Countryside Magic Doctor

C1074 Raising Mice

C1074 Raising Mice

"If I were you, I wouldn't have treated you!"    


Piao Miaozi said to Hee Feng with a smile.    


Hee Feng was a little confused. Next, Yun Zhu quickly explained to him, "This illness is not troublesome to treat. We only need strong people to help. There are also medicinal formulas and medicinal ingredients. There are many medicinal formulas and medicinal ingredients in the Heaven Mending Stone. We can rest assured, but the key lies in this expert. Initially, I was worried when I came here. How could there be a Cultivator in this world that is stronger than you? But when Kang saw Faang Zhiqin, my heart felt like a stone had fallen to the ground.    


Faang Zhiqin's strength just so happens to be able to provide you with help. Coincidentally, he also agreed to it. Given Faang Zhiqin's character, he naturally won't go back on his word after agreeing to it, so we can be at ease. "    


"Is there any trouble with that? Faang Zhiqin's face was filled with dissatisfaction. What's going on? " Hee Feng asked.    


" Of course not! " Yun Zhu said, "Faang Zhiqin just said that his family's elders wanted to treat this illness. He had emptied most of his family's assets. What he said was a little exaggerated. Furthermore, this money wasn't spent on medicinal herbs. More than half of it should have been spent on medicinal herbs. It was not easy to hire someone to help him in this matter. Do you know how to remove the impurities in someone else's body by helping them temper their body?"    


"How did it happen?" Hee Feng asked with a puzzled expression.    


"I used the medicinal ingredients used to temper your body to make the body tempering liquid for you to take a bath and open the meridians and collaterals in your body. Then, the expert will act like a high-powered vacuum cleaner and absorb the impurities in your body! " Yun Zhu explained to Hee Feng.    


Hee Feng suddenly understood, but he was a little puzzled. This was not a troublesome matter. At most, it was just a little tiring. Why was Faang Zhiqin so unhappy?    


"You might be thinking about this very simply. Why is Faang Zhiqin not happy?" Yun Zhu might have guessed what Hee Feng was thinking and asked with a smile.    


"Yes, that's right!" Hee Feng nodded, "Isn't it quite simple? I'm puzzled. Why does he look like he's about to cry?"    


"Of course he's going to cry. When the vacuum cleaner absorbs the impurities, some of the impurities will remain in his body. Faang Zhiqin is also a Cultivator. Of course he will care... " As soon as Yun Zhu's voice faded, Hee Feng instantly understood. So that was the reason!    


He was silent. He thought that he should treat Faang Zhiqin better in the future. Look at how much strength Faang Zhiqin had put in to save himself this time. Maybe he would get this disease as soon as Hee Feng was cured!    


Hee Feng was impatient. Besides, he was ill at the moment, so how could he not treat it? He was not that kind of procrastination. Even if someone with procrastination treated him, it would not be delayed anymore. No one knew if the disease would continue to worsen. He should cure it as soon as possible.Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio The sooner you calm down, the longer you delay, the easier it will be for something to happen.    


That night, Hee Feng ordered people to prepare the Heaven Mending Pavilion with great haste. Many medicinal herbs were taken out from the stone. A dazzling array of items filled the entire main hall. On top of the countless ancient shelves, there were many blue and white porcelain plates. Inside were exquisite herbs.    


Some of them even retained their lively appearance, as if they had just been plucked, but in reality, all of these items had been stored in the Heaven Mending Stone for hundreds of years.    


The reason for this was because the Heaven Mending Stone had a special function. That was the preservation function. It was a very good function. It could be used as a fridge, and this fridge was very special. It was like putting things in. When the temperature came out, it was still the same!    


Therefore, Hee Feng often used the Heaven Mending Stone to put the unfinished ice cream inside and wait for the next time to eat it.    


A dazzling array of spiritual herbs was placed on the ancient rack in the hall. Faang Zhiqin was looking at this scene in shock outside. He carefully walked in and looked at the thousands of spiritual herbs in the surroundings. His face was full of surprise and disbelief. He even shakily picked up a ginseng that looked like a big radish and used his finger to stroke it. That bright red silk ribbon.    


He said to Hee Feng in surprise, "This is a ginseng that has been cultivated into essence. Where did you get it from? It has been at least four to five thousand years. Where did you get it from? This thing is really rare!"    


Seeing him like this, who had never seen the world, Hee Feng rolled his eyes and coldly snorted. "Take it if you like it. Now I want to ask you to do something. Take it as a reward!"    


" This is the first time I saw you being so generous. Then I won't be polite! " Faang Zhiqin chuckled and stuffed his body into his sleeve. Hee Feng looked at his wide sleeve and widened his eyes. It seemed that your sleeve was designed so wide. It was designed to be easy to steal things at the critical moment!    


However, he didn't say anything. If you want a horse to run fast, you have to feed it grass.    


He wasn't the kind of boss who would shout for his employees to work overtime and ask them to work hard to give him a single cent of overtime pay!    


The medicine was just ready, but it was already close to midnight. He felt that there was a small problem with his body and that he could not stay up all night. Otherwise, he might be bald one day or suddenly die. Hee Feng was thinking about his own health. He went back to his bedroom and slept until the next day. There was a loud noise outside, and it was very noisy. It was as if someone was handling something. The outside looked like a factory. It was very noisy.    


With his head full of anger after waking up, Hee Feng angrily walked out with a feather duster in his hand. He only saw Yun Zhu commanding dozens of young disciples to process the medicinal herbs in front of him!    


Yesterday, Hee Feng's initial medicinal herbs were more than enough. In fact, he took out so many of them to show off. En, that was just one purpose.    


At this moment, most of them had already been stored in the warehouse. Anyway, they were Hee Feng's private property wherever they were. He was not worried that someone would dare to steal from him. Nonsense. If anyone dared to steal his property, Hee Feng wouldn't mind. Chop this rat up and chop it up. He could feed it to the dogs, and at the same time, he could also rob the rat's property.    


This was Hee Feng's newly developed way of making money, and that was to rob a family!    


In essence, this was a very ancient way to make a fortune. It was the favorite thing that the emperors of each dynasty did when they ran out of money. It was plagiarism, plagiarism, plagiarism, plagiarism, plagiarism, plagiarism, plagiarism, plagiarism, plagiarism, plagiarism, plagiarism! After plagiarizing a few times, the national treasury would be filled, and they would be rich.    


However, Hee Feng did not plan to do that for the time being. You have to feed it before killing it!    


It was just like the bamboo rats raised by the Huarong brothers. If they were skinnier, how could he do that? It was tasteless to eat, but it was a pity to abandon it. Who would buy it? At most, it would only be Huarong who saw that he was pitiful and carried him to the riverside to roast and eat. But the key was that there was no money to pay for it.    


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