Invincible God Of War

C558 Creating Chaos

C558 Creating Chaos

Initially, Hsiao Tian did not intend to pay any attention to Lee Xiaoding, but when he heard her say that, he suddenly became interested.    


If she could really save those people without letting her people do anything, then things would be more interesting.    


So after thinking for a while, Hsiao Tian said, "Okay. I will let my people listen to you and see how you save those people."    


Lee Xiaoding was relieved when she heard Hsiao Tian agree.    


But she still needed a guarantee. She said to Hsiao Tian, "If I save those people, you can't let them fall into Wang Jie's hands again. You have to send them back to your home."    


She could not deal with so many people after that. She had to rely on others for this good thing.    


The police were not reliable now, so the only possibility for her now was Hsiao Tian's side.    


In fact, she herself did not know whether Hsiao Tian had the ability or not.    




Hsiao Tian agreed without hesitation. That was what he wanted to do.    


Otherwise, why would he keep those people?    


With this guarantee, Lee Xiaoding no longer had any worries. She gave the phone to Hsiao Tian's men.    


Hsiao Tian told his men to listen to Lee Xiaoding later, but they could not make a move against the police.    


They were only helping Lee Xiaoding.    


And during this process, he had to keep in touch with him. He wanted to see what Lee Xiaoding wanted to do.    


After the arrangements were made, they were waiting for Lee Xiaoding's arrangements.    


Lee Xiaoding first wanted them to confirm where those people were sent to.    


After wasting so much time here, they had already lost the car.    


Hsiao Tian's men looked at the instrument and told her the location.    


Of course, they wouldn't really just follow behind those cars. They had already tampered with the cars. There was a tracker on it, so they could see wherever they went.    


That was why they didn't follow immediately after those people left.    


Actually, even if this accident didn't happen, they wouldn't continue to follow very quickly.    


They followed them just to ensure that nothing would happen to those people midway.    


Now that they had lost one person, the police probably wouldn't let anything happen to them anymore. They would honestly hand the person over to Wang Jie.    


Wang Jie was also in charge of the movements of these people, and knew their current position.    


When they got close to the port, Wang Jie would go to the port.    


He still didn't know that James had run away from the attack and wanted to hand these people over to complete the transaction.    


After Lee Xiaoding got the location of those people, she asked Hsiao Tian's people to show him the map. This way, she would roughly know what path those people were going to take.    


She looked at them. As long as they accelerated now and took a detour, they might intercept these people before they arrived at the port.    


Lee Xiaoding immediately let Hsiao Tian's hands stop them.    


Hsiao Tian's men also reminded her that even if they went to stop them, they would not do anything to the police. When that time came, Lee Xiaoding would have to solve everything herself.    


Lee Xiaoding said, "I have my own way. Now you only need to follow my instructions and surpass them."    


Hsiao Tian's men began to do as Lee Xiaoding said.    


Their speed was faster than Lee Xiaoding had expected. They had already surpassed the police before they were half an hour away from the port.    


However, Lee Xiaoding did not let them directly intercept the police car.    


Instead, she let them go down and find some ordinary people around to put on an act. She promised that she would give them a lot of money in the future as long as they helped her put on an act.    


The reason Lee Xiaoding did not make an appearance herself was because she did not have any money on her now. Secondly, her current image could not be trusted.    


Even if she found someone, they would not be willing to make a deal with her. They would only think that she was sick and could only let Hsiao Tian's people step out.    


But Lee Xiaoding promised that when she returned home, she would return the money she spent this time to them.    


Of course, they did not care about the money and did as Lee Xiaoding instructed.    


When the police arrived, the intersection was blocked.    


Because a group of people had a conflict on the road. It looked like they were going to fight.    


Not only did they intercept the police car, but they also intercepted some passers-by cars.    


Fortunately, there wasn't a lot of traffic in this place.    


Because it was close to the port, it was rather deserted.    


The road was not wide either. With more than twenty people blocking the way, there was no way for the car to drive past.    


When the police car saw this situation, they could only stop the car first. Then, they sent two people down to ask what was going on.    


Actually, the excuse was very lousy. It was just that the two companies' people came out to play. They ran into each other here. The two companies were at the same place. When they ran into each other, both sides wanted to overtake each other's cars. Then, they could not help but feel that the cars on both sides were damaged. Then, they had a conflict.    


They felt that the other party should compensate them, and they also said that it was the other party's fault.    


Both parties refused to admit it, so now there was a conflict just like that. No one was convinced, and when there were too many people, the road was blocked.    


The police wanted to mediate, and they wanted to reveal their identity, so that they could directly go to the police station. At that time, the Ministry of Transport would determine who was responsible.    


When they heard that the other party was a police officer, they were terrified. They immediately said that it was fine and that they did not want to cause trouble.    


Under such circumstances, they should be chased away and then everyone could leave. The police also thought the same, so they asked them to leave quickly.    


However, these people didn't leave. Each and every one of them said that they were wrong. They delayed everyone's time and also delayed the police's work. They immediately stopped the police and asked them what they were going to do. He also said that he could help to make up for the mistakes they had committed.    


How could the police ask them to help? They wanted them to leave quickly and not delay everyone's time.    


However, that group of people started to pester them and insisted on helping. They kept asking them what they were going to do.    


Lee Xiaoding obviously did not expect the police to really bring that group of people to the port. That was simply impossible.    


She only made the situation chaotic.    


Now that the matter had reached the scene she wanted, she began to take action at this time and directly left Hsiao Tian's subordinates to help.    


She went out towards the two policemen. After she went over, she grabbed one of them and cried, "I finally found you guys. Why didn't you wait for me and just left?    


All of us were almost kidnapped and sold. We don't even know where this place is. Only you guys can help me. "    


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