Chaotic Conceited God



At this time, Soong Feiyang actually couldn't understand it at all, because he felt that it was impossible for Ming Yu to have the ability to beat Butler Pei to such an extent.    


Soong Feiyang was well aware of what kind of strength Butler Pei had. Obviously, Butler Pei's ability to become his housekeeper was due to his superior strength. Otherwise, how could her father hand Soong Feiyang over to Butler Pei without worry?    


But this steward, who he had high hopes for, who had experienced hundreds of battles and had the ability to practice, was now struck down by Ming Yu's punch and directly smashed a large hole in the ground?    


Moreover, he was not the only one, those three Expert of Core Controlling Stage were also smashed down, and the scarier thing was, these three Core Controlling Stage expert of Third Layer were all dead, and not a single one of them survived!    


What was going on?    


Logically speaking, a third level Core Controlling Stage user with three expert of Third Layer s' fatal moves should be able to instantly kill Ming Yu, but who knew that Ming Yu would go the other way and directly knock out all four of them!    


In fact, Ming Yu had the ability to do so.    


His physical fitness was already extremely strong, completely surpassing other experts of the same cultivation level. Furthermore, his divine pellet was even more condensed, the Mind Pill had the endless True Fire Aura forged from the Infinite Yin Yang Spell to protect it, and after absorbing the Essence Qi of Beast Fetus, his foundation was even more stable.    


Therefore, although Ming Yu appeared to be at the third level of the Core Controlling Stage, in reality, his battle strength had already far surpassed that of ordinary expert of Third Layer s.    


Furthermore, the Blood Prison Dragon-elephant was a Peak Martial Technique among the low rank Profound Level martial skills. When Ming Yu's will reached its peak, the power of this punch, the willpower of this punch, had never personally experienced how overbearing and terrifying it was!    


Butler Pei was someone who had personally experienced the Blood Prison Dragon-elephant's survival.    


He clearly felt that his willpower was like facing the vast ocean under Ming Yu's attack, and his fighting spirit and fighting spirit were completely destroyed.    


Even though Wushang's Soulshake Slash was very powerful, it was still no match for the power of the Blood Prison Dragon-elephant.    


If it wasn't for his Wushang's Soul Shocking Slash and the three Core Controlling Stage expert of Third Layer s behind him releasing their killing moves, Butler Pei would probably be turned into ashes at the first possible moment!    


"Cough, cough …"    


Butler Pei coughed out a mouthful of blood. He looked extremely dispirited. His previously high-spirited appearance was now a stark contrast to his dispirited look.    


"Butler Pei, get up! Get up! " However, Soong Feiyang did not know the truth. He only knew that his butler was lying in a pit of earth. This made him feel very humiliated!    


"Subordinate... "Yes, sir."    


Butler Pei trembled and wanted to move his body out of the pit, but he realized that he didn't even have the strength to do so.    


"Get up."    


Soong Feiyang was really worried. He rushed to the side of Butler Pei and held Butler Pei with both hands. Just as he was about to pull him out of the pit, he heard a "kacha" sound.    


"..." Don't move! "    


Butler Pei opened his eyes wide and roared loudly, scaring Soong Feiyang out of his wits.    


Soong Feiyang was a bit confused. He asked with a guilty conscience, "What's wrong, Butler Pei?"    


"Break …" "It's broken." Butler Pei's lips trembled, cold sweat seeped out of his forehead that was mixed with blood.    


"What's broken?"    


Butler Pei's face turned red from the pain. He almost squeezed out the words through his clenched teeth, "Bones..." "The bones are broken …"    


"What?" "You …"    


Soong Feiyang looked at Butler Pei's facial features which were squeezed together in pain, and he finally calmed down. Observing Butler Pei's injuries, he realized that Butler Pei's aura was disorderly, and all the bones in Butler Pei's body were twisted and deformed. He never thought that Butler Pei's bones would be broken by Ming Yu's punch!    


The lift he used to lift himself seemed to have broken half of Butler Pei's broken spine …    


"How could this be …"    


Soong Feiyang's hands went soft and Butler Pei's body fell down from his hands into the hole with a "kacha" sound... Butler Pei's spine was completely broken.    


"..." "Wow!"    


On the other hand, Soong Feiyang swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Just now, he had examined Butler Pei's injuries, and that was when he felt Ming Yu's terrifying strength from the side. If he was in Ming Yu's hands, he probably would have died a violent death!    




Suddenly, Soong Feiyang heard the sound of someone hitting the ground behind him. His heart started to beat crazily, and cold sweat started to pour out of his forehead. Then, he trembled and slowly tilted his head backwards.    


From the corner of his eyes, he saw that the person who had landed on the ground was not Ming Yu. Who else could it be?    




Soong Feiyang jumped three feet into the air and directly retreated backwards as he yelled: "You …" Don't come over, I'm warning you not to! "    


"Who insulted me just now, and who wanted to kill me?"    


Liu Tie had a cold smile on his face as he walked step by step towards Soong Feiyang. Just now, he had relied on his own strength to directly defeat twenty to thirty experts, including Butler Pei, and now, as someone who was at the third level of the Core Controlling Stage, facing Soong Feiyang who was merely at the second level of the Core Controlling Stage, he was simply like an ant seeing an ant.    


"I'm warning you, don't act recklessly."    


Soong Feiyang's cheeks were moving up and down. Although his heart was beating very fast, his rationality allowed him to maintain his clarity of mind. He said coldly: "Do you know who my father is? If you kill me now, you will definitely die in the future. At that time, you will definitely die a very, very miserable death. "    


He wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead and smiled with relief, "Why don't I give you a huge sum of money now, and then you can take those two women with you and leave. I won't argue anymore."    




Ming Yu raised his eyebrows: "What if I say I don't agree?"    


"But you can't possibly refuse."    


Soong Feiyang smiled. The more he spoke, the more confident he became because he knew that no one could act against him under the authority of his father.    


"Unfortunately, even if your father is strong enough, I still want to kill you today. No one can stop him."    




Ming Yu instantly appeared in front of Soong Feiyang. Soong Feiyang's smile froze and he shouted in panic, "No, you can't …"    




His words came to an abrupt stop because Ming Yu had already sent a fist flying and directly smashed onto Soong Feiyang's head.    


The Holy Spirit Cover was originally the hardest bone of a person, but Soong Feiyang's Holy Spirit Cover was directly smashed into smithereens by Ming Yu! His eyes were wide open as he collapsed to the ground, completely lifeless. His expression was frozen in fear. Even before his death, he still remembered that the young man had never shown the slightest bit of fear towards him!    


Actually, Ming Yu didn't need to be afraid. Right now, if he killed Soong Feiyang, even if someone could find out his background, as long as he returned to the Flame God Sect, those so-called powerful forces would not be able to do anything to him.    


After all, if the prestige of Flame God Sect was placed here, it would be covered by Flame God Sect.    


Just like Soong Feiyang had thought, a single person wouldn't cause the two forces to fall out, so killing Soong Feiyang was naturally impossible for City of Delight, and they didn't dare to fall out with Ming Yu either.    


Thus, Ming Yu did not have any fear.    


After taking care of Soong Feiyang, Ming Yu kept his Storage Ring Finger and quickly ran off into the distance.    


This breakthrough had allowed Ming Yu's strength to increase by another level, but he knew that it was still too early for him to truly have the right to speak within the Flame God Sect.    


Although Ming Yu was confident, he did not expand because he knew very clearly that with his current combat power, he had increased another level. However, he was still not a match for Lu Jian and Wang Han.    


Thus, the journey of becoming a true expert had only just begun!    


As he thought about it, Ming Yu connected to the Dragon-Sparrow of Black Wing's heart meridian with a thought. The Dragon-Sparrow of Black Wing quickly sensed his call and turned around, reloading it before flying into the distance.    


"Are you okay?"    


On the back of the Dragon-Sparrow of Black Wing, Hei Ji looked at Ming Yu with concern. He noticed that Ming Yu's body was covered with a few wounds where sharp weapons had entered into his flesh.    


Immediately, Hei Ji felt much more at ease.    


Although Hei Ji complained about Ming Yu's hot-headed way of killing the enemy, she felt warm inside for some reason.    


However, Hei Ji felt uncomfortable when she recalled what Ming Yu said when he looked at Qing Xuan: "She's very scared, help me protect her."    


Ming Yu's concern for Qing Xuan surpassed his concern for himself?    


Myself... He was a friend that he had known for a long time … Isn't it?    


Just when Hei Ji was thinking about it, Qing Xuan, who was originally a bit shy, also looked at Ming Yu with a very touched expression. Just then, she thought Ming Yu might have harboured malicious intentions towards her, but when she saw Ming Yu fearlessly throw them away and fight alone in front of her, she was already sure of Ming Yu's intentions.    


This was definitely a good man. He really wanted to save her.    


Qing Xuan was especially touched by Ming Yu's performance after that. When she thought back to the previous scene, her face couldn't help but blush a little. She didn't know why, but her heart started to race when Ming Yu approached her.    


"Thank you big brother for saving me, I still don't know your name." Qing Xuan said in embarrassment.    


"Just call me Ming Yu." Ming Yu said simply.    


Qing Xuan nodded her head, "Oh, it's Brother Ming Yu. What's the name of this big sister? She looks so pretty. She's the prettiest big sister I've ever seen."    


Qing Xuan was very naïve. Although she was seventeen, she was different from the royal children who often lived under the guise of 'swindling each other' in the outside world. Therefore, she retained her innocence.    


Hei Ji also smiled when she heard this. After all, there was no girl who didn't like to be praised as beautiful.    




Ming Yu glanced at Hei Ji sarcastically, "She is called Yue Ye. We just met, so we aren't very familiar with each other."    


"..." "Tsk."    


Hei Ji rolled her eyes at Ming Yu, but didn't try to defend herself. On the contrary, she said angrily, "That's right, my name is Yue Ye, and I don't know this guy at all. I'm still more familiar with big brother Qin Fann."    


The two of them did not give in to each other as they spoke. However, they did not sense the faint disappointment in the depths of each other's eyes.    


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