Invincible God Of War

C6 Offend

C6 Offend

In the morning, turn on the TV and the news of the city of flowers immediately reported the news that shocked the entire city of flowers today.    


"Who is the new chairman of Tianyuan Group?"    


"Can the wedding of the beautiful Lu Yanran of Lu family be held as scheduled?"    




Hsiao Tian did not expect that the media would be so quick to report what happened last night. With the news in the morning, Hsiao Tian could not help but admire these reporters.    


However, when he saw that Lu Yanran's wedding had also entered the eyes of the media, Hsiao Tian knew that this was definitely Lu Yanshan's doing.    


Closing the TV, Lu Yanran ate Hsiao Tian's food and stretched her body.    


Her tall figure, moving figure, and that feminine charm made Hsiao Tian's eyes stare straight.    


After a while, Lu Yanran noticed Hsiao Tian's abnormal behavior. She saw him staring at her even though she was very happy in her heart. After all, being stared at by a person with a surprised expression could prove that she was a young and beautiful girl.    


"What are you doing? Hurry up and eat." Seeing that Hsiao Tian was not finished and was staring at her, Lu Yanran naturally felt a little uncomfortable.    


"I'm eating, I'm eating right now." Hsiao Tian immediately started to eat.    


In his heart, he felt that his wife was still pretty.    


After dinner, Lu Yanran prepared to go to work, while Hsiao Tian prepared to receive the Tianyuan Group.    


After all, he was the CEO. Even if he did not manage the company, he still had to go and take a look.    


After sending Lu Yanran to the company, Hsiao Tian took a turn on the highway and drove straight to the building of the Tianyuan Group.    


Tianyuan Group was one of the top companies in Flower City. It could be said that it was a giant in the business field of Flower City.    


The main reason was that he had their businesses in every field of business in Flower City. Some of them were even the leaders of some fields.    


This made Tianyuan Group's position in Flower City become more and more important. Even the land that Lu family took this time needed the help of Tianyuan Group. Otherwise, the Lu family could only fall into his hands.    


After a quarter of an hour, Hsiao Tian drove into the place where Tianyuan Group was located.    


He parked the car and went upstairs.    


When he entered the elevator, he was surprised to see Lu Yanshan and Zhang Tianhua.    


When Lu Yanshan saw Hsiao Tian, she immediately acted as if she had seen something dirty. She covered her nose and said to Zhang Tianhua, It's Hsiao Tian." Aiya, why can this dirty thing come in?"    


"Tianhua, this place is too dirty. Let's go quickly." Lu Yanshan said with a coy voice.    


Zhang Tianhua immediately replied, "Aiya, if it wasn't for something, who would want to squeeze into the elevator with this kind of person?"    


Hsiao Tian did not think that staying here would interfere with the matter between the two of them.    


"I say, it's enough for the two of you." Hsiao Tian was furious.    


Lu Yanshan was very excited. The main reason was that she backed off in front of Hsiao Tian yesterday and even showed her big face, which made her very angry.    


This was an extremely shameful matter.    


She had to get back at him.    


"Hsiao Tian, you are here to find a job in Tianyuan Group. Then you're going to earn money and get married. Are you stupid? There are only ten days left until the 30th of May. How much money can you make in these ten days? I really can't imagine if you can't even afford a wedding ring if you don't have money. " Lu Yanshan mocked.    


"Tianhua, your uncle isn't the supervisor here. Tell him not to hire Hsiao Tian. Isn't it a little too late to think about earning money now?" Lu Yanshan said again.    


Hsiao Tian understood. Lu Yanshan and Zhang Tianhua definitely had a reason to come here. He didn't think that they would come to find his uncle.    


Hsiao Tian understood that the land of Lu family could only be developed with the help of the Tianyuan Group.    


Thinking of this, the corner of Hsiao Tian's mouth curled into a smile.    


"Lu Yanshan, whether I can earn money or not is another matter. But let me tell you, today's matter will definitely not be settled. Furthermore, I will also tell you that perhaps that piece of land of your Lu family will also rot in your hands. " After Hsiao Tian finished speaking with a smile, he turned around and left.    


"Hsiao Tian, you bastard." When Lu Yanshan heard what Hsiao Tian said, she immediately became angry. Just as she was about to chase after him, Hsiao Tian had already gone far away.    


Zhang Tianhua chased after her and said, "Shanshan, our business is more important. Don't get entangled with him."    


"Alright, let him feel comfortable for a while. On the day he gets married, I want him to become the laughing stock of the entire city." Lu Yanshan gritted her teeth and said.    


After Hsiao Tian left, he went straight to the top floor of the Tianyuan Group building. This was the chairman's office.    


In this office, there were already people waiting there.    


It was the general manager of the Tianyuan Group, Murong Yan!    


At this time, her heart was also in turmoil. When the old chairman of Tianyuan Group left, she had warned herself that the new chairman was a big shot. If she didn't want to be replaced by him, she had to do it well. Don't do anything stupid.    


Murong Yan didn't dare to have any thoughts at this moment. This job was still very important to her.    


Naturally, she did not want to lose it.    


It was said that the new chairman would definitely come today, but why hadn't he arrived yet?    


When Hsiao Tian entered the Tianyuan Group, he already knew that Lee Gaang had recorded his face into the identification system of every door. If he wanted to enter the chairman's room, he had to open the door first.    


So Murong Yan knew that as long as he entered the chairman's office today, it would be the new chairman.    


Looking at the watch, the time was about right. The chairman should be here soon. Murong Yan tidied her clothes.    


"Ding Dong, the door is open." Hsiao Tian walked in through the door.    


Murong Yan widened her eyes. He was the new chairman.    


The most famous trash in Flower City had bought the biggest company in Flower City overnight.    


Murong Yan felt that her brain was not enough.    


"Hello, Chairman." Murong Yan seemed to be at a loss.    


"Hello." Hsiao Tian said politely.    


He looked at Murong Yan, who was standing in front of him. She looked a little awkward, but she still looked very capable.    


"You know my background. I won't bother about this company. Give me your phone number. I will let you know if I need anything. This company will be Lu Yanran's in the future." Hsiao Tian said slowly.    


Murong Yan was shocked. This Hsiao Tian was indeed not an ordinary person. Otherwise, how could he tolerate it for so long?    


Hsiao Tian suddenly thought of something.    


"Oh right, there is one more thing."    


"Does our company have a supervisor with the surname Zhang?" Hsiao Tian asked.    


Murong Yan was very clear about the company's situation, so she immediately replied, "Yes, there is a supervisor with the surname Zhang."    


"He is from the Zhang family."    


"Recently, he seems to be in contact with the Lu family, preparing to deal with that piece of land."    


Hsiao Tian was very satisfied with Murong Yan's ability to work.    


Hsiao Tian then said, "Expelled that supervisor surnamed Zhang. If he asks for the reason, say that Zhang Tianhua offended a big shot." Hsiao Tian said lightly.    


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