Infinite: Super Multiverse Takeout System

C278 King of the Lol Middle Road Proficient in Skills!

C278 King of the Lol Middle Road Proficient in Skills!

Zhao Shi took a look at Wang Yufan's WeChat Moments. There were pictures of her pets and selfies.    


There were also pictures of people or things that she did not like in her life, which she directly used to vent her anger on.    


Tattoo, cursing, drinking and smoking. She had a distinctive personality and was sexy enough. She was never stingy with her own sexiness.    


Perhaps some people would think that girls like sweet potatoes were a little lascivious and not traditional enough.    


But in Zhao Shi's opinion, if all the girls in the world were the same, then it would be too boring.    


Moreover, not being traditional enough was not a weakness in itself.    


"She is a straightforward girl, but what kind of pets does she keep?"    


Zhao Shi noticed that Wang Yufan had a lot of pets.    


It was fine if she had cats, but many girls would have pets, but snakes, lizards, and so on were more interesting.    


"Hey, you haven't told me your name yet? Why are you staring at my WeChat Moments?" Wang Yufan asked in amusement.    


Zhao Shi coughed dryly. "Your WeChat Moments are quite nourishing... Hmm, it's quite interesting."    


Wang Yufan, this girl, had displayed all the tattoos on her body in her circle of friends.    


" My name is Zhao Shi. As you can see, I'm a delivery man." When he mentioned his identity as a delivery man, Zhao Shi seemed very frank and even a little proud.    


This confidence made Wang Yufan look at Zhao Shi a few more times.    


Wang Yufan knew that she was very charming and she often ordered takeout.    


Some of the take-out brothers she met either felt inferior and did not dare to look at her directly or had malicious intentions in their eyes.    


It was rare to see someone as confident and frank as Zhao Shi.    


"Actually, I also have a snake." He had a common topic about Wang Yufan's strange pet.    


Wang Yufan did not believe him when she heard this. "Really? Many people said so, but when they really saw the snake, I'm afraid I'm going to die. Don't tell me you're saying that because you want to flirt with me? "    


Wang Yufan said it very straightforwardly. Because there were really many men who craved her body, and those men, in order to chase after her, dared to say anything.    


"Cough cough, although you are not bad, I, Zhao Shi will definitely not lie for this reason."    


Zhao Shi said very seriously, "I really raised a snake, and it is a poisonous snake."    


This was indeed true. After Zhao Shi defeated the international assassin Snake Demon, he took in the poisonous snake and named it "Little Black Green."    


During this period of time, Zhao Shi had been feeding Little Black with medicinal herbs and poison.    


Little Black's body didn't grow, but the toxicity was getting stronger and stronger. Furthermore, there was one thing that was becoming more and more colorful.    


Something like a poisonous snake was like a mushroom, the more vivid it was, the more fatal it was.    


Even if the current little dark green was treated as an ornamental pet, it was still absolutely a priceless treasure.    


However, because of the little dark green's special nature, Zhao Shi left it in a sealed laboratory.    


"Bragging!" Wang Yufan did not believe Zhao Shi, because she also wanted to raise a poisonous snake, but poisonous snakes were not something that could be raised as they pleased.    


Not to mention the extremely high price, because it was dangerous and required a certain level of aptitude and proof.    


She had entrusted many friends, but they were all unable to get one.    


Now, a delivery boy told her that he had raised a poisonous snake. Did he think that it would be so easy to trick a three-year-old girl?    


Seemingly feeling that Zhao Shi was not sincere, Wang Yufan did not continue to chat with Zhao Shi. She said that she wanted to play LoL, and directly found a place to turn on the computer.    


"Why do you need to update it?" Seeing that the game still needed to be updated, Wang Yufan didn't bother to change the computer. She just looked around and found that other people were playing LoL in the internet cafe.    


Sometimes, the players were like this. They couldn't play it all at once. Watching other people play could also be a waste of time.    


"Sigh! Brother, you haven't left yet! Quick, my brother's stomach can't take it anymore. Come and support him for a bit. I'll give you the Convert Payment later, alright? "    


The five people who had asked Zhao Shi to" fight on his behalf "once again called out to Zhao Shi.    


Seeing that Wang Yufan did not believe him, Zhao Shi could not be bothered to explain. He had originally planned to leave, but he did not expect to be called back again.    


Alright, in accordance with the principle of customers being above all, Zhao Shi decided to help.    


"Don't die this time!" Li He hurriedly told Zhao Shi to not die and rushed to the toilet.    


Zhao Shi looked at the screen. Good guy, he was playing with Aso again. It was obvious that it was Old Aso.    


Not long after the game started, the Gale Sword Hero Aso had just walked to the middle lane.    


When Zhao Shi sat down and touched the mouse and keyboard, there seemed to be a flash of inspiration in his mind.    


"Beep! Beep! Detecting that the host has not activated the Convert Payment reward and that the reward has a practical meaning to the host. It has now been automatically activated for the host!"    


"Beep! Beep! Automatically activating a diamond Convert Payment, containing a single proficient skill in the LOL King Stage!"    


In an instant, the spirit light in his mind seemed to transform into an electric current that passed through every cell and nerve in Zhao Shi's body.    


The skills, details, combo moves, as well as all the skills needed to support, support, and consciousness in the middle and single positions.    


At this moment, it was as if the muscle memory that could only be honed after dozens of years was firmly imprinted in Zhao Shi's brain and body.    


"This feeling... At this moment, I feel as if I have become one with Aso."    


Zhao Shi couldn't help but sigh in his heart. At this moment, every action of the character in the game seemed to be moving according to his own thoughts.    


It was no longer as clumsy as before. Moving, attacking, and releasing skills were extremely smooth.    


His skills canceled his forward and backward movements and his positioning and evasion skills. Everything was so smooth and natural, as if everything was natural and natural.    


"Tienan is on the other side. Aso won't be able to hit Tienan. Be careful, he'll stab you under the tower. When the group fights, I, the stone man, will send you flying! "    


His teammate reminded Zhao Shi.    


However, Zhao Shi turned a deaf ear to it and fought very aggressively.    


He had learned an E-class skill at the first level. He used the E-class weapon directly to consume Tienan and then came back with an E.    


"I'm so happy!" Wang Yufan's voice rang in Zhao Shi's ears.    


Wang Yufan originally saw that Zhao Shi actually knew how to "fight on behalf of" and just curiously came over to take a look.    


But after seeing Zhao Shi's operation, she couldn't move her eyes away.    


"Such a smooth E skill, without a thousand of Aso's, you wouldn't be able to use it!"    


Wang Yufan never would have thought that Zhao Shi, this delivery boy, would actually play so well.    


Although Tienan's skin was very thick and his defense was very high, he could not touch Zhao Shi's Aso at all.    


Originally, Aso should have been at a disadvantage in the line, but because Zhao Shi's operation was too good, Tienan was beaten back to the bottom of the tower.    


Hearing Wang Yufan's praise, the four people in black turned their heads to look at her.    


These few people were attracted by Wang Yufan all of a sudden.    


One. When Shan was dressed, he was sexy, knew how to roll, had a good figure, and also had a baby-face. It was very difficult for them not to be moved.    


At the same time, they were a little surprised that this female player was praising Zhao Shi for playing well.    


In their understanding, Zhao Shi should be just a rookie, and Aso who played should be very hard to control when he played on the line with Tienan.    


"D * mn, how did you get beaten to death by a wild monster?"    


One of them was too focused on watching and was killed by a wild monster alone.    


"D * mn, I'm also dead. Why is the damage on the other side so high?!"    


There was also bad news on the road. One of them was distracted and was taken away by the other side's Level 2 combo.    


The duo down the road were also suppressed by the other side until they could not get out of the tower. They were in a bad state and had already started to return to the city.    


"Hey, little brother, don't be so radical. The other side has come to capture you when they are fighting in the wild!"    


The four people in Zhao Shi's team, those who had died in battle, and those who had returned to the city, had the leisure to pay attention to the middle road.    


They suddenly realized that Zhao Shi had actually suppressed Tienan under the tower. He had been very aggressive.    


However, under such circumstances, the middle lane should be stable and retreat back to the bottom of the tower.    


Because there was no way to capture the other paths, the middle path would definitely come to provide assistance to the opposite side.    


If Zhao Shi was also killed by the other side, then the situation, which was already against the wind, would only make things worse. It could be said that the entire line would collapse!    


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