Prince and I in Desert Island

C74 Pure Love of One Person

C74 Pure Love of One Person

Suddenly my heart is sweet, the woman for the happy person is not right for the happy person should be the woman for the happy person thin.    


Shangguan Lulu wants to be like I like her for the rest of my life, she wants to be like me for the rest of her life, this love makes me especially touched.    


Remember a song, "how many people once adored your young looks, know who is willing to bear the years of relentless change, how many people in your life have come back, know that you and I will accompany you for the rest of your life."    


But to love a person should not love her youth, beauty and moving time, even if her white hair and pale complexion aging, she is still the most beautiful angel in your eyes.    


It is true love to be true to one's heart to remain true to oneself, to be true to one's hand and one's son for ever, and it is true love if you do not leave me.    


The girl who pursued youth and beauty was trying to keep the heart of the one she loved. She didn't know that the man who truly loved her loved her was her person, and didn't care about the change of her appearance.    


A man struggles to make his woman happier, but does not know that the greatest happiness of a woman who truly loves him is to have him with her every day, regardless of his success or failure.    


To love a person should be pure, without any purpose or demand. Love one simply wants to be good to her, take care of her, take care of her, accompany her. Be with her when she needs you, listen to her when she's lost, and lean your shoulders against her when she's depressed.    


Accompany her crazy when happy, cry with her when sad, laugh with her when happy.    


Wang Yaoyan and Shangguan Lulu prepared the food, and Amor and the others started a fire on the beach. We sat around the fire, talking and laughing.    


The little princess, Wang Yao, sat next to me again. She put my hand on her shoulder and asked me to hold her.    


Li Yan also sat beside me, while Shangguan Lulu and Jen pointed at the wild boar meat, unsure of what to say.    


"Scoundrel, am I beautiful today?" Wang Yao suddenly looked at me and asked with her big eyes twinkling.    


"It's very pretty, what's wrong?" I was a little surprised that she suddenly asked this question.    


"It's nothing. I like it when you praise me as pretty. It's just that simple …" Wang Yao was like a child, and after she finished speaking, she started giggling.    


Li Yan and I looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. This little girl was really interesting.    


After a while, the dry wood turned into a glowing red flame, and there was no longer any smoke. At this time, the roasted meat could be roasted, because the roasted meat would not be burnt by the smoke, and there would not be the strange smell of fire smoke.    


I spread out the charcoal, and we put pieces of sliced meat on top of it. The burning charcoal immediately filled the air with the aroma of the wild boar meat, which originally had no aroma at all. Looking at the thin red flesh sizzling with oil, looking at the special deliciousness cannot help but arouse our appetite.    


Wang Yao couldn't wait and asked me to roast a lot of meat for her. She said she hadn't eaten barbecue for a long time.    


However, she would get sick if she didn't eat the meat thoroughly. So she asked her to wait a little longer.    


This way, the roasted meat would have a bit of wood ash stuck to it, but it would not affect its color and taste. This was the original taste of the roasted meat.    


I gave Wang Yao a piece of the roasted meat to give Li Yan, because the heat of the coals was so high that I was afraid they wouldn't be able to bear the heat.    


Seeing Shangguan Lulu and Jinx's red faces as they were roasted, I gave them the roasted meat.    


"Can you eat it? Will you grow fat? " Shangguan Lulu took my meat and asked me timidly.    


"Don't worry about eating, you won't get fat," I had to tell her that I was the only one who knew what she was thinking. I also want to say that even if I grow fat, I will always like you, but Li Yan and Wang Yao in my risk.    


I can be shameless, but I still want ears.    


"Oh!" Shangguan Lulu tried a small bite and slowly chewed it. The way she ate was elegant and noble.    


"This is so delicious, I've never tasted it before!" Shangguan Lulu said happily.    


"I still want it, I still want it!" Shangguan Jian tilted his head and said to me coquettishly.    


Hearing Shangguan Lulu's cute words, I admit that I've instantly turned evil. No one would be able to take this if I were in her place!    


I had a quick drink of Romanee-Conti, and at the moment I needed to quell my shock and evil thoughts.    


"Why are you so bad? I hate it. " Shangguan Lulu pouted at me.    


I'm finished. I forgot that she can see through my thoughts. I was so evil just now …    


I was too ashamed to look for a rat hole to hide in.    


I was completely transparent beside her. I was like a clown who ran naked. My ugliness and ridicule were revealed to her without any concealment.    


However, seeing that she wasn't really angry, I felt relieved.    


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