Prince and I in Desert Island

C577 Conspiracy at the Manor

C577 Conspiracy at the Manor

"Big Sister Wang Yao, I'm sorry, but I didn't lose my memories. I was just pretending." She suddenly stood up and said calmly.    


"What …" "Jane, you didn't lose your memory?" Wang Yao was so surprised that she was at a loss for words.    


"Yes, I haven't forgotten everything from the past. I was killed by the seal, I was burned by the light of the Resurrection Eye pendant, my face was disfigured, I discussed the conditions with you guys to give me the Face Setting Pill, the Face Setting Pill repaired my face, I pretended to lose my memories, I wanted you to accept me, pity me, forgive me for everything I've done in the past …" Jane said expressionlessly. She was just like a storyteller.    


"Jane, no matter what, you are still our good sister. Our sisterhood will not fade just because you hid it from us. We are eternal sisters …" Wang Yao held Jane's hand and said.    


"That's right, we don't care about your past, we don't care about your mistakes. No matter what you've done, you're still our sister. If you're sincere to us, we'll treat you as our own sister." Shangguan Lulu said seriously.    


"Thank you, we will take Sister Li Yan back together," Jane said emotionally.    


"Yes, yes. Big Sister Li Yan has always cared about taking care of us and protecting us. She has always thought about everything for our sake." "This time, we must find her and bring her back!" Wang Yao nodded.    


Xu Lu didn't say anything. She knew that once Wang Yao and the rest found Li Yan, she would be found. She had originally thought that Li Yan, who was on such a high cliff, would die without a doubt.    


"What happened to Kay?" Jane turned to see me unconscious on the bed.    


"The bad guy knew that Big Sister Li Yan had disappeared. He searched the whole manor but couldn't find her. He was so anxious that he almost vomited blood." Wang Yao said to Zhen.    


"Is Kay's injury serious? What did the doctor say? " Although she didn't like me, I was their pillar of support, so they still had to rely on me at crucial moments.    


"The doctor won't come to diagnose the bad guy. Big Sister Wang Yao and I have gone to invite him many times!" Shangguan Lulu said helplessly.    


"Kai is the head of the family. The hospital has such big guts. Let's see how they explain when Kai wakes up." When she heard that no one was going to sail her to the manor, she became very angry.    


"I don't know why, but it seems like a lot of people have changed recently …" Wang Yao sighed. She couldn't understand why the brothers from Miller Corps would ignore her, whether it was cold or warm. She also didn't know that the hospital that she had visited on a whim didn't want to diagnose me.    


"Baby Yao Yao, there's a problem with the food department. All the people from the food department jointly removed me from my position as manager of the food department. They even forced me to leave the food department." Aunt Lin, who had been helping me wipe my face, said calmly.    


"Auntie Lin, how could this be?" The people of the food department learn how to cook from you. You are their master, and they even dare to insult you? " Wang Yao asked angrily.    


"Baby Yao Yao, I don't think it's just the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. If they refuse to give Kai a diagnosis from the Ministry of Medicine, it means that the Ministry of Medicine and Medical Services has a problem as well?" Aunt Lin analyzed.    


"And the Miller Corps, they ignored me, Wang Yao, and the big idiot when we got back. They treat us like thin air …" Shangguan Lulu seemed to understand something.    


"From what you've said, it seems like there's a problem with the Red Haired King's defense line. None of them would be willing to send me back to the manor today," added Jinx.    


"The Miller Corps, the food department, the medical department, and the defense line are all weird. There must be a reason." Xu Lu interrupted.    


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