness trying to commit suicide and dying to create a tragic effect by a plane crash!    


But these men were clearly organized and disciplined mobsters, and it could be said that there was no possibility of mass suicide!    


So far, they had not started a massacre. That was why Wang Yuan warned Lin Feng not to act rashly. However, Lin Feng was very angry in his heart. Could it be that he was just going to sit here and wait for death?    


If these people had knives in their hands, Lin Feng felt that he could give it a try. It would not take too much effort to kill a dozen people in a few seconds! Even if they were armed, it would be better than this kind of high-explosive grenade. At the very least, the gun would only hurt people, but this kind of high-explosive grenade was different. If one of these people detonated, the plane would disintegrate and crash, and everyone on the plane would be finished!    


The man walked to the side of Lin Feng's seat and stopped. Lin Feng's heart was in his throat. He thought to himself,'Could it be that I was mistaken? I originally thought that they were not here for me and Wang Yuan, but why did they come for us?'    


At this moment, the man grabbed Lin Feng's hair and said, "Stand in the back!" After saying that, he pulled Lin Feng up. Lin Feng suppressed the killing intent in his heart and pretended to be afraid and obedient as he was pushed to the back seat by another person with a gun pointed at him!    


At the same time, Wang Yuan was also escorted to the back. Lin Feng felt depressed in his heart. It seemed that he and Wang Yuan would not be able to survive today. If these people really wanted to kill him and Wang Yuan, then even if they had to risk their lives, they would still give it their all. They absolutely could not die in such a humiliating manner!    


However, what surprised Lin Feng and Wang Yuan was that after the two of them were escorted to the back seats, no one paid any attention to them. At this moment, they heard the burly man in front of them scold, "What the hell are you pretending for? Do you think that I won't recognize you after you put on your makeup?"    


Obviously, the robber had recognized the person they were looking for. Lin Feng let out a long sigh of relief. It seemed that these people really had other targets. Lin Feng released his Spiritual Consciousness, and he could clearly see the situation inside the cabin without even using his eyes!    


The leader of the robbers grabbed a man with a western face from the seat between Lin Feng and Wang Yuan and forced him to the front of the aisle. The leader of the robbers grinned hideously and said, "Mr. Air Force, your show is over!"    


By this time, the Marine Air Force officer knew that he had been exposed, and he no longer tried to hide his identity. He spoke sternly to the bandit leader: "Don't do anything rash. If you have any requests, feel free to make them. As long as you can ensure the safety of the passengers, we can talk about anything..."    


There was a thud, and the air policeman was hit in the stomach so hard that he bent over, and when he was pulled up by the hair, there was blood at the corner of his mouth, and his expression was one of extreme pain.    


But the airman went on professionally: "You can hit me, or kill me, but please don't hurt the safety of the plane. Please, the passengers are innocent..."    


I have to say, this Marine was very brave and dedicated, and had already put his life and death out of his mind, but the leader of the bandits sneered: "You don't have to teach me that. I'm a pilot, and I don't want to die, so all of you better behave yourselves, and don't blame me if you want to die!"    


"Wang Yuan, what the hell is going on? Do you think the captain knows about the hijacking? Do you think the air duct down there already knows?" Lin Feng lowered his voice and asked.    


Wang Yuan gently touched Lin Feng's shoulder and said, "I'm not sure about that. You don't have to talk anymore. It won't be good if you attract attention!"    


What Lin Feng and Wang Yuan did not know was that at this moment, the personnel of the United States Air Force on the ground were in a mess. The signal of the plane that had just taken off suddenly disappeared, and there was no response. Below the plane was the vast Pacific Ocean. Once it crashed, it would definitely be a major plane crash!    


At this moment, the plane suddenly shook violently. It was obvious that the plane was changing direction. Lin Feng wanted to ask Wang Yuan if the captain had noticed the hijacking on the way back, but he did not dare to make a sound. He could only observe the expressions of the hijackers!    


If they were on the way back, the robbers would definitely stop them. However, from the looks of their faces, they did not panic at all. It was as if they had known all this was going to happen. Lin Feng's heart was in turmoil. Could it be... Could it be that they also had companions in the cockpit? Could it be that the captain was the real mastermind behind the hijacking?    


Thinking of this, Lin Feng's Spiritual Consciousness once again extended into the cockpit, and with a single glance, he understood!    


One of the men in the driver's seat was slumped on his seat, and there was a large patch of blood on his chest that suggested he might have been dead for a long time. The other man in the driver's seat looked indifferent and faintly smiling, as if he were secretly pleased that his scheme had worked!    


Earlier, Lin Feng had already prepared to kill them first. Even if Wang Yuan did not agree, Lin Feng was prepared to give it a try. If he were to simultaneously release a dozen or so Yuan Qi attacks, he was confident that he would be able to kill these dozen or so bandits at the same time. As long as he could kill them in one strike and not give them the chance to pull out a high explosive grenade, then he could completely calm down this farce of hijacking the plane!    


But now that he looked at it, Lin Feng had completely discarded the idea. Even if he could kill all these robbers, he couldn't kill the captain. If he killed the captain, the plane would crash!    


Suddenly, Lin Feng thought of a problem. As a member of the Special Affairs Department, Wang Yuan's status and identity were quite high, and he must have undergone a lot of professional training. How could he not know how to fly a plane? If he could fly, that would be an alternative!    


Lin Feng had no choice but to speak again, but this time, he used his Yuan Qi to push the words into Wang Yuan's ears. "Wang Yuan, don't say anything now. Just nod your head or shake your head to answer my question!"    


Wang Yuan glanced at Lin Feng from the corner of his eyes and nodded. Then, he turned his head again and Lin Feng released his Spiritual Consciousness to observe the dozen or so hijackers. At this moment, they seemed to know that they had complete control of the situation, so they all relaxed and did not pay any special attention to Lin Feng and Wang Yuan!    


"Wang Yuan, have you learned how to fly a plane? If you fly this plane, are you confident that you can land it safely?" Lin Feng asked.    


Wang Yuan could not help but tremble. He had already figured out what Lin Feng wanted to do. Although Lin Feng's idea was very risky, things had already come to this point. If he did not make a final resistance, who knew where he would be carried to by these people!    


Even if they didn't kill anyone while they were flying, it didn't mean that they wouldn't kill anyone when they landed at their destination. It was not a risk for them to just sit there and wait to be slaughtered. The key thing was that Wang Yuan was now very confident in Lin Feng's strength!    


Wang Yuan nodded affirmatively. Wang Yuan had indeed accepted the aviation driving course and his results were not bad. After all, a person like him who was in a special public position could not be shortchanged in any technical aspect. Not only could Wang Yuan fly a plane, but he could also operate a battleship and a steamship.    


After getting Wang Yuan's affirmation, Lin Feng had an idea in his heart. He then said to Wang Yuan, "Then get ready. I will wait for the opportunity to kill all of them. Then you control the plane. Remember, this is our only chance!"    


Wang Yuan's heart was already in his throat. Anyone would be unsettled by such a cruel choice, not to mention the fact that it concerned the lives of so many people on the plane!    


Lin Feng pushed the Spiritual Consciousness to the maximum. Everyone on the plane's every move and even their cries could be heard clearly. Naturally, Lin Feng's main focus was still on the dozen or so robbers!    


Lin Feng looked at the robbers one by one, especially the way they held their guns and grenades, and found that they were all extremely relaxed at this moment. From the nervousness of the initial hijacking to the excitement of the successful hijacking, and then to the relief of having everything under control, they were not paying attention to their weapons!    


If that was the case, as long as Lin Feng could kill them at the same time, they would have no chance of detonating the grenade!    


After confirming it over and over again, Lin Feng finally made up his mind. However, on the question of whether he should use his Yuan Qi or the flying sword, Lin Feng finally chose to use both of them at the same time, in order to ensure the highest probability of success!    


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