Heaven-defying Summoning System

C137 The Bloody Mouth

C137 The Bloody Mouth

With a chi sound.    


A claw sliced through the bodies of a few followers, adding new injuries to their bodies. Only Mr. Fufeng managed to dodge the Strange Beast's attack.    


But it was obvious that they were no match for the Strange Beast.    


Perhaps it was because the Strange Beast felt Yang Jian's threat, but its attack was no longer conservative. It became more and more violent.    


Under the frenzied attacks of the Strange Beast, First Prince, Fourth Prince, Guiqi and Zhang Gehua's guards were unable to protect themselves. They had no time to care about First Prince, Fourth Prince, Guiqi, and Zhang Gehua.    


In an instant, everyone was swept to the ground by the Strange Beast.    


In the huge palace, only Lin Xiao and Yang Jian were still standing.    


The Strange Beast's copper bell like eyes flashed with a fierce light. It stuck out its tongue and licked its claws, then it lunged at Yang Jian and the others.    


"Master, be careful!"    


Seeing the Strange Beast lunging at him, Yang Jian raised the three-tip blade. A serious look flashed across his eyes. At the same time, he signaled Lin Xiao to retreat.    


Although the cultivation of this Strange Beast was only at the fifth level of the tribulation crossing, But because it was an ancient divine beast, its combat strength was far higher than that of ordinary cultivators.    


It could be said that this Strange Beast in front of Lin Xiao and the others was the strongest existence they had ever encountered besides Third Prince!    


Even Yang Jian's eyes were filled with caution.    


A loud clanging sound was heard.    


The three-tip blade in Yang Jian's hand had taken shape. It pierced towards the Strange Beast that was lunging at him.    


Although the Strange Beast was huge, its reaction was very agile. It dodged Yang Jian's attack and landed on the ground at the same time. Its claws dug at the soil on the ground. It looked at Yang Jian with an increasingly fierce look.    


It roared.    


The Strange Beast raised its head and let out a long roar. It pounced on Yang Jian again. Its speed seemed to have increased a lot. Everyone's eyes narrowed when they saw it.    


They had expended so much effort just now, but it turned out that the Strange Beast had not used its full strength at all, and was only toying with them?    


And the Sixth Level of the Body Fusion Stage with three eyes that they looked down upon was actually this powerful? In just a single exchange, he was able to force the Strange Beast to use its full strength?    


However, the cultivation in this Strange Beast was at least at the Fifth Level tribulation crossing. When it unleashed its full strength, it had no idea how high the cultivation was. As a Sixth Level of the Body Fusion Stage, this man with three eyes had no choice but to use his full strength. How on earth could he withstand its attack?    




He was not blocking!    


Because, in the next moment, everyone discovered that Yang Jian's aura had also changed. A huge projection appeared in front of their eyes, and it carried a terrifying aura with it.    


Under this aura, even the ferocious Strange Beast began to tremble. Its attacks became more and more violent and irregular.    


Yang Jian's attacks were in an orderly manner. The three-tip blade transformed into countless sharp blades that flew towards the Strange Beast.    


No matter how fast the Strange Beast was, it was still unable to withstand so many attacks. A few more wounds appeared on its body.    


The Strange Beast let out another roar.    


A few bloody scars appeared on its back, causing the Strange Beast to let out an angry roar. Its attacks became more and more fierce.    


A man and a beast were fighting. Their battle caused countless dust and dirt to rise up, making it difficult for people to see their movements clearly.    


But even if they couldn't see clearly, everyone present was still stunned.    


Because they could see that although Yang Jian's cultivation was weak, his combat strength wasn't weak at all. In fact, he even had the upper hand.    


One should know that when the few of them attacked together just now, they weren't able to leave a wound on the Strange Beast's body. However, Yang Jian had injured the Strange Beast the moment he attacked.    


The gap between them could be imagined.    


Needless to say, First Prince and Fourth Prince were both from the royal family of Beiwu. They had seen all kinds of experts, but this was the first time they had seen someone as talented as Yang Jian!    


Guiqi and Zhang Gehua were also shocked.    


One of them was the Young Lord of Godly Corpse Sect, and the other was the genius disciple of Cosmos Gate. As one of the disciples of the biggest sect in Beiwu Empire, they had always been proud and arrogant, but now that they saw Yang Jian, they finally understood what "there is always someone stronger than you in this world.    


Mr. Fufeng fell to the side with a complicated look in his eyes.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


The battle between Yang Jian and the Strange Beast continued. Although Yang Jian had the upper hand, this Strange Beast was not easy to deal with. For a moment, Yang Jian was unable to completely suppress it.    


"The opportunity has come!"    


Seeing Yang Jian and the Strange Beast entangled in battle, Fourth Prince and Guiqi looked at each other. They saw a flash of light in each other's eyes.    


Under the instructions of Fourth Prince and Guiqi, their guards carefully led them through the battle zone and into the depths of the palace.    


That was the room protected by the Strange Beast.    


The Strange Beast had been guarding this place all this time to prevent others from entering the room and taking away the Immortal level treasure that Nine Dragons Immortal Emperor had left in the room.    


But now, it seemed to have lost its mind. It didn't stop Fourth Prince and Guiqi, instead, it continued to bite Yang Jian.    


Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao could not help frowning and said, "Second Master, stop them!"    


Obviously, there were treasures hidden in this room. Yang Jian had delayed the Strange Beast, but had let Fourth Prince and Guiqi get close to the treasure. Was there such a good thing in the world?    




Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Yang Jian struck out a move. He broke free from the entanglement of the Strange Beast and rushed towards Fourth Prince, Guiqi, and their guards.    


The two guards were already injured. They were no match for Yang Jian. Under the sweep of the three-tip blade, they instantly fell to the ground.    


However, something unexpected happened at this moment!    


The Strange Beast, which had been biting Yang Jian tightly, didn't follow them when it saw Yang Jian stopping Fourth Prince and Guiqi. Instead, it turned around and lunged at Lin Xiao who wasn't far away.    


F * ck!    


What was going on?!    


It hadn't been staring at Yang Jian the whole time. Why did it suddenly change the direction of its attack? And why did it suddenly change the direction of its attack? Why did it rush towards him?    


Could it be because he was handsome?    


Seeing the Strange Beast pouncing towards him, Lin Xiao subconsciously used the ultimate movement technique to avoid the Strange Beast. But the Strange Beast's speed was too fast. Adding the gap between their cultivation realms, Lin Xiao could not dodge at all.    


The Strange Beast roared.    


The Strange Beast roared once again. It opened its bloody mouth, and Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly tightened.    




The script was not normal!    


Although the Strange Beast had attacked the others earlier, it had used its claws to attack them. It would not chase after them and kill them. Why did it have to open its mouth and eat them when it was about to attack him?    


Could it be that his generation of talentss was going to die in the mouth of this Strange Beast?    


At this time, Yang Jian also noticed the situation on this side. A strong light shot out from his vertical eye. He wanted to stop the Strange Beast, but unfortunately, he was still a step too slow.    


Lin Xiao's entire body had been swallowed by the Strange Beast into its stomach. Yang Jian's entire body trembled. The three-tip blade swept across. Fourth Prince and Guiqi fell to the ground. Yang Jian crazily rushed towards the Strange Beast.    


However, right at this moment, a magical formation appeared around the Strange Beast. The formation carried a aura that surpassed the Tribulation Crossing Stage. Even Yang Jian couldn't break this formation.    




Yang Jian's three-tip blade crazily pounded on the formation's barrier, but it was all in vain. The Strange Beast, on the other hand, quietly lied in the middle of the formation, as if it had fallen asleep.    


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