Invincible God Of War

C594 Missing

C594 Missing

Hsiao Tian immediately arranged for his men to pick up Mu Ziding. She was working as a Sap and had people to accompany her. She should be fine, but he just didn't want her to be alone.    


After the instructions were given, Hsiao Tian did not care anymore.    


But an hour later, his men called to report, "Boss, Mu Ziding is missing!"    




"Yes, we went to the entrance of the store to wait for her, but we couldn't contact her people, so we had to go in. But the staff in the store said Mu Ziding and her friends left and weren't in the store. "    


The subordinate reported the situation there truthfully.    


After they arrived, they didn't go in immediately. Instead, they called Mu Ziding to let her know that they were already there and waited outside. If they came out, remember to come back with them.    


However, after the call was connected, no one answered. She had answered Hsiao Tian's call before, which meant that her phone must be by her side.    


Moreover, she knew that Hsiao Tian would send someone to pick her up, so she wouldn't throw her phone away.    


She would definitely wait for their news. If she did not answer the phone, it would only prove that she could not answer the phone now. Just in case, they went in to ask.    


The result they got was that Mu Ziding and her friends had already left and weren't in the store.    


They carefully asked and found that Mu Ziding's departure might be problematic because the staff only saw Mu Ziding's friends leave but did not see Mu Ziding leave.    


But they did not have Mu Ziding in their LAP room, so the staff only thought that they left together but did not see it.    


If Mu Ziding left, she would definitely tell Hsiao Tian where she was going. She would not let others miss her. There must be a problem now.    


"Is Mu Ziding's car still there?" Hsiao Tian asked.    




"Alright, you guys should gather more information and see if there are any strange things or people around. There should be some movement when you leave with people who don't know what's going on."    


Hsiao Tian gave some instructions and hung up the phone. He then called Zhou Yao over.    


After they found the trackers in the car, the trackers' signals were also recorded on Zhou Yao's side. Now they could check where the car was.    


Zhou Yao immediately checked and found that the car was not in a remote place. Instead, it was parked in a residential area. It was a high-end neighborhood.    


Hsiao Tian immediately left and took Zhou Yao and the others to that place. He also asked Zhou Yao to check on the friend who went out with Mu Ziding on the way.    


In the end, he found out that this friend lived at the place where the car was parked.    


Either she brought Mu Ziding home, or she drove Mu Ziding's car away when she left. No matter what, she must have had something to do with Mu Ziding's disappearance.    


Hsiao Tian went to this neighborhood and found Mu Ziding's car. Then he took Zhou Yao and the others in to find Mu Ziding's friend.    


It was very simple for Zhou Yao to find out where she lived. After all, this kind of house had its own identity records. As long as it was on the internal network, it could be found.    


One. The internal network of real estate couldn't stop Zhou Yao.    


As for the security guards in this neighborhood, they were all using technology. In other people's eyes, these things were very safe and high-end. Without a card, one wouldn't be able to take the elevator or enter the house. However, these were small things for Zhou Yao's subordinates. They could come and go freely in this place.    


After finding the place where the person lived, Hsiao Tian knocked on the door.    


"Who is it?" A woman's voice came from inside.    


"Property, maintenance of the circuit." Hsiao Tian replied.    


"Wait a minute."    


The woman said and then came to open the door. The door opened very quickly. The woman obviously wanted to rest. She had already changed into her pajamas. When she saw Hsiao Tian and the others, she realized that something was wrong. How could property be dressed like Hsiao Tian and the others?    


She was about to close the door immediately, but Hsiao Tian held the door with one hand. Even if the woman used both her hands to force the door open, she could not move it at all.    


Hsiao Tian pushed the door open directly. The woman was pushed back by Hsiao Tian's force. She took a few steps back into the house, and Hsiao Tian followed her in.    


When the woman was about to shout, he took out a knife and stabbed it into the table beside him.    


Although the table was made of wood, it was as thick as a fist. Hsiao Tian stabbed it directly into the table, leaving only a knife handle outside. One could imagine how strong he was.    


The woman was shocked by Hsiao Tian's move. She wanted to scream, but her throat was blocked. She was afraid that she would make a sound that would anger Hsiao Tian. She covered her mouth with both hands. As she stepped back, she looked at Hsiao Tian with her eyes wide open in fear.    


Zhou Yao and the others also followed her in. After entering, they closed the door.    


Hsiao Tian walked towards the sofa in the woman's house. He walked casually, but it made the woman's heart beat like crazy.    


Hsiao Tian sat on the sofa and looked at the woman. He said, "You better behave yourself. Otherwise, even if someone really comes to save you, I can still kill you before they come.    


Besides, not everyone dares to meddle in other people's business. "    


The woman nodded crazily, indicating that she would not shout out loud.    


Hsiao Tian nodded and said, "If you behave honestly, I will not hurt you."    


The woman nodded like a chick pecking at rice again, indicating that she would be obedient.    


"Take your hand away. I have questions to ask you."    


Hsiao Tian instructed.    


The woman immediately took her hand away and started to breathe heavily. She was too scared. She didn't even dare to breathe normally just now. She was afraid that she would disturb Hsiao Tian and make him attack her.    


"You went out with Mu Ziding tonight?"    


Hsiao Tian asked.    


When she talked about Mu Ziding, the woman's breathing stopped for a moment. Her eyes were a little absent-minded. She did not dare to look at Hsiao Tian directly. Her hands were unconsciously trying to grab something. This was a sign of nervousness.    


Hsiao Tian knew that it seemed like his guess was correct. This woman really had something to do with Mu Ziding's disappearance.    


"Tell me, who asked you to ask Mu Ziding out?"    


Hsiao Tian asked directly.    


"I, I don't know what you are talking about."    


The woman answered with a stutter. During the process, she lowered her head, not daring to look at Hsiao Tian. She just stared at the floor under her feet to make herself feel more at ease, so that Hsiao Tian would not see that she was lying.    


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