Countryside Magic Doctor

C894 The Joint Attack of the Sharks

C894 The Joint Attack of the Sharks

This morning, Hee Feng and Han Lee were sleeping soundly. Suddenly, there was a loud sound of impact, and their tiredness shook violently, waking them up from their sleep.    


"What's going on? Weren't you the one who was on night duty last night?" Hee Feng was a little angry, he stared at Han Lee and said.    


Han Lee scratched his head slightly. He was also at a loss. He was clearly on vigil, but he didn't know why he fell asleep.    


"Boss, I'm sorry. I couldn't hold it in and fell asleep accidentally."    


"Get up quickly. Don't fall asleep. Go and see what happened."    


Han Lee nodded. He took out a flying sword and flew around on his sword on the surface of the sea. He found a dozen or so huge black shadows at the bottom of the sea. They circled around the small raft and kept pacing back and forth.    


After a while, a dozen or so black shadows floated to the surface of the sea, revealing sharp dorsal fins.    


Han Lee was shocked and quickly called out.    


"Boss is a shark, we are surrounded by sharks again."    


When Hee Feng heard this, he immediately became angry.    


Damn it. When he came up from the bottom of the sea, he had been surrounded by a group of sharks. At this moment, another group of sharks had come. They were really freaking haunting him.    


"Han Lee, come back quickly. Let's leave this place as soon as possible.Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio"    


"Alright, boss."    


Hee Feng took out a flat wooden stick and used it as an oar. He asked Han Lee to row the oar and drive the small raft into the distance.    


At the same time, Hee Feng controlled a dozen flying swords and kept alert of the sea's surface.    


When the dozen sharks saw that Hee Feng and Han Lee were about to escape, they immediately chased after them. Their huge bodies jumped out of the sea from time to time, wanting to bite the small raft.    


However, they were all slashed back by Hee Feng using the flying sword. At this moment, a shark suddenly rushed out from the right side and jumped out of the sea's surface.    


Good heavens! This shark was as big as a small pickup truck. It was about to hit the small raft.    


If it hit the raft, the whole raft would probably be knocked over. The two of them would fall into the sea and be devoured by more than ten swimming sharks.    


Luckily, Hee Feng was quick to react. He waved a dozen flying swords and flew over, turning the shark into powder in an instant.    


The shark's corpse floated on the water surface, dyeing a large area of the sea red. It attracted many sharks who were chasing after it, and they crazily devoured the corpses of their companions.    


This attracted a lot of sharks, which relieved the pressure on Hee Feng and Han Lee. However, there were still a few sharks chasing after them, as if they would not give up until they achieved their goal.    


Hee Feng was furious when he saw this. He took out a bracelet from his Dimensional Pocket and put it on his hand.    


This bracelet was the energy shield that they had used to float up from the bottom of the sea. Although they had used up all their energy, after a few days of recovery, they could still hold on for a period of time.    


After lightly patting it, a light blue energy shield suddenly appeared around Hee Feng's body. After that, he jumped into the sea.    


More than ten Low-grade flying sword quickly fell into the water. Following closely behind, the surface of the sea rippled, and a massacre began at the bottom of the sea.    


Hee Feng was naturally not as agile as the shark when he was in the water. Fortunately, Hee Feng had the Genuine Qi and could control the explosive sword light of the flying sword to attack the shark.    


The speed of the flying sword in the water was not any slower than on land. The flying sword penetrated the shark's body and dyed the bottom of the sea red.    


Looking from afar, it looked like a purgatory in the mortal world. It was extremely shocking.    


However, the time of the energy bracelet was limited. Hee Feng could not stay for too long. A few minutes later, Hee Feng jumped out of the sea and onto the small raft. He changed into another bracelet and jumped into the water again.    


The only two energy barriers could resist the seawater and provide some oxygen.    


Although most of the sharks had been killed, there were still three or four fish that had fallen into the net.    


However, in the face of their companions being killed, these three or four sharks seemed to be unwilling to give up. They continued to chase after Hee Feng and Han Lee's little rafts.    


As the shark's body was streamlined under the water, its movement speed was very fast. Even though Han Lee was desperately swinging the wood pulp, his sliding speed was still not as fast as the shark's chasing speed.    


A shark suddenly hit the small rafts from the bottom of the sea. The entire small rafts suddenly tilted up and almost flipped over.    


After the shark hit the raft, it hurriedly retreated. It was neither in a position to retreat nor in a position to retreat. It was not like an ordinary shark at all, as if it had a mind of its own.    


Hee Feng was chasing from behind on the flying sword. Just as he was about to catch up, a shark suddenly rushed out from the side. It had a huge head and crashed into Hee Feng, sending him flying.    


After sliding for a few meters, it finally stopped. Seeing this, Hee Feng's spirits were lifted. The Genuine Qi in his body was trembling and surging.    


He silently circulated the Heaven Opening Spell mental cultivation method, and the ten or so flying sword suddenly released a three-inch-long sword light, ready to strike. Hee Feng suddenly let out a low roar.    




The dozen or so flying sword flew out like arrows released from a bow, cutting the shark into pieces.    


When the remaining two sharks saw another companion being hanged by the flying sword, they felt a trace of fear. They immediately swam far away, maintaining a certain distance from the small raft.    


However, they were still unwilling to give up. It seemed like they planned to wait until it was convenient before making a move.    


How could Hee Feng give them such a chance? He immediately chased after them. The dozen or so flying sword seemed to have eyes as they chased relentlessly, finally killing the remaining two sharks.    


Only then did he ensure his own safety. The dozen or so sharks ran away. The few sharks that ate the corpses of their companions were all killed by Hee Feng alone.    


At this moment, it was time for the energy to shine. Hee Feng immediately appeared on the surface of the water. Seeing this, Han Lee immediately stretched out his hand and pulled Hee Feng out of the water.    


At this moment, the time for the energy to shine was just right. The layer of light blue energy barrier that covered Hee Feng's body broke into pieces like glass.    


Well, in order to get rid of the shark's pursuit, he had to use a protective device. Although he could also make this thing, he needed some very valuable materials. And these things were not on ordinary people. As a result, this was a big loss to Hee Feng.    


Before this, Hee Feng had even specially inquired about the origin of this energy barrier and the method to create it. There were so many books, and Hee Feng felt dizzy as he looked at them. He almost fell asleep. Luckily, he found some tricks at the end. It could allow this broken book to be repaired a step further.    


Hee Feng took big gulps of fresh air. It was as if he had just escaped from death and had come back to life.    


"It's alright now. Let's leave this place as soon as possible. This place is too dangerous."    


Under normal circumstances, these sharks would not pose much of a threat to him. However, he had already used up all his strength. If he did not recover a little, it was hard to guarantee that nothing would happen to him.    


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