Chaotic Conceited God



With that thought, a look of melancholy appeared on Hei Ji's face. She walked to the window, opened it, and looked up at the night sky filled with stars. She couldn't help but be lost in thought.    


Whenever her mood was troubled, Hei Ji would always want to look up at the starry sky. This was something that was hidden deep within her memories. Even after 500 years, she still liked to do this.    


"I don't understand what you mean."    


Ming Yu stood behind Hei Ji. Looking at Hei Ji's beautiful figure with her black hair falling down and revealing her figure in the bright moonlight, he still felt that Hei Ji was very beautiful, like a fairy descending to the window in the dark.    


Just now, when she was pressed against the wall, she didn't resist, and even threw herself into a wonderful embrace with him. But now, like a frightened bird, she chose to retreat.    


"In other words, we are good friends. I am an old demoness who has existed for more than 500 years. How can I be together with a youth who is not even 20 years old?"    


Hei Ji's faint voice drifted over. With one hand on the window railing, she lightly supported her fragrant cheeks and pursed her lips.    


At this moment, she felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist from behind and tightly hug her. Other than Ming Yu, who else would do that?    


"What are you doing now …" Hei Ji tilted her head and tried to struggle free from Ming Yu's embrace, but Ming Yu still held her tightly.    


Ming Yu embraced Hei Ji from behind, with a determined look in his eyes, he smiled and said, "Although you have existed for so many years, but how could there be such a beautiful old granny in this world? She is clearly a peerless beauty who has lived for 500 years."    


From Ming Yu's point of view, even if Hei Ji had lived for a thousand years, three thousand years, or even ten thousand years, she was actually just a weird girl in front of him.    


Hei Ji had been sealed within the Ancient Jade for around five hundred years, so in reality, Hei Ji's mental age still remained in the young girl's state. Therefore, even though she had existed for so long, there was actually no generation gap between her and Ming Yu.    


"Is that so?"    


Hei Ji raised her eyebrows. Her tone was clearly not as forceful as before, but she still said, "But I'm still a soul. At most, I'm just a female ghost. This way, we're even more inappropriate."    


Actually, this was Hei Ji's thoughts. Even if she had existed for so long, she would only be able to survive as a soul for five hundred years. Furthermore, she would continue to survive in this state in the future.    


Even though Hei Ji had a soul embodiment, it still couldn't change the fact that she was a soul.    


This was one of the reasons Hei Ji lacked a sense of security.    


"You don't have to say. I didn't really care before, but now that I think about it, being with such a beautiful ghost girl is pretty exciting, haha."    


"Hey, you …"    


Ming Yu's words made Hei Ji laugh and angry at the same time. She never thought that Ming Yu would joke with her at such a critical moment.    


Just when Hei Ji was about to say something, Ming Yu had already gently rested his chin on Hei Ji's right shoulder. Smelling the nice fragrance off her body, he said in a low voice with an unquestionable resolve, "Rest assured, I will definitely find a way to reconstruct your body."    


"Ugh …" Do you know how difficult the process is? It is almost impossible to reconstruct my body and with your current low realm, you are still very far away from that stage. You might not even be able to reach that stage. " Hei Ji said softly.    


"If I say yes, I will."    


Ming Yu answered without any hesitation.    


When Ming Yu had already decided to stay with Hei Ji, he had such a thought. Although he didn't know how to restore Hei Ji's body, he didn't know how difficult the process would be. However, since he made this choice, Ming Yu would definitely do it!    


He had always been stubborn. Previously, Ming Yu only felt that he was good to Hei Ji because Hei Ji taught him how to draw an inscription pattern. But now, it seemed that the nature of the inscription pattern had completely changed.    


It was for his woman, that's why he did it.    


"Oh …"    


Hei Ji nodded blankly, feeling a strong sense of warmth in her heart.    


"So you're mine."    


At this moment, Ming Yu hugged Hei Ji even more tightly. He rested his chin on Hei Ji's right shoulder and smelled the sweet fragrance in Hei Ji's hair. The softness on Hei Ji's back made Ming Yu's heart flutter even more.    


"..." You hate it. "    


Hei Ji felt something and forcefully turned her body to face Ming Yu …    


Hei Ji stretched out her slender fingers and pressed it against Ming Yu's mouth. Her small face blushed and she pouted, "I didn't agree to your words. None of you men are reliable. Who would believe your flowery words just now?"    


"Then what do you want to believe?" Ming Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


"Ugh …" I want to see your performance first. Let's talk after the crisis in Flame God Sect has been resolved. " Hei Ji thought for a moment and said.    


Hearing Hei Ji's words, Ming Yu felt that it made some sense, so he could only nod, "Alright."    


When Ming Yu returned to the Flame God Sect, he immediately prepared to undergo closed-door training. It would also consume a lot of time so he really didn't have much time to interact with Hei Ji at all.    


And before this crisis was resolved, Ming Yu really didn't have much time to talk about these things.    


"Then... I'll head back to the Ancient Jade first … Will you miss me for the rest of the time? "    


Hei Ji pursed her lips and looked at Ming Yu with her big, talking eyes.    


"I do …" "What about you?"    




Hei Ji's peerlessly pretty face opened up into a smile as if flowers were blooming all over the place. She once again moved in front of Ming Yu, pecked Ming Yu's lips with her small mouth, and then slightly opened her sandalwood mouth.    


Following which, he transformed into a black stream of light and slowly entered the Ancient Jade in Ming Yu's chest, disappearing from sight.    


"Just like that... Gone? "    


Ming Yu could only feel the fragrance lingering from Hei Ji's mouth and teeth. The entire room seemed to have the elegant fragrance lingering from Hei Ji's body.    


Ming Yu smiled helplessly.    


He knew that Hei Ji was a weird and sensitive person. If she wasn't sure that he gave her enough security, she wouldn't easily agree to Ming Yu's request.    


Although Ming Yu felt a headache from having no place to vent his emotions right now, he did not feel that Hei Ji's actions were bad. On the contrary, he admired Hei Ji's principle of not letting things go easily.    


What made Ming Yu unable to retort was that Hei Ji was courteous to Qin Fann, but she was like a mesmerizing demoness in front of him. She was able to stir his emotions with just a few moves.    


Ming Yu couldn't stop himself from thinking about Hei Ji's moving smile, her perfect figure, her snow-white smooth skin, and the faint fragrance on her lips.    


However, what Ming Yu didn't know was that when he decided to be together with Hei Ji, he would face huge obstacles. This kind of pressure came from all sides, but the two of them, who were still in the tip of the iceberg, didn't know.    


However, Ming Yu was a person with a firm will. He decided to protect the person he wanted to protect. Nothing could stop him.    


"Sigh, I won't think about it anymore. I will first solve the problem of Flame God Sect.    


Ming Yu tried his best to calm his emotions. He slowly opened the door, closed it, and then quietly returned to his courtyard.    


What a joke. If Qin Fann were to find out that Hei Ji had walked out from her courtyard, he would probably be so angry that he would flip the whole VIP garden upside down …    


After returning to his room, Ming Yu quickly laid down on his bed. It seemed that Hei Ji's return to his chest made him feel a lot more at ease. After a while, he directly fell into a deep sleep.    


It was not until the early morning of the next day that Ming Yu was woken up by Qin Fann.    


"Ming Yu, did you see Lady Yue Ye? There's no one in her room."    


Qin Fann strode into Ming Yu's room and asked, "She said you were her friend. What exactly is going on? Where is she? Did you see her?"    


Ming Yu raised his eyebrows. Seeing Qin Fann's anxious look, he really couldn't explain himself. He immediately said that there was an urgent matter at Lady Yue Ye's house and asked him to explain it to everyone. She then left in a hurry.    


Qin Fann, who found out the truth, was very disappointed. He lost a beautiful woman just like that. More importantly, he didn't even have a way to contact her!    


Qin Fann felt that this might become a great regret in his life!    


Even though his mood was very sad, he still had to strongly live his days … Qin Fann and the others did not even eat breakfast and directly prepared to leave, riding on their flying beasts to arrive at the center of the Spirit Clan area.    


And at this very moment, Spirit Clan Patriarch Qing Lan had already been waiting respectfully for a long time. He passed over the Pill Heart of Spirit Soul that had been strengthened by the Pious Prayer Will to Qin Fann and the others.    


As for the beautiful lady not appearing, perhaps because she did not obtain the Natural Heart, she did not come.    


"Thank you, Lord Clan Leader."    


Qin Fann looked at the Pill Heart of Spirit Soul in the black box that was emitting bright light and surrounded by dense fog. His mood finally eased a little.    


The fog that rose from the surrounding beasts was a symbol of the Pill Heart of Spirit Soul, the original Natural Heart's surroundings would not release this much spirit energy.    


Ming Yu took his treasure box and opened it. When he looked inside, he found that the spherical body, which was the size of an adult's fist, was completely round.    


Different from Qin Fann and the rest, the Pill Heart of Spirit Soul's fog did not revolve around the Core Formation stage, but within the Core Formation stage. Through the Pill Heart of Spirit Soul, Ming Yu could clearly see the fog that was rolling.    


"It really is an oddity. Even after condensing into a Pill Heart of Spirit Soul, it is different from other Pill Heart of Spirit Soul."    


Ming Yu couldn't help murmuring to himself.    


"Hmph, you really don't know your fortune when you're lucky."    


However, at this moment, Hei Ji who was sitting on the Ancient Jade on Ming Yu's chest snappily said, "The Pill Heart of Spirit Soul in your hand has quite the background. I forgot to tell you yesterday."    


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