War God's Revenge

C505 Spider Gu

C505 Spider Gu

The mountain roads were rugged, and gravel filled the ground.    


Ye Tian followed Miao Lian and headed up the steep stairs towards the top of the mountain.    


Although the mountain was precipitous, there was no one guarding it.    


Along the way, the large and small stone platforms were arranged in an orderly manner on both sides of the mountain road.    


It was obvious that it was written by an expert.    


"Did Miao Zhen and the others hide?"    


Not only did Miao Lian not let down her guard, she didn't even see a single person on the way.    


Instead, he became nervous.    


In her opinion, Miao Zhen and the rest would never leave Miao Village.    


More than a thousand Black Seedling people suddenly disappeared, and must have been hiding in the shadows.    


He was waiting for the right moment at any time to surround and kill him and Ye Tian.    


Along the way, Ye Tian was unusually quiet, as if he never cared about this at all.    


This calm and confident attitude slightly eased the worry in Miao Lian's heart.    


Soon, Ye Tian and Miao Lian reached the top of the mountain and arrived at a man-made platform.    


The ground was covered with rock powder, and there were marks of blades chopping and chopping everywhere. The surroundings were all greyish green rocks.    


There wasn't even a crack in the grass.    


In the past, the founder of Miao Village had spent hundreds of years leading his clansmen and leveling the entire mountaintop, constructing the location of the Elders Guild on the steep mountaintop.    


This was the true center of Miao Village.    


In the event of an invasion, the people of Miao Village could gather on top of the stone mountain, defending everything according to the dangerous situation of the mountain.    


Protect your life.    


A tall building, looking down from a high vantage point.    


This was exactly what he had said.    


"Sigh …"    


As she climbed the stone steps, Miao Lian saw a few wooden shelves erected at the entrance of a towering mountain.    


On the wooden shelf, only the wrinkled ropes were fluttering in the wind. However, the beams stained red with blood were telling of White Seedling's tragic past.    


This was where Miao Zhen had executed White Seedling.    


Miao Lian alone had seen her people tied to this wooden shelf by Miao Zhen more than once.    


Peeling and cramping, torturing to death.    


"Go in."    


Seeing the tears in Miao Lian's eyes, Ye Tian spoke calmly. He pushed open the mountain door and walked towards the Council of Elders' main hall.    


There was no sign of anyone in the surroundings, not even a trace of them.    


It was as if the building was empty.    


"Be careful!"    


Seeing Ye Tian walk towards the hall of the Elders Guild, Miao Lian quickly stopped Ye Tian and reminded him by pointing at the door.    


"This is the hall of the Elders Guild. Miao Zhen and the others must be inside.    


"Not necessarily."    


Ye Tian shook his head and suddenly went forward and kicked the door.    




The old and dull wooden door opened with a loud bang. Dust fell down, forming a curtain of dust in front of Ye Tian like a pearl curtain.    


Behind the scenes, there was an open courtyard with fake mountains blocking their line of sight.    


In front of him was a courtyard wall paved with limestone.    


Behind him, the sound of flowing water could be heard.    


It was like a lotus pond.    


"Let's go in."    


Seeing that there was still no sign of people in the open yard, Ye Tian walked towards the fake mountain.    




Miao Lian, who was behind him, answered in a low voice. She hurriedly took out a dagger from behind her waist, held it in her hand, and followed him.    


He nervously looked around and above his head.    


and be prepared to face attacks from Black Seedling killers at any time.    


"Still no one."    


Ye Tian walked around the fake mountain and arrived in front of a quiet pond.    


The water in the pond was already very muddy. The lotus leaves were tattered, and the aquatic plants were withered and yellow. Clearly, it had been a long time since someone had taken care of them.    


The sound of flowing water could be heard from the stream that unceasingly seeped out from the side of the pond.    


It was like a sonata, echoing in the quiet courtyard.    


It gave off a strange and estranged feeling.    


"Where is everyone? There are at least three hundred Black Seedling s stationed here and it should be normal for people to come and go constantly. "    


He recalled his last impression of the Elders Guild before he left Miao stronghold. Miao Lian was astonished.    


Could this Black Seedling person disappear into thin air?    


If they left Miao Village, where could they go except for Xining?    


"Let's go in and take a look."    


Ye Zichen glanced at the bottomless pond, then locked his gaze in front of him once again.    


After passing by the pond, he arrived at a spacious hall. The door was ajar, and the rustling mountain wind was blowing on the room from the inside.    


It made a slight creaking sound.    


Ye Tian saw the dusty floor through the crack of the door before it even reached the door.    


The dust was very thin, and it looked like no one had entered for ten days.    


This discovery made Ye Tian walk into the lobby without any hesitation.    


The things inside were arranged in neat rows, as if they were items that had been left behind by someone else.    


Except for the dust, there was no trace of it.    


It was as if he had really disappeared into thin air.    


"Is there a secret chamber here?"    


Ye Tian stepped on the dust covered floor and entered the deepest part of the lobby. He gently opened the small door at the back and saw a bunch of rooms.    


It was obvious that this was the place where the Black Seedling people usually lived.    


There was a world of difference between this and the majestic main gate of the main hall.    


It didn't look like it was a high grade one at all.    


"Yes!" "Grandma said that at the back of the room, there is a small hall that respects ancestors. Behind the ancestral tablet there is a secret passage."    


This was where Miao Lian used to live. As for the secrets within, Miao Lian could be said to be well versed in them.    


However, she had only seen that secret passageway from the outside and had never entered it before.    


"Let's go."    


Ye Tian sensed that there were no more living beings around and immediately went forward without any hesitation.    


After passing through a large, winding room, they finally arrived at the front of the small hall.    


Miao Lian exclaimed the moment she entered the door!    


"This damned bastard!"    


The ancestral tablets, which had been arranged in an orderly fashion, had been smashed into smithereens and were thrown onto the floor like trash. No one paid any attention to them.    


Miao Lian cried out in alarm and hurried forward, wanting to pick up the broken pieces from the ground.    


However, he was stopped by Ye Tian.    


"There's something on it."    


Ye Tian grabbed Miao Lian's shoulder and gestured for her to look at the ceiling.    


What he saw was a long-legged spider the size of an iron pot. It stared at him with its six black eyes, lying on the dusty and bloody ceiling.    


Eight legs pressed against the ceiling, and a large mouth the size of pincers opened and closed in the air.    


It was as if he had become a spirit!    




Seeing this huge spider Gu worm, Miao Lian was so scared that her face turned pale. She screamed and quickly retreated.    


Ye Tian raised his eyebrows and stood still, staring at the spider web behind the spider.    


The ball expanded and expanded, as if someone was breathing.    




As if finding its prey in an instant, the spider Gu suddenly jumped down on all fours like a spring, pouncing straight at Ye Tian's face.    


The hissing sound echoed in Ye Tian's ears with an aura of death.    


Clearly, this was a man-eating spider Gu worm.    




Seeing the spider Gu jumping down and pouncing towards him, Ye Tian's eyes were like ice, without any ripples.    


He brought his fingers together and swung them in the air.    


A silvery white stream of air shot straight towards the Gu worm's face.    


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