Invincible God Of War

C424 He Was Considerate in His Maintenance

C424 He Was Considerate in His Maintenance

Lu Yanran felt very speechless when she heard this. "Liu Yuhan, you are now an author. Don't you know that the readers are joking with you at this time? Who asked you to update so slowly from day to night? Wait until you update the novel very quickly. They will definitely not say that. "    


" You don't have to worry about this kind of thing. This time, I've brought back at least a hundred people. Besides, the villa is very tightly guarded, not to mention the Big Blade Gang. There are also assaulters. Even flies can't fly in. "    


Hsiao Tian did not think that this woman would use such an excuse to ruin his good news. Naturally, he had some worries in his heart. He should not put his guards here. He should just tell them about the martial law.    


"What? Why did you suddenly bring so many guards here?" Lu Yanran was naturally very surprised by this kind of thing.    


"That's right."    


"But why did you do this?" Lu Yanran asked in confusion.    


"Did you forget that there were enemies who wanted to attack you last night? I was worried that they might attack the place again, so I naturally wanted them to protect us." Hsiao Tian said in a flat tone.    


"If that's the case, where will you be? Why didn't I see it? " Lu Yanran said very calmly.    


"They are all quitting smoking at this time. They did not come up at all."    


"So that's how it is. But why don't you just ask them to stop smoking around the villa?"    


"Because I was afraid that they would disturb you. Besides, if the enemy really came, then... Then they will definitely go down the mountain from below. If they are on lockdown there... It's very safe for us. " Hsiao Tian explained very calmly.    


Lu Yanran nodded and said, I understand.    


"Actually, the reason why I came out of the room was because I wanted to pour myself a cup of water. It was not because I was afraid that the readers would do such a thing. " Liu Yuhan then told him the reason why she came out of the room.    


Hsiao Tian and his wife looked at each other. They both felt very helpless about this matter. At such a critical moment, this woman actually ran out to drink water.    


At this moment, Liu Yuhan filled the cup with water. Then she looked at the two of them apologetically. "I'm really sorry about this matter. I actually ruined your good deed. Don't worry, I will return to my room at this time. You two can do whatever you want. "    


After Liu Yuhan finished speaking, she went back to her room and quickly closed the tomb door.    


Hsiao Tian and his wife were frightened by this kind of thing. When they were in the living room, they naturally did not dare to do this kind of thing again.    


"Yanran, why don't you go directly to my room?"    


"Of course not. My best friend saw it just now. If I go into your room, he will know what we need to do in the room."    


"Then what should I do about this kind of thing?"    


"Can you do it at this time? Don't hurt your heart too much. After this girl sleeps, I can directly go to your room." When Lu Yanran said this, she naturally had some helplessness.    


"Then you must remember that I will wait for you in the room." When Hsiao Tian heard his wife say this, he felt that he was quite excited.    


Besides, he had been able to survive for so many years. He did not need to worry too much about the next few hours.    


"Okay, I will go back to my room to accompany the girl now!" Lu Yanran was very embarrassed to stay with her husband because he kept his best friend there thinking that the two of them were doing that kind of thing.    


"Okay, don't wait for your best friend to not fall asleep before you directly fall asleep!"    


"You don't have to worry about this kind of thing. He will only sleep around 12 o'clock at night, and I am around 12: 30?"    


"Okay. Anyway, he is already under martial law at Half Mountain. Other than your best friend, no one else will come to disturb us." Hsiao Tian said very calmly.    


"You don't have to worry too much about this kind of thing. He won't bother us at all. Moreover, if he sleeps, he will go straight to sleep. Most importantly, he sleeps like a pig." Lu Yanran said with a smile.    


"If that's the case, I will definitely wait for you."    


After the two of them made the agreement, they returned to their respective rooms.    


Liu Yuhan saw her best friend suddenly come back so quickly and was very surprised. "Yanran, why did you come in at this time? Is your husband Three Seconds Brother?"    


"Can you not let your imagination run wild at this time? What are you talking about?" Lu Yanran naturally did not understand this kind of thing.    


"The so-called third cousin is when a man and a woman are together. It will end in three seconds."    


"It will end so quickly. Have you seen it before?"    


"It's not like you don't know. I don't have a boyfriend at all. How can I have the chance to experience this kind of thing?"    


"Then why don't you quickly find a boyfriend and experience it?" Lu Yanran said with a smile.    


"I naturally also want to do this kind of thing very much, but I stay at home all day long. And then, the hemp and whatnot are really too small in these few laps. There is simply no way to find them." Liu Yuhan said very helplessly.    


"I remember that you have a lot of readers. There must be a lot of male leads in those circles. You can choose from them!" Lu Yanran said with a smile.    


"I think it's better to forget about this kind of thing. I just hope that they don't come to me with a big knife. I really don't dare to expect them to be my boyfriends." Liu Yuhan said helplessly.    


"I say you not only have good looks but also talent at this time. How can you not have confidence in a woman like this?" Lu Yanran said very discontentedly.    


"I am also very clear about this kind of thing. I could only rely on my looks to eat from the beginning. But now, I have to rely on my talent. It is really rare to see a beauty like me. But this kind of thing is useless even if you don't say it. Just tell me directly. Is your husband that person? " Liu Yuhan was very curious when she said it.    


" This matter is simply impossible. He definitely will not be like what you said. You are thinking too much. " Lu Yanran naturally had to uphold her husband's dignity.    


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