Infinite: Super Multiverse Takeout System

C664 He Brought Dian Wei to Travel Around the Three Kingdoms!

C664 He Brought Dian Wei to Travel Around the Three Kingdoms!

"Damn it, can't I?"    


Zhang Zhan was starting to doubt his life.    


It was fine if she couldn't handle it alone, but with her sister Zhang Zhan, she couldn't do it either?    


But because she was too tired, she and Zhang Fe quickly fell asleep.    


When the Zhang sisters fell asleep, Zhao Shi came to the System Space.    


Dian Wei was sitting there motionlessly.    


Dian Wei had lost his weapon, but after obtaining the Extremis Virus, his aura was very oppressive. If an ordinary person stood in front of him, they would probably shiver.    


However, Zhao Shi was like a little dog that had come to visit him. Although it was a little fierce, he knew that he would tame it sooner or later.    


With a thought, Zhao Shi summoned the super pass of the Three Kingdoms's Multiverse.    


It was a card that contained endless mysteries. It was a card that contained all kinds of fierce generals and beautiful women. It was like a flower in a mirror, spinning in the water like the moon in the water.    


Dian Wei looked at the card and could not help but feel a little lost.    


Because he even saw the figure of his fierce battle with Zhang Xiu's army.    


"Use it."    


This was the first time Zhao Shi had used a super Multiverse pass.    


Countless bubbles of different sizes appeared in front of him, and these bubbles were the unfamiliar and familiar scenes of Zhao Shi. They symbolized the different time and space in the Multiverse of the Three Kingdoms.    


Zhao Shi searched for a while, and finally found the scene of Cao Cao and Aunt Zhang Xiu getting to know each other.    


At this moment, the system had a notification. The host could enter the space and time with the pass of the super Multiverse, but it would not change the real history of Three Kingdoms, or the content of the Romance of Three Kingdoms.    


Hearing this, Zhao Shi realized something.    


In other words, even if he killed Cao Cao directly, he would only kill the Cao Cao who entered the parallel world, and the time and space of the Multiverse would still proceed according to the original setting.    


"This is really a bit powerless."    


Zhao Shi smiled bitterly.    


However, there was another prompt from the system.    


Zhao Shi could save it by consuming a large amount of Multiverse points.    


Once he saved, the time and space he experienced would be completely changed, and it would affect future generations.    


The greater the change and impact, the greater the consumption of Multiverse points.    


Zhao Shi couldn't help but have a thought when he heard this.    


In that case, he could make up for some regrets.    


For example, the death of Big Bro Luffy in One Piece and the death of Ning Ning in Houkage...    


It was just a matter of whether it was worth it or not.    


After confirming all these, Zhao Shi had a rough idea in his heart.    


"Follow me."    


Zhao Shi brought Dian Wei along and saw Cao Cao and Zhang Xiu's aunt in the time they met.    


"This, this is master!"    


When Dian Wei saw Cao Cao, he wanted to step forward, but was controlled by Zhao Shi.    


Zhao Shi had the ability to be silent and invisible. He could block Dian Wei's voice and prevent him from being exposed in front of Cao Cao.    


"Why is Elder Cao walking with Madam Zou?"    


Dian Wei was surprised and bewildered.    


The rebellion of Zhang Xiu's army was too sudden, which caused Army Cao to suffer heavy losses. Dian Wei would also die in battle.    


Therefore, Dian Wei had no idea about the matter between Cao Cao and Madam Zou.    


However, he knew very well that Madam Zou was Zhang Xiu's aunt, a widow.    


Zhang Xiu respected his uncle very much, so he took Madam Zou over to take care of her.    


"You'll know when you see it."    


Cao Cao brought Madam Zou to a small house outside the city.    


Dian Wei already knew what was going on.    


"We still need to go closer and take a look. What are they doing?"    


Zhao Shi looked at Dian Wei with a playful look.    


Dian Wei was sweating. He felt like he had been deceived or tricked.    


In other words, he was loyal to Cao Cao, but Cao Cao had tricked him because of this?!    


Dian Wei couldn't accept it for a moment.    


"I have to go and find out!"    


Dian Wei rushed towards the cottage.    


However, although Dian Wei had great strength, he could not cause any trouble in Zhao Shi's hands.    


"If that's the case, do you still want to be loyal to that Cao Ah Man? Besides, you are already dead. In a sense, I have given you a second life. You should be loyal to me."    


Zhao Shi sneered.    


Dian Wei frowned, still unconvinced. "Didn't you say you wanted to make up for my regret? Good! Then let me go now and let me warn Duke Cao!"    


Upon hearing these words, Zhao Shi knew that Dian Wei hadn't let go of Cao Cao yet.    


But it was also because of this that it was enough to prove how strong his loyalty was.    




Zhao Shi couldn't be bothered to stop Dian Wei. In the end, he just didn't save it.    


He saw Dian Wei rush into the wooden house like a cow and tear down the entire house.    


Cao Cao and Madam Zou were curled up under the blanket, their faces filled with fear.    


Dian Wei scolded Cao Cao in front of his face, and Cao Cao felt like he had been struck by lightning.    


He suddenly realized that he had been too arrogant.    


What happened next was interesting.    


Cao Cao immediately took the initiative and cut Zhang Xiu off.    


Seeing the Dian Wei that he brought over and meeting the Dian Wei in this space-time, Zhao Shi could not help clicking his tongue in wonder.    


This kind of miracle, this kind of magical Three Kingdoms, all came from him, Zhao Shi!    


In an instant, Zhao Shi actually felt an inexplicable sense of amusement and satisfaction. Perhaps this was the charm of traversing the Multiverse.    


Seeing that this space-time was about to go crazy, Zhao Shi finally made his move. Under the gazes of everyone present, he left with Dian Wei.    


Cao Cao and the rest rubbed their eyes with blank faces.    


"It's said that Liu Guan Zhang has a Divine Immortal elder brother! Could it be that I, Cao Cao, also have the help of a Divine Immortal?"    


While Cao Cao was lost in thought.    


Zhao Shi had already rejected the system's request to save the data.    


What kind of joke was this? With Dian Wei's current operation, he actually needed twenty thousand Infinite Worlds Points to save it.    


Zhao Shi's Multiverse Points were not something that could be easily obtained.    


Furthermore, Zhao Shi wanted Dian Wei to cause trouble, so he didn't intend to save it in the first place.    


At this moment, Dian Wei, who was brought back to the System Space, was a little out of his wits, as if he had a great dream.    


He looked at Zhao Shi with a complicated expression.    


Zhao Shi knew that Dian Wei's loyalty to Cao Cao had started to waver.    


"I said I will fulfill your long-cherished wish. Follow me."    


Zhao Shi chose another time and space. It was the scene of Dian Wei dying in battle. He brought Dian Wei along and entered it.    


The surroundings were in chaos.    


Zhao Shi soon found Dian Wei, who was fighting with his life on the line.    


He had lost both of his halberds. He could only swing a machete and kill his enemies with his back against a large door.    


Dian Wei was doing this to cover the retreat of Cao Cao and stop Zhang Xiu's army.    


When Dian Wei, who was brought over by Zhao Shi, saw this scene, he could not help but breathe heavily and his fighting spirit rose.    


He said indignantly, "If I had two halberds in my hands, I would definitely be able to break out of this tight encirclement!"    


When he heard this, Zhao Shi smiled faintly and said, "I think your saber technique is also alright. I don't have two halberds here, but I do have a treasured saber. I'll lend it to you! Go! Go kill to your heart's content! No one can stop you!"    


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