Invincible God Of War

C428 I'll be Careful

C428 I'll be Careful

When the female sniper saw that Hsiao Tian had discovered her, she immediately fired at him. Autumn was shocked and quickly rolled on the bed with her wife in her arms. She did not hesitate to head towards the bottom of the bed.    


If he ran away at this time and did not take his wife away, then... He was very likely to be hit by the bullet from the sniper rifle, so now was the time to take him away from the bed. Maybe both of them would be safer.    


Lu Yanran was originally waiting for all of this with her chest crossed and her eyes closed. Suddenly, she was shocked by her husband rolling around on the bed. She thought, Could this be the consciousness that was on the bed to control the bed sheets?    


At this moment, she did not know that danger had arrived at this time. That was why she had such a strange thought.    


When Hsiao Tian rolled down the bed with Lu Yanran in his arms, the people on the side of the road could not help but scream in fear. At this moment, the glass of the window was broken by the bullets, and there was a clear sound coming from the window. The glass instantly broke into pieces.    


The bullets flew past Hsiao Tian's back at this moment, and there was a big hole in the wall.    


When the bullet fell to the ground, Hsiao Tian pressed his wife tightly on his body. Under such circumstances, Lu Yanran still did not know what was going on.    


She looked at her husband angrily. "You are really a bastard. What are you going to do in bed at this time? Don't you think it smells good? Why did you come to the ground at this time? Do you want to scare me to death? "    


" A sniper attacked us. " Hsiao Tian said very seriously.    


"What? Are you serious? They really came!" Lu Yanran was naturally very surprised by this kind of thing.    


"Of course it's true. Didn't you hear anything just now? The glass of the window has already been broken by the bullets, and the wall has also been directly penetrated by the bullets." When Hsiao Tian said this, he furrowed his brows tightly.    


When Lu Yanran heard this, she remembered that she had indeed heard that the glass had been broken. But she didn't expect it to be like this. Then, she turned around and looked at the wall beside her. He saw that the bullet had really pierced a hole through the wall.    


Seeing this situation, Lu Yanran jumped in fright, "Just how much hatred does Liu Yuhan have? There were actually readers who used sniper rifles to blow up his head. But did this sniper mistake him for someone else? How can he treat me as Liu Yuhan? "    


Because Liu Yuhan had previously mentioned in front of him that a reader wanted to use a sniper rifle to blow up his head, when Lu Yanran heard that a sniper was coming over at this time, his first reaction was that a reader directly blew up Liu Yuhan's head.    


When Hsiao Tian heard this, he sweated profusely. "You are thinking too much about this matter. It is not that a reader wants to think of your best friend, but that an enemy spy wants to kill me directly."    


"What? So these people are coming to attack you. Then what should we do about this?" Lu Yanran was very anxious about this matter.    


Hsiao Tian saw the God World that he had placed at the corner of the wall and immediately had other ideas.    


"Don't panic too much about this kind of thing. I will use it as a bullet later. Remember to run out. Wait for my guards outside the living room and they will come to save us."    


Hsiao Tian knew very well that there was no way to penetrate the bullet with the godly sword, so he decided to use the bullet to shoot down the bullet and let his wife escape the room first.    


In the underground cave in Dragon Valley, he used this sword to block the bullet. The bullet did not even cause any damage to the arrow.    


Moreover, it was not safe to hide under the bed at this time, because the bullet of the assault rifle might penetrate the bed directly. So now, he had to let his wife run out of the room directly to keep her safe.    


"If you use this sword to block the bullet, will you directly block it? If you block it, won't you be killed by the assault rifle?" Lu Yanran said very worriedly.    


"I naturally won't lie about this kind of thing. You don't need to delete it at all. I need you to hurry up and prepare now. I will directly use the sword as a bullet. " Hsiao Tian was very serious at this moment. He hoped that his wife could escape as soon as possible.    


"Okay. You have to be careful. I have not tasted the taste of women yet. As long as you dodge this part, I will immediately create the child with you."    


Lu Yanran said these words with a trace of encouragement. She looked at him. She was about to become a woman, but she didn't expect that someone would assassinate her in the end.    


After this time, he was very sure that when it was done, he must be in time. Otherwise, if he died one day, it would be too late for regrets.    


"Don't worry. I will definitely be careful about this matter." Hsiao Tian was naturally very depressed because of this matter. Why would there be different accidents every time he wanted to do something like this?    


Furthermore, this female assaulter had come at this time. It was really detestable.    


When the female assaulter saw this situation, she naturally felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Furthermore, he was naturally able to determine the position of Hsiao Tian's superior, so he was prepared to shoot at Hsiao Tian's position. Suddenly, she saw Hsiao Tian stand up straight?    


Hsiao Tian quickly grabbed the divine sword in the corner, then held the hilt of the sword with one hand and held the sword horizontally in front of his chest with the other.    


At this moment, the bullet was sent directly to the body of the ship, and a crisp sound was heard.    


The impact of the bullet was very great. After Xia Tian was shaken to two points, his legs and back also hit the wall before stopping.    


At this moment, Lu Yanran followed Hsiao Tian's instructions and rushed out of the door as fast as she could.    


When the female assault saw that Xiao Tian could use a sword to block his bullet, she was naturally very surprised. When she saw Lu Lu Yanran run out of the room, he did not feel that she cared about anything.    


Because his target had nothing to do with this woman, he naturally would not shoot this woman. Instead, he continued to shoot at Hsiao Tian.    


Because he was his final target.    


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