Prince and I in Desert Island

C31 Ornate Reversal

C31 Ornate Reversal

"Dear Miller, please forgive our offense and forgive our ignorance." Amos knelt on the ground, and the rest of the pirates froze as they saw Amos kneel on the ground.    


"Kneel down!" Amo shouted loudly.    


Li Yan closed her eyes and picked me up, but she was too weak. He took great pains to hold me in his arms and press his head against my face. Tears flowed down my face. Li Yan kept shaking me and crying her heart out.    


"Li Kai, what happened to you? Don't scare me, Li Kai!"    


"Ah!" Li Yan let out a hysterical cry.    


Vaguely, I heard Li Yan's cries, and my heart tightened. I feel sleepy, but I can't fall asleep. Li Yan is still in danger.    


"Idiot, I'm fine!" I let out a faint sound as I slowly opened my eyes. I saw her eyes were red from crying. Big drops of tears fell on my face.    


I looked around and saw a group of pirates kneeling on the ground.    


I found it strange that the pirates who had attacked me as if I had been injected with chicken blood were now kneeling in front of me as I was no longer able to resist. Their heads were bowed.    


Recalling the scene when I fought with my life on the line, this scene was indeed a little ironic.    


"Sister Li Yan, Li Kai, what happened to you?" Wang Yao and Auntie Lin came around the pirates to my side, guns in hand.    


Wang Yao pointed a small pistol at the pirates. When she saw them kneeling on the ground, she was also very shocked.    


When she came back to her senses and saw that my face was covered with blood, she threw herself at me and looked at me with concern.    


"Big Scoundrel, what's wrong with you? "Are you going to die? Don't scare me!" She pulled at my hand and started crying.    


"My foot …" I struggled a bit    


"What happened to your foot? Is it injured?" She looked at me strangely.    


"You stepped on me," I told her seriously. I was half lying in Li Yan's arms, from the beginning Wang Yao jumped on my leg with one foot, the other foot between my legs. Seeing her crying so sorrowfully, I thought that when she was done crying, she would move her feet and not remind her that it was painful and numb for a long time.    


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see your feet …" She quickly moved her feet away. Seeing her cute appearance, I couldn't help but laugh.    


Auntie Lin found a cloth to help me bandage my wound. Li Yan and Wang Yao helped me up and sat on a rock.    


"Why are they kneeling?" Wang Yao turned her head and looked at me doubtfully.    


I shook my head and looked at Liyan.    


"I don't know either. After you fainted, they rushed up and surrounded us. I don't know why, but they all knelt here right after you did," Li Yan said vaguely.    


"I remember someone asking the Miller family to forgive them," Liyan said, blinking at me.    


"Ask them what they're doing and why they're kneeling on the ground," I said, looking at Liyan.    


"Whoareyou, and whyarekneelinghere? Whatareyougoingtodo? " She had always held a grudge against them.    


"WeareallMiller 'smen, weareatai' smen, wehurtyou, and wekneltdownbecauseofeswordofloveinourhand. Idon: 'tknowwhoethenobleLordis, whoistheMiller? " Amos looked up and said. Seeing Wang Yao's Golden Desert Eagle, Amo lowered his head.    


"He said they were Miller's people, they were Atai's men, they were kneeling because of the sword of Aine. He asked who we were in the Miller family? " Li Yan explained.    


"Tell him that Aitai forced her to her death. We came here after the plane crash and accidentally obtained the sword of Aitai. If Atai didn't take our men, we wouldn't have killed him."    


"ToldhimthatAiNahadbeenforcedtedie, andourplanecrashthere, with nointentionofbeinginlovenazhijian, andifataidin 'tcatchourpeople, ' tkillatai." Li Yan impatiently explained.    


", howdidshideie? Where is he? Iwanttoseehim. " Amo was very excited and cried in sorrow.    


"He asked how Ina died. He said he wanted to see Atai." Li Yan explained.    


When Li Yan saw that I didn't react, she turned her gaze towards me. At that moment, she saw that I was lying in her embrace, my eyes fixed on a certain part of her body.    


She hastily tidied up her clothes and seeing that the enchanting part was covered by the clothes, I felt that something was amiss. Only then did I reluctantly turn around and swallow a mouthful of saliva.    


Li Yan looked at me contemptuously. I pretended that nothing had happened and asked Li Yan what he had said.    


"He wants to see Ina. He asked how she died." Li Yan looked at me with disdain.    


In order to resolve the awkwardness, I stand up using the Sword of Aina. I take a deep breath and pretend to be in pain.    


Li Yan hurried to help me, and Wang Yao also stood up and put my hand on her shoulder. I peeked at Li Yan and saw her worried and concerned expression. I looked pleased with myself.    


Life is like a play all by acting, small sample to play with me! Heh heh.    


As I approached, Amos looked up. I pointed to the cross under the coconut tree and told him where Einar was buried.    


Amo looked at me blankly before I pointed at him again. He looked in the direction that I was pointing at and stared at me with a dumbfounded expression.    


I forgot that he didn't understand human speech. No, he didn't understand my words. I glanced at Liyan.    


Liyan took the hint and explained what I meant to Amo.    


Amos paused, then pushed past the others and stumbled toward the coconut tree where Erna Miller was buried.    


The rest of the group also ran to Amos, who went to Aine's grave and knelt on the ground, crying his heart out.    


I was surprised that they were just master and servant. I'm curious to know what kind of person Ina is to make so many people follow her loyally. For her sake, he wouldn't even bat an eyelid.    


I didn't have a chance for them, so Wang Yao and Li Yan helped me walk towards the tree hollow. As I passed by, Amor suddenly got up and came over to me. He bent over and bowed deeply towards me.    


I didn't stop. I was weak. I'm sure they won't attack us now, so I don't have to be wary of them.    


(You have the sword of Ena, and you killed Atai, so you are our master. We are willing to follow you. I want to send the head of the Miller family back).    


Li Yan explained to me what Atai had said. I looked at him suspiciously. "You believe me?"    


Amor looked confused again, and Li Yan translated my meaning to him.    


Amos nodded.    


Just as I was about to speak, Li Yan opened her mouth    




Amo said that the sword of Aine had been passed down in the Miller family for more than 400 years, and was a symbol of the supreme power of the Miller family. To her, the sword of Aina was the blood oath of the blood oath. Everyone in Aine's family would swear blood oaths before their blood swords, and swear loyalty to Miller. Because Ina was the only female head of the Miller family, and also the youngest female head. Under Ina's lead, the Miller family reached its peak.    


Therefore, the Sine Blood Sword was changed to the Sword of Ina. Possessing the sword of Ina and waiting to become the new head of the Miller family, everyone in the Miller family had to support the wielder of the sword of Ina. And the gold pistol of the Desert Eagle was her beloved. Amor continued    


On the other side of the island, Ina had built a luxurious manor. She didn't want us to be pirates all the time. She wanted us to live like normal people, to marry and have children. Here, forget about the past and start a new life.    


Actually, there was a magical place for the sword of Ena. Its blade had a groove in it, and it had a spiritual nature that only those who could control it could use it. Those who could control it had to destroy themselves, and those who could control it had to be just, tolerant, and fraternal.    


In other words, if you had a wrong mind, the sword of Aina would have killed you long ago.    


We don't have guns in our hands, and we've got your woman. You could have killed us, but you didn't. This means that you are a kind-hearted person. So I trust you.    


Amos lowered his head, as if a domestic servant was waiting for his master's orders.    


Liyan explained Mo's meaning to me. Her expression was a little unnatural when it came to capturing my woman.    


"Yes, you captured my woman and hurt her. "I want to kill you guys, but I won't kill someone who can't fight back." I emphasized my words when I talked about my woman. In my heart Liyan is my woman, although we have nothing but she already lives in my heart.    


After saying that, I looked at Li Yan like Li Yan, her face immediately turned red, looking at me tenderly.    


"Do you think your woman is big sister Li Yan or me?" Wang Yao looked a little jealous.    


"You two fools are my women," I said, smiling.    


"I don't want it. "You big bad guy …" Wang Yao pouted. But I could see she was happy.    


Actually, Wang Yao doesn't mind sharing me with others as long as I have her in my heart.    


I didn't notice Li Yan's expression of loss at this moment. Li Yan had always been the kind of love that made people want to have a single person, and a single person with a single white head.    


Liyan told Amo what I said.    


Amor hesitated, then knelt again before me.    


"MyLord, pleasegringusbacktothehouseoflove, and IamwillingtoofollowtheLord, and Iwillresign.    


Patriarch, please bring us back to the Eina Manor. I am willing to follow you at your beck and call.    


Actually, I also wanted to bring Wang Yao, Li Yan, and Auntie Lin away from here. Only by leaving here would we have the chance to return to the place where we used to live. As long as Qing Shan wasn't afraid of nothing, he would take it one step at a time.    


I told Li Yan to tell them that we need to go back and pack up now. We have some things we need to take with us to get them to the boat.    


Amor offered to help us carry our things. Everyone followed him when he went, because he was hurt, and I told him to stay and try to make the planks better. I took three people with me to carry our things.    


He nodded repeatedly. He also told his men to keep us safe.    


When we got to the hiding place, I put away the offering box and carried it on my back. They took things for us. By the time they reached the beach, Amos had laid the planks and torn down the tent on the floor.    


"Master, please come this way." Amo bowed and said.    


Li Yan Wang Yao supported me to the boat.    


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