Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C278 The Road Was Filled with Injustice

C278 The Road Was Filled with Injustice

Chen Bei held the cigar in his mouth and looked calm. Even the young man couldn't see anything from Chen Bei's face.    


The young man knew Chen Bei better, but even he had to admit that he could not see through Chen Bei.    


He only knew Chen Bei better than many people.    


"Hu..." Chen Bei spat out a mouthful of smoke. His expression was neither sad nor happy. It was extremely deep. He slowly asked, "What's wrong?"    


"Nothing. They are all worried about your safety. They heard about what happened to you in Huaxia. They want to come to China and help you." The young man advised, "Boss, you've been too tired these past few years. Everything is on your shoulders. Even now, some small fish and shrimps need your help... They're lowering your status too much."    


Chen Bei's expression was calm. "This is my choice. I only did this for my wife."    


The young man was speechless. How much did Chen Bei love Lyi Qingyan? How could he not allow his subordinates to interfere?    


"There are too many secrets in China that we don't know. What if those people from the country take action... The young man sounded worried.    


"You already said that they are the people from the country, why should I be afraid of them?" Chen Bei glanced at the young man. With a cigar in his mouth, his face showed a hint of impatience and ruffian. "I won't harm China. Of course, they won't attack me. I will at most come back. Finish what happened." As Chen Bei spoke, a complicated look appeared in his eyes. What he didn't tell the young man was... He already had an estimate and an idea of what had happened.    


What happened back then was definitely not as simple as it seemed. The Yanjing alone had dozens of powers, let alone the Yanjing.    


"What about the Vermillion Bird... Cough cough... the Vermillion Bird told me that she missed you a lot..." The young man coughed awkwardly and his face turned red.    


"Let her stay in the base in peace. I will go back." Chen Bei said calmly.    


After chatting for a while, an hour passed in the blink of an eye. The young man stretched and got up. "I will go back first. I have control of the surveillance around here."    


When the youth walked to the door, his footsteps paused. He seemed to have thought of something and added. "Right. On the way here, I saw a few surveillance cameras outside the hotel, so I took care of them. Boss, you should be more careful when the time comes."    


After the young man left, Chen Bei's eyes revealed a deep look as he fell into deep thought.    


Surveillance... "Chen Bei muttered to himself as the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile. It was a playful smile.    


He suddenly stood up and put on that tattered leather vest as he walked out of the room.    


Su Lei was sitting by the window in Su Lei's private room. She was looking at the people coming and going outside the window. She was thinking about something.    


Suddenly, her eyes focused. She saw the back of the young man. He walked out of the hotel and was walking towards the Rolls-Royce outside.    


At first, she didn't care, but when the young man entered the Rolls-Royce, she noticed him.    


It was the first time she had seen the Rolls-Royce Phantom in China. This car, which was extremely rare even overseas, actually appeared at the entrance of this hotel.    


Su Lei suddenly frowned when she saw the back of the young man. An ominous feeling rose in her heart.    


Su Lei's memory was very good. As a special forces team in China, her memory was much deeper than ordinary people.    


When she saw this young man, she suddenly felt a sense of familiarity. She felt that she had seen this young man's back once or twice.    


But she could not recall the identity of this young man. The identity of this young man was very confusing.    


"Yi..." Su Lei tilted her head and thought hard but did not come up with a result.    


Suddenly, Su Lei's eyes focused. She saw that not long after the young man left, Chen Bei also walked out of the hotel.    


The difference between him and the young man's elegant and low-key departure was that Chen Bei appeared to be much more arrogant. His messy hair that was like a bird's nest, his old and tattered leather vest was casually open. He had a cigarette in his mouth and an arrogant expression that was like a hooligan. He ran unhindered and was basically no different from a hooligan.    


Su Lei curled her lips. Although she knew that Chen Bei was extraordinary, when she saw Chen Bei's appearance, she still couldn't help but secretly spit in her heart.    


With Chen Bei's appearance, who would associate him with his identity? It was very mysterious.    


Chen Bei was just an ordinary hooligan.    


Su Lei thought for a moment, then walked out of her room and entered Lyi Qingyan's private room.    


"What did you say? He went out with that man one after another?" Lyi Qingyan sat by the bed, her pretty face slightly stunned.    


Su Lei nodded," The moment the man who drove the Lys Lys left, he followed him out. " Su Lei told Lyi Qingyan everything.    


Lyi Qingyan frowned, "Do you know who that man is?"    


Su Lei shook her head. "He looks familiar, but I can't remember."    


"Follow him and see what he's up to." Lyi Qingyan did not hesitate to speak, "I keep feeling that the mysterious person from last time has some connection with him, but I never thought of what it would be... Maybe he knows the mysterious person."    


Su Lei's heart trembled as she looked at Lyi Qingyan with a deeper look in her eyes. Even Lyi Qingyan felt that something was not right?    


"Quickly follow me. Report to me if anything happens. I will be fine in the hotel." Lyi Qingyan urged.    


"Yes." Su Lei walked out of the hotel and soon found Chen Bei who was strolling on the street.    


Chen Bei's eyes were shining. He looked around with a sneaky look. He looked like a thief looking for someone he liked.    


Su Lei came from a special team in China, so her tracking skills were naturally top-notch. She maintained a close distance from Chen Bei. Following behind, she kept Chen Bei in her line of sight.    


This kind of tracking skill. If Station Head Lee saw it, he would probably sigh with emotion. Su Lei's tracking, even many of Station Head Lee's spies would not be able to reach the same level as Su Lei.    


However, very quickly, Su Lei's expression changed.    


She had lost track of Chen Bei.    


"This is impossible..." Su Lei muttered. She followed Chen Bei for less than five minutes and lost him.    


Her tracking skills were excellent even in the special forces. She was once praised by the team leader. Unless it was a dog's nose, it was hard to be better than Su Lei's tracking skills.    


But now, reality gave Su Lei a heavy blow. It had only been a short while. Chen Bei disappeared!    


Su Lei did not give up. She looked around. Chen Bei seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth. It made her look a little annoyed.    


She took out her phone but could not reach Chen Bei.    


Of course she did not know that there was a figure standing not far behind her. He crossed his arms and looked at her blank face. A mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.    


After Su Lei could not get through to Chen Bei's phone, she could only dialing Lyi Qingyan's phone with an ugly expression. Dejected, she said, "Director Lyi... I lost her."    


"Lost her?" On the other end of the phone, Lyi Qingyan was slightly surprised and stunned. Clearly, she did not expect Su Lei to actually lose her... But very quickly Lyi Qingyan recovered her calm and said in a magnetic voice," I know. There is no need to find her. Come back. "    


After hanging up the phone, Lyi Qingyan sat in the private room. She looked at the document in her laptop and frowned. Su Lei actually lost her... This was too strange.    


Thinking about it, Lyi Qingyan frowned. How did Chen Bei do it? He could make Su Lei lose him.    


After Su Lei put away her phone, she looked around and the corners of her mouth curled into a bitter smile.    


Whether it was because her ability had deteriorated or because Chen Bei was too powerful that she could easily get rid of her, she did not know.    


Su Lei reluctantly looked in front of her, then slowly turned around and walked towards the hotel.    


As for Chen Bei, he looked at Su Lei from afar. There was a touch of playfulness in his indifferent expression.    


From the moment Su Lei walked out of the hotel, Chen Bei had already discovered that Su Lei was following him. Just now, he was only testing Su Lei to see how good Su Lei's tracking ability was.    


Chen Bei was very satisfied. In his opinion, Su Lei's tracking did not belong to assassins anymore.    


It was just that it could not be compared with Chen Bei. If Chen Bei wanted to get rid of Su Lei, he could do it at any time. It was as easy as turning his hand over.    


Wait! After Su Lei left, Chen Bei stood up and walked into the distance.    


Chen Bei planned to go to the location of the Stone Gambling Great Session tomorrow, but when he passed by a martial arts dojo, his attention was suddenly attracted.    


The door of the martial arts dojo was wide open, and the entrance of the martial arts dojo was packed with people. They were trying their best to squeeze into the dojo.    


The entrance was bustling with people, and Chen Bei walked closer curiously. He did not enter the dojo. He was naturally led in by the crowd that was blocking the entrance of the dojo. He squeezed his way in as he squeezed his way in.    


Chen Bei did not resist. He followed the sea of people into the dojo and saw a wide field.    


The air in the martial arts dojo was hot and pungent. Many people were pointing and pointing at the center of the field.    


Chen Bei followed the fingers of these people and found a well-built man. His body was full of strong muscles. He was grabbing another thin man and punching and kicking him.    


This well-built man was fierce, and the thin man was no match for him. In the end, he could only hold his stomach, and blood flowed out.    


"Brother... don't fight... don't fight..."    


Amidst the noisy and excited cries, a weak cry was quickly drowned out like a stone sinking into the sea.    


Chen Bei's hearing was extremely sharp, and he immediately caught the source of the sound.    


He followed the sound and saw a little girl wearing a high school uniform. She had a long ponytail, and her face was pure and cute. At this moment, she looked at the thin man on the fighting field. His eyes were watery, and he looked very pitiful. She looked like a little grass struggling in the wind. People would want to take her into their arms and take good care of her when they saw her.    


At the age of eighteen, she was like a flower or jade. That girl had developed extremely well, and her slightly loose school uniform could not conceal her perfect figure. Coupled with her pure temperament, many men present had a hint of blasphemy and playfulness in their eyes.    


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