Prince and I in Desert Island

C22 Whispering of Wang Yao and Li Yan

C22 Whispering of Wang Yao and Li Yan

After listening to her story, I seemed to understand why Liyan had taken the initiative to kiss me that day at the bottom of the water. Arriving at the deserted island, I became her only support. She saw that Wang Yao and I were getting too close, so she took the initiative to kiss me. She wanted to fight for me once.    


In her world, she and the person she loved each other were the only two. They didn't deceive each other, didn't betray each other, didn't abandon each other, and relied on each other through life and death.    


As for Auntie Lin, her life had been smooth sailing until then. She had graduated from secondary school and joined the W Group, and because of her diligent work and her tactful way of handling affairs, he had been recognized and valued by the leaders. At the peak of her career, she had met her current husband, who was a teacher with a low but steady income and was especially good to her. In her house, it was all Auntie Lin's decision. Her husband never argued with her or argued with her, and he always let Auntie Lin lead the way. They had a girl who was in her third year of high school, just like Wang Yao. Her daughter had also made them especially carefree, and their grades were quite spoiled.    


Auntie Lin was the kind of woman who loved men, had a harmonious family and a successful career. Without any major setbacks, everything was as if he had arranged it himself. A lot of people envied her.    


If the plane hadn't crashed, Auntie Lin's life would have been perfect for an ordinary person.    


In fact, a family's balance comes from its internal equilibrium and its external equilibrium, like a triangle, because the support of each member keeps it relatively stable, without a single person, without which it loses its equilibrium.    


Auntie Lin has never been worried about her family. You think that it will be the same when she goes back, but you have to say that everything will change.    


We talked until very late to go to bed. After I lay down, I quickly fell asleep. Wang Yao was also resting her head on my arm. Li Yan was pressing on my palm.    


In a daze, I felt Wang Yao turn around. I was about to ask if she was not feeling well when Wang Yao spoke.    


"Sister Li Yan, are you asleep?"    


"Not yet, why?"    


"Big sister Li Yan, I can't sleep, are you sleepy?" Wang Yao continued    


"Are you not feeling well? What's the matter with you? " She obviously thought Auntie Lin and I had fallen asleep for fear of disturbing us.    


"No, I just don't want to sleep. I can't sleep!" Wang Yao said.    


"What are you thinking? Are they pirates today? How could he not sleep? "Don't worry, Li Kai is fine. Just sleep well." Li Yan comforted her.    


"Big sister Li Yan, I'm going to tell you a secret. Can you promise not to tell anyone else?" Wang Yao said carefully in a low voice.    


"Yes," Li Yan answered.    


"Actually... "I'm a bit shy, don't laugh at me, Big Sister Li Yan." Wang Yao muttered.    


"It can't be, what's wrong?" Li Yan's tone became nervous. She might have guessed something.    


"I've fallen for him. Although he's always bad, always staring at my chest and even intentionally taking advantage of me when picking coconuts, I beat him up on the surface but I don't blame him in my heart at all. "I like the feeling of him hugging me. I feel like I can't leave him anymore. Only by his side can I feel safe. Every time I look at him, I feel very flustered. I'm willing to bother him …" Wang Yao explained a lot in one go.    


"Sister Li Yan, Sister Li Yan, are you listening again?" Are you asleep? "Big Sister Li Yan!" Wang Yao gently called out to Li Yan.    


"Ah, ah, I'm not listening!" Li Yan exclaimed as if she had just regained her senses.    


"Oh, I thought you had fallen asleep. Sister Li Yan, what do you think of him?" Wang Yao continued.    


I was very nervous, I didn't think Wang Yao liked me, I always thought she just relied on me a little more, because she was young and simple. Everything she said surprised me. How could I let such a beautiful young miss like me? I tried to remain calm, and in order not to attract their attention, I kept my breathing steady. I wanted to know what Li Yan thought of me. I kept wondering if she liked me or had no choice because she was on the island.    


"Who do you think you like?" I could tell Li Yan was a little nervous    


"Li Kai, what do you think of him? "Big sister Li Yan …" Wang Yao didn't notice Li Yan's abnormality. In the dark night, she couldn't see Li Yan's depressed and helpless expression.    


"Oh, he's not bad, he's kind, he has a sense of responsibility, he's been taking care of us since we came here, he's our support, we can't live without him, he's careful with us, he's polite with Auntie Lin, he's alone when facing danger, he didn't force us to do anything we don't want to do, although he's very young, but he's a good man, a good man to be trusted, a good man to be trusted for the rest of his life …" Li Yan seemed to confide in him, but she also seemed to be talking to herself …    


"Uh-huh, I think he's pretty good too. Sometimes he's a gentleman, sometimes he's a bastard, but whatever I do with him, I feel so happy, you know? I hated him so much on the plane that I didn't even want to see him. I thought he was just a country bumpkin. But on the desert island he was like a different man, he didn't have the garrulous air of a plane, he was calm and collected, he gave us all the good things, he gave us the big ones and the small ones every time he ate. "As long as he's here, I won't be afraid of anything …" Wang Yao slid into my arms.    


Time seemed to stand still all of a sudden. Li Yan and Wang Yao were both silent. I felt Li Yan press her face against my hand. A drop of cold tears fell on my palm.    


One drop, two drops …    


She cried, but not a sound, not even a sob. I think her heart must have collapsed, she silently let out the helplessness and sadness in her heart.    


"Elder sister Li Yan, go to sleep, I'm sleepy!" Wang Yao said as she placed her feet on top of me and forcefully pulled my other hand over to hug her.    


My heart is tangled, I want to comfort Li Yan, but now any action I make will be very awkward, Li Yan does not want Wang Yao to know that she is crying, Wang Yao does not want me to know her whispered words, and I do not want them to know that I am eavesdropping.    


If I comfort Li Yan and Wang Yao, they will know that Li Yan is crying. Wang Yao will also realize that I am eavesdropping on their conversation. At that time, Li Yan and Wang Yao might not be such good sisters. Even if they continued to get along, they wouldn't be as intimate as they were now.    


However, Wang Yao had told her inner thoughts to Li Yan, saying that she would not break this piece of paper. In the future, whether it was me or Wang Yao, she would have a hard time facing them.    


Wang Yao quickly fell asleep. Li Yan still had tears in her eyes, so I caressed her face with my other hand. She tightly held my hand and pressed my hand against her face.    


I hope she can feel my comfort, I don't want her to be too sad, seeing her sad I feel very confused, I can now be sure that Li Yan fell in love with me, she cried because Wang Yao also fell in love with me. Although she had expected this to happen, she hadn't expected it to happen so quickly.    


She calmed down, but held on to my hand so tightly that we both fell asleep.    


When I woke up, the sun was already very high in the sky. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Li Yan had also woken up. Wang Yao was still smacking her lips as if she was eating something. She still looked at me obediently. He was as docile as a little sheep.    


I gently moved Wang Yao's head away. She woke up right after I moved her away. She looked at me blankly and asked where I was going.    


When I said I wasn't going there, I was just going to help Auntie Lin get water for cooking. She gave a "oh" and then said, "I'll go wherever you go." Don't leave me.    


Don't worry, I told her, stroking her little head.    


"En, and also you have to protect me, don't make me angry. If you dare to bully me, you're dead for sure, do you hear me? "Big Scoundrel," Wang Yao said to me in a commanding tone.    


I put on a wronged expression and weakly said, "Your Highness, I will obey your orders."    


She quickly got up and pulled Li Yan away. When she passed by me, Li Yan gave me a helpless look.    


A woman is an animal that turns her face faster than a book, and one second she might turn a blind eye to you.    


I followed them to get some water to wash my face. I filled the kettle with water and slowly poured it out, so they used their hands to wash their faces. They washed very carefully, and because there was no towel to wipe their faces with, the fine drops of water stuck irregularly on their white faces.    


When they arrived on the island, they didn't use any skin-care products. All day long, their skin hadn't darkened at all, and they were still as white and shiny as ever. Their pure and innocent faces were still as natural and beautiful as ever.    


The three words "Yan Ruyu" popped up in my head. I remember a poem that used to say:    


You stand in the attic and look at the scenery,    


The landscaper is downstairs, looking at you,    


The moon adorns your window,    


You decorate other people's dreams.    


Looking at them was like looking at a beautiful scenery, beautiful without a single flaw. At this moment, your mind was clear of all distractions. It was just that you didn't see enough. There was nothing that could remove your gaze from them.    


There was a very low chance of beautiful girls of this level appearing on the street, because they were only one in a thousand, not the kind that was ordinary or unconventional, and also not the kind that was unmainstream. Their every move was so elegant, and very few girls were this good-looking.    


"What's going on? We're in a daze again. We've already washed, yet we're still pouring water?" Wang Yao pouted her small mouth as she looked at me curiously.    


"You guys are so beautiful, I'm so captivated," I said from the bottom of my heart    


"Tch." The two beauties simultaneously let out a disdainful sound at the same time before looking at me with gazes of disdain as if they were looking at a monster. He turned around and left.    


Seeing that they were about to leave, I got anxious, because I hadn't even washed my face yet, so I asked them who had poured water for me.    


"I …" It was the same voice again.    


Now that it was my turn to be embarrassed, I could only pretend that I didn't hear him. I didn't know who else was going to pour water for me and wash my face.    


"Big sister Li Yan, I'll go get some water. You can pour some for the big bad guy." Wang Yao went to fetch some water from the pool and passed the water bottle to Li Yan.    


Li Yan took the water and slowly poured water for me. Happiness came too quickly and too suddenly. I admit that I smiled despicably.    


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