Prince and I in Desert Island

C560 Evil Engulfed by Fire

C560 Evil Engulfed by Fire

The mother was in the warehouse, and because she had locked the hatch herself, there was plenty of fuel for the ship's power, and the fire soon engulfed her.    


In the fire, the venomous mother, Luigi, ignored the pain in her body and rolled onto the splint, but the fire was too strong, and her skin was quickly stuck to her clothes by the fire.    


She spat out the Spider Mother from her mouth into the sea, then endured the pain as she gave the final command to the Spider Mother.    


"Follow the Demon Lord and protect the Demon Lord!" Poison Queen Lu Ji commanded the Spider Mother in a special language.    


"Xiao Ya, mom …" Right... No... "Rise …" This was the last sentence the venomous mother, Luigi, said in the sea of fire.    


After burning the seal ship, seeing the entire ship wrapped in dumplings by the fire, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.    


"You're a seal, you're a piece of trash. You're a primary school student. You dare to steal my woman? Go enjoy yourself in hell!" Mo Shang said to himself.    


"Island Master Devil Sang is wise and wise. The seal is seeking his own death. Since Island Master Mo Sen's Poison Mother Lu Ji and those magical beasts have left with the wind, then we've picked another island!" The lackey began to flatter Mo Sen.    


"A small island is nothing. As long as I want it to be mine, everything here will be. Do you believe it?" Mårson's face was one of triumph.    


"I do, I do believe that Master Sen will live forever!" The small fry nodded his head like he was pounding garlic mud.    


"Pull the boat back so it won't affect my rest. Even if it's a tsunami, don't call me!" Mo Sen impatiently said as he walked towards the cabin.    


Mo Sen felt that no matter what he did, he would not do it. If he did do it, he would do it well. Abandoning halfway was not his style...    


"Yes yes yes, this humble one dares not anymore. Island Master Mo Sen, enjoy it to your heart's content!" The small fry smiled despicably.    


The seal quickly swam to the shore, the cold sea water momentarily sobered him up. The seal thought of a person, a woman who had worked hard for him all her life, and that person was its mother, Lu Ji. The seal thought of how it had always screamed at Lu Ji, and had even tried several times to strangle its own mother, who had never given up on it.    


The seal did not know that the fire had not only burned his ship and its magic soldiers, but had also burned the mother who had been subservient to him all her life and had risked her life for his sake, the Poison Mother, Luigi.    


Speaking of the Poison Mother, everyone had lingering fears. Many of them had the same feeling towards the Poison Mother, which was that she was sinister, evil, devoid of conscience, and possessed an unfathomable desire to kill. However, to the Demon Lord seal, the Poison Mother, Luigi, was just a normal mother. She was always thinking of her son.    


When the seal reached the shore, he tried to get ashore, but found that the entire island was ablaze, but he had no choice but to stay afloat.    


When the black hawk in the cave saw the seal swimming back and forth in the sea through the fire, he did not hesitate to pick up the sniper rifle lying beside the bed. When the seal cut the index finger that was pulling the trigger, he continuously practiced pulling the trigger with his middle finger.    


The black hawk quickly aimed at the seal's temple and pulled the trigger without any hesitation. A bullet went through the flame and accurately entered the seal's brain. A red hole appeared on the seal's temple and its body slowly sank down.    


Black Hawk's eyes were filled with tears. He had just released his wet sleeve from his mouth and nose for revenge, and a large amount of smoke was sucked into his lungs. He couldn't help but cough, and as more poisonous smoke entered his body, he closed his eyes, dropped the sniper rifle in his hand and fell down contentedly in the cave.    


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