Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C682 Drop Grace

C682 Drop Grace

In the evening, Liu Haofeng sat at Kai Di's house to eat. To be honest, Kai Di's family was indeed very friendly, especially that granny, who would always chat happily with Liu Haofeng.    


No matter where the old people were, they liked to chat and chat, and always liked to ask Liu Haofeng about warm things. There were a total of four people in the family. Other than Kai Di and his father, there was also his brother, Kerry, who was eleven years old.    


Since he had lied from the beginning, Liu Haofeng could only continue to lie and fabricate a fake family. However, the atmosphere of this home was really good. There was talk and laughter.    


He had only opened a bakery, but he was extremely satisfied. However, Liu Haofeng also knew that Kai Di's family's situation wasn't that good because Kai Di didn't have a chance to go to university.    


In any country, college is really important. Getting into university required a lot of tuition fees. After all, Kai Di's academic performance wasn't good and she couldn't get a bonus.    


Suddenly when she mentioned Liu Haofeng's study abroad, Grandma sighed and said, "Kai Di can't go to university right now, so I hope she can study abroad."    


Kai Di curled her lips. "Grandmother, I also want to go, but the school fees are so expensive." Although China's consumption is low, the overall consumption is also quite high. Besides, it's not easy to find a job over there. A Li-jie said that I'm still not experienced enough and no school is willing to let me be an exchange student. "    


Kai Di's father sighed at his words. "Actually, it's only a matter of money. The school fees that have to be put up in name are way too expensive."    


"Sis, I told you not to go. It's good for you to be like this now." Kerry pursed his lips in disapproval.    


Liu Haofeng listened on the side and really wanted to say that he paid for it. After all, they had helped him a lot during the day. However, it wasn't a good idea to lie previously and offer money now.    


On the other hand, Tan Lili had already found him a job as a waiter in the coffee shop opposite. According to Kai Di, Tan Lili had asked all the workers in the town to find a job. Although some of the wages would be lower, they would still have at least one job.    


This was also the reason why Tan Lili's prestige in the town was so high, not the slightest bit inferior to her. The Town's population was only one or two thousand, and it was indeed very easy to manage.    


"Ah Feng, what are you thinking about?" Kai Di suddenly shouted.    


Coming back to his senses, Liu Haofeng smiled awkwardly: "Nothing, I'm just thinking about something. Kai Di, what's the matter? "    


"Anemofeng, A Li got you a job. No matter what, don't let down her good intentions, okay?" "A Li is a good person. She always helps us all. I hope you don't disappoint her."    


Liu Haofeng smiled, "Grandmother, don't worry, I won't! "Our Huaxia has a saying, a drop of water should be repaid, I am not a heartless person."    


Grandma nodded in satisfaction, and then sighed with emotion, "A good person like A Li can't get pregnant, so why is God so unfair?" Alas, every time I go to church to pray, my biggest wish is for A Li to have a baby. "    


Liu Haofeng's mouth twitched. Another stone woman? As long as his body wasn't injured, Liu Haofeng would have a way to treat it. The problem was, what kind of excuse would he use to tell her?    


However, just as he said, a drop of water should be repaid. If he didn't even help with this, then what else could he be?    


Thinking about this, Liu Haofeng suddenly interrupted: "Grandma, you know that our China has many magical Chinese medicine, I happen to know some formulas to make a woman pregnant, I want to boil some medicine for Sister A Li, do you think it's okay?"    


Grandma was stunned: "Anemofeng, you're also a doctor? I've also heard that the thousands of years of Chinese medicine is very good, but the treatment time is quite long. If possible, we can give it a try. "    


Liu Haofeng nodded in relief, "Ok, then I will start looking for medicine tomorrow." I don't know if there are any Chinese medicine here, but I need to go up the mountain to look for it. "    


"I'll go with you. I'm very familiar with the mountain." Kerry couldn't wait to shout.    


Liu Haofeng did not object. He had already changed his appearance, and if he had Kerry with him, he would not have to worry about encountering the people from Gate Of Heaven after entering the mountain. The reason he had entered the mountain this time, was most likely to investigate the movements of the Gate Of Heaven.    


After a meal, Liu Haofeng went back to his room alone. The biggest problem for him right now was still the recovery of the Cultivation Level.    


Sixty percent of his strength, if he were to meet people who were controlling Gate Of Heaven, they were not even worth mentioning. Especially those Infant Stage, they would definitely take his life.    


Dong dong dong …    


Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Liu Haofeng was surprised. Why was there still someone here so late at night?    


Opening the door, he found that it was A Li and Kai Di. Liu Haofeng couldn't help but smile: "Sister A Li, why are you here?"    


"I came to see you." Tan Lili smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm rather busy during the day. I only have time at night. How are you doing here? "    


"It's pretty good." Liu Haofeng was quite grateful. Tan Lili was indeed a good woman, but he didn't expect her to be unable to get pregnant. "Big sister A Li, I know some Chinese medicine. How about I find some medicine for you to boil medicine tomorrow?"    


Tan Lili smiled bitterly. "Actually, I've taken a lot of Chinese medicine and it's useless." It's okay, being in the Mi Guo is nothing, it's normal to not have children. "    


Even though she said that, her eyes were a bit sad. Every woman wants to have children. It's natural!    


"It's alright, Sister A Li. Don't worry, my medicine is very effective. A couple tried it before and got pregnant half a month later." Liu Haofeng stretched out his hand, "Sister A Li, can I take your pulse?"    


"Taking his pulse?" Tan Lili was stunned for a moment. She had never heard of this term in the Mi Guo.    


Only after a long moment did he react. With a bitter smile, he stretched out his hand. It seemed like he had been away from home for too long, he had already forgotten a lot of things about China …    


Kai Di, who was at the side, was surprised. She never expected Liu Haofeng to know so much about medical skills. She thought he was just joking.    


Not long after, Liu Haofeng let go of Tan Lili's hand and said with a smile, "It's fine, it's just that your Qi and blood are unstable. You must be tired from work and need to recuperate."    


"Ah, is it really that simple?" Tan Lili widened her eyes in shock.    


Liu Haofeng nodded with certainty: "Wait until I find the medicine, you will be pregnant in less than a month after living a normal life with Mr."    


"Ah, it's true... It's really possible? " Tan Lili couldn't help but scream as she covered her mouth with her hands.    


Kai Di also understood and looked at Liu Haofeng in shock, "Anemofeng, is it really possible? You, Chinese, are really magical! "    


Liu Haofeng smiled humbly, "Actually, this is nothing. However, you will need to recuperate for a period of time after this, especially during the first three months of pregnancy. You must take care of your rest."    


"I... I will. " Tan Lili felt her mind going blank. How could it be so easy? In the Mi Guo, she didn't even know how many doctors she had seen, but she had never received such an answer, and they all said that it was impossible for her to become pregnant.    


In fact, it wasn't that hard. To an ordinary doctor, perhaps there was nothing that could be done, but to Liu Haofeng, her problem was a pill with a trace of true qi. As long as the womb remains, there is no reason why a child should not be conceived.    


"Thank you!" Tan Lili suppressed her excitement and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with gratitude. "I really …" Thank you so much! If you need any help, please let me know. "    


Liu Haofeng shrugged, "It's nothing. I'll go up the mountain tomorrow. There shouldn't be any big problems."    


"That's right, Big Sister A Li. Hehe …" Kai Di giggled, "After work tomorrow, Anemofeng and I will go up the mountain together."    


As he said that, he turned around and looked at Liu Haofeng, his face was full of confusion and surprise. Why is this Chinese boy so magical?    




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