Heaven-defying Summoning System

C9 The Strategy

C9 The Strategy



The subordinate character that I summoned could betray me, eventually?    


Then there's a big probability that if I call him to do a perilous mission, and we don't get on well with each other, he will double-cross me? Won't I just find myself into some trouble?'    


Lin Xiao racked his brains and cursed inwardly. "There's a lapse of safety in this broken system! If the subordinate that I just summoned will only deceive me later on, then why would I summon him in the first place?"    


"The system's purpose is to help the host in uniting the world. If the host can't even impose authority over his summoned subordinates, how can he bring the world together?"    


"What the hell?" he grumbled.    


He couldn't believe the system actually retorted!    


If only he wasn't stuck in this chaotic world and needed to rely on the system to help him figure things out, he would have torn it apart by now.    


Lin Xiao curled his lips and mumbled under his breath, "Forget it! I don't have time to argue with you now!"    


At the moment, it was imperative that he find Zhao Yun's whereabouts first.    


A while later, Lin Xiao knocked outside Da Ji's room. He wanted to ask her to accompany him to look for Zhao Yun, but after a few minutes, there was no answer from her.    


While he wondered where she could have gone, he noticed an unusual movement nearby.    


It was an ambush!    


Lin Xiao frowned, and his brow wrinkled with grave thoughts.    


Even with his present cultivation at the Heartbeat Stage Level One, he still couldn't sense clearly the intruder's exact location. It was enough proof that the trespasser's strength was stronger than his.    


With Da Ji nowhere to be found, he feared that his life would be in danger.    


As expected, a saber light appeared before his eyes moments later. He saw a black-clad masked assassin holding the deadly weapon with both hands, and his stance was ready to strike him.    


Lin Xiao was quick enough to escape the saber's path, and he staggered two steps back.    


The masked assassin was surprised to find out that Lin Xiao had fended off his surprise attack. He laughed fiercely and said, "Everyone speaks about you losing all of your cultivation techniques, but not even once did I think it was a front! However, even if you still have any cultivation skills left, you can't escape death today!"    


"Is that so?"    


Lin Xiao's face spread into a confident smile, and he stared down into the masked assassin's mocking amber eyes before him.    


Meanwhile, a trace of doubt flashed across the masked assassin's eyes when he saw Lin Xiao's reaction, and he frowned suspiciously.    


With the masked assassin distracted and deep in thought, Lin Xiao hurriedly used all of his strength to flee. As he ran, he screamed like a pig being slaughtered. "Help! Someone wants to kill me! Help me!"    


"Don't you dare fool me!"    


Seeing this, the masked assassin's dark eyebrows slanted in a frown. He looked outraged because of humiliation. "The City Lord and the elite guard are currently outside the prefecture. Let's see who will come to rescue you!"    


This masked assassin was so bold to break into the City Lord's Mansion alone, and he came prepared.    


Now that Lin Xiao's father and the elite guard were not in the prefecture, and most of the guards left only had Foundation Establishment cultivations, how could they fight against the masked assassin?    


Sure enough, the remaining guards on duty rushed over when they heard the commotion. Unfortunately, none of them was a match for this intruder, and they were beaten down in three blows.    


The masked assassin looked confidently at Lin Xiao, revealing a face that was cruelly twisted and full of hatred. He spat, "Young City Lord, I advise you to stop fighting back already. Be a good boy and accept your fate!"    


Lin Xiao curled his lips and rolled up his sleeves. He declared decisively, "I refuse to give up without putting a fight!"    


Having said that, Lin Xiao no longer evaded him. Instead, he worked together with the guards and launched the attack.    


Judging from the masked assassin's strikes, his cultivation level should be in the middle of the Heartbeat Stage, a few minor realms higher than his. Although they had some difficulty in dealing with his strength, it wasn't without a chance of winning.    


With the help of the Legendary Sky Of Buzhou cultivation technique, Lin Xiao wasn't put in an unfavorable position.    


The masked assassin's eyes flashed with a hint of shock as he struggled to take Lin Xiao down.    


How could that be possible?    


Logically speaking, Lin Xiao's cultivation base was at most at the Foundation Establishment Level Nine, but judging from his skills, it seemed like he wasn't much different from him.    


Did Lin Xiao possibly breakthrough to the Heartbeat Stage and even reached its middle point?    


When the masked assassin saw the increasing number of guards in the vicinity, his whole demeanor was growing in severity. He sneered, "I think I've underestimated you. I never thought you've already reached the middle Heartbeat Stage! I'll let you off this time, but you'll suffer the consequences if you offend the wrong people!"    


Afterward, the masked assassin used a smoke bomb to escape.    


When Lin Xiao saw him took off, he just let him go. Even if he caught up with him, he might not win the fight on his own. Also, catching the intruder would be useless knowing he should go after the mastermind instead.    


Minutes later after they did a complete sweep of the prefecture, Lin Xiao asked one guard, "Do you know where City Lord and the elite guard went?"    


"After Master Su asked for an appointment, he seemed to have agreed to his request and went to the Su residence to talk about certain issues," answered the guard truthfully.    


'The Su family!'    


A murderous intent erupted in Lin Xiao's eyes. He clenched his hand under his sleeve and demanded, "Everybody! You can leave now! I don't want anybody reporting this incident to the City Lord."    


As it turned out, it was the Su family who had sent out an assassin at the Heartbeat Stage. He must have made adequate preparations before making the onslaught. Even if Lin Xiao investigated this matter, he wouldn't have the proof to link this with the Su family.    


Thus, he decided to deal with it himself!    


Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed scornfully as he walked back to his courtyard and sat down to drink a cup of tea. Before the tea cooled down, he saw Da Ji show up hastily.    


Since she was summoned by the system, Da Ji had a certain connection with Lin Xiao. Whenever Lin Xiao was in danger, she could directly sense his location.    


So even if she was far from the capital just now, she still felt the threat to Lin Xiao's life earlier. She immediately rushed back in a hurry, but unfortunately, the assassin was already long gone.    


Da Ji hung her head in shame as she approached Lin Xiao. She knelt down and glanced up apprehensively while saying, "Master, I'm so sorry I arrived late."    


"I'm not blaming you, so don't worry,"    


Lin Xiao said assuringly when he saw Da Ji agitated. A flash of pity passed through his eyes as he reached out to help Da Ji get up her feet. "Where were you, anyway? Who led you to go there?"    


"I'm not sure, but I couldn't find information about the intruder's identity,"    


Da Ji replied as she shook her head faintly. She bit her lip and continued, "What I'm certain is that he has a strong cultivation level. He should have already reached the Golden Core stage Level Five and cultivated a technique to increase his speed. I chased him all the way outside the city walls, but I couldn't catch up to him. I'm sorry if I've let you fall into a dangerous situation."    


'A Golden Core stage Level Five warrior?    


Apart from the Su residence, who else in Jianxia City would be so sagacious enough to send a such skilled warrior to lure Da Ji away?    


At this critical moment, even if the Su residence didn't send their own disciple, they undoubtedly have something to do with what happened. They intended to invite my father to their place so they could make a sneak attack on me,'    


Lin Xiao thought. His face was cruelly twisted, full of hatred and malice. "Let's go, Da Ji! Follow me to the Su residence!"    


"The Su residence?"    


Da Ji blinked her beautiful eyes at his words. She quickly asked through gritted teeth, "Are you saying that the one responsible for luring me away just so they could attack you was from the Su family?"    


"Well, even if it's not one of their disciples, they can't get away with this."    


Lin Xiao's face was marked with loathing when he went on to speak with a mocking smile, "Since they're so eager to make a move, I will start sorting out the Su residence before moving on to the entire Jiangxia City!"    


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