Infinite: Super Multiverse Takeout System

C260 You Want to Leave Just like That Do You Think I Don't Exist?

C260 You Want to Leave Just like That Do You Think I Don't Exist?

"I don't understand what you're talking about, you're the one who poisoned him, stop struggling" Hirota grinned and tried his best to make his momentum stronger.    


"The medicinal liquid in your laboratory will soon be taken as evidence. At that time, the evidence will be as solid as a mountain and it will be useless for you to do anything. It's better to turn yourself in now. The punishment might be a little lighter. "    


There was no problem with Zhao Shi's medicinal liquid in the first place, but Hirota only needed to tamper with it during the examination.    


"Can't afford to pay the price? Could it be that Zhao Shi can still kill us here?"    


After saying that, Hirota made a very helpless gesture, as if Zhao Shi's threat was a joke.    


"If that's the case, then there's nothing else to say."    


After saying that, Zhao Shi glared at Hirota. At this moment, a purple light surged in his eyes.    


In Hirota's eyes, a purple vortex appeared in Zhao Shi's pupils, as if it was going to suck his soul away.    


After that, Zhao Shi turned around and walked towards Wakako.    


"What... are you going to do?"    


Wakako looked at Zhao Shi in horror.    


Zhao Shi looked straight into his eyes, and the purple light in his eyes surged again.    


The fear in Wakako's eyes disappeared and was replaced by confusion.    


After that, Zhao Shi stretched out his hand and shook Wakako's hand. Then, he returned to his seat.    


In an instant, Hirota and Wakako suddenly looked at each other. Their eyes returned to normal but were filled with confusion.    


Because they seemed to have lost a part of their memories. What happened just now was like a dream.    


"What did he do?"    


Hirota couldn't help but mutter to himself and looked at Zhao Shi.    


Very soon, the detective returned with evidence, which made Hirota and Wakako raise their spirits.    


It was almost over. As long as Wakako used the Conjuration Magic again to prove that there was something wrong with Zhao Shi's medicinal liquid, Zhao Shi would have no chance of turning the situation around.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, after the discussion of the committee, we have decided to conduct animal experiments on the spot. There are a total of three little rabbits, each removing the ordinary distilled water. The remaining medicinal liquid and the medicinal liquid that we retrieved from Doctor Zhao's laboratory."    


The female reporter announced.    


It was a very simple comparison experiment, and it was completely transparent and public. No one had any objections to this.    


"I'll bet one dollar. In the end, I'll definitely announce that there's no problem with this Doctor Zhao's medicinal solution!" Someone said with certainty.    


"That's not necessarily the case. Who's the drug dealer? This matter can't possibly be left unresolved." Some people disapproved.    


The female reporter replied to the comments on the Internet:    


"I have eight years of live reporting and hosting experience. I can use my professional integrity to guarantee that everything that happens next will be carried out without a script. No one knows the outcome!"    


As she spoke, the female reporter held her breath. "Let's wait and see!"    


In a corner where no one was paying attention, an inspector held a rabbit fur and handed it to Wakako.    


He was the one that Hirota had arranged!    


With this rabbit hair, Wakako could use it as a medium to cast the Conjuration Magic!    


Since Wakako had participated in the experiment, the result of the experiment could be imagined.    


Among the three groups, the remaining medicinal liquid was removed, and the same symptoms appeared with the two rabbits in Zhao Shi's laboratory.    


Their fur fell off, their skin festered, and their bodies were full of pus.    


"This is too poisonous!"    


"This is too disgusting! Can you save the rabbit?!"    


"Damn it, I was eating and directly threw up."    


The results of the experiment caused many people to feel uncomfortable.    


This result pointed to another thing.    


That was that there was a problem with Zhao Shi's medicinal liquid, and Zhao Shi was the criminal who injected the poison!    


"Arrest him! Arrest him!"    


"No matter what his motive is, this kind of person should be shot to death!"    


"If he uses this kind of poison in public drinking water, my god..."    


The crowd was filled with righteous indignation and wished they could punish Zhao Shi on the spot.    


The agents immediately took out their guns to prevent Zhao Shi from retaliating.    


Hirota sneered. It seemed like the script was still in his hands.    


"Zhao Shi, what else do you have to say?"    


Hirota asked Zhao Shi with a condescending attitude.    


Zhao Shi just smiled and said, "I have nothing to say, but there must be someone who wants to speak."    


After saying that, Zhao Shi snapped his fingers.    


"I have something to say!"    


Under everyone's gaze, Wakako raised her hand and walked out.    


"Actually, the poison was done by us!"    


Hearing Wakako's words, Hirota was shocked and his face turned green with anger. "Wakako, what nonsense are you talking about?"    


Wakako only glanced at him and her eyes were blank. "Poison, it was us who poisoned him. Turn yourself in, Hirota."    


In an instant, Hirota suddenly quivered. He looked at Zhao Shi in disbelief. He pointed at Zhao Shi and said excitedly.    


"It was you, you controlled her!"    


Zhao Shi shrugged helplessly. "It was her own conscience that discovered it, right? She is not a puppet, how can I control her?"    


Wakako's sudden statement caused a huge uproar.    


"What? The poison was actually done by Doctor Hirota and the others!"    


"As expected, they are not of my race. Their hearts must be different!"    


"We almost saved the innocent!"    


Almost no one doubted it because these words came from Wakako's mouth. How could they doubt it?    


That was not the end. Wakako's next speech confirmed everything.    


"That day, Zhao Shi came to deliver the medicine to the patient. We seized this opportunity to poison and frame Zhao Shi for everything..."    


Wakako said in a daze. Hirota wanted to stop her but was stopped by the guards.    


It was not until she told the "truth" that Wakako suddenly shivered and her eyes became clear again.    


"I, what did I say!"    


Wakako held onto her hair with incomparable regret and almost fell into madness.    


She could not control her body just now, but she could feel everything. It was as if she was having a clear dream.    


A clear dream meant that one's consciousness was awake, but one could not control his own body and could not control everything that happened in the dream.    


At this moment, Wakako would rather believe that she was having a nightmare, but obviously not.    


"You betrayed us!"    


Hirota angrily slapped Wakako. This was his incompetence and fury.    


"Retreat, retreat immediately. Yamada, use your transfer and bring us out of here!"    


The current situation was very unfavorable to them. If they continued to stay here, they would be controlled by the Huaxia's police.    


Their special identity could also be exposed. At that time, there might be a higher organization involved.    


At the same time, there was also the risk of exposing their organization's information.    


At this point, even though they were in a sorry state, they could only run away!    


" Hmm! "    


A Japanese international student beside Hirota nodded. He forced his eyes on Hirota and began to prepare his own abilities.    


At this moment, Hirota was very nervous. Yamada's ability "Transfer" required five seconds of preparation time.    


But as long as these five seconds passed, all of them would be able to move to a safe place.    










Since Hirota and the others did not seem to be resisting, the guards at the scene did not disturb them.    


... "!"    


Just as the five seconds countdown was about to end, a hand was placed on Yamada's shoulder like a ghost.    


Yamada widened his eyes in horror. This feeling was as if an organ he had relied on for a long time had suddenly disappeared into thin air.    


Transfer, failed!    


"You want to leave just like that? Do you think I don't exist?"    


Zhao Shi's voice sounded like the whisper of a devil in Hirota and the others' ears.    


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