Chaotic Conceited God





Ouyang Daoyu, who was standing on the back of the flying beast in the sky, frowned. Previously, the Vicious Beast was still slaughtering wantonly, but now, it was clear that there was no movement.    


Even Su Yirann, Luo Ying, and the others felt it was strange. They clearly didn't hear a sound!    


"Vicious Beast's senses are much stronger than us humans. Many times, they can predict danger …" Ouyang Daoyu looked into the endless distance of the Northern Desert. The sea of sand was obviously moving slowly, but it was filled with a sense of danger that made one's scalp tingle!    


"..." It's here. "    


Ouyang Daoyu's voice sounded again. There was a hint of nervousness, fear and excitement in his voice.    


"Wuu ~ ~ ~    


The instant Ouyang Daoyu's voice fell, the Quicksand Desolate Sea in the distance connected to the horizon, and an extremely low and deep voice sounded. After traveling over ten kilometers, the air in front of Ouyang Daoyu and the others trembled slightly.    


"Everyone spread out, get ready!"    


Ouyang Daoyu shouted loudly, his eyes filled with seriousness. Although his spiritual perception could not reach more than ten kilometers away, just from the sound and the deep vibration, he knew that the first step of the plan had been successful.    


Everyone was on alert. They controlled the flying beasts to scatter in all directions and hover even further away.    


All of a sudden, Ouyang Daoyu stood alone in front of everyone. His fists were clenched tightly as he stared at the quicksand in front of him. Gradually, his willpower rose and became unbearably sharp!    


In less than two minutes, the aura had already arrived. Everyone could clearly see that the dust cloud carried along its surging torrent, like a tsunami. That kind of terrifying sound and impact was shaking everyone's hearts!    




Suddenly, a gigantic figure jumped out of the sand within the torrent. Its speed was as fast as lightning. Just as it revealed its body, it dove into the sea of blood on its left side.    


The enormous figure twisted and distorted crazily within the sand, and then another heart-wrenching howl rang out. More blood surged out from within the flowing sand …    


That was because it had torn all the Vicious Beast that it had yet to escape from into pieces and swallowed them into its stomach!    


"Hua …"    


This time, the figure seemed to be satisfied with its meal. It slowly revealed its head from within the sand. A third of the gigantic figure was now exposed to the sand!    


At this moment, there were still traces of blood on its maw filled with sharp fangs. At this moment, it seemed to be biting onto something, and upon closer inspection, it discovered that what it was biting on was the turtle shell that was several tens of thousands of jin in weight!    


The sea turtle was not dead yet. It shrank its head and body, shivering and hiding in the shell it relied on the most. However, it felt extremely uneasy.    


"Roar …"    


The Vicious Beast bit down twice, but found that it did not bite, and could not help but become angry, its upper and lower jaws suddenly closing, its sharp fangs actually digging into the incomparably thick turtle shell, biting out a few cracks, following that, it became uncontrollable. Along with continuous biting, more cracks appeared, until the entire turtle shell exploded!    


With a "kacha kacha kacha" sound, the Vicious Beast had actually swallowed the entire body of the sea turtle along with the turtle's shell.    


All of this was witnessed by Ouyang Daoyu and the others...    


The Vicious Beast was previously immersed in enjoying the delicious food, but now that it had swallowed all the sea turtles, it noticed that there seemed to be some movement behind it …    


"Roar …"    


It slowly turned its dark gray eyes to the side and looked at Ouyang Daoyu, who was standing on top of the flying beast.    


At this moment, Ouyang Daoyu and the rest had clearly seen the appearance of the Vicious Beast!    


It was a gigantic Vicious Beast that was shaped like a snake, with dark golden thick scales covering its body. It's mouth was long, nose was perky, and on its head, there were two conical silver-grey patterned horns sticking out from its head. Its huge dark-grey eyes bulged out, and two deep black pupils focused on Ouyang Daoyu.    


A third of its body that was covered in sand was around thirty meters long, and its thick body was around three to four meters in diameter. Its two not-so-large, yet extremely sharp three-fingered steel claws seemed to emit a cold killing intent!    


This was the Peak Rank 4 Vicious Beast: Flood Dragon Beast of Desert!    


Ouyang Daoyu was already mentally prepared, but when he saw the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert, his heart was still filled with shock!    


The Flood Dragon Beast of Desert already had a trace of the dragon's bloodline on it, and staring at them with its eyes, it gave off a sense of majesty. Adding the bloodstains on the corner of its mouth, its entire body released the aura of a peak fourth level king level expert, each and every one of them was shocking to the hearts of Ouyang Daoyu and the others.    


If a normal person saw the figure of a Flood Dragon Beast of Desert, their mind would definitely collapse at the very first moment, or even go insane, because there was simply no ordinary person that could endure the pressure that came from a dragon!    


In front of all living beings, a dragon was a supreme existence. Even if the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert only had a sliver of a dragon's character, many of the genius experts were nothing but ants in its eyes.    


"Senior Brother …" "I think we should forget about it. It's not too late for us to break the jade pendant and escape."    


He was at the second level of the Core Controlling Stage, Peak Expert, and normally, he was extremely confident. But now, looking at the deep part of the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert, he felt a sense of powerlessness.    


"Let's go Senior-apprentice Brother, we can't win!"    


"We just need to watch once, there's no need to continue like this. If we don't talk about stealing Dragon Egg s in the distance, even now, it would be difficult for us to survive."    


"Let's go!"    


Some of them had already taken out their jade pendants and were ready to crush it.    


At this moment, everyone began to speak one after another. Their voices were overlapping and no one could hear them clearly. However, their tones were filled with the same fear.    


If he didn't leave now, it would be too late!    


"All of you shut up." However, at this time, a clear and beautiful female voice sounded out in front of them. It belonged to Luo Ying as she looked with disdain at the elite disciples behind her and then shifted her gaze to Ouyang Daoyu. She slowly said: "Everything. Listen to your Senior Brother's orders. You don't have the qualifications to act presumptuously."    


Luo Ying was originally an extremely powerful woman, but in front of Ouyang Daoyu, she was completely obedient because she felt that Ouyang Daoyu had won over her. In her world, Ouyang Daoyu was the only one.    




Su Yirann, who was at the side, also cast a concerned look at Ouyang Daoyu. He wasn't sure that Ouyang Daoyu would succeed either.    


Ouyang Daoyu raised his hand. He calmed down the surging emotions in his heart and became calm and collected, "Step down."    


The two of them had mixed feelings as they drifted behind, leaving the battle room entirely to Ouyang Daoyu.    


"Roar …"    


In front of him, Flood Dragon Beast of Desert's deep and trembling voice came out. It had been sizing up Ouyang Daoyu the entire time, and now, this kind of probing should have already ended.    


It was time to hunt.    


The Flood Dragon Beast of Desert swung its tail, and with a twist of its neck, it dove into the quicksand once again. Its huge body went berserk, and in the time it took to take a single breath, it jumped out of the quicksand with an energy aura that caused one's scalp to go numb.    


The dragon's head pointed straight at Ouyang Daoyu. The Flood Dragon Beast of Desert opened its bloody mouth and pounced towards Ouyang Daoyu. Just as it was about to swallow Ouyang Daoyu and the flying bird under him.    


The people behind saw the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert's huge movement, and felt their scalps go numb. The vast majority of people had already taken out their jade pendants, ready to escape at any time.    


However, in front of everyone, Ouyang Daoyu stood up straight. His silvery-white suit was shaking in the bloody wind that assaulted his face. The next moment, Ouyang Daoyu let out a roar and his qi and energy began to surge!    


The supreme dan beads in his heart, liver, and spleen revolved crazily as a constant stream of power was released, causing Ouyang Daoyu's breath to rise bit by bit!    


Moreover, during this process, Ouyang Daoyu's blood also boiled at this moment. His blood seemed to have a temperature, it turned crimson, then orange, and finally platinum!    


At this moment, the aura on Ouyang Daoyu's body exploded!    


His entire body was shining, as if he was a rising sun, the absolute ruler of this world!    


He retracted his right fist and tightly clenched it. A monstrous energy aura completely gathered onto his right fist and the moment the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert attacked, his right fist suddenly punched out. It was like a sun that bloomed when it exploded.    


"Great Obsidian Fist!"    




Terrifying energy suddenly exploded as a blinding platinum light covered everyone's line of sight.    


In the next moment, everyone saw the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert that was glowing let out an angry roar. The thick dark golden scale armor on the left side of its mouth was broken, and fresh blood flowed out from it. This made the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert feel extremely unhappy!    


Ouyang Daoyu, on the other hand, was lying prostrate atop a bird. Just as he was about to descend his Quicksand Desolate Sea, he suddenly urged the bird to fly back up into the sky!    


A trace of blood flowed down from the corner of Ouyang Daoyu's mouth. Other than his boiling Qi and blood, he didn't seem to have suffered too much damage!    




The crowd couldn't help but cheer subconsciously. Some of them who didn't know Ouyang Daoyu's ability were all stunned.    


Ouyang Daoyu... He actually blocked a fierce pounce from a peak king level fourth stage Vicious Beast!    


Actually, Ouyang Daoyu was so strong not only because his talent was extraordinary, and because he had the cultivation of Core Controlling Stage, but also because he had a Blood Lineage of Shining Sun Clan that normal people would not have!    


Blood Lineage of Shining Sun Clan could not be considered a type of Battle Body, because it only came from blood, and would not affect bones and muscles.    


But even so, Blood Lineage of Shining Sun Clan was still very strong, as long as Ouyang Daoyu was willing, the temperature of his blood would change, he could control the temperature of his blood, the higher the temperature, the stronger the power his blood gave him!    


It was just like a furnace. A brilliant sun had a limitless amount of terrifying energy. If one's bloodline didn't withdraw, then the glorious sun would eternally exist!    


This was where Ouyang Daoyuqiang grew up.    


The martial skill that Ouyang Daoyu had just released was originally a low-grade Profound Level Peak Martial Technique, but with the support of the Blood Lineage of Shining Sun Clan, his martial skill had already leveled up, to the point that it was comparable to the Profound Level and Middle Grade Martial Technique. This was what he was qualified to take one blow from the peak of king level fourth stage Vicious Beast!    


Although Su Yirann and Ouyang Daoyu were related by blood, Su Yirann did not inherit this bloodline. This was also the reason why he and his mother were not valued in the dynasty. Honestly speaking, no matter how hard he worked, no matter how desperately he chased, he would never be Ouyang Daoyu's match.    


In terms of talent, Ouyang Daoyu already stood at the peak that many would never be able to reach in their entire lives!    


Luo Ying's eyes were filled with gratification as she looked at Ouyang Daoyu. Her man was truly undefeatable!    




A burst of sand rose into the air as the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert roared in anger. It controlled a huge amount of sand and dust to suddenly blast towards Ouyang Daoyu!    


Ouyang Daoyu turned around and shouted: "Begin implementing the plan, follow the path of the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert and find its Dragon Egg, go!"    


Just as he finished speaking, Ouyang Daoyu's entire body was glowing with a platinum light. As if he was undefeated by the War God, the force behind his fists surged and clashed with the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert!    


At this moment, he was just like a hero. He stood alone at the threshold, opening the great way to steal Dragon Egg s for the and the Flame Burning Clan's elite disciples!    


"Let's go."    


Su Yirann and the rest rode on their flying beasts and stealthily flew away, flying towards the direction where the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert came from.    


Dragon Egg s were just a few dozen kilometers away from his Quicksand Desolate Sea, right by his side!    


However, what they didn't know was that at the moment Ouyang Daoyu and the Flood Dragon Beast of Desert clashed, a figure tens of thousands of meters up in the sky had already sped up his descent, his speed as fast as lightning!    


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