Invincible God Of War

C580 Instruct

C580 Instruct

Hsiao Tian said to Han Yang with a smile. Everything appeared from a friendly point of view. He also mentioned Han Yang's attitude towards his son. Whether it was the same as the rumors would depend on what Han Yang was going to do now.    


Of course, Han Yang could not just say that he did not want Han Ming to follow Mu Ziding and the others. He could only say indirectly, "These things actually have nothing to do with you. How can I let him disturb you?    


What if he does something dangerous and hurt you? "    


What Han Yang said was actually that he did not agree for Mu Ziding and the others' good, not for any other reason.    


If Mu Ziding really had good intentions, then she would definitely not think too highly of herself when she heard this. But Mu Ziding knew that Hsiao Tian wanted Han Yang to follow them, so she had to insist.    


She smiled and said to Han Yang, "It's fine. He looks very obedient now. He probably won't cause me any trouble."    


"I want to follow my wife." Han Ming also expressed his stance at this time. He must follow Mu Ziding.    


Mu Ziding was very satisfied with his current performance.    


"Since she doesn't mind, what are you worried about, Chief Han? Han Ming will definitely be safe with Mu Ziding." Someone suggested to Han Ming at this time.    


"That's right. Why don't we let him follow Miss Mu? It seems that he isn't safe to follow you now. Maybe something bad will happen. Miss Mu is also willing to help. That's all."    


"I think this is the best. We don't want him to cause any trouble outside. It will be bad if he hurts others."    


Many people around them spoke up for Mu Ziding and the others.    


It was mainly because they had just witnessed Han Ming's destructive power. Also, he obviously did not listen to Han Yang. What if he went crazy again and hurt others instead of hurting himself?    


Han Ming had already become a fool. Even if he killed someone now, he wouldn't be responsible for it. They couldn't even find someone to take responsibility for it.    


For the sake of their own safety, they had to speak up for Mu Ziding.    


Han Ming stood directly beside Mu Ziding. It seemed like he had made up his mind to follow Mu Ziding.    


Han Yang also knew what the people around him were thinking. His men had not arrived yet, so it was natural for them to worry about Han Ming.    


If he continued to refuse, these people might doubt his intentions. So he could only say to Mu Ziding, "If that's the case, then I'll have to trouble you. If he does something bad, you can make a move on him. But don't hurt his life. "    


Han Yang had given Mu Ziding the right to attack Han Ming, but in the end, he still wanted Han Ming to live.    


"I understand."    


Mu Ziding nodded to show that she understood.    


Then she said to Han Ming, "You can follow me. In the future, you can do whatever I say. You have to do what I tell you to do."    


"Of course I will listen to my wife."    


Han Ming looked at Mu Ziding happily and said.    


"Then go and sit there now. You can take whatever you want to eat or drink, but you can't do anything else."    


Mu Ziding pointed at the sofa she was sitting on with Hsiao Tian and asked Han Ming to go over.    




Han Ming obediently followed Mu Ziding's instructions and walked to the side of the sofa to sit down. He did not do anything like an obedient child and just stared at Mu Ziding.    


Seeing how obedient Han Ming was, the rest of the people present felt relieved. At least this way, they would not be in danger.    


At this time, the people in the hotel quickly came over to clean up the things that Han Ming had smashed.    


This was a birthday banquet, and it was about to begin. They would be responsible if they didn't clean it up.    


The rest of the people did not gather together again, but they all moved away from Han Ming's position at the same time and went to another place to talk.    


After they dispersed, Han Yang said to Mu Ziding, "If you find it troublesome, when my people come later, I can catch them. This time, I will not let them escape again."    


"It's fine. I think it's better to let him follow me first. He is quite obedient now." Mu Ziding said with a smile.    


Han Yang saw that she could not say too much. He could only tell her some things and tell Han Ming when he needed to go to the hospital for a checkup. He wanted to see if his brain had recovered.    


If Mu Ziding did not have time, he would send someone to pick up Han Ming. Of course, he would not let Han Ming return to Mu Ziding's side after he received her.    


Han Ming's appearance here had already messed up many of his plans. Han Yang did not want him to cause any more trouble for himself.    


Mu Ziding remembered it and then separated from Han Yang.    


No one said anything about the episode just now. When there was no one around, Mu Ziding asked Hsiao Tian, "Why should we keep Han Ming?"    


"He knows a lot of things." Hsiao Tian told her purpose directly.    


"But with his current condition, it's impossible for him to say anything. It's useless to keep him here." If Han Ming was awake, they could still ask.    


However, Han Ming had gone crazy. Even if Han Ming knew a lot of information, they would not be able to get it out.    


"You don't have to worry about that. We will leave after greeting the host of this banquet." Hsiao Tian didn't explain anything and told Mu Ziding to speak.    


Mu Ziding was not used to such occasions. She came here because Hsiao Tian wanted to come to Gian and Han Yang. Now that Hsiao Tian's goal had been achieved, it was obvious that he had no intention of staying. Of course, she would leave early.    


When the banquet started, Mu Ziding followed Mu Xian to greet people. In a few minutes, Mu Ziding returned and told Hsiao Tian that they could leave now.    


Hsiao Tian nodded and then they left the banquet together.    


Han Ming naturally followed Mu Ziding out.    


After they went out, they sat in the car and headed straight home.    


During this process, Hsiao Tian did not say a word. Since he did not say anything, Mu Ziding and the others naturally did not dare to say anything. Han Ming did not know what to say at all. The silence along the way was very scary.    


They brought Han Ming to the place where they were staying, which was Mu Ziding's villa. Mu Ziding also told Han Yang about this location.    


After bringing Han Ming in, before Mu Ziding had the time to ask Hsiao Tian anything, Hsiao Tian attacked Han Ming the moment he entered the door.    


Han Ming's reaction speed was very fast. After he sensed the attack, he immediately started to fight back.    


He blocked Hsiao Tian's hand that was aimed at his face. At this moment, his eyes were very sharp. It was sharper than when he attacked Han Yang at the banquet. It was normal for him to attack.    


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