Invincible God Of War

C648 Enemy Friends

C648 Enemy Friends

The opponent responded very quickly and started to hide. However, Hsiao Tian and the others had more people on their side, and they knew where they were.    


Hsiao Tian had asked Zhou Yao to report loudly so that everyone on their side could hear him.    


In just five minutes, all the opponents had been eliminated.    


"What the f * ck!"    


"This is too abnormal."    


"This isn't fair. How are we supposed to play with this?" Wang Yao asked.    


Those people who were eliminated from Squad 30 started cursing in dissatisfaction. They felt that Hsiao Tian and the others' actions had really broken the balance.    


Hsiao Tian didn't care about those curses. They wanted to chase after him, thinking that they could get rid of Number 85. Now that they were killed, they deserved it.    


He immediately informed Zheng Yan and the others to retreat. The other two teams from the red team were about to arrive.    


Moreover, the fight here had attracted more people. If they didn't leave now, they would be surrounded.    


Hsiao Tian and the others retreated, heading to the other teams of the Blue Team.    


Not long after they left, the headquarters informed everyone of their location so that the people chasing them could find them more easily.    


Now that they were very close to each other, Hsiao Tian's location was exposed, and they would be able to move even faster.    


Before the people of red team caught up to them, they had to bump into the other Blue Team members.    


The Second Generation Ancestors were not strong, but they were not a hindrance when it came to running away. They also had instructions for their actions, and very soon, they bumped into the other Blue Team.    


When the other side knew their identities, they indeed planned to stand by and watch, and also wanted to stay away from them.    


However, the people from red team who were chasing Hsiao Tian and the others did not give them a chance. There were two teams, which were the team closest to them.    


They started fighting the moment they saw Hsiao Tian and the others. The blue team that Hsiao Tian and the others bumped into was also within their attack range. Since they were beaten up, they could not run away.    


Although Hsiao Tian didn't tell them that he wanted to form an alliance with them, they had to stand on the same side at this time.    


The situation of three against two, coupled with the support of Hsiao Tian and the others' information, these two teams were also eliminated.    


During this process, Hsiao Tian and the others had lost seven people, and there were still forty-two people left.    


Zheng Yan had lost four people, but they had obtained more than seventy points, which made their ranking rise to the eighth place.    


Hsiao Tian told this news to Zheng Yan truthfully, and even told him during this break that they could rest.    


"As long as we continue to work together, my men will be in charge. Your men will be sacrificed very little, and you will get more points. It is also possible for you to get first place in the end."    


"What about you guys? Don't you want to fight for it?"    


Zheng Yan looked at Hsiao Tian and asked.    


"No need, I don't need to be first. I said that I will let you guys finish us off when the victor is decided. I will keep my word."    


Hsiao Tian shook his head and said.    




Zheng Yan believed Hsiao Tian. Even if he didn't believe it, following Hsiao Tian now was indeed a lot better than before. He could even know their own ranking, and the profits were greater than the risks.    


While they were talking, the instructor of the team that Hsiao Tian and the others had bumped into also came over.    


After coming, he asked Hsiao Tian and the others directly, "You guys have formed an alliance?"    


"Yes, I want to protect myself, so I can only find my own team to form an alliance."    


Hsiao Tian said truthfully.    


"Then I want to join too."    


This instructor had also understood just now that following Hsiao Tian and the others would bring him a lot of benefits.    


Hsiao Tian's information was really advantageous in this battle.    




Hsiao Tian agreed. With their addition, there would be more of them. It would be even more impossible for red team to catch up to them.    


Zheng Yan also had no objections. It was better to have more people.    


Just like that, more and more people came from Hsiao Tian's side. The red team who came to chase after them wouldn't gain any benefits.    


The headquarters had also discovered this situation, and they were regretting what they had done in the past.    


At least, Hsiao Tian and the others were fighting in a single team. They had only changed the ranking of their own team, and didn't affect the overall situation.    


However, now that the Blue Team had joined forces, the people of red team had followed the news they had released and chased after them. They had sent their points away, causing the Red and Blue Team to lose their balance of power.    


If this continued, the people of the red team would soon be wiped out. Therefore, after announcing the news of Hsiao Tian and the others three times, the situation did not reach their expectations. Instead, when the situation became more and more difficult, the headquarters stopped what they were doing.    


However, it was too late for them to realize what had happened. They had already formed a few blue teams. Even if the people of red team did not chase after them, they could still go and find the people of red team instead.    


After finding out that No. 85's position had not been announced, the other instructors who had allied with Hsiao Tian suggested that they rely on Hsiao Tian's information to deal with the people of red team.    


This way, they could ensure that they did not lose any points and still had points.    


Hsiao Tian had never intended to let people cheat like this before. The headquarters had brought disaster upon themselves, so they could not blame him.    


After agreeing to the other party's suggestion, Hsiao Tian began to lead these people to eliminate the people of red team.    


This result was that in the following period of time, more than a dozen teams were eliminated from the red team. Including the few teams that were chasing after Hsiao Tian and the rest, there were now sixty teams left. There were 37 blue teams, and only 23 were left in the red team. Half of the teams had already been sacrificed.    


Furthermore, the strength of the red team was no longer comparable to the strength of the Blue Team. Hsiao Tian and the rest continued to move, waiting for the red team to be completely wiped out.    


At this time, the headquarters had called for an emergency meeting to think of a solution.    


The final solution was to stop the competition between the Red and Blue Team ahead of time. From now on, all the teams were enemies. As long as the other teams were eliminated, the points would be deducted, and no points would be deducted.    


The Red and Blue Team was basically useless.    


This way, they could break down the alliance that Hsiao Tian and the others had formed and let them know that their teammates had become opponents. They could fight each other now.    


This news was announced without any warning. The moment it was announced, Hsiao Tian and the others were surrounded.    


Everyone had the same idea. No matter what, they had to deal with the threat of Hsiao Tian and the others first.    


Even Zheng Yan, who had formed an alliance with Hsiao Tian and the others in the beginning, had the same choice.    


Hsiao Tian didn't feel any betrayal. This situation would happen sooner or later. It was just that he had become a little shameful.    


Their team was not at the center of all the teams. They were not surrounded. This was also a situation that Hsiao Tian had deliberately paid attention to in advance.    


After losing half of their people, Hsiao Tian and the others retreated smoothly and separated from those people.    


At this time, Hsiao Tian and the others only had twelve people left.    


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