Chaotic Conceited God



Su Yirann seemed to realize that something was wrong and his entire body trembled for a moment.    


He did not dare to believe his own guess as he covered his head with his hands and touched it again …    


The next moment, Su Yirann's eyes were wide open, his entire body froze on the spot. At this moment, he felt his mind go blank, and then his mood instantly dropped to the bottom of the chilled valley!    


Yes, the fire in his head had been extinguished, but in reality, his hair had already been twisted and deformed by the fire, weak to the point that it could turn to dust with a gentle pinch. The moment he inserted his head into the pit, all his hair had been squeezed into pieces.    




Su Yirann hugged his head in pain. He was clearly a handsome young man with elegant long hair before, but now he was a bald monster with a charred body and bright mind …    


How could Su Yirann accept this cruel reality?    


Of course, if Su Yirann knew that his eyebrows were burnt clean, he didn't know how he would feel.    


At this moment, the fire energy had invaded Su Yirann's body and he felt extremely uncomfortable. The bald man's body and spirit had completely collapsed Su Yirann!    


He glared fiercely at Ming Yu. Even though he had thousands of words to say to Ming Yu, he didn't dare to say a single word.    


He was already beginning to feel fear towards Ming Yu!    


From the beginning till now, the trump card displayed by Ming Yu had already frightened Su Yirann. Furthermore, Su Yirann was now seriously injured, so he didn't dare to act against Ming Yu again.    


"Don't come over …" "Don't come over here …"    


Su Yirann watched Ming Yu approach step by step and was so scared that he fell backwards onto the ground. He immediately rolled and crawled to his feet, enduring the pain all over his body. He ran like a madman in the distance with his bare ass.    


Ming Yu watched everything quietly. He kept his position and didn't chase up.    


When Su Yirann had disappeared from Ming Yu's sight and his breath was far away, Ming Yu suddenly clutched his chest. With a groan, a stream of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth.    


"I have finally passed this barrier …"    


Ming Yu wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and felt lucky.    


In fact, when Ming Yu blocked Su Yirann's Sky Charge Sword attack, he had already suffered some serious injuries. He had barely managed to spit out the blood in his body after forcefully gathering his breath.    


After all, the Sky Charge Sword was a Peak Martial Technique amongst the lower Profound Level martial skills, adding that Su Yirann had also used the true meaning of "condense", that sword stroke could be said to be extremely powerful, to the point where even an ordinary would not be able to withstand such a terrifying attack.    


Although Ming Yu had activated the Extreme Yang Form and used the Great Dragon-Elephant Fist to attack, he still could not defeat the power of the Sky Rush Sword.    


It was fortunate that Ming Yu had the remaining 40% of his Infinite True Fire Aura to protect himself. Otherwise, even if he had managed to barely block it, he would have been tormented by the Sword Qi shockwaves that were overflowing in all directions.    


The battle was not over yet, and because of this, Ming Yu used the last bit of his Zhen Qi to condense the second stage of Flame Explosion, and at the moment when Su Yirann was completely unprepared, Su Yirann was dealt a devastating blow!    


Although the damage from the second stage of the Flame Explosion did not kill Su Yirann immediately, it had definitely damaged Su Yirann's mental and physical body.    


Su Yirann had seen Ming Yu's battle just now. Every time, Ming Yu would give him a shock, and the feeling of shock was getting heavier and heavier.    


It was because of this that he did not dare to fight anymore even if the Vigorous Genuine Qi was still in Su Yirann's body. He was afraid that he would die! After the second stage of the Flame Explosion had injured him, his first reaction was to escape.    


However, Su Yirann did not know that he had unknowingly given Ming Yu a way to survive!    


"Phew …"    


Ming Yu finally let out a sigh of relief. Previously, he had killed two second stage Core Controlling Stage expert of Third Layer s and also planned to kill one of them.    


Even though Ming Yu's physique was abnormal, he still felt extremely tired at this moment.    


However, if there was someone who knew Ming Yu's battle record, they would definitely be stupefied. Because amongst their peers, a person with such an abnormal battle record could be called a genius even in terms of Flame God Sect!    


However, Ming Yu did not have any sense of pride in his heart. He knew very well that this was a victory within danger, and it would be very difficult for him to defeat Su Yirann completely.    


However, this did not mean that Ming Yu was afraid.    


"This competition for Ancient Desolation Battlefield is getting more and more interesting." Ming Yu calmed down and regained his confidence. A faint smile flashed across the corner of his mouth.    




Inside the cellar, a flame was flickering. A beam of light was transmitted from the hole in the wall above, shining on the stone ground.    


Meng Ruyan was curled up in a corner, shivering. She had heard a vague miserable scream coming from the top of the cave wall. After that, she heard a few more collisions. However, there was no other sound coming from the cave wall.    


At this moment, about three minutes had passed since the last sound above …    


Meng Ruyan sighed softly. She knew that the battle was already over.    


Honestly speaking, Meng Ruyan never thought that Ming Yu could endure for so long against two Core Controlling Stage expert of Third Layer s like Su Yirann. One must know, that normally, a powerhouse of the second level of Core Controlling Stage would be killed in an instant by two Core Controlling Stage expert of Third Layer s!    


Since Ming Yu was able to endure for a few minutes, it clearly showed that Ming Yu was very strong, reaching an outstanding level in the second stage of the Core Controlling Stage!    


Even Meng Ruyan felt that she couldn't reach Ming Yu's level.    


However, it was such a powerful genius disciple. Because of his own naivety and foolishness, he had ruined his life, which should have originally been filled with a bright future!    


Even though Meng Ruyan was mentally prepared, she still felt an incomparable sense of guilt when reality was right in front of her. As she thought about it, her eyes reddened, and her head was still buried in her chest. She looked at the stone ground in front of her with a sorrowful expression, and a layer of mist once again covered her eyes.    


Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming from the wall of the cave!    


It was no longer footsteps, but the sound of death. The nightmare was about to begin!    


"Hahaha …"    


Next to Meng Ruyan, Yu Chong and Kong Linfeng, whose blood was already flowing all over the ground, were slumped against the stone wall with their mouths open as they laughed weakly.    


Although it was extremely difficult for them to even laugh and their lives had declined to the point where they didn't even have the strength to speak, that determination in their hearts had allowed them to persevere until now!    


They wanted to see Su Yirann and Liu Tie dragging the bloody corpse of Ming Yu and look at the ferocious and terrified expression of Ming Yu. They wanted to be sure that the teenager who pierced them with a sword just now and said those arrogant words, was now dead many times more miserably than they were now!    


On one side was excitement, and on the other … Despair.    


Meng Ruyan's body was curled up and her eyes were tightly shut. Tears flowed unceasingly from her eyes.    


She only felt that someone had landed on the wall of the cave. Then, she walked step by step towards Meng Ruyan and placed her hand on Meng Ruyan's waist.    


Meng Ruyan felt the aura closing in on her. She curled her body even tighter as she struggled powerlessly with her delicate body. Her head was buried in her chest as she sobbed loudly.    


However, in the next moment, she felt her hands suddenly lighten. The iron chain that was tightly tied to her body was untied, and it was actually peeling away bit by bit. Could it be that Su Yirann was going to humiliate her now …    


"Everything is over. We can't stay here any longer. Let's leave quickly."    


At this moment, a familiar voice travelled to Meng Ruyan's ears.    


"..." "Hmm?"    


Meng Ruyan suddenly raised her head and opened her eyes. In her vision, which was slightly blurred by her tears, the face of a handsome youth appeared before her. The youth was just inches away from her.    


However, at this moment, Meng Ruyan's heart was in turmoil. She was so shocked that she was going crazy!    


"..." "Ming Yu?!"    


Meng Ruyan screamed. Her eyes were filled with disbelief as she looked at Ming Yu. She only felt her heart beating crazily. She was so nervous that even her breathing became rapid.    


Is this true? The person he saw turned out to be Ming Yu! Could this be a dream!?    


"You … You win? " Meng Ruyan's expression was stunned as she muttered.    


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