Prince and I in Desert Island

C23 Atai Is Back

C23 Atai Is Back

Actually, in my heart, Wang Yao and Li Yan have no difference in my heart, and no one is more important. If I have to choose between them, my choice is not to choose.    


In my heart, they are all the same. They are all very outstanding, each of them having their own merits. If any of them are in danger, I will charge forward without hesitation. If any of them leave, I will be unable to sleep for the rest of my life.    


It's not that I'm too greedy and want to have them at the same time, I just want to protect them and protect them. Even if I can't leave the deserted island forever, I hope that they can live happily every day.    


After two days of clear weather, the grass on the leaves had dried completely, and I had set up another trap. Because of thirst, many animals will come here tomorrow to drink water.    


After we went back and ate, I called Aunt Lin and Wang Yaoyan together and told them what they had to pay attention to.    


I told them they couldn't go to the coast lately, because pirates could be back on the island at any time, and I thought they'd be back on the island in the near future.    


"Is it really that bad? "You said they would live on the island?" Wang Yao asked nervously.    


"Well, because the last time they brought down from the boat, it was to set up a tent," I said.    


"I agree with Li Kai. That white man said that A'Tai doesn't have his own territory now, and the military has left. He doesn't have a place to stay now, and he doesn't dare to go to Aine Manor, but he knows very well that this is the safest place. It's safer for him to hide under the seal's nose than to float on the sea," Li Yan said, glancing at me from time to time as she spoke.    


"I agree too," Wang Yao said weakly. Auntie Lin did not say anything.    


"We don't know where they're going to live, so I'll watch them first. They have to get water from the waterfall on the island, and if they set up a tent on the beach, they'll send people to get water from the waterfall, and we'll have to avoid them.    


If they live close to the water, they'll send someone to watch the boat, and then we can take their men around the island to the Ena estate, which is on the other side of the island. "    


"As long as we have Ina's sword and Ina's will, I think the seal will listen to us. Artest is a very abnormal person, so we have to use the seal's power to kill him first," I added.    


"During this period of time, we must try our best not to leave any traces, and not go to the sea." During this period of time, we must try our best not to leave any traces, and not go to the sea. I looked at them. I wanted to hear their opinion.    


Liyan nodded and said she would notice.    


Wang Yao rested her chin on her hand as she cutely nodded. She sat down obediently with the little white rabbit in her arms.    


"There is also the question of whether they would hunt in the forest if they came to the island. "If they go to the forest and find us or our fish pond, or if Artest goes to the cave, they will find us too," added Aunt Lin.    


I really didn't think about that. Auntie Lin was right, even if they had food on the boat, it didn't mean they wouldn't hunt wild animals, because there were many animals in the forest and they also had guns.    


They are vicious people, and there is nothing to restrain them in their freedom. We must not let our guard down over them.    


I considered that if they entered the forest, I would have to deal with them one by one. There were more than 20 of them, and if they dispersed, I would have the opportunity to slowly wear them down. This was because they were not trained professionally. To put it bluntly, they were a mob with weapons of mass destruction.    


Now, I can only lurk at the seaside before dawn every day, and find out if there is any abnormal rush to meet with Li Yan Wang Yao. Li Yan and Wang Yao must hide from me when I leave and pay attention to everything in the forest.    


I hid the moon offering box in a tree beside me. I tied the sword of Aine to my body with a piece of cloth, tied two kabbas to my shin, and took two desert warriors with me, along with four spare magazines.    


If I don't manage to get away safely, I'll hide myself and lead them in another direction to ensure the safety of Wang Yao and the rest. And then they would go through the jungle with them. Until we leave them in the forest forever.    


It's not that I'm arrogant and self-deprecating. It's what I have to do. I remember what the company commander told me before, that as a scout you must always maintain a kind of arrogance, to be arrogant and despotic. When you are air, when you are in hiding, when you are wind, when you retreat, when you are wind, when you are a cheetah, all you have to do is constantly discover the enemy, entangle them, and destroy them.    


In the army, I was always very harsh on myself. I was always angry with myself, and every time I couldn't stand it, I would say to myself, "Trash, is that all you've got?" Every time, I can break through my limit. If you don't do it, you don't do it.    


Before I left, Wang Yao suddenly ran over to me and threw herself into my arms, hugging my waist tightly, her face against my chest, sobbing to me, "Big bad guy, you have to be careful. If you are discovered, run away quickly. Sister Li Yan and I will come and save you."    


I patted her on the back to comfort her. Don't forget that I'm a retired special forces soldier, they won't be able to catch me, but you must be careful of my safety.    


Li Yan looked at me and turned around. Looking at her shaking shoulders, I knew she was crying.    


I don't know why they suddenly became so nervous. They must have seen the white man's death.    


Auntie Lin, on the other hand, was very calm. She said that if there was anything we would face together, I know you can do it, so be careful.    


I nodded. I pulled Li Yan into my arms and pressed my face against her hair, casually saying, "No worries, we're hiding from pirates." As Wang Yao said, "Don't worry, we're hiding from pirates."    


I gently pushed them away. This was not the time to be sentimental. They looked at me reluctantly. I ruthlessly turned around and charged towards the seaside.    


I ran very fast on the way to the beach, but I paid attention to my steps. Every time, I would place my feet in a place where the leaves were very thick. I didn't go the way we used to go to the beach. I had to scout out more places, and only familiarizing myself with these places would make it easier for us to retreat and deal with them.    


This is how we used to train the obstacles of 400 meters. At first, we were not familiar with it. We were very careful, we always made mistakes, and the speed was very slow. However, after we familiarized ourselves with it, we had many different methods and it was very fast.    


If you talked so much, it would be a coincidence.    


As I neared the sea, I slowed my pace and edged slowly around the bushes, keeping my eyes fixed on one place.    


The same position, the same shawl man is the same pressure. I was wondering why he was so fond of growling, which made me feel so uncomfortable. If I had a chance, I would definitely knock out his teeth.    


Apart from the shawl man Atai, everyone else was busy setting up their tent, completely ignoring the matter of Atai and me from behind. They were probably used to Atai's slurring, as if he were farting.    


With this kind of loose organization, if we were enemies with our troops, it would only take 3 minutes for them to finish playing.    


Atai didn't have any intention of stopping. The people who were still looking at him kept on gesturing, using a language that no one else could understand to vent out their anger.    


Just as I was about to investigate the rest of the area, a dramatic scene occurred.    


A big black man stuck a frame in the wrong place. Atai went over and kicked him in the butt, and the black man felt someone kick him in the butt. He quickly turned around and yelled, "FUCKYU!"    


When the black man and Artest faced each other, the black man was almost two heads taller than Artest, and they stared at each other so affectionately that I couldn't help but wonder if this was the most adorable height in the world.    


He could see that even Tai was a little afraid. The black man realized that he had been shouting at him, so he was also a little confused. When Atai saw the black man leaving the group, he pulled out his gun and pointed it at the black man's heart. His mouth began to chatter viciously.    


When the African man saw the gun pointed at his chest, he became excited. He pressed his chest against Atai's gun and stepped forward.    


Although I couldn't make out what the black man was saying, but judging from his posture, I could guess that he must have said something like, "Do something like that. Don't you like killing people? Come on."    


Atai stepped back. He probably couldn't understand what the black man was saying either. Just as his momentum was about to be overpowered, he pulled back the gun in the black man's chest and fired at the sky. Then, he aimed at the black man's head again.    


He had to admit that this move was really effective. The African man was shocked and did not dare to continue forward.    


I was surprised that no one had come out to advise me against it. In fact, if I were Atai, I would have hoped that someone would have come out at that time to try to ease the atmosphere.    


But he would kill himself if he acted unjustly. Atai had already reached the point where he would forsake his loved ones. If possible, everyone would want to kill him and step on his head.    


The black man hesitated for a moment before continuing to work. Atai, too, seemed to have taken a big blow and stopped babbling. He took the gun and started to scan the area. I quickly crouched down.    


It wasn't until he turned to walk back to the boat that I slowly stood up and continued to watch them. For a long time, Atai didn't get off the boat, and the people on the beach ignored him and continued to pitch their tents.    


I didn't think they'd do anything today, but they were running slowly around the bushes away from the beach like Wang Yao and Li Yan were hiding.    


I think they must have heard the shot, and they'd be worried if I didn't go back.    


As I had expected, I was near where they were hiding. The two beautiful girls had turned to tears and were hugging each other, mumbling something. I couldn't hear what they were saying because they were crying.    


I wasn't in the mood to eavesdrop on their conversation, so when I ran up to them, they were stunned for a moment. After that, she threw herself into my arms and cried even more sorrowfully.    


I said it was all right, don't worry about me.    


Wang Yao said they heard the gunshot, but I said that no matter what happened, they were not allowed to come find me. They thought I was dead, so they were very sad and thought they would never see me again.    


They didn't find me. Let's go back and talk to them.    


They nodded meekly and walked back while holding my arm …    


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