Invincible God Of War

C622 Repression

C622 Repression

However, when Hsiao Tian came out, she still couldn't help but look at him. Hsiao Tian used a towel to wipe his hair. After he wiped his hair, he also wiped his own body.    


He didn't wear a shirt, and only a pair of shorts. He was supposed to take a rest after taking a shower, so of course he wouldn't wrap himself up tightly.    


Even if he didn't take a rest, men would probably be like this after they took a shower.    


Hsiao Tian had been like this for the past few times.    


Hsiao Tian's figure was very good. He had some muscles, but they weren't very exaggerated muscles. They looked very smooth, and it would only become obvious when they cooperated with each other.    


When he was wiping his hair, he could see it very clearly.    


Ling Yan'er was really confused at that moment. She felt that her face was even hotter. She could not move her eyes away from Hsiao Tian's body. She even thought about how the muscles on Hsiao Tian's body felt.    


Was it hard or what?    


When Hsiao Tian looked over, she recovered her senses. She quickly covered her face with the blanket and showed her eyes. She looked at Hsiao Tian's face and saw Hsiao Tian's puzzled face.    


Hsiao Tian only looked at Ling Yan'er because he felt the burning gaze. He did not know why she was looking at him so seriously. Was there something wrong with her?    


Before he could ask, Ling Yan'er quickly said, "Alright, quickly turn off the lights and go to sleep."    


After saying that, she turned around and had her back to Hsiao Tian, so that she could not see her face and the emotions in her eyes.    


In Hsiao Tian's view, she probably felt tired like this and wanted to rest early so that she could see when she finished washing up.    


He did not think too much about it. He threw the towel away and then turned off the light to rest.    


When she lived here before and knew that Hsiao Tian was laying on the ground next to her, Ling Yan'er felt a sense of security. This way, she would be able to fall asleep very quickly and sleep very soundly.    


But now that Hsiao Tian was by her side, she felt some pressure and some random thoughts. It made it so that she couldn't have a good rest at all.    


At this point, Ling Yan'er could basically be sure that she had feelings for Hsiao Tian.    


She did not know why she liked Hsiao Tian, nor did she know when she started to like him. It might take her a long time to think about Hsiao Tian's good points, but when it came to his bad points, she could immediately say a bunch of them.    


She could also find a hundred reasons why she didn't like Hsiao Tian. Back then, they were still considered enemies, and she even cheated Hsiao Tian. How could she fall in love with this person?    


Furthermore, Hsiao Tian also said that he had a wife and child. Then what would be the result if she fell in love with him?    


Reason told Ling Yan'er that she couldn't let Hsiao Tian know about this matter. She couldn't show it either. She had to suppress her feelings. Maybe she wouldn't like him at any time.    


In order to get rid of such thoughts, the first step was to stay away from Hsiao Tian.    


Since it wasn't that dangerous anymore, Ling Yan'er felt that she could go back to her room to rest.    


Hsiao Tian did not have any objections. Ling Yan'er said that she wanted to go back, so he nodded and agreed. "Okay. If there is anything wrong, just call out. I will go over when I hear it."    


Hsiao Tian did not agree with Ling Yan'er living with him previously. Ling Yan'er must be like this. He could not do anything about it. If Ling Yan'er wanted to go back now, then go back. It was no different to him.    


Ling Yan'er quickly packed her things and moved back. She left in a hurry, making Hsiao Tian think that he had made Ling Yan'er suffer these few days.    


However, he was the one sleeping on the floor. Whatever Ling Yan'er did, Ling Yan'er would take priority. He had never mistreated her.    


After Ling Yan'er returned to her room and laid down the bed, she felt lucky and relaxed at the beginning. She felt that it was better to live alone.    


But after a while, she felt a little empty in her heart. She was not used to being alone in the room. She missed the days when she was at Hsiao Tian's place. She could see Hsiao Tian's life at any time.    


Ling Yan'er herself felt that she was very contradictory, but she could not go back after she came out. She still had to tidy up her feelings. Ling Yan'er went to wash her face so that she could not let her imagination run wild again.    


At night, Ling Yan'er could finally have a good rest.    


The next day, it was the gathering time at eight o'clock. They came out of their respective houses to meet up and then went to the training ground.    


Everyone had arrived, and the station was also very neat. It had the smell of the army.    


It looked like they were finally not so annoying. After counting the number of people and confirming that there was no problem, Hsiao Tian directly told them about the training schedule.    


"After I went back yesterday, I made a training plan for you. From now on, you guys will strictly follow the orders of the higher-ups. Remember where you should gather when and when you need to. If you are late, fifteen kilometers. "    


Hsiao Tian even added another five kilometers to the punishment.    


These people were already used to ten kilometers. Fifteen kilometers would be fine after that. When they were used to it, they would have to run with weights.    


"Yes, instructor!"    


Everyone replied in unison. No one asked a question, and no one questioned it. This was the rule that they had just learned.    


When the instructor had any instructions, all they needed to do was answer yes to the instructor, know the instructor, and so on. Then, they would do things according to the instructor's arrangements.    


When they answered, these people still did not know what kind of plan Hsiao Tian had formulated for them.    


Hsiao Tian pointed at Zhou Yao. "Number one, step out."    


Zhou Yao stepped out and walked to Hsiao Tian. Hsiao Tian handed his plan to Zhou Yao and said, "Announce today's arrangements and training to them."    


Zhou Yao began to read.    


Zhou Yao also looked at the whole plan when he read it. He knew Hsiao Tian was serious. He also knew that these second generations were going to live a hellish life, but they could only follow Hsiao Tian's plan. Because they didn't know what to do here, and they didn't know what to do.    


Today's training was physical training. First, it was cross-country running. It was not running on this training ground anymore, so the difficulty increased.    


After running, it was an obstacle race. When the two of them compared, the loser would have 100 push-ups behind them. In the afternoon, it was Mud Stealth, followed by all kinds of physical training. The arrangements were very full. It could be said that each of them had to move on this day. They had to wait until midnight before disbanding.    


When this plan was read out, Zhou Yao heard the gasps of everyone in the team. Then, those second generations all had bitter expressions on their faces, and none of their expressions were normal.    


They had already felt the pain before they had even done these things.    


However, they didn't dare to be angry or say anything. No matter how miserable they felt, no one came out to oppose Hsiao Tian.    


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