Chaotic Conceited God



"The rules have been explained. Now it's time for everyone to rely on their own abilities."    


Witch retracted his gaze from the elite disciples and looked towards Faang Lingjun and Soong Yuanyuan: "You two, let's begin."    


Just as he finished speaking, the Spirit Qi in Witch's body exploded forth and with a flick of his wrist, a purple flame rose from Witch's hand. It condensed into a purple colored fireball that was the size of a thumb.    


Faang Lingjun, who was at the side, also condensed a flame. However, this wisp of flame was actually a deep blue color. The flame was soft, like water, gently burning, but the air around the ball of flame was already distorted!    


On the other hand, the fireball that Soong Yuanyuan condensed out was different from Witch and Faang Lingjun, it was a scarlet flame, but the fireball that Soong Yuanyuan condensed out was unusually violent and continued to emit crackling sounds.    


Source Core Soul!    


Ming Yu could tell from the Dark Soul's touch that the three different energies all came from the divine pills in the dantian of Soong Yuanyuan and the other two. The reason why these flames were different was because the attributes of their Source Core Soul were different!    


Previously, Ming Yu had heard Hei Ji talk about the classification of Source Core Soul, but now that he thought about it, Soong Yuanyuan, Faang Lingjun and Witch were all element-type Source Core Soul.    


"Let's go."    


Just as Ming Yu was deep in his thoughts, Witch already let out a shout. His wrist extended forward and Faang Lingjun and Soong Yuanyuan also reached out their palms at the same time, aiming the fireball in front of them.    


From the three fireballs, streams of light of different colors shot out, heading towards a depression in the Cultivating Tower gate in front of them.    


The three beams of light gathered at one point and bombarded the stone trough.    


Although the other seven Great Elders did not have as much energy as Soong Yuanyuan and the other two, their Zhen Qi was also quite vigorous. All of them gathered their Zhen Qi and inserted it into the stone trough together.    


Ten streams of energy poured into the stone trough at almost the same time. With a muffled "weng" sound, the stone trough lit up with a milky white brilliance. The light grew brighter and brighter until it finally reached a dazzling level.    


During the process of infusing energy, the entire oppressive Cultivating Tower seemed to come alive, as if a walking corpse had been infused into the soul, and began to be filled with vitality!    


Just like this, half a minute passed and the milky white energy in the stone trough was already overflowing. The door that was 30 meters tall slowly opened on both sides!    


"The Cultivating Tower has been activated, and the time to witness your strength has come. Children, charge."    


Just as Witch's voice fell, the elite disciples all madly rushed towards the Cultivating Tower, and disappeared within the pitch-black and mysterious gate in the blink of an eye.    


Behind Soong Yuanyuan, Meng Ruyan's figure flashed and was the first to rush into the door. Tang Chen followed closely behind, while Ming Yu was the last to charge into the door.    


After all the elite disciples had rushed into the Cultivating Tower, the thirty meter tall thick door slowly closed up.    


The stone grooves on the door were flickering with a milky white light. The ten Elders extended their right hands horizontally, continuously forming light pillars and pouring energy into the grooves.    


As long as they continued to channel energy into it, the mechanisms within the Cultivating Tower would continue to operate.    


"Yuan Yuan, I hope your disciple can persevere a little longer. If it is eliminated too early, it would be meaningless." Faang Lingjun turned his head to look at Soong Yuanyuan as he reached out his hand to output energy. The corner of his mouth lifted into a faint smile.    


Soong Yuanyuan narrowed her eyes and glanced at Faang Lingjun. She puffed up her cheeks and refocused her gaze on the tightly shut door.    


"Meng Ruyan, this time, you have to fight for me!"    


Soong Yuanyuan's left hand, which was hanging by her side, clenched involuntarily as she muttered to herself.    


At the same time, within the Cultivating Tower.    


Less than two breaths of time after Ming Yu charged into the Cultivating Tower, the gate behind him slowly closed. Ming Yu originally thought that the surroundings would become bright, but he discovered that he couldn't even see his own fingers in front of him.    


Ming Yu could no longer feel the auras of the elite disciples in front of him. He felt that there was nothing around him but himself.    


All of a sudden, Ming Yu felt a ray of light rush into his chest. He looked inside and found a white flower with nine petals quietly floating and rotating inside his body.    


"This is …" "Is this the assessment's record mark?"    


Ming Yu thought for a while, then suddenly, a big hand grabbed onto his entire body and pulled him forward. Ming Yu felt as if his body was going back and forth in a long tunnel, and after just three breaths of time, he felt like his eyes lit up, and he had already arrived somewhere.    


Ming Yu looked around and discovered that he was in a space with a circumference of fifty meters. The surroundings were dark. However, a scarlet golden light was being emitted from underground.    


It turned out that the ground Ming Yu was on was mostly cracked. Within the cracks, there was golden-red magma pulsating and even a small amount of it sputtered out from the cracks.    


The entire space was scorching hot, if a normal person was here, they would definitely die on the spot. However, Ming Yu, with his Yin-and-Yang Body, was extremely resistant to fire, so he could only feel the heat here.    


All of these did not strike Ming Yu as strange. What he found strange was that in front of this area, there was a warrior model formed by an unknown black metal armor.    


Helmet, breastplate, armguard, steel glove, knee guard, iron boots...    


The entire armor gave off a heavy and solid feeling!    


"The first level of the Cultivating Tower challenge, defeat Hot Bath Iron Hand, challenge, begin now!" A muffled sound came from all directions and resounded within the space.    


Following that, streams of lava rose out of the cracks in the ground beneath Ming Yu's feet and flowed into the armor. Flaming energy gathered crazily and formed a figure of fire!    


The fiery figure was tall and sturdy, and it had completely propped up the exquisite metal armor. Flames rushed out from the gaps between the black armor, blazing fiercely and brilliantly.    


This, was the Hot Bath Iron Hand!    


In the next moment, from within Hot Bath Iron Hand's burning head, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly opened. A wave of vast aura also instantly surged out and swept towards Ming Yu.    


Ming Yu was shocked, the aura of the Hot Bath Iron Hand was actually at the peak of the first stage of Core Controlling Stage!    


"Welcome to my trial!"    


Hot Bath Iron Hand's right hand that was wearing a steel glove clenched and a huge fire sword instantly condensed into form, instantly rushing towards Ming Yu. The fire sword slashed horizontally, the sound was vast and terrifying, the moment Core Controlling Stage, the moment Peak Expert saw this move, he would have to seriously accept it!    


However, Ming Yu did not move at all in the face of this strike that contained an awe-inspiring killing intent.    


Just as the Longsword in Hot Bath Iron Hand's hand was about to reach him, Ming Yu's right arm suddenly shot out, the Acheron Sword was still in his hand, his sword slanted!    


"Not at all."    


Hot Bath Iron Hand's sword was suddenly struck and sent flying. Ming Yu suddenly met it head on, the Longsword in his hands flew, and the six swords instantly attacked.    


"Shua!" Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! "Swish!"    


Each of the slashes made a sharp and awe-inspiring sword mark in the air!    


When the fast and graceful six slashes passed by, Ming Yu had already appeared behind the Blazing Iron Hand. The surrounding vital parts of the Blazing Iron Hand Armor were all cut by Ming Yu's sword force. The flames exploded and turned into smoke.    


A pile of armor lost its support and crashed into the ground.    


Ming Yu turned around and looked at the armor on the ground, but he didn't feel excited at all.    


Just now, Ming Yu had released a total of seven strikes, and each strike had been made with the. Although they did not combine their attacks, they were still considered to be the seven small forms of the Seven Existences God Buried Sword.    


In fact, Ming Yu seemed to be at the first level of Core Controlling Stage now, but his strength was already several times stronger than it was a month ago.    


To be able to instantly kill a powerhouse at the peak of the first stage of Core Controlling Stage, it was already an extremely easy feat for Ming Yu.    


"Since I have already defeated the Hot Bath Iron Hand, why can't I enter the next stage?"    


Ming Yu did not sense any movement in this space. Logically speaking, he should have already been transported to the second floor of Cultivating Tower building.    




Ming Yu suddenly realized that the white flower inside his body was still quietly spinning. However, not a single petal was given the color of fire!    


"Hua …"    


The lava from the cracks in the ground actually rose up again, and once again poured into the armor on the ground. In just a few breaths of time, Hot Bath Iron Hand had revived in front of Ming Yu!    


And this time, the Hot Bath Iron Hand's aura was actually stronger than before!    


"What's going on?"    


Ming Yu was stunned. He had clearly broken through the Hot Bath Iron Hand's energy barrier just now and felt that the Hot Bath Iron Hand's energy barrier had dissipated. But why was the Hot Bath Iron Hand still able to gather it up again?    


Ming Yu once again swung his sword in anger, the Hot Bath Iron Hand condensed his fire sword and clashed with Ming Yu's sword in anger.    


After a few exchanges, Ming Yu found an opening and stabbed his sword into Hot Bath Iron Hand's lower jaw, directly piercing through Hot Bath Iron Hand's head.    




With an explosion, the flames on Hot Bath Iron Hand's body exploded. Energy scattered in all directions and the aura once again disappeared.    


This time, Ming Yu clearly felt that Hot Bath Iron Hand was really stronger than before.    


"So you mean to say that you will have to defeat the Hot Bath Iron Hand twice in the first stage. Is this finally the end?" Ming Yu muttered.    


However, before Ming Yu could relax his mind, a flame rose from the ground and slowly condensed into the armor.    


That burly figure with burning flames and dark black armor stood in front of Ming Yu once again!    


Ming Yu frowned and his expression became serious.    


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