Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C429 Interesting Town

C429 Interesting Town

"Ah, so annoying, touching my ass!"    


"Eh, I didn't do it on purpose. There are really too many people. It's too crowded."    


Liu Haofeng felt awkward as Gu Lianxuan glared at him on the crowded street. It wasn't that he wanted to touch her, it was just that there were too many people crowding around. As they squeezed, he could not help but feel her little fart.    


However, it was really embarrassing for Liu Haofeng when she shouted so brazenly, especially when the passers-by stared at her sinisterly.    


Gu Lianmeng and the other girls could not help but burst into laughter. Being surrounded by a group of beauties, this fellow naturally attracted a lot of killing intent, especially since this simple Town rarely saw so many beauties.    


Chu Shiqing turned around and teased, "Aiya, Xuan Xuan, just let him touch you enough. However, I can't touch it here, I'll go back at night and touch it whenever I want. "    


Gu Lianxuan blushed and stomped on Liu Haofeng's foot. She scolded him, "I'm not going to do this kind of thing, what's so good about touching my butt."    


Liu Haofeng retracted his foot from the pain, but he secretly complained in his heart. Even if he had to rub his butt at night, he wouldn't be interested because number two wouldn't be able to stand up straight!    


While he was strolling, three people suddenly squeezed over in panic. Because there were too many people, Liu Haofeng was unable to dodge in time. A young man stumbled and bumped into him.    


Liu Haofeng supported the young man: "Be careful."    


"Oh!" The young man coldly replied and shook off Liu Haofeng's hand, continuing to walk quickly.    


This made all the other girls feel very strange, and no one was chasing after them. Why did the three of them leave so quickly? Furthermore, he was in a crowded area, so it was hard for him not to be curious.    


However, Liu Haofeng sensed something. He coldly turned around and grabbed the youth's shoulder. He said coldly, "Friend, some things aren't easy to take, right?"    


The young man's expression changed as he pretended to be calm and turned his head back. "What did you say?"    


Liu Haofeng smirked: "It's best if you hand it over yourself, otherwise …"    


Before he could finish his sentence, the young man suddenly raised his right hand and viciously threw a wallet towards Liu Haofeng. Then, he tried his best to shake off Liu Haofeng's hand and quickly ran into the crowd.    


Liu Haofeng grabbed his wallet with his left hand as he left while staring at the young man with his squinted eyes. If it wasn't for his alertness, he really would have been tricked.    


Liu Haofeng really didn't expect it to be a thief at the beginning, but he had his telepathic thoughts. He already noticed it when the thief's hand went into his pocket.    


If it wasn't for the fact that he had once stolen something before, Liu Haofeng would have crippled that person's hand on the spot.    


Looking at the wallet in Liu Haofeng's hand, the girls were very surprised. Those three people were thieves? The three of them were so cooperative that their gazes would naturally fall upon them if they were to run into each other at the same time. Then, the three of them would be able to take advantage of the situation.    


"Ah, my wallet is gone." Chu Shiqing suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the three people who had disappeared with a face full of resentment. "I just bought a wallet, I haven't even had the time to store the money yet!"    


"Puff …"    


These words made all the girls burst out in laughter. Weren't these three too unlucky? Stealing a wallet worth fifteen yuan?    


However, Liu Haofeng knew that the target of the three wasn't the girls, but him. It was likely that his wallet was bulging when he saw him paying and it was in his jacket pocket.    


"Sigh, there are thieves everywhere now. Put the money in there. Be careful."    


"Got it. I usually keep it in the innermost layer. It's fine …"    


The surrounding people lost their interest after a few words from the crowd, as if they were already accustomed to seeing such a common sight.    


This made Liu Haofeng very surprised, could it be that this Town had a lot of thieves? These youths looked to be around twenty years old, they were probably lazy eating.    


His wallet was still in his jacket pocket. Liu Haofeng smiled at the girls and said, "Forget it, let's continue."    


He didn't believe that someone would continue stealing!    


The girls were curious, they didn't understand what Liu Haofeng was thinking. Qin Qingwu couldn't help but say, "You should just let it go, just in case …"    


"Hey, Qing Wu, why don't you think about what kind of people we are?" Gu Lianxuan interrupted in disapproval, "Isn't it easy to capture them?" Besides, did Liu Haofeng not know? Let's go to the clothing store over there. "    


After following the girls into the dark clothing stall, Liu Haofeng acted as if nothing had happened. This could also be considered as luring a criminal to commit a crime, but the premise was that someone was greedy.    


The clothing stall was actually a Roc with many racks under it. There were all kinds of clothes hanging on the racks. The style of the store was similar to that of a specialty store, but the price was only five hundred yuan. It was only fifty yuan here, so it could be said that it was a real mountain village street.    


Because it was covered by clothes, the shed was a little dark. If it was a thief, it would be the best place to make a move.    


As he followed the girls in, Liu Haofeng spread out his telepathic thoughts, guarding his surroundings at all times.    


As expected, just as he stood behind the girls and watched them choose their clothes, two young men walked out from a small path, threw down their cigarette butts and walked towards him with quick steps.    


The corner of Liu Haofeng's mouth curled up slightly as he pretended not to notice and continued to look at his clothes. Two young men walked up and stood behind Liu Haofeng. A young man pointed at the clothes on the shelf: "Boss, how much are you selling that?"    


The stall owner was also aware of the situation and frowned, "65!" As he spoke, he gave Liu Haofeng a meaningful glance with an anxious expression.    


Liu Haofeng remained unmoved, waiting for the young man behind him to make his move. The two of them were very cooperative. One of them pestered the owner, while the other pointed at the clothes on the shelf and shouted, "Where's that, the one on the left?"    


While everyone could not help but look up, another young man quietly reached into Liu Haofeng's pocket. His eyes were filled with excitement.    


However, when the two fingers went in, Liu Haofeng suddenly grabbed the thief's hand and used a lot of force without saying a word.    


Ka-cha! *    


"Ah …"    


Pain gushed out from the young man's wrist and he quickly shrank back. Liu Haofeng pretended to be surprised and turned around: "What's wrong, what happened?"    


"No …." "It's fine." The young man's forehead was covered in cold sweat as he hid his hands behind his back. He gritted his teeth and glared at Liu Haofeng before he quickly turned around and left.    


The other young man was stunned for a moment, then followed him in confusion. He turned his head and looked at Liu Haofeng with a puzzled expression.    


Gu Lianxuan chuckled and said in a low voice, "Liu Haofeng, you are too evil. You are obviously trying to seduce people to commit a crime."    


Qin Qingwu could not help but laugh as well. This fellow actually had a grudge with these people. No matter what, he was at the Realm Of Immortals, and was playing with these thieves.    


Liu Haofeng chuckled. He just couldn't bear to see these people being lazy. He was a good kid in his twenties to actually do this sort of thing.    


The stall owner exhaled and reminded them kindly, "You guys be careful. Those people are going to be troublesome."    


Liu Haofeng didn't mind, "Thank you, boss. We're outsiders, we're leaving soon. It's fine."    


Seeing that the owner wasn't bad, the girls picked some clothes and didn't bargain. Liu Haofeng paid directly.    


There were many motorcycles parked outside the internet cafe. There were also many young people smoking outside as they washed and blew their clothes with all sorts of colors.    


Seeing those blue and red fur, the girls couldn't help but frown. Gu Lianxuan whispered, "How disgusting. Look at that person making a Golden Lion King. He's so ugly."    


"Don't say it like that, the woman over there is even more disgusting. Her hair is blue, green and white, she's obviously wearing a green hat." Chu Shiqing agreed.    


Liu Haofeng was sweating profusely. His hair had just been dyed a little, how did he become a green hat?    


Then again, the possibility of this kind of woman wearing a green hat was very high. It was likely that she liked to play all sorts of P's, because a single woman could have fun and flirtatious with a few men.    


He didn't care too much about it. Just as Liu Haofeng was about to turn around and leave, Zhong Yawei said, "Why don't we go in and take a look?" I've never been to an Internet Cafe in my life. "    


"I've been there before," Gu Lianxuan said as she raised her hand, "But they're all high-end Internet cafes. I've never been there before." Why don't we go and take a look, Liu Haofeng? "    


As he mentioned it, the six beauties all stared at him with expectant gazes. Even Lan Luo was no exception. Liu Haofeng was depressed, what was with this shabby Internet Cafe?    


However, since they wanted to see, Liu Haofeng could only nod and agree: "Alright, let's go take a look."    


Hearing Liu Haofeng's response, the girls all laughed excitedly and walked over hand in hand. Liu Haofeng followed helplessly. In a place like this, beauties are the easiest to tease and the easiest to stir up trouble.    


Indeed, as they saw a group of beauties walking towards them, the eyes of the few youths at the entrance instantly lit up, and they immediately threw the green-haired woman to block the entrance.    


"Beauty, online?" A young man stood in front of Zhong Yawei, looking up and down lustfully.    


Zhong Yawei's brows slightly raised. Without saying anything further, she lifted up her high heels and charged directly towards the youth's groin.    


The man jumped away in fright, cold sweat beading on his forehead. He wanted to curse, but Zhong Yawei and the other girls had already arrogantly walked in with their heads held high.    


Liu Haofeng looked at the young man and followed him without saying anything. At the same time, he wiped away his cold sweat. Zhong Yawei was too harsh on him. It was obvious that she was trying to cause trouble.    


The Internet Cafe was very crowded, there were a lot of them. Besides the front desk entrance, the other entrances were all filled with people. The sound of the mouse hitting the keyboard was especially loud. It was accompanied by the battle sounds of various games and cheers and cheers from the back. It was a complete mess and extremely ear-piercing.    


Gu Lianxuan and the other girls also frowned. The smell of smoke in the air made them feel even more disgusted.    


"There are no more machines." The employee didn't even raise his head as he focused on the game on his computer screen.    


"Let me go out. This place stinks." Gu Lianmeng said as she held her nose, unaccustomed to it.    


Liu Haofeng was about to nod, but a few young men who were playing computer suddenly stood up and blocked his way with excitement, "Beauty, I'm having organic matters over here, over here."    


"No, thank you." Qin Qingwu dodged the young man with a cold expression and had a displeased expression on her face.    


A few of the young men still blocked the door, and the leader of the group laughed, "Hehe, don't talk about beauties like that. There was only this Internet Cafe in the town. If you didn't go there, you wouldn't be able to get in anywhere else. Beautiful girls, how about I give it to all of you for free? "    


These days, there were actually people who gave it away for free? Is there such a cheap deal? Judging from their lecherous expressions, they definitely didn't have good intentions!    


Qin Qingwu took a deep breath and snorted coldly. "Please get out of the way. We're not going online."    


However, the red-haired youth refused to let him. He continued to laugh evilly. "Hehe, it's fine if you don't go online. Then let's go shopping with you …"    


Liu Haofeng couldn't take it anymore, he squeezed over from behind and walked towards the red-haired young man with a gloomy face.    


F * ck, you tried to flirt with me in front of me, how am I supposed to show you my face …    




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