Prince and I in Desert Island

C740 Leaving the Misty Forest

C740 Leaving the Misty Forest

But the scene was vivid. When the Flaming Armored Soldier rushed to my side and raised his broadsword, I instinctively pulled out my sword to block.    


More and more of the Flaming Armoured Soldiers rushed at me. I saw the blood on the blade, and I knew I had probably hurt my brother by mistake. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes.    


When I close my eyes, I can still see the Raging Flame Armored Soldiers still thinking about me.    


I tried to calm myself. A flaming armored soldier slashed at me, and I held back. I kept telling myself it was an illusion.    


I felt a cut on my back, and I didn't know if it was an illusion or if I had actually been cut.    


In order to avoid being injured, I dodged left and right. Sometimes I would rush forward, sometimes I would stop abruptly. I bypassed the Flame Armored Soldiers one by one and broke through their encirclement.    








Vaguely, I heard the voices of the Dark Seven Nights and the Viridescent Eagle. Slowly, I opened my eyes.    


I saw that I had already walked out of the Bewitching Formation, so my brothers all withdrew from the formation. The eagle held its stomach with a face full of pain.    


"What happened to you, eagle?" I asked.    


"Lord, you hacked me in the face. You almost took the life of the eagle just now." The eagle said with a stern expression.    


"Sorry, eagle …" "I …" I knew I had been under the control of a hallucination and had mistakenly wounded the falcon.    


"Lord, it's not your fault. Let's leave this place quickly. Saving Madam is more important." The eagle said with a smile.    


"Come on, brother," I said, walking quickly back.    


"Lord, you're injured!" Seven Shadows Night suddenly called out to me.    


"It's nothing. The situation is urgent. Let's talk on the way!" I couldn't care less about my injuries because the illusionist had told me that Owner Wang had stayed in the forbidden area and I had been tricked into leaving the mountain.    


I felt a little strange. Every time I got injured, the Eye of Resurrection pendant would automatically heal my wounds. However, my wounds were still bleeding up to this point.    


I didn't know that the power of the Resurrection Eye's pendant would be devoured by the miasma in the Misty Forest. It wasn't until we left the Misty Forest that the Resurrection Eye's pendant started glowing red.    


I ran towards the manor. I brought over half of Falcon's brothers with me to the Misty Forest. The manor's defensive capabilities were greatly reduced. Although Owl was injured, Falcon's brothers weren't able to stop him.    


I arrived at the manor. At the entrance of the forbidden area, I saw the injured Ya Shu.    


"Yashu." I helped her up from the ground.    


"You're back. After you left, the bad guy came back. He wanted to capture big sister Li Yan. I didn't let him succeed." She fell into my arms.    


I saw terrible claw marks on Yashu's back. She was seriously injured.    


"Lord, the powerful and ruthless attack just now killed the Eagle Brothers. Fortunately, the ladies were not captured by him." One of the falcons' brothers stumbled to my side and reported to me.    


"Where are the other ladies?" I nervously asked, because I couldn't find Baby Yao, Yan'er, and the others even after I looked around.    


"My lord, the ladies hid in the Miller family cemetery. To save us, Lady Yashu was injured by a tyrant." Falcon's brother replied with his head lowered.    


"Where's the formidable and ruthless one?" I'm a little curious. Ya Shu was severely injured, so why didn't Xiao Xiong capture her?    


"Owlsoar was also injured. He escaped," Falcon's brother replied.    


At this time, the Viridescent Eagle and the Seven Shadows Nightmare had also arrived at the manor, bringing the falcons' brothers with them.    






"The entire city is under martial law. The eagle will bring the injured brothers to the medical center. The rest of the people will carefully search every corner of the manor. If they see any strangers, kill them." I gave the order.    


"Yes, my Lord!" The seven night shadows and the eagle replied in unison.    


I carried the soft Ya Shu in my arms as the Eye of Resurrection pendant repaired my wound. I turned my head to the side and used my mouth to channel zhenqi into Ya Shu's body.    


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