Invincible God Of War

C217 Mysterious Comrade

C217 Mysterious Comrade

"If you didn't come during your holidays, it would be very strange. I don't even know how you got the blood." Hsiao Tian was naturally very puzzled about this matter.    


He clearly didn't do anything, but where did this blood stain come from?    


"Seeing that you can't find an excuse, then you should admit this matter." Lu Yanran's mood was relatively calm when she spoke. Anyway, since the matter had already reached this point, there was no way to redeem it.    


Now, it could be considered to be open. Although she did not leave behind any good memories, there would be plenty of opportunities to slowly experience it in the future. As long as this guy could admit it in front of her, it would be fine.    


"Yanran, you must believe that I would never do such a thing. I am really not that kind of person." Hsiao Tian started to sweat. He just wanted to explain this matter clearly.    


If he had really made a move last night, he would definitely admit it, and he would definitely not deny it now.    


The problem now was that he had never made this step, so why should he admit it?    


"If you really didn't do it, could it be that I had nothing to do for myself?" Lu Yanran was very angry when she said it.    


When he said this, Hsiao Tian seemed to have understood something in an instant. He looked at his wife in surprise.    


"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lu Yanran saw his surprised expression and did not know what he was thinking.    


"Say it yourself. I did not say anything."    


"You damn bastard, what are you thinking?" Lu Yanran naturally knew what this guy meant. Her face instantly turned red and she did not hesitate to pick up a pillow and throw it at him.    


Hsiao Tian wanted to catch the pillow because he felt that if his wife did not vent properly, then his mood would be very bad, so he would go bad. He waited until the pillow smashed his face before he caught it.    


"Wife, I think it might be because you were poisoned and did not know what you were doing."    


"Hsiao Tian, you are a bastard." Lu Yanran remembered to throw another pillow at him.    


"Hsiao Tian, I hate you," Lu Yanran cried sadly.    


"Wife, you didn't do anything. How can you hate me?" Hsiao Tian said innocently.    


"You damn pig trotters. Stop talking. I hate you!"    


Lu Yanran cried more and more as she spoke.    


Hsiao Tian saw that his wife was crying so sadly and instantly did not know what to say.    


"Hsiao Tian, you can't say that you did this. Why can't you admit it?" Lu Yanran was very sad. She was his wife anyway. She would do anything for the first time.    


"Let me think about it." Hsiao Tian did not want to have this kind of injustice.    


"What else do you want to think? I have given you my precious things. Are you going to go back on your word now?" Lu Yanran said and started to cry again. If this kind of thing was lost, he would naturally be extremely sad.    


"Yanran, wait for me to think about this matter." Hsiao Tian tried his best to recall what exactly happened last night.    


"Okay, let me tell you. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will never forgive you." Hsiao Tian was very angry about this matter, not because he had lost it for the first time. It was because this fellow had never been responsible for it.    


Hsiao Tian thought for a while, then suddenly said, "I remember now."    


"What did you remember?"    


"That blood was from my nose," said Wang Yao. Hsiao Tian finally remembered the reason for this. It was because he could not control himself when he changed his clothes. He had a nosebleed.    


"You mean your nosebleed is on the bed sheet?" Lu Yanran was very surprised about this.    


"Yes, the blood on the bed sheet is not yours, but my nosebleed."    


Hsiao Tian finally remembered that his blood was flowing last night.    


"Why is there nosebleed?"    


"It's because I read it for you and put you in the bathtub for a cold bath. Then your clothes got wet. I was afraid you would catch a cold, so I took off all your clothes. I changed you into some clean clothes, but I suddenly got a nosebleed. "    


"You helped me change my clothes?" Lu Yanran asked shyly.    


"I changed them. I'm afraid you will catch a cold. If you don't change, you will definitely get frostbite and it will harm you for the rest of your life." Hsiao Tian calmly explained.    


"If you change your clothes, then change your clothes. Then why do you have to have a nosebleed?"    


"Maybe I was angry when I ate yesterday." Hsiao Tian found an excuse.    


"Do you think I'm a three-year-old? You have a nosebleed, do you think you can hold it in and not do anything?" Lu Yanran knew that he had a nosebleed. It must be because he saw her figure that he bled.    


A nosebleed could even flow out. He did not believe that this man could hold it in and not do anything else.    


No matter what, he was the number one beauty in the world. Beautiful and friendly, how could he not be moved?    


"I naturally hope to leave a beautiful memory for you, so I didn't do anything excessive. If you don't believe me, you can go to the hospital for a check-up." Hsiao Tian said very seriously.    


"Wouldn't it be embarrassing to go for a check-up like this?" Lu Yanran's face was extremely red.    


Seeing how confident he was, he finally believed that this blood stain was his nosebleed.    


But he never thought that the truth would become like this.    


"Hsiao Tian, you are definitely a pig's hoof." When Lu Yanran said this, there was a trace of melancholy. When he knew that he was still a virgin, he was actually a little unhappy.    


After all, he was poisoned, but this man was indifferent. Did she not have charm?    


When Hsiao Tian heard these words, he felt that he had done something wrong again.    


"Now that everything is clear, you should be happy!"    


"Don't mention this anymore." Lu Yanran was very disappointed with this kind of thing. Her current mood was very contradictory.    


She was originally worried that her first night would be taken away just like that, but now she was very disappointed.    


"If you don't want to talk about it, then don't talk about it. If there is nothing else, I will leave." Hsiao Tian took his blanket and prepared to leave the room.    


"Don't move!"    


"Ah, what's the matter?" Hsiao Tian stopped.    


"Of course I have something to discuss with you. Otherwise, why would I stop you when I have nothing to do?"    


"What's the matter?"    


Lu Yanran looked at Hsiao Tian very calmly. "Who was the woman with you last night?"    


"Which one?" Hsiao Tian did not understand.    


"What do you want to talk to me about here? There are some useless ones here. They are the ones who will go to the Lapis Lazuli Immortal Court with you," Lu Yanran said plainly.    


"Shangguan Piaopiao." Hsiao Tian didn't know why this girl suddenly asked this question.    


"What do you have to do with him?" Lu Yanran bit her lips and asked.    


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