Chaotic Conceited God



However, it didn't matter to the male disciples. However, there were three female disciples among the ten people, so …    


The looks of these three female disciples were all pretty good, and Meng Ruyan was even more exquisite, with an extraordinary temperament. She stood amongst the crowd of women like a crane among a flock of chickens, becoming the core, as if everything around her would lose all color.    


Just like this, a woman who seemed to have transcended the mortal world would soon become naked and be soaked in Flame Refinement Pool.    


When they thought about the snow-white figure of Meng Ruyan under her bright red long skirt, the few young male disciples couldn't help but get restless. Their heartbeats quickened and their throats became dry as they swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.    


"What are you thinking about? While we are absorbing the energy, although we are not in the Flame Refinement Pool, we will monitor the entire process. If anyone is discovered to have committed an act of transcending boundaries, they will definitely punish them severely."    


Soong Yuanyuan glared at the male disciples who had changed expressions and yelled out coldly.    


Flame God Sect had always had strict discipline, and in such a solemn and solemn place of cultivation, it was not allowed to be desecrated by anyone. Since Soong Yuanyuan had already said so, she would definitely do so.    


In the past, there had also been situations where men and women had immersed themselves in Flame Refinement Pool together, but under the pressure of the Great Elder, no one dared to do anything out of line.    


The other male disciples also came to their senses and smiled bitterly in their hearts.    


It was already pretty good to be able to cultivate within the Flame Refinement Clan, and hoping that he would be able to see some beautiful scenes, that seemed to be truly a pipe dream.    


The three women had unpleasant expressions. Even though Soong Yuanyuan had promised them, they still felt estranged in their hearts.    


Meng Ruyan frowned even more as her jade-like face blushed a little. Her beautiful eyes stared coldly at the people around her. She originally wanted to warn them, but she didn't want to say anything to these vulgar disciples.    


In the end, she still chose to keep silent, turned her head in disgust, and directly leaped down toward the Flame Refinement Pool in front of her.    


"Hua …"    


The moment Meng Ruyan entered the Flame Refinement Pool, all of her clothes burned cleanly. The scorching Flame Essence Energy wrapped around Meng Ruyan, only revealing Meng Ruyan's head, snow-white neck, and exquisite collarbone.    


It could be seen that Meng Ruyan's neck had already started to turn red. It gradually climbed up until her entire face was flushed red.    


The look of biting her lower lip with her teeth and blushing bright red cheeks made the male disciples' appetite rise up again, causing their hearts to surge.    


Following closely behind Meng Ruyan, they jumped down from the Flame Refinement Pool and Ming Yu followed closely behind.    


Therefore, all the elite disciples entered the Flame Refinement Pool and the ten people distributed themselves at ten places around the Flame Refinement Pool, as they started to absorb the energy within.    


"Hiss …"    


Earlier, the few male disciples were still holding Meng Ruyan's face in their hearts, but the moment they entered the Flame Refinement Pool, all of their thoughts instantly disappeared, because the burning sensation on their bodies was truly too excruciating, to the point that they had no choice but to focus on themselves and focus on resisting the pain!    


The essence energy within the Flame Refinement Pool was equivalent to the pure energy within the pure energy of the flames. It was extremely pure, and although it would not burn a person's body, it was as if an ordinary person jumped into hot water of eighty degrees, almost causing them to jump.    


"Let's go, let's let these little guys cultivate properly, and hope that the Flame Essence Energy can allow them to grow quickly."    


After Witch said this, he flicked his sleeves and left with Faang Lingjun.    


Soong Yuanyuan glanced at Meng Ruyan and Ming Yu within the Flame Refinement Pool before turning back reluctantly and disappearing from this place.    


Within a radius of fifty meters, only ten elite disciples remained, soaking in the Flame Refinement Pool.    


The Flame Refinement Pool was around twenty meters in diameter and three meters deep. Including Ming Yu, all ten elite disciples were using their true energy to hover above the lake water, and their naked bodies below their necks were all immersed in the water, like ten duckweed evenly distributed around the lake, absorbing the essence energy.    


The expressions on the faces of the remaining nine people were quite unsightly. It was obvious that they were frantically resisting the heat.    


However, Ming Yu was different. He felt like he had just entered a hot spring of less than 40 degrees Celsius. He wanted to cheer for himself.    


Ming Yu already possessed the Yin-and-Yang Body, so his body could produce fire on its own. His heat resistance was very high, and with the improvement of Ming Yu's cultivation, although his Blood Bone and muscles didn't change greatly, they became more and more solid.    


Furthermore, Ming Yu had taken the Bone Refining Purple Flame before, so his bones were extremely tough!    


It was precisely because of this that Ming Yu did not feel hot facing the Flame Essence Energy. Instead, he felt comfortable.    


Furthermore, Ming Yu could clearly feel that this essence energy was extremely pure, and the quality of the fire element was also extremely high. In the outside world, it was almost impossible to find such pure energy, but using it to refine Infinite True Fire was just perfect!    


Ming Yu took out the memories of the refined Infinite True Fire and absorbed the pure flame energy through his 36,000 pores into his body. Then, it all rushed towards his heart.    


The Infinite True Fire was not stored inside the Mind Pill, but was hidden inside the heart, outside the Mind Pill.    


In other words, Ming Yu's ultimate goal was to forge a Infinite True Fire in the heart and use it to wrap around the entire Mind Pill.    


If Ming Yu wanted to use the Infinite True Fire's astral energy, he could only use the true qi from the Mind Pill to stimulate the surrounding Infinite True Fire and form berserk astral energy to protect his entire body!    


This was equivalent to Ming Yu's heart being protected by the Infinite True Fire, and the Mind Pill in his heart was even safer!    


It was obvious that the Mind Pill was the vital point of the cultivator, but once Ming Yu forged the Infinite True Fire inside his heart, his heart would become the hardest part of him. Even though the same level of deadly attack can cut off Ming Yu's head, it can't cut off his heart!    


"As long as I use this unique method to convert the essence energy into a Infinite True Fire, it can be considered as the first profound mystery behind activating the Infinite Yin Yang Spell: The Infinite True Fire's astral form!"    


Ming Yu's eyes were filled with firm confidence. He closed his eyes and the other nine people in his mind seemed to have disappeared. He was the only one left, focused on extracting energy and cultivating.    


"Hua Hua …"    


One by one, the Flame Essence Energy rushed into Ming Yu's heart through his meridians. The first thing Ming Yu felt was a piercing pain as he subconsciously clenched his fists!    


Although his muscles and bones were resistant to heat, his heart was still a weak body. If he wanted to first infuse the essence energy into his heart, it would be a painful process!    


Ming Yu felt his heart ache. This kind of feeling made Ming Yu's body start to unconsciously spasm.    


But Ming Yu knew, he had to persevere, although the Infinite True Fire's astral energy was abnormal, the process of refining it would be very difficult, and if he did not pass this time, then no matter how strong the Infinite True Fire astral energy was, it would have nothing to do with him.    


"Let's go all out!"    


Thinking of this, Ming Yu clenched his teeth, and continued to absorb the Flame Essence Energy into his heart, constantly filling it up.    


The other nine of them poured their Flame Essence Energy s into their bodies. Because they could not endure the pain, the energy that flowed into their hearts was very little, and the rate at which it was absorbed was very slow.    


However, Ming Yu was different. He only poured energy into his heart, and it was a crazy rate. His rate of absorption was five or even ten times faster than the average for the other nine people!    


Time flew by and in the blink of an eye, three days had passed.    


The remaining nine people had already gradually adapted to the flame's temperature within their Flame Refinement Pool and were relatively easy to absorb. A few days ago, there were a few people who were wailing like ghosts and howling like wolves, but until now, all of them had become somewhat calmer.    


Ming Yu was the only one left, his body was still convulsing and even letting out muffled growls from time to time.    


Meng Ruyan, who was soaking in the lava at the edge of the Flame Refinement Pool opposite of Ming Yu, lightly glanced at Ming Yu before she once again closed her eyes and started to cultivate.    


The other two female disciples looked at Ming Yu with undisguised contempt. They were both girls and could barely endure it. Ming Yu was a man for so long, yet he was still yelling at the top of his lungs.    


Several male disciples looked at Ming Yu and shook their heads. Ming Yu was still in such pain. His physical fitness must be too poor and he will reach the shore soon.    


Originally, he thought that Ming Yu had some ability, but now, it seems that it was only this much.    


As they thought about this, everyone once again closed their eyes and began training.    


However, what they didn't know was that the height of the entire Flame Refinement Pool was slowly decreasing at a speed that completely surpassed the rate that they could absorb it …    


In the blink of an eye, ten days had passed in this silent immersion.    


These disciples, who were originally in a stable state of mind three days later, began to feel a burning sensation in their bodies. This kind of burning sensation was becoming more and more unbearable to bear.    


Ten days of time, they had already absorbed and made Flame Essence Energy and soaked here for ten days, which was equivalent to a hundred days in the outside world, maybe even more. Therefore, they wanted to continue cultivating here, and absorb one more Flame Essence Energy and one more.    


However, after another three days, there was finally someone who couldn't take it anymore.    


At this moment, Ming Yu was still frowning. The Flame Essence Energy in his heart had compressed about a third of the energy it had poured into it. The pain in his heart was still ongoing.    


He was on the verge of collapse, and this kind of balance was something he could bear.    


"This boy, he was clearly in pain, yet he's still enduring it?"    


That elite disciple couldn't stand it any longer and looked at Ming Yu. He said in a cold tone, "Hey, wake up, are you still able to endure?"    


However, Ming Yu didn't respond at all.    


"Hey, I'm talking to you. Have you gone stupid? F * ck." That elite disciple snorted lightly, stood up, put on his clothes and left coldly.    


He had originally thought that he would be among the few people who would last until the end. Who would have thought that he would be the first one to leave?    


The other disciples could not hold on any longer, but none of them went ashore first.    


They were all trying to use Ming Yu as a benchmark. If Ming Yu didn't get up, they definitely wouldn't get up. If they lost to a kid who was at the first level of Core Controlling Stage, how could they show their face?    


Time passed. Two days. Three days. Finally, those disciples could no longer endure it. Their entire bodies were scorching hot, as if they were on fire. This was too painful!    


However, Ming Yu continued to cultivate with his eyes closed.    


Although his body would occasionally spasm and emit low roars and grunts, he had no intention of going ashore at all.    


"This person is too stubborn. For a moment, he is too stubborn, and eventually, he will destroy himself." A disciple at the second level of the Core Controlling Stage said coldly.    


His face was flushed red, and his body had already reached its limit. The disciple next to him sneered and shook his head, "That's right, if I'm not wrong, he has already went berserk, his martial path foundation was damaged, and his cultivation was destroyed in an instant."    


"We are not comparable to this kind of psychopath." We are not compared to this kind of psychopath.    


A disciple beside Ming Yu directly climbed out of the Flame Refinement Pool and dressed properly on the shore.    


The other disciples also nodded and climbed up to the shore. As if a heavy burden had been lifted off their shoulders, they put on their clothes and headed for the door.    


Previously, the Great Elder had instructed them to leave immediately after absorbing the Flame Refinement Pool so as to not disturb the people who were cultivating.    


But when they left the Flame Refinement Pool and came out of the passageway, they stopped at the same time, as they all wanted to see the ridiculous look on Ming Yu's face as he went berserk.    


However, there wasn't the slightest hint of a smile in their eyes.    


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