Prince and I in Desert Island

C14 Discover the Mysterious Cave

C14 Discover the Mysterious Cave

When we returned, we met Wang Yao who was carrying a little white rabbit and was still looking for us. Seeing us, she curiously asked where we had gone but didn't tell her. She ordered her to look for us everywhere …    


Li Yan took over the little white rabbit in Wang Yao's arms and said, "I'm sorry big sister came out to relax and hurt you. Wang Yao said coquettishly, next time, when you're free to bring me along, I'll also be free …"    


I've always thought that the big tree cave was a little strange, and that strange sword. If someone had lived here before, then how did he get here, and where did he go? If the person who lived here was a pirate, then there must be other people who knew about it. If the pirates have lived here, then there must be traces of life left behind. If all reason is proven, then we are not safe to live here. So tomorrow we have to look around. There must be important clues around here, and we have to find it or we're in danger here. No one had any objections. After all, my reasoning was somewhat reasonable.    


Wang Yao wanted me to teach her how to shoot a gun tomorrow. I suddenly remembered that the gun was still all in my clothes, so I separated the gun from the bullets and removed each clip to make sure there were no bullets inside, because I couldn't afford to be careless in this matter. Desert Warriors had a very stable lethality. Moreover, the material used was especially good. Even if placed in a vile environment for a long time, it wouldn't rust or fail. There was a bracelet on the desert warrior to prevent the gun from being taken away. John Deere was also not bad. There were also five sharp Kappa blades, which were especially useful. Whether it was a chop or a stab, they were all very powerful and easy to carry. They could be tied to the shin and could be used in close combat or surprise attacks.    


After cleaning it up, it was already dark. I laid the bear skin on the leaves, which was very soft and warm. Wang Yao wanted to rest her head on my arm, but when she laid down, she said that the bear skin was a little stinky, so she took out her Chanel perfume and sprayed it on me. When she saw that I was lying still, she sprayed it on me, saying that I was also stinky and would spray … She lay down on her back and took my hand and laid it on my arm. I could only turn my body to the side, so that Liyan was directly in front of me. She shifted her body, pressed her face against mine, and closed her eyes.    


When I woke up, my hands felt numb and Li Yan was still sleeping peacefully on my palms. Wang Yao had already slipped into my arms and was leaning against me. She had one foot on my body and the other hand was holding my ear. No wonder I dreamed the last time I was tied to the mast by pirates. The pirate leader even cut off my ear. I gently tried to remove her hand, but the moment I touched her hand, she woke up. I helplessly looked at her … At this time, Li Yan also woke up. Auntie Lin was already gone, so it was possible that she had gone to fetch more water.    


"What do you want?" She let go of my ear and looked at me suspiciously. "And what did you have that kept propping me up?"    


When I saw Li Yan secretly laughing, I immediately reacted. I quickly pulled my hand away from her and turned around. Then, I stood up and fled with my back facing them …    


"Sister Li Yan, what are you laughing at? I didn't lie to you! There's really something supporting me!" Wang Yao said seriously. Hearing this, Li Yan immediately laughed so much that tears flowed out of her eyes. I felt very embarrassed, so I went to feed the wild sheep with some grass.    


Auntie Lin came back with a few bottles of water. When she saw me, she asked me why I didn't sleep much. I just got up. Auntie Lin put the water down and went to set fire to the fire. After doing all this, she took out the notebook in her suitcase and started to write. I was very curious, so I asked her what she was writing. I saw the little words in the notebook. Aunt Lin was saving her notebook and her pen. "A little girl saved me when the plane crashed on February 5th. There was a flight attendant and a young man left."    


Feb. 6. The rescue team didn't come. We buried the four bodies of the victims and put stones on the ground to mark them    


Feb. 7. The rescue team still haven't come to rescue me. The little girl is called Wang Yao. The other girl is called Li Yan. His name is Li Kai. Today, the young man found a water source …    


— — February 8 …    


So it had already been 10 days since we arrived here. I really didn't care about these things after coming to the island, otherwise, we really wouldn't know how long we would have been here. I think one day we'll go back and this notebook will be like a memory card.    


Auntie Lin was a meticulous person. She paid attention to every little detail, could see through other people's thoughts, could see through many people's disguises, and could grasp onto other people's weaknesses. She was able to make someone who had nothing to do with other people become an ally or enemy because of interest. This was probably one of the reasons why Auntie Lin was able to become one of the upper echelons of W Group. It was a survival of the fittest no matter the situation. But as long as you master its rules, create more self-serving conditions, take every opportunity at your disposal, and rule out unfavorable factors, you will be able to plan your life as you wish, rather than passively accept the realities and injustices of society. If you become a strong person, you won't feel that this society is too realistic and unfair.    


After eating, I gave Wang Yao, Li Yan, and Auntie Lin each a desert warrior. First, I told them some things that they had to pay attention to, that when using a gun, they had to point the gun at a safe place, they couldn't point the gun at themselves, and they couldn't bring their fingers close to the gun to avoid harming themselves, and they couldn't point the gun at people who didn't want to shoot. Their fingers had to be placed outside the protection of the gun, unless they had already decided to shoot.    


I showed them how the gun had been fired. I pointed the gun at the open space opposite; then unloaded the magazine; opened the safety; pulled the holster twice in a row and fired into the open space, the pistol making a Tata sound.    


I told them to check to see if there were any bullets in the gun. I also told them to turn off the safety on their guns, but only when they had to fire. I took out the bullets to show them how to load them. The Desert Warrior's magazine could only hold 7 bullets at most, so I had to hold the bullets firmly. I opened up the safety and aimed at the intended location before firing without any hesitation.    


I taught them to practice and familiarize themselves with guns, and how to aim them, telling them not to point guns at themselves or their own people in any way.    


Both Wang Yao and Li Yan learned very quickly. Auntie Lin never dared to let go, so I didn't let them experience shooting. I only let them learn how to aim and shoot with empty guns, because I was afraid that the gunshot would expose us. Each of them was given a kapa military knife, which taught them how to quickly draw it and how to defend and attack.    


As they practiced, I took my sword and began to search around the big tree, which was surrounded by dense trees. I held on to a small tree and looked around, and as my hand slid down I stumbled upon an unpolished piece of book skin. I was a little confused because the skin of the dense, sunless tree was smooth, and when I opened my hand I saw that the rough bark was very rough because the bark had been damaged and healed. I took a closer look at the roughness and saw that it was actually an arrow. I continued in the direction of the arrow. The same mark was found on another tree. At this moment, Hou Wang, Yao Liyan, also ran over and asked if I had discovered anything. I pointed to the markings on the bark.    


"Elder sister Li Yan, look! It's a buzz cut!" Wang Yao said excitedly.    


"It's really a decapitation!" Li Yan looked closer.    


The arrow pointed into the depths of the forest, a place we had never been to before. The sunlight couldn't penetrate the dense foliage, making it especially eerie. We continued our search and, in order not to get lost, I used the kabah knife to deepen the markings. As he walked, he felt the light improving. He could clearly feel that the trees were becoming more sparse. The markings were no longer visible because of the moss growing on the bark. Faintly hearing the sound of flowing water, around the messy rocks, a small waterfall appeared in front of him. It was a smooth cliff, like a fault in a rock that was more than ten meters high. The falling water splashed white against the stones on the ground. The arrowhead on the bark was pointing to the water source.    


"Wow, she's so beautiful. Elder Sister Li Yan, look! There's a waterfall!" Wang Yao was stunned by the beautiful scenery before her eyes. She ran to the edge of the waterfall, holding her hands to catch the falling water. Due to the force of the impact, she was only able to catch a few drops of water before her clothes were soaked by the splashing water. She came up to me and drooped her little head like a defeated rooster. She looked at me pitifully and said she wanted water. It was funny and lovely to look at the spray on her face. I looked around to see if there were any larger leaves. If a large leaf rolls it up into a cone, it can be used to fetch water.    


"This place is so strange, there's no water coming out." Li Yan's words suddenly reminded me, "Right, where's the water from the waterfall?" I looked closely and saw that the water had fallen from the waterfall to the ground and had not gathered as if it had been absorbed by a stone. The water splashed on the rocks so that you couldn't see where it was falling. I have an idea that since the water has disappeared down here, it might flow out somewhere down there. Beneath the falls were jumbled boulders, and around them we could see a narrow gravel path, flanked on either side by grotesquely shaped stones.    


Just when I was wondering if I would ever get lost, I saw a large cave. The cave entrance was as tall as two people, and above the entrance hung an oddly shaped stalactite. There was no tree here. Drops of water trickled down the stalactite. The light was good and we could see into the cave. It was smooth and I decided to go in and see if I wanted to go in. Li Yan handed me his desert warrior. She pulled out her kabob and followed me. Wang Yao pulled out her sword and followed. I didn't stop them because I knew they wouldn't stay outside.    


I put the sword in the hole, took off the clip, and loaded it! He handed the gun to Li Yan and also loaded Wang Yao's Desert Warrior with bullets. I took out my own gun, loaded it, and turned on the safety. He pointed the gun at the hole and walked step by step inside. When I entered the hole, Li Yan almost fell over after being hit by something. I quickly grabbed her to keep from falling. I bent down and found a transparent fishing line on the ground. One end of the line was fixed to a stone in the cave entrance, and the other was led around a small wooden stake into the cave. I pulled the line and the bell rang at the first corner of the hole. I heard the bell just now when Li Yan fell down.    


When we got to the corner, we couldn't see the road anymore, so I told Wang Yao and Li Yan to step back. I'm afraid there's a trap in there. Or find a light source tomorrow.    


After coming out, I asked Wang Yao and Li Yan to turn off the safety and take out the magazine. We walked back along the gravel path. I walked around a big rock and saw the mark I left on the tree. I think the mark on the tree must have come to this cave. We were led in the wrong direction by the sound of the water.    


After returning to the tree hole, Auntie Lin examined the bear meat and boiled water with a can of water. There were a few leaves of Emmie in the water. Auntie Lin told me it was a kind of wild cold tea that he accidentally discovered when he was weeding the wild sheep. She also said it was wild mint and that there were elderly people in their hometown who liked to drink it and it was good for their health.    


Wang Yao could not wait to drink a mouthful. She frowned and told Auntie Lin that it was a bit bitter, but it felt as cold as chewing gum. Auntie Lin looked at Wang Yao lovingly and said, "What a silly girl."    


Auntie Lin made Li Yan take a sip as well. Li Yan took a sip and said it was quite nice, thank you Auntie Lin. Auntie Lin was very happy to say that she liked him.    


Later, Auntie Lin picked a lot, dried the mint leaves, soaked the mint water became our favorite drink.    


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