Peerless Martial God 2

C1415 The Representative of the Heaven's Path Garden Justin?

C1415 The Representative of the Heaven's Path Garden Justin?

"Song Choujiu, has the Bajiao Domain stabilized?" The Earth Ancestor stood in the Meeting Hall, looking at Song Choujiu with a complicated expression. Ever since he was disturbed by some of the overlords of the Earth Tao, the Bajiao Domain had been in a state of chaos. And because of Lin Feng's disappearance, the Bajiao Domain lacked a sense of cohesion and unity.    


The Earth Ancestor had put in a lot of effort during this period of time. He could not let the Bajiao Domain Alliance that Lin Feng had finally established collapse just like that. After some hard work, the Bajiao Domain Alliance should have settled down during this period of time.    


"Mm, Lord Earth Ancestor, there are people guarding every single area of the Bajiao Domain, so there won't be any problems for the time being." Song Chouji's face was filled with fatigue. During this period of time, he had barely rested or cultivated properly, so his aura was extremely restless.    


However, he had put in too much effort into the Bajiao Domain Alliance. Not only was it Lin Feng's Bajiao Domain Alliance, but it was also his Bajiao Domain Alliance. So even if he died of exhaustion here, he would have no regrets.    


"Thank you for your hard work. It is an honor for Lin Feng to have all of you assisting him." The Earth Ancestor sighed with emotion. When Lin Feng went missing, these subordinates were still so loyal and did not have any other thoughts. It was truly rare.    


"You're being too serious. We are brothers with Lin Feng, and we both have the same goal, which is to bring glory to the Bajiao Domain." Song Chouji smiled faintly, a little dissatisfied with the Earth Ancestor's words.    


The Earth Ancestor also realized his mistake, but he did not explain too much about it, so as not to arouse Song Choujiu's disgust. Instead, he changed the topic and said in a deep voice, "Song Choujiu, send someone to the Southern Battle Realm to find Lin Feng."    


"Lord Earth Ancestor, Chu Chunqiu, Young Master Ghost, and Zhe Tian, Qiong Sheng has already left. He should have left the Bajiao Domain by now." After listening to the Earth Ancestor's instructions, Song Chouji remembered that the most important thing had yet to be reported. He slapped his forehead and quickly reported.    


"He's already gone?" The Earth Ancestor was a little surprised, but he quickly smiled with relief. These people had all walked in front of their own thoughts. Without needing to give any orders, they had already organized people to search for traces of Lin Feng in the Southern Battle Realm.    


"Well, Chu Chunqiu and Young Master Ghost are with Lin Feng's two sons." Song Chouji nodded. He himself was also looking forward to the four of them finding Lin Feng. At the very least, they would be able to obtain some rumors and traces of Lin Feng. At the very least, they would not be like now, with their eyes wide open.    


"Sigh... Lin Feng still doesn't know about Zhan Qian's tragic death and Lin Zu's disappearance. Once... once he finds out..." The Earth Ancestor shook his head bitterly and sighed. He did not dare to think about it anymore. With Lin Feng's temper, if he knew about this, the Jun Hall might be removed from the Battle Realm because all of this chaos was caused by Zhuang Chonghuan.    


Because of one of Zhuang Chonghuan's sins, Zhuang Lingyun was now silent. He secretly hid behind his back and cried tears, feeling extremely wronged and guilty. He had let down his foster father, Lin Feng, and caused Lin Zu to go missing and Zhan Qian to die a miserable death. All of this was because of his father, who was worse than a beast. Naturally, he also felt a sense of guilt.    


Because of Zhuang Chonghuan, it would be difficult for the entire Bajiao Domain to return to its former peace and quiet, which no one could imagine.    


With a sigh, the entire hall fell silent.    




"Lin Feng, do you really dare to lock me up?" At this moment, Prince Dun did not have much strength left to roar out loud. He did not know how many times he had roared, but Lin Feng had almost ignored his anger. After a long time, he could only admit defeat, but there was still a trace of resentment in his tone.    


"Prince Dun, you should know very well how many girls you have harmed, how many families you have destroyed, and how many people you have killed. Isn't it normal for me to lock you up?" Lin Feng glanced at Pin Guan, who was tightly holding onto his hand, and asked coldly.    


"Hehe, how dare you capture me in front of the Grand Ancestor? Lin Feng, you have already planted a bomb for yourself. Who knows when this bomb will kill you?"    


"I am the only nephew of the Grand Ancestor. Even if you capture me, my mother will not let it go. As long as she whispers a word in the Grand Ancestor's ear, I will be released immediately. Do you understand?"    


"So, listen to me, why bother with me and waste your energy, why don't you let me go, and I promise I won't harm those bitches again, how about that?" Pin Guan looked at Lin Feng with a face full of hope, with some anticipation and desire in his heart. He was used to living a rich life, and after being locked up in prison, he couldn't take it.    


"Even if you come out, it will be under the orders of the Grand Ancestor. I will release you, but now that the Grand Ancestor has ordered me to lock you up, I will not release you." Lin Feng curled his lips and smiled coldly. He directly rejected Pin Guan's request and rejected him directly. There was no need to reject him tactfully.    


Instantly, Pin Guan's expression changed. He clenched his fists and wanted to kill Lin Feng, but when he thought about how Lin Feng had only used two moves to defeat him, he felt helpless and bitter in his heart. He had never seen such an inhumane official, nor had he ever seen an official who dared to contend with the imperial family.    


"Lin Feng, by doing this, you won't be an official for long. You have captured me, Prince Dun, Prince Yu, Prince Long, as well as Prince Li of the First Rank. They are all close relatives of the Grand Ancestor, and even Prince Long is the blood brother of the Grand Ancestor, which is Dongfang Yuqing's father. Do you dare to provoke him?"    


"Lin Feng, just you wait. Sooner or later, you will get your retribution." Pin Guan resigned himself to his fate. He had used all the tricks he could use, and even his greatest backer, the Grand Ancestor, had ordered him to be locked up in prison, so there was no way to change it. He was only waiting for the day Lin Feng received his retribution. At that time, he would definitely kick him while he was down and kill him.    


"Go in and lock him up." Lin Feng no longer listened to Pin Guan's nonsense. After arriving at the prison, he directly threw Pin Guan, who had been sealed with Yuan Qi, to the Guard Officer and instructed him. The Guard Officer did not know an official like Pin Guan, so he had nothing to fear when he attacked.    


"Get in there." The Guard Officer directly kicked Pin Guan into Cage 1 and Lin Feng's heart tightened. This Guard Officer was really bold, he even dared to kick Prince Dun.    


"You little Guard Officer, do you know who I am? You dare to kick me?" The anger in Pin Guan's heart was about to burn the entire Battle Realm. He had a belly full of anger that he couldn't vent. It was fine if he couldn't beat Lin Feng, but now, even the prison's little Guard Officer dared to bully him?    


"I don't care who you are. With our King of Law here, even if you are the king of heaven, you still have to lie down, hmph." The Guard Officer sneered sarcastically. After closing the door of the prison, he flatteringly ran to Lin Feng's side and walked out along the corridor.    


"Hehe, my lord, who is this person?" The Guard Officer asked with a grin. It was just a casual question, and he didn't expect an answer.    


Lin Feng curled his lips and smiled playfully. He patted the Guard Officer on the shoulder and said: "Prince Dun, Pin Guan!"    




Lin Feng's mocking laughter had yet to fade, but the Guard Officer was so scared that he collapsed to the ground. Cold sweat flowed down his back, and his face was extremely pale. He looked at Lin Feng with despair.    


"You, you, me, I'm finished!" At this moment, the Guard Officer wanted to cry, but no tears came out. He had just kicked Prince Dun, and once Prince Dun went out, a small Guard Officer like him would be like an ant in his hands. He could pinch him to death if he wanted to.    


"Who told you to be so arrogant in front of him?" Lin Feng continued to laugh mockingly. Seeing the Guard Officer like this, it was very funny.    


"You didn't remind me either." The Guard Officer still wanted to cry, but no tears came out. There was a trace of desolation in his tone.    


"Didn't he warn you? If you don't listen, who can you blame? You should be on your guard from now on. Remember, no matter who's in jail, you can't insult him as you please, because you can't know what he's going to do, or what his background is now. "    


"All you can do is to do your job as a guard. As for anything else, it has nothing to do with you. Do you understand?"    


Lin Feng sneered a few times, and then left the prison while the Guard Officer was still in a daze. Lin Feng could not forget that when he was locked up, the Guard Officer abused him, and once almost broke the formation of his ancestral body.    


And now he must have felt the terror of the torture of the prisoner, which he would never dare to do again, even if he had a hundred guts.    


After returning to the mansion in the core area of the Genuine Martial Dynasty, Lin Feng had just entered the courtyard when Lu Zhan rushed over on his horse.    


Except for special circumstances, flying in the air for a long period of time was not allowed in the Genuine Martial Dynasty. This was disrespectful to the Grand Ancestor, so even the overlord had to ride a horse or a carriage to travel.    


"My lord, my lord, the representative of the Heavenly Dao Court has arrived. You are going to receive him personally!" Lu Zhan quickly ran to Lin Feng's side. Lin Feng saw that his chief elect's body was running like a chimpanzee. After listening to Lu Zhan's report, Lin Feng's heart was filled with a trace of anticipation.    


The Heavenly Dao Court could be said to be one of the closest forces to him. After all, when he was in the Eternity Kingdom, he was the current master of the Heavenly Dao Court. Lin Feng himself had not forgotten the moment when he spent a great deal of effort to kill this old servant, nor had he forgotten to save the previous four masters from the tomb.    


"Where is the representative of the Heavenly Dao Court?" Lin Feng asked Lu Zhan with some anticipation.    


"Outside the core area of the Genuine Martial Dynasty, I have already sent someone to welcome you!" Lu Zhan quickly replied, but before he finished speaking, Lin Feng had already disappeared from the entrance of the mansion. His figure soared into the sky and flew out of the core area, scaring Lu Zhan so much that his face changed greatly. This ancestor actually dared to fly in the sky, he was really too arrogant. He did not take the imperial power seriously, but when he thought about how Lin Feng even dared to capture Pin Guan in front of the Grand Ancestor, this was really nothing.    


After flying out of the core area, Lin Feng saw that there were many experts gathered on the ground in the distance. Some of the officials of the criminal law were tightly surrounding a few blue robed men in the middle. They were all in blue robes.    


"My lord is here. Hurry up and get out of the way."    


When one of the officials saw Lin Feng, his expression changed drastically. He quickly signaled for all the officials to make way for Lin Feng to enter.    


After everyone made way for him, Lin Feng looked straight into the hall and saw the representative of the Heavenly Dao Court, the blue-robed man, who was the leader. Lin Feng was stunned.    


The representative of the Heavenly Dao Court, the blue-robed man, was also very surprised when he saw Lin Feng.    


Both of them were stunned. Why did Lin Feng and this representative feel like they knew each other? And their relationship was not ordinary?    


"I really didn't expect that you would actually become the representative of the War World's Heavenly Dao Garden." The corner of Lin Feng's mouth curled into a smile, but his eyes were filled with complicated emotions.    


Gerstein also pursed his lips into a smile. His yellow hair was fluffy, and his eyes that were glowing with a blue light revealed a trace of strangeness, but he also smiled. "Old friend, we meet again."    


[Today is still the third chapter updating, and now it's all updated.]    


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