Prince and I in Desert Island

C602 Back to the Familiar Beach

C602 Back to the Familiar Beach

Charlie had to transfer a large number of his men back to the farm and the winery, and many began to resent him. Those who didn't want to fall with him either went to the ranch or found excuses to go to the Miller Corps.    


Charlie had completely lost all sense of the people. Everyone was eager for me to come back and recover everything in the manor.    


Charlie was lucky, because Addie was too busy trying to please Liyan to send anyone to find out about the estate, or else Addie or the seal would have easily taken him.    


The group left the outer perimeter, and we went to the beach where Aine had been buried.    


From start to finish, Xu Lu hid in the cabin and didn't dare to come out. She didn't even help when everyone was washing the oil off the ship.    


No one cared about Xu Lu. She was a stranger to all of us. Li Yan was good to her, but she hurt her.    


When they arrived at the beach, the familiar coconut tree was still there, the big rock was still at its original position, except that the beautiful female air stewardess Li Yan was missing.    


We camped on the beach, and three big ships docked in the shallows.    


In order to replenish their food, they had to send out large groups of people to hunt in the forest every day.    


When I took Linda to the cave where Anna committed suicide, Linda burst into tears.    


We had brought everything we could use out of the cave, and now that we were out of the house, without the farm and the winery, we had to be on our own.    


We'll have to use whatever tools and conditions we can to find Liyan. We'll have to live on the beach for a long time.    


In addition to finding food, we had to be ready for battle because the seals and Addie would attack us at any moment.    


I asked Amo to send out all the spies, and Amo and Arthur joined in the search for Liyan.    


During dinner time, all of the spies that I sent out returned safely. Amo came back to report to me.    


When Momo and I were reporting, Xu Lu was at the side. Her expression was unnatural, she was afraid that if she found out about Li Yan, she would be exposed.    


"You said the seal island is abandoned?" I listened to Amor's report, and I felt completely unfathomable.    


"Kai, the entire island was burned down. The island is filled with human bones that haven't been completely burned down. The scene is very tragic. I don't know what happened," Amo nodded and said.    


"Did you find anything suspicious?" Where are the seals and the venomous mother, Luigi? " I asked.    


"Kay, there's no one on the island. I found this by the beach." Amor took out a delicate Chanel perfume bottle.    


When I saw the perfume bottle, I jumped to my feet because it was Liyan's perfume.    


"I gave this to big sister Li Yan. Where did you find it?" "Have you seen big sister Li Yan?" Wang Yao asked nervously.    


Xu Lu was also nervous. She wasn't worried that Li Yan was in any danger, but that Mo and the rest had found some clues.    


"Madame, this bottle was found on the island of the seal, but we did not find Madame Liyan," Amo replied.    


I took the perfume bottle from Amo and held it tightly in my hand. It was indeed Liyan's perfume bottle, but I was very curious as to how Liyan got to the seal island and how, according to Amo, the entire island had been set on fire.    


My mind was in a mess. I didn't know whether it was the fire that set the island on fire first, or the fire that Liyan started when she went to the island.    


"Jane, are you sure Yan'er is still alive?" I asked, turning.    


"Uh-huh. Sister Liyan is still alive. She's on a small island, and there are a lot of people on the island." Jane closed her eyes.    


I was relieved to hear that. As long as Li Yan was alive, there was hope. No matter what, I would not give up.    


"Elder sister Li Yan is on the small island …" "There are still a lot of people on the island. Elder sister Li Yan was taken by bad people. It must have been the seal and Poison Mother Lu Ji …" Wang Yao said in exasperation.    


"Elder sister Li Yan is injured …" Ah … "I have a headache," Jane said, and suddenly put her head in her hands and frowned. It was obvious that she was in pain.    


"Jinx, don't even think about it. As long as big sister Li Yan is still alive, we can definitely save her!" Wang Yao pulled Jinyi into her arms and comforted her.    


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