Chaotic Conceited God



This strike was Ming Yu's strongest move so far, Weeping Wail!    


Weeping Sobbing Sword was an enhanced deathblow from Weeping Sword. With an even more terrifying vibration frequency and speed that increased to the speed of sound, a Soul Shocking Sword was formed!    


The Laryngeal Sealing Sword in Ming Yu's hand slashed out, bringing along a large amount of shock waves. Although it was only a single slash, it was like a torrent of sword qi, like layers upon layers of surging waves, causing the killing intent sword qi of the death lotus to shatter into nothingness.    


When Ming Yu's Laryngeal Sealing Sword slashed at the graceful tip of the Shadowless Sword, it felt greatly obstructed, and as for the Shadowless Sword, it was similarly difficult to advance even an inch forward.    




Ming Yu's arms suddenly exerted force, sending the Shadowless Sword flying. Following which, a torrent of Sword Qi rushed out crazily towards Ye Xi, who was standing not far away from them with a stunned expression, and pushed her back abruptly.    




Ye Xi's delicate body shot backwards like a cannonball, leaving a hundred meters of scratch marks on the ground. Finally, she slammed into the wall at the south side of the training field with a "dong", causing a spider web to form.    


She slumped against the collapsed wall, her entire body covered in sword qi scars. She struggled to get up, but in the next moment, Ming Yu had already appeared in front of her, with Laryngeal Sealing Sword s pressing against her snow-white neck!    




The entire audience of thirty thousand people was in an uproar. Almost all of them stood up at the same time to look at the back of the sword-wielding youth. Everyone's heart was filled with incomparable shock!    


Ye Xi, who was like an undefeatable goddess in their hearts, had actually been defeated by a prince that they called trash?    


This was unbelievable!    


The one who was the most shocked was Ye Xi herself.    


Her personality was originally as calm as water, but now, her heart was filled with raging waves.    


Ye Xi raised her head to look at the young man before her. As she looked up at the tall and sturdy figure, scenes played out in her mind.    


That Seventeenth Prince who was once unqualified for martial arts; that Seventeenth Prince who was once timid and afraid to face anything; that Seventeenth Prince who would blush and blush whenever he saw him; that Seventeenth Prince who would do everything he could to please him when he was unhappy; that Seventeenth Prince who was once at his mercy and obediently listened to him …    


But now, he was standing in front of her without any hesitation. Her only choice was to look up to him with his tall and burly stature, and she could only look up at his strength and the formless sharpness that exuded from his body!    


That's right, this cowardly man who was like an ant in front of her had now become an upright man, a person she had to look up to!    


Seeing Ye Xi's trembling eyes, Ming Yu smiled in relief.    


He was not trying to prove how strong he was, nor was he trying to prove how outstanding he was amongst the countless geniuses. He was just trying to tell Ye Xi that the young man whom she had cheated and insulted could now surpass her and take back the dignity she had lost.    


The river flowed east, east, and west for thirty years. Don't look down on a young man's poverty!    


Your eyes are wrong.    


Everything that Ming Yu wanted to convey was completely received by Ye Xi. She just sat there stunned, but very quickly, a flame ignited in Ye Xi's heart. She had to surpass Ming Yu and restore all the face she had lost today!    


"This Seventeenth Prince might be a good seedling."    


On the vermilion roof of the palace, five miles away from the martial arena, a man wearing a cloak spoke indifferently. His voice was extremely hoarse, and there was no trace of emotion in his voice.    


Beside him was another man similarly dressed. There was admiration in his tone, but he shook his head and smiled. "Unfortunately, everything will be gone tonight."    


These two men were originally very conspicuous on the eaves of the palace, but in reality, no one was able to see their existence.    


That was because on the roof of the palace, there was a circle of strange black patterns that formed a semicircle and it blocked both vision and aura.    


Even King Ming was unable to sense the auras of the two of them from ten miles away.    


"Let's go. We have already figured out the location. It's inconvenient for us to stay for long."    




With that, the two of them disappeared into thin air above the eaves of the building.    




At this moment, in the training field in the northwest direction, the shock was still ongoing. Everyone looked at Ming Yu in a completely different light.    


As for Ye Xi, who was leaning against the caved in wall, her beautiful face was now filled with icy coldness and disbelief. Today, she had completely lost all face.    


"Today, you've won. However, one day, I will return the humiliation that you added to my body." Ye Xi said coldly, about to ignore the Laryngeal Sealing Sword that Ming Yu was holding on to her neck.    


However, Ming Yu's sword did not move: "Did I let you stand up?"    


"What …"    


Before Ye Xi could finish her sentence, she was unable to continue. It turned out that Ming Yu had already inserted the Laryngeal Sealing Sword into Ye Xi's mouth when Ye Xi opened her mouth. The moment his wrist moved, Ye Xi's lilac tongue would be cut off!    


At this moment, Ye Xi's expression changed again! Her beautiful eyes were filled with endless terror.    


She could not beg for mercy, but she kept shaking her head.    


Previously, when she wanted to cut Ming Yu's tongue off, she was full of confidence. But now, when Ming Yu wanted to cut off her tongue, she was about to go crazy.    


No, no, no!    


At this time, the President of the Ministry of Justice, Ye Lingyun, rushed over at the same time. His face was gloomy as he said, "Seventeenth Prince, you've caused enough trouble. It's time to stop!"    




Ming Yu turned around and looked at Ye Lingyun, and said: "Am I making a ruckus? Previously, she said she wanted to cut off my tongue, but I didn't see you coming forward to stop her.    


That's right, Ye Xi wanted to cut Ming Yu's tongue before, but that last move was filled with endless killing intent. Now he was just taking back the debt from before, what was wrong with that?    




Ye Lingyun's face turned red, but she did not know what to say. She just stood there in a daze.    


Ming Yu smiled coldly at Ye Lingyun and turned around. He looked down at Ye Xi and said indifferently:    


"Beg me."    


The word 'simple' caught Ye Xi's attention, but it struck right in her heart!    


Ye Xi's small hands held onto the cloth at her waist as she struggled in her heart. However, when she looked at Ming Yu, who stuck his sword into her mouth with a cold expression, her heart trembled inexplicably.    


At this moment, her arrogance, her arrogance, all of it shattered under Ming Yu's gaze!    


Subconsciously, Ye Xi chose to nod.    


Nodding meant obedience, surrender. That's right, she was begging Ming Yu to let her go!    


In the next moment, Ye Xi felt her words lighten. Ming Yu had already retracted his Laryngeal Sealing Sword and left without even looking at her.    


The sword that had been stabbed into Ye Xi's mouth represented Ming Yu's attitude. However, when that sword was retracted, it was Ming Yu's kindness towards Ye Xi.    


"I …"    


Ye Xi was like a deflated balloon as she sat there dispiritedly.    


How could this be … How could I beg for mercy from him... How could I beg for mercy from the person I once despised the most?    


Ye Xi's gaze was unfocused. After a long while, she realized that Ming Yu really did surpass her. She really begged Ming Yu for mercy. She really … He had completely lost!    


Ye Xi felt a strong sense of grievance rising from within her heart. Tears flowed uncontrollably from her eyes …    


The goddess in the hearts of 30,000 people was actually sitting on the ground right now. She was angered by Ming Yu to the point of crying. In everyone's eyes, this was an extremely awkward situation …    


Ye Xi seemed to have finally accepted the harsh reality. Her eyes had just recovered a little, but it was followed by intense hatred!    


Ming Yu, one day, I will kill you!    


The more she thought about it, the more wronged she became. Ye Xi cried even harder …    


On the side, Mu Lang, who was watching the scene, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said something that even he himself couldn't believe:    


"I declare that the young warrior who obtained the final victory in this competition is Seventeenth Prince of the Great Wu Dynasty, His Highness Ming Yu! Everyone, please give your applause to this year's champion! "    


"Hua Hua Hua …"    


The crowd burst into thunderous applause. Watching Ming Yu walk step by step up until now, they felt admiration from the bottom of their hearts.    


However, there were still many people who did not applaud. They could not accept the fact that Ming Yu had suddenly risen to power, and there were even many who were filled with jealousy, while everyone in Ye Family fell into a deathly silence.    


They had originally planned to watch Ye Xi emerge and become famous in one shot. They had even planned for her to win in the end, but they could no longer say those arrogant words out loud.    


"The champion of this year's competition will be awarded 300 Elemental Condensation Pill s, one High Grade Martial Technique of Spirit Level, level eight Xuan Weapon, and a set of Golden Protective Equipment!"    


After Mu Lang said this, many people looked at Ming Yu with jealousy and envy.    


Three hundred Elemental Condensation Pill would be equivalent to three million, and a single set of High Grade Martial Technique of Spirit Level would be able to sell for at least five million, while the Gold-plated Armor was a level eight Profound Weapon, which could also sell for five million.    


Moreover, the Golden Armour on Glory was not only a level eight mystical weapon, but also a Dragon Mark totem carved by King Ming himself!    


The meaning was completely different now.    


Wearing this set of Gold-inlaid Glory protective gear not only enhanced his defense to a great extent, but also symbolized his honor and status. Just the level of gimmick that King Ming had personally carved could already raise the price of this Gold-inlaid Glory protective gear by another three million Black Jade!    


Originally, everything was due to Ye Xi's love and affection. However, Ming Yu, this dark horse, had fought his way out and became the biggest winner. He had taken everything down!    


"Ming Yu, come up to the stage and receive your award."    


As he said this, Mu Lang had already made a "please" gesture towards Ming Yu, indicating that Ming Yu should go to King Ming to receive the award.    


At this time, King Ming and Ming Chenyuan were also looking at Ming Yu. There was appreciation in his eyes, but there were also some other things that Ming Yu could not see through.    


After all, in his memory, he had only seen this father a few times, and he had not even been able to figure out his temper.    


"We can't let him obtain the reward. He doesn't have the qualifications!"    


At this moment, a voice suddenly rang out. Everyone turned to look, only to realize that it was none other than Consort Lee, who was sitting at the side of the stage!    


At this moment, Consort Lee's face was extremely ugly. She originally thought that Ming Yu would die, but not only did he not die, he even obtained the first place in the competition, becoming the focus of everyone's attention!    


Consort Lee knew that this world was just that cruel. If she offended Ming Yu, Ming Yu would definitely take revenge. Now that he had this status and power, he would definitely retaliate against himself.    


However, Consort Lee could not just sit there and wait for death. She had to get up and fight back! Even if King Ming no longer cared about him in the future, at least he couldn't let Ming Yu rise to prominence!    


"My beloved concubine, why are you making such a big fuss over nothing?" Ming Chenyuan frowned and asked.    


Consort Lee felt even more wronged after hearing Ming Chenyuan's words of comfort. She kneeled on the ground and started sobbing.    


She pointed at Ming Yu and said miserably, "Your Majesty... You have to seek justice for chenqie! Seventeenth Prince has been bullying our Yude Palace … If he were to obtain this honor today, he would probably become even more unscrupulous in the future … makes my Yude Palace even more miserable! "    


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