Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C674 Secret Base

C674 Secret Base

On the white sea, Liu Haofeng looked around weakly and regretted jumping off the plane. Read the latest chapter)    


He originally thought that he would soon reach the Mi Guo, but he didn't expect that he was still in the vast ocean, and even after flying for over an hour, he still wasn't able to see any coastline.    


This was going to be troublesome. Originally, he wanted to get off the plane faster. But now, he couldn't even find his way out.    


Fortunately, he didn't have to worry about not having fresh water, or else things would get even more troublesome. It was extremely difficult to find a place to stay on this boundless sea.    


Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to continue flying forward. The scorching sun hung high in the sky, making him feel extremely weak on the outside. He had almost caught fire.    


The sun was going to set in a few more hours. If he didn't find land, he would be doomed tonight. The fact that he had been floating in the air the whole day had caused great damage to his body. Not only his nascent soul, but his entire body would not be able to bear it.    


After all, his physical body was used to travelling on land. Once he was away from land for too long, it would naturally become unbearable. Flying through the air was a very high requirement for one's body.    


After about half a flight, they finally saw an island in front of them. Liu Haofeng flew towards it in surprise.    


However, after flying for a short distance, Liu Haofeng suddenly stopped. His brows were locked together as he slowly descended and landed steadily on the surface of the water.    


On the island, a wooden lighthouse could be vaguely seen. A soldier was patrolling around the island.    


However, there were no military signs on the side of the island. It seemed to be an ordinary island.    


The more it was like this, the more Liu Haofeng felt it was strange, because he could clearly see that the soldier was holding a submachine gun, but his appearance did not seem like he was from the Mi Guo Navy.    


As Soldier King, he had a certain understanding of the clothing of various countries, especially the Mi Guo.    


After a moment of hesitation, he decided to fly over the surface of the sea. Aside from this island, there really wasn't any other land in the surrounding area.    


As they got closer, the soldier still didn't notice Liu Haofeng. Gritting his teeth, Liu Haofeng suddenly accelerated and climbed onto the shore with a swoosh, disappearing into the forest.    


This island was definitely not simple, it was better to not cause trouble. First, take a rest and see how Mi Guo will move.    


In order to not make any noise, Liu Haofeng intentionally kept his feet off the ground and flew along the lush trees.    


Gradually, he heard a lively voice in his ears that made him frown. Could this really be some secret base on the sea?    


Spreading out his spiritual will to investigate, he was shocked to discover that it was not a maritime base but a private army. Furthermore, it should be a chemical weapon research group. There was an aura of death and corruption everywhere.    


Liu Haofeng couldn't help but be curious, so he still followed them. It wouldn't take too much time just to take a look. Besides, the other party shouldn't be so stingy …    


After passing through the forest, they soon arrived at the noisy district. As expected, it really was a test site!    


It was right in the middle of the ravine. There was a row of white metal houses, and the faint sound of animals' screams could be heard. At the same time, the tall boiler beside him was emitting a faint white smoke. The surroundings were filled with an aura of death.    


There were more than twenty soldiers guarding the gate and there was even a rocket launcher. On the innermost hillside, there was even a missile base. Clearly, this group of people were either from the navy or were terrorists!    


Actually, Liu Haofeng didn't want to know who they were. After all, it didn't have much to do with him. It was just a simple curiosity. What was there to study on such a remote island? It seemed very terrifying.    


After weighing the pros and cons, Liu Haofeng still decided to wait until nightfall before going over to take a look. The most important thing right now was to find a quiet place to rest.    


Liu Haofeng found a hidden crack in the rock and sat down cross-legged to rest. His telepathic thoughts entered into the Ghost Ring.    


Qin Qingwu and Xue Li were still chatting casually. The two of them were both ghosts. Coupled with the fact that there was rarely anyone to talk to, they also had a lot of topics to talk about.    


Seeing Liu Haofeng's consciousness, Xue Li smiled in surprise: "Liu Haofeng, this place of yours is so magical. Xiao Qing used to live here as well, right? "    


Liu Haofeng nodded slightly: "Yes." Ye Zichen looked the two girls up and down and felt helpless. One was separated from his physical body, the other from his physical body. However, both of them were already dead.    


Qin Qingwu pursed her lips into a smile, "Xue Li's body is very strange. It seems like there is something restraining her soul, making it unable to break free. Otherwise, she would have become a ghost. And her ghost seems different. "    


"I was thrown into Blood Devil Cave and became like this." Xue Li's face suddenly turned pale, obviously thinking about how terrifying the Blood Devil Cave was.    


Seeing her expression, Liu Haofeng originally wanted to ask her about the Blood Devil Cave, but the words were already on the tip of his tongue but he held them back. He had asked her before, but Xue Li didn't explain it in detail, but instead, she was so scared that her entire body started to tremble.    


"Is it the Mi Guo now?" Xue Li changed the topic.    


Liu Haofeng shook his head and said, "No, we went onto an island and have a secret base. I don't know what this base is really researching about."    


"Secret base?" Xue Li was slightly surprised. It shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?    


Liu Haofeng nodded with certainty: "It's a secret base. It's very possible that they are researching chemical weapons. But it's weird, they don't seem to be the navy of Mi Guo, nor do they look like terrorists. "    


"Could it be that he belongs to our clan?" Xue Li suddenly frowned and shook her head, "It can't be that much of a coincidence! "I heard from my uncle that they have a secret military base overseas that specializes in studying that Black Blood."    


Hearing that, Liu Haofeng was shocked. Needless to say, it was very possible, because there really was a huge amount of energy hidden in that base.    


Liu Haofeng originally thought it was the power of the chemical weapon, but now that Xue Li said it, could it really be the black blood?    


Looks like I really have to check it thoroughly!    


"I also want to go out tonight." Qin Qingwu suddenly interrupted, "Although I'm currently very weak, I should be fine when I go out at night. And they can't hurt me. "    


Liu Haofeng frowned: "But, I'm worried that the black blood …"    


Before he could finish, Qin Qingwu shook her head and smiled, "Don't worry. Besides, maybe I can help. "From what Xue Li said, the black blood should be closer to ghosts, so I think I can remove it."    


Even though she said that, Liu Haofeng was still worried. Her ghost body was very weak right now. Even though he looked like a normal person, he was actually quite ethereal. If he were to be struck by any of these attacks, his soul would probably shatter.    


This was not what he wanted to see. He had been very conservative towards Qin Qingwu and did not want her to leave the Ghost Ring for fear of any mishaps. Now that he suddenly said that he was going out and that he was going to face off against Blackblood, how could he not be worried!    


Seeing the two of them looking at each other, Xue Li interrupted, but when the words were about to come out of her mouth, she was actually a little envious of Qin Qingwu.    


Liu Haofeng's deep concern was something she had never seen before. There were so many women around him, but they could only have this kind of expression when facing Qin Qingwu.    


In Xue Li's eyes, Liu Haofeng was a decisive person; it was rare for him to be so hesitant. Only towards Qin Qingwu would he be unsure.    


Qin Qingwu obviously knew about his worries. She pursed her lips and said, "Don't worry. I will know what to do."    


Actually, her reason was very simple. She wanted to help him do something, but she couldn't always stay in this empty space and wait in solitude.    


Liu Haofeng finally nodded and agreed after clenching his teeth. He was just too afraid to lose her. He didn't want her to do anything risky. However, since she insisted, he could only agree …    


BEEP …    


The sky had just turned dark when a cry came from the beach. Only then did Liu Haofeng open his eyes.    


He stealthily flew past the forest and saw a boat docked on the shore. It was a small boat.    


The layout of the ship was very ingenious. It was obviously a camouflage technique. The radar should not be able to scan it. Besides, the ship was armed with heavy weapons, and on top of it was a rocket launcher.    


A group of people came down, carrying something with them. They estimated that there were at least twenty people. The things being moved were covered by containers, so it was hard to tell what was inside. However, they had to be very careful when moving them. They should be valuable items.    


From the base, a group of people came out to welcome them. However, they were not strong black people. Instead, they were white people wearing white coats!    


Liu Haofeng silently followed behind the crowd. His thoughts quickly spun as he mercilessly probed with his telepathic thoughts. The box was likely to contain some sort of poisonous substance. However, it was not black blood. It was most likely some sort of raw material.    


Outside the entrance to the base, the two parties directly crossed paths. Those who disembarked from the ship turned around and left, as if they had long since reached an agreement.    


As Liu Haofeng was about to charge into the base while carrying the boxes into the base, a shout came from the Ghost Ring, forcing him to release Qin Qingwu.    


After taking a glance, Qin Qingwu said in a low voice, "I'll go and see what's going on once I get in. You wait here for me first." "Don't worry, I'll be fine."    


Liu Haofeng nodded with a wry smile: "Alright, be careful."    


Qin Qingwu nodded and flew over quietly. She took advantage of the lack of attention from the crowd and slipped into the box through the crack.    


One had to say, ghosts had their benefits. At the very least, one couldn't do this. Even if one possessed the Bone Shrinking Art, it was impossible to pass through the fine lines. In the end, it was still convenient for an energy body.    


Liu Haofeng was anxious as he waited for Qin Qingwu to come back after squatting on the tree for a while. Could something have happened?    


After waiting for another 20 minutes, he finally saw Qin Qingwu floating out from the roof, making Liu Haofeng's worried heart calm down.    


"Are you okay?" When she came up, the first thing she said was concern.    


Qin Qingwu smiled again and said, "I'm not that weak. It's not a big deal." Those that were moved were synthetic poisons, the exact composition of which was not known. "They are indeed researching on an energy body, but it shouldn't be perfect. It should be just a part of the body which is poisoned."    


That is to say, the research on Blackblood should not only be conducted on this island, but on other islands as well?    


He was really careful. Even if he did get rid of this base, it wouldn't cause all his research to be damaged. It could be seen that this group of people had been investing for a long time.    


At this moment, Liu Haofeng was thinking about whether he should blow up this base...    




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