Heaven-defying Summoning System

C984 Phoenix Mountain Range

C984 Phoenix Mountain Range

"Okay! Since you have made your choice, I will not let you down! "    


Feng Luo looked at Yuling and said excitedly, "Now I will bring you guys to Tianfeng Mountain and you guys will follow me from now on. As long as I am here, I will not let anything happen to you guys."    


"Thank you, Lord Feng Luo."    


Yuling and the rest received Feng Luo's promise and quickly replied, "Lord Feng Luo do not worry. In the future, the Ice Jade Sect will be on the same side as you!"    




Feng Luo nodded her head in satisfaction and brought the group of Ice Jade Sect to the Tianfeng Mountain and brought them to a mountain in the Tianfeng Mountain.    


"This is the Xifeng Mountain, a mountain peak near the Flying Phoenix Mountain. This place will belong to you from now on!"    


Glancing at Yuling and the rest, Feng Luo said faintly, "There are plenty of spiritual energys here. It can be said that this place is second only to the three main peaks of the Tianfeng Mountain. In the future, you all can stay here and cultivate properly. If you have any matters, you can come and find me."    


"Thank you, Lord Feng Luo!"    


Yuling said with some trepidation, "I am really sorry. We have just joined the Phoenix Race and Lord Feng Luo has already rewarded us with such a good place!"    


Although this place was not large, it was enough for Yuling and the rest. After all, they did not have many people and could live comfortably here. Most importantly, the spiritual energy here was as Feng Luo had said. It was very abundant and this kind of treatment was even better than their treatment in the Righteousness Alliance. How could Yuling not be afraid!    


"You are welcome. You have already contributed a lot by providing the Phoenix Races to our Phoenix Race. Now that you have joined the Phoenix Race, of course we cannot treat you unfairly. All of these are what you deserve."    


Hearing Yuling's words, Feng Luo lightly smiled and continued, "You have just arrived and might not be used to it. I will let Feng Wu stay here with you for a period of time. If there is anything you do not understand, you can ask Feng Wu. If you want to go to another mountain peak, you can also let Feng Wu bring you there."    


"Thank you, Lord Feng Luo."    


Yuling's tone was still filled with gratitude. After thanking Feng Luo respectfully, she looked at Feng Wu and said modestly, "Then I will have to trouble Fellow Daoist Feng Wu."    


"Fairy Yu is too polite."    


Feng Wu also smiled and said.    


Feng Wu was quite satisfied with this arrangement.    


For the past period of time, she had been collecting Water Spirit Bead of Five Elementss outside. Although this could help Phoenix Race achieve meritorious deeds, it was not an easy task. After such a long period of time, she had only found two Water Spirit Bead of Five Elementss. Moreover, she had paid a huge price, which had exhausted her heart and soul. Now that she was accompanying the people of the Ice Jade Sect, she could relax a little.    


In the following days, Feng Wu had been doing her best to accompany the people of Ice Jade Sect. At the same time, she also introduced the situation of the Phoenix Race to the people of Ice Jade Sect.    


After gaining a general understanding of the situation of Phoenix Race, Lin Xiao also discovered that Phoenix Race wasn't as united as they looked. Although most of the people in Phoenix Race were from the Phoenix Race, there were still internal conflicts.    


Currently, the Phoenix Race was divided into three main peaks. These three main peaks weren't convinced by each other. Although they looked harmonious on the surface, they had been secretly competing with each other.    


Feng Luo was the main representative of the Flying Phoenix Mountain. This time, she had allowed the Ice Jade Sect to join the Phoenix Race, which had made the Flying Phoenix Mountain in the limelight. It was no wonder that she treated the people of the Ice Jade Sect so well.    


Regarding the current situation of the Phoenix Race, Lin Xiao also asked Zhu Yuyan to investigate it.    


"How is it?"    


When he saw Zhu Yuyan return, Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and asked.    


"I asked around and found out that the current situation has been maintained for nearly three hundred years. Three hundred years ago, Phoenix Ancestor went into seclusion to break through to the Holy King realm and did not come out again. The three main peaks are gradually becoming hostile towards each other, resulting in the current situation!"    


Zhu Yuyan told Lin Xiao all the information she heard and continued to ask, "What should we do next?"    


"Let's wait and see."    


Lin Xiao smiled and slowly analyzed, "Since the three main peaks have internal conflicts, "What? When Feng Wu leaves, trouble will come knocking! It's just that you were personally brought in by Feng Luo. Even if the people from the other peaks want to touch you, they will have to ask her for her opinion! "It is not possible to continue like this. I think it is time to give you more leverage."    


What do you mean? "    


Zhu Yuyan did not understand what Lin Xiao meant. She asked, "Do you want to give Phoenix Race another Water Spirit Bead of Five Elements? "Isn't the price a little too high?"    


"Of course not."    


Lin Xiao looked at Zhu Yuyan helplessly and said rudely, "Do you really think Five Elements Spirit Beads are cabbages? I can give them to you as I say! I still have some Water Spirit Bead of Five Elementss. I won't give them to the Phoenix Race!"    


"Then what do you mean?"    


Zhu Yuyan was even more puzzled.    


With a faint smile, Lin Xiao asked, "Let me ask you, Feng Luo attached so much importance to your Ice Jade Sect. Other than the Five Elements Spirit Beads you gave her, what other reason is there?"    


"It should be because of the two Uncle-Masters."    


After hesitating for a moment, Zhu Yuyan slowly said, "Although the Phoenix Race is one of the seven major powers in Pingchuan Medium World... "What?" Zhu Yuyan asked. Sage Expert shouldn't be more than fifty, on average. Their three main peaks, each peak's Sage Expert... Both of my Uncle-Masters aren't weak amongst the Saints, and Uncle-Master Yu is already a Sage Stage Peak. "With the addition of these two Saints, Feng Luo will naturally take them seriously!"    


That's right, you are quite smart! "    


She lightly nodded her head. Lin Xiao looked at Zhu Yuyan with appreciation and continued. "This is the reason why Feng Luo values you all. If there is another saint in Ice Jade Sect now... "Will she value you all more?"    


"Another Saint?"    


Zhu Yuyan frowned slightly and said, "Now, there are only eight of us, Semi-Sage Expert from the Ice Jade Sect, including me. The only one who can break through to the Saint realm is... "    


"Only you."    


Lin Xiao chuckled and said confidently.    


Zhu Yuyan nodded and said, "I am indeed the one who has the biggest hope of becoming a saint."    


After all, Zhu Yuyan was the beloved disciple of the Ice Jade Sect's Sect Leader. Her talent and strength were naturally excellent. Otherwise, she wouldn't have represented the Ice Jade Sect to the West Mountain Secret Realm.    


However, with her strength, it was easier said than done for her to break through to the Saint realm.    


As if he had seen through Zhu Yuyan's thoughts, a hint of confidence flashed across Lin Xiao's eyes. He said, "You don't have to worry about this. I will help you! "    


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