Chaotic Conceited God



Soong Yuanyuan had already planned a bright future for Ming Yu.    


She also believed that Ming Yu would definitely become an outstanding elite disciple with his own efforts, fighting shoulder to shoulder with her other three elite disciples, and creating the glory of Flame Refinement Clan.    


However, at this very moment, there wasn't much joy on Ming Yu's face, because he was already ninety percent sure that there was a conspiracy between Flame Fusion Clan and darkness.    


A plot to destroy Flame Refinement Clan!    


Ming Yu had to inform Soong Yuanyuan of his deduction as soon as possible, and with Soong Yuanyuan's words, he had to deduce the possible actions of both sides, and then take possible countermeasures. Otherwise, if he were to keep Flame Refinement Clan in the dark and everything was in a passive state, then he would have to bear an even greater blow!    


In the end, he would even get a reward of 100,000 contribution points. That was equivalent to the assets of a billion Black Jade, and he could buy a lot of cultivation resources, Ming Yu estimated that in the near future, he would not lack any cultivation resources.    


"100,000 merit points, I'll give it to you …."    


The Flame Burning Clan Law Enforcer gritted his teeth and stiffly took the fire Crystal Card from Ming Yu's hand. With a thought, a milky white stream of light passed from the upper echelons of the Flame God Sect to Ming Yu's Crystal Card.    


The milky white stream of light merged with the fire Crystal Card and disappeared. Following that, the fire Crystal Card turned from a scarlet red to a brilliant golden orange in the slightest of vibrations!    


"I've just transferred the information about the hundred thousand Contribution Value to your card. The Crystal Card will sense it, and any cards that exceed one hundred thousand Contribution Value will automatically turn orange in color …" The Flame Burning Clan Law Enforcer explained unwillingly.    


Every time a Contribution Value exceeded a certain amount, the flame Crystal Card would automatically change its color. It did not only represent a large number of Contribution Value, it was also a symbol of honor and identity.    


When he saw Ming Yu's Flaming Crystal Card change color, the Flame Burning Clan Law Enforcer's eyes were filled with intense jealousy. It had to be said that his Flaming Crystal Card did not change color at all.    


Now that Ming Yu owned this kumquat colored Fire Crystal Card, in terms of status and identity, he seemed to be one head higher than him.    


The Flame Burning Clan Law Enforcer was furious in his heart, and did not want to stay here any longer. He quickly picked up the gigantic Dragon Egg and placed it into the Storage Ring's finger, then supported the still shocked Flame Fusion Clan Law Enforcer, returning together to the two opposing factions.    


Zhong Qiushan, who was not far away, tried his best to calm down the humiliation he had just suffered. He stared at Ming Yu with a pair of cold eyes and instantly released his formless dignity, "Brat, I will remember your actions today."    


Stealing the Dragon Egg originally depended on one's own ability. What Zhong Qiushan said was more like Ming Yu stealing the Dragon Egg, it was a huge mistake.    


"Hehe, you already have a deep impression of shame, why do you need to remember it?"    


Ming Yu didn't show any signs of shrinking back as a sneer appeared on his face: "I hope that when you go to bed tonight, you won't lose sleep because of the humiliating incident in the afternoon."    


Hearing this, Zhong Qiushan was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say at all. This lowly existence that was like an ant in front of him, that could be easily crushed, was actually so sharp that it could cause one's hair to stand on end!    


"If you say another word, I'll tear your mouth apart."    


The one who spoke was Ouyang Daoyu. He was already feeling incomparably humiliated, and now Ming Yu's words were like adding oil to fire, causing his mood to become especially agitated.    


He wanted to say something, but Zhong Qiushan reached out his hand to pat Ouyang Daoyu's shoulder, signaling him to step down.    


At that moment, Zhong Qiushan's heart was filled with anger, but he was the supreme expert, and his ability to manage mentality was also incredibly strong. It was just that he calmed down in the time it took to take two breaths, and he did not let Ouyang Daoyu continue to talk, because there was no way to solve this meaningless quarrel, and revenge was the sharp knife that changed everything!    


It wasn't that he didn't want to report it, but that the time wasn't right yet!    


"I think you're very interesting. I hope you can continue to be like this in the future. We have a long time to live."    


Zhong Qiushan's shiny black eyes looked deeply at Ming Yu for a moment before he turned around and led the group of Great Elders and elite disciples away on their flying beasts.    


They might not know this, but the remaining dozens of elite disciples had already stayed in the Ancient Desolation Battlefield forever and would never return …    


As Soong Yuanyuan watched the figures disappear into the horizon, she finally relaxed and the fire energy from her body returned to her dantian.    


"Ming Yu and Ruyan, you did well this time. I'm very pleased."    


Soong Yuanyuan's smile towards Ming Yu was like a blossoming cherry blossom, extremely beautiful.    


However, Ming Yu's mind was still in a tight state, and he slowly said: "Master, I have something very urgent to tell you, I'm afraid that someone will eavesdrop, let's go back and talk about it in Fire Cloud Hall."    


Soong Yuanyuan looked at Ming Yu's serious expression in astonishment. When she turned around to look at Meng Ruyan, she found that there was no happy smile on her pretty face.    


Soong Yuanyuan became confused. Could it be … Did something very serious really happen?    




Flame Refinement Clan, within the enormous Fire Cloud Hall.    


There were three people standing on the enormous pattern on the circular area in the Fire Cloud Hall. It was Soong Yuanyuan, Ming Yu and Meng Ruyan.    


At this moment, it had been about two hours since Ming Yu had returned. Adding the time spent flying on the road, they had probably stayed in Fire Cloud Hall for about a quarter of an hour.    


"So, what you said is true, right?"    


Soong Yuanyuandai's brows were tightly knitted. Her left hand was crossed over Wei Ke's chest while her right hand was touching her chin. Her mood was no longer as gratifying as it was before. Instead, she was sunk in deep thought.    


Just a moment ago, Ming Yu had already told Soong Yuanyuan everything that happened between him and Meng Ruyan during their Ancient Desolation Battlefield.    


Including when Ming Yu was targeted by Faang Lingjun's disciples when he first entered Ancient Desolation Battlefield, and then when Meng Ruyan left by herself and was lured into the cellar by Su Yirann and the rest of them to plot against them, Ming Yu had clearly rushed out to save them.    


"It's absolutely true. If you don't believe me, you can ask Sister Ruyan." Ming Yu turned to look at Meng Ruyan, only to discover that she had lowered her head in embarrassment. It was obvious that she was very ashamed of her previous sexual behavior.    


Looking at Meng Ruyan's actions, Soong Yuanyuan knew without even needing to ask that she knew Ming Yu was right. She was a little angry, because if Meng Ruyan died miserably because of her childish actions, then Soong Yuanyuan would feel an incomparable sense of regret.    


What Soong Yuanyuan was more concerned about was that Ming Yu had said that he had defeated two people at the second level of Core Controlling Stage with his second level strength, and then killed one expert of Third Layer, Lin Hao, and then repelled Su Yirann who was at the third level of Core Controlling Stage.    


Even if it were placed under the Flame God Sect's three branches, it would still cause a sensation!    


If Ming Yu hadn't said it himself, and if Meng Ruyan hadn't testified, Soong Yuanyuan would never have believed it.    


At this moment, Soong Yuanyuan looked at Ming Yu with confidence. She slowly said, "It seems that you really have a lot of potential. If it wasn't for you, Ruyan wouldn't have been able to escape from this crisis."    


"But that's not the point."    


However, Ming Yu shook his head: "The main point is, for the people from the Flame Fusion Clan and the Flame Burning Clan to do such an outrageous thing, it means that they no longer put our Flame Refinement Clan in their eyes!"    


"Yes, I already knew that."    


Soong Yuanyuan nodded. Although she was somewhat critical of Meng Ruyan just now, she was more angry at Su Yirann. She said coldly, "I never thought Su Yirann would be this kind of person. His heart has already decayed to the point that it makes me feel sick. If there was a chance, I would definitely break his bones."    


"It would have been fine if he was the only one with a rotten heart, but I'm afraid he's not the only one."    


Ming Yu said with a sigh: "Right now, you can also see the attitude of Flame Fusion Clan, first being openly late, then killing my Flame Refinement Clan's disciples in the Ancient Desolation Battlefield, and I have also seen many of their people bully our Flame Refinement Clan, do you think that this is really just the rot in his heart?"    


At this moment, Ming Yu was ready to reveal all of his thoughts!    


"You seem to have a serious problem." Soong Yuanyuandai's frown deepened.    


However, Ming Yu shook his head, "Even if Flame Fusion Clan and their people bully our disciples, they would not dare to kill my Flame Refinement Clan's disciples directly."    


"Perhaps what I said wasn't accurate enough, and there wasn't enough evidence either. But I thought that this wasn't the attitude of Flame Fusion Clan and Flame Burning Clan disciples, but was led by their Great Clan Elder. In other words, their Great Clan Elder was preparing some sort of plan.    


Actually, Ming Yu's speculation was pretty close.    


In the Ancient Desolation Battlefield, every single person Ming Yu investigated would report his Flame Refinement Clan's identity, and without question, these elite disciples all looked at Ming Yu with disdain. Some of them even tried to rob the treasures on his body, while some people even wanted to directly destroy Ming Yu's martial arts.    


If Ming Yu had encountered people from the two bloodlines who all thought the same, then from a point of view, almost ninety percent of the people from the Flame Fusion Clan and the Flame Fusion Clan had this kind of disdainful attitude!    


It could be said that the majority of the people in both branches had already become a tumor!    


He would be cruel to himself if he did not kill the enemy.    


"If it's really as you say, then the problem is really very serious."    


Soong Yuanyuan began to ponder seriously, "But there's one thing that's wrong, because the core strength of my Flame Refinement Clan is not the newcomers who have entered the Ancient Desolation Battlefield this time, but the elite disciples of the upper echelons …"    


"Wait …"    


The more Soong Yuanyuan spoke, the more she felt that something was not right. According to Ming Yu, if the two factions really wanted to take action against their Flame Refinement Clan, killing the newbies was not the main point.    


This way, his Flame Fusion Clan and Flame Burning Clan could possibly be completely suppressed, and even his Flame Refinement Clan could possibly no longer exist. In that case, this kind of method to make Flame Refinement Clan no longer exist was very likely to be the devouring of Flame Refinement Clan!    


Thinking up to this point, Soong Yuanyuan couldn't help but feel a burst of cold air surge into her back and into her mind. She said in a daze, "If they really want to take action, and cause a fatal blow to her Flame Refinement Clan, this Ancient Desolation Battlefield might not be the main point. The main point is, the Meeting of heroes in half a year, which the elite disciples will be participating in, that would be the best time to suppress them …"    


If this year's Flame Refinement Clan was still at the bottom, then they would have completely lost all momentum.    


Soong Yuanyuan couldn't help but find it laughable. She didn't think that when she hoped for two meridians to coexist peacefully, the other two branches would likely think of ways to destroy the Flame Refinement Clan!    


This was grief, but also despair.    


However, Ming Yu frowned. He tried to infer Soong Yuanyuan's words and said, "Tell me, the elite disciples in the upper echelons …" Group Meeting... Is the gathering of heroes specifically composed of the elite disciples of the upper echelons? "    




Soong Yuanyuan replied: "The Meeting of Heroes is a top-notch competition for all the elite disciples of the three lower bloodlines, and it will be held half a year later, and every year, a ranking competition will be held. If we, the elite disciples of the upper echelons, are at the bottom, then the other two factions will borrow this matter to make a big fuss, and report it to the upper echelons, our Flame Refinement Clan will most likely be threatened greatly …"    


"I have three elite disciples under my command, but unfortunately, they might not be able to get a good result in this competition."    


At this point, Soong Yuanyuan's mood dropped.    


"Then... Can we become the elite disciples of the upper echelons? "    


Ming Yu looked at Meng Ruyan, who was also very worried beside him, and said: "After this Ancient Desolation Battlefield training, both of our combat experience and strength have both increased. I think we might be able to shoulder this heavy responsibility."    


Soong Yuanyuan shook her head helplessly, "That won't do, the elite disciples in the upper echelons have started to reach the fourth level of Core Controlling Stage. How could you reach such a level in half a year's time?"    


"Is that so?"    


Meng Ruyan, who was at the side, couldn't help but sigh when she heard this. She knew that Flame Refinement Clan was a critical situation, and originally wanted to help Flame Refinement Clan with something, but she didn't expect that the group of heroes had such a high threshold.    


However, Ming Yu, who was beside her, was deep in thought and did not seem to give up. "Master, I feel that I might be able to …"    


"Sigh, you're too naive."    


Soong Yuanyuan said in a faint voice, "Our cultivation has been steadily increasing and slowing down. At the beginning, you might have made rapid progress, but the further you cultivate, the more difficult it is for you to do so."    


"Perhaps in these three to four months, it has already been very fast for you to grow from the Transcending Mortality Stage to the second level of Core Controlling Stage, but you have only gone from the second level to the third level of Core Controlling Stage. The passage to the third level will also be more difficult than the previous two levels.    


It was known to all that the cultivator's growth would be gradual and periodic. Within half a year, it would rise from the second level of Core Controlling Stage to the fourth level of Core Controlling Stage.    


It was precisely because it could only be called a miracle, thus it was extremely ethereal. It could be said that it didn't even exist.    


Ming Yu took a deep breath. "But I still want to try. I really want to do something. Really …"    


At the end, Ming Yu choked up.    


Honestly speaking, he came to the Flame Refinement Clan with no feelings for others, and he had never been so selfless as to risk his life for the sake of protecting every single person within the Flame Refinement Clan. Only, after such a short period of interaction, Ming Yu regarded his own Master very highly, and he did not want to see Soong Yuanyuan be pushed into a corner by the Great Clan Elders of the other two factions.    


He couldn't do it...    


Perhaps it was for the Flame Refinement Clan, or perhaps it was just because he approved of the Master, from the moment Ming Yu stepped into the Flame Refinement Clan, he did not want to let down everything he loved here!    


Seemingly having read the emotions in Ming Yu's eyes, Soong Yuanyuan was also infected. She finally sighed and said, "Alright, I do have a mission. The reward for the mission can allow you to improve your cultivation endlessly in a short period of time with sufficient cultivation resources. You don't have to worry about your body being unable to handle it."    




Ming Yu felt his eyes light up as if he saw hope.    


Everyone knew that the body had a bottom line. If the body continued to absorb Elemental Condensation Pill s endlessly every day to cultivate crazily, it would only cause one's cultivation to go berserk, and even the divine pellet would explode.    


However, what Soong Yuanyuan meant was that it would be able to protect him for a short time and increase his cultivation base!    


"Originally, I only wanted my elite disciples to complete this mission, but now, it seems that you will follow me to see the world."    


Soong Yuanyuan said, "But don't think too easily. Firstly, the difficulty of this mission is rather high. Secondly, even if you succeed the mission, you only have a 10% chance of getting this reward."    


Ming Yu couldn't help but frown: "That mission..." "Just what is it …"    


"I want you to save someone."    


Soong Yuanyuan said slowly.    


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