Chaotic Conceited God



"What did you say?"    


Ming Chenyuan felt as if he was struck by lightning. The son that he was once most proud of had now told him that he had never been related to him in the slightest.    


This was too much of a blow to Ming Chenyuan.    


"Big King Ming Fang, he has hundreds of thousands of years of history, but there has never been a person with a powerful Body of Lightning like me in the records. Did you really think that it was caused by a bloodline mutation? "Old thing, that's just your wishful thinking."    


The corners of Ming Xuan's mouth curled up into a mocking smile. "My true blood ties and background have long surpassed yours."    


In the past, when Ming Xuan was very young, he already noticed that he was different from the others. Firstly, he was an innate awakened Body of Lightning.    


Furthermore, Ming Xuan had amazing comprehension talent. When he was twelve, he was already able to comprehend some martial skills that even adults would not be able to comprehend.    


When he was twelve years old, Ming Xuan discovered that his mother, Lin Xi, had gone to the forest behind the palace to worship a tombstone. The tombstone was very simple and there were no words inscribed on it.    


Ming Xuan quietly left and did not tell Lili about this matter. Every year after that, Lili would go to that tombstone to worship.    


In a flash, three years had passed. Ming Xuan had reached the peak of the eighth level origin realm and became the youngest eight level master in the Great Liu Dynasty!    


On the same day, Ming Xuan finally could not hold back his curiosity and appeared in the forest behind the palace. He asked Lin Xi who the person on the tombstone was.    


Lin Xi didn't want to tell Ming Xuan, but under Ming Xuan's aggressive questioning, Lin Xi finally told him the truth.    


Lin Xi was previously just a palace maid in the Great King Ming Palace. That night, when she went to pick up herbs at the edge of the forest behind the palace, she accidentally bumped into a middle-aged man who was lying in a pool of his own blood.    


That man was extraordinary. Although his blood was clearly red, under the illumination of the moonlight, it seemed like it was coated with a golden film. It appeared especially magnificent.    


The man did not emit any aura, but Lin Xi felt that his power was countless times stronger than King Ming!    


The man told Lin Xi that he had swam here from a great distance because he had suffered a terrible disaster and was seriously injured. Before he died, he used his last bit of strength to send a golden ball of light into Lin Xi's abdomen.    


The man told Lin Xi that he was a wanton man without any descendants. Before he died, he did not want his bloodline to be severed. That golden light just now was the man's seed that had been planted in Lin Xi's body.    


His name was Diling Hai, his surname was not Emperor, but rather, he had a new surname: Diling!    


In the Great King Ming Dynasty, there was no such surname as Diling. However, Diling Hai told Lin Xi that in the world he lived in, it was completely beyond Lin Xi's imagination. It was a supreme glory to have the surname of Diling.    


The Diling, signified a kind of superiority, a nobility that ordinary people could not even compare to!    


By nature, he was superior!    


The man said in the end that as long as his child could grow up, he would definitely find out about the existence of the Diling in the future.    


Lin Xi then buried his body and set up a blank tombstone.    


At first, Lin Xi didn't think much of the man's words, but in the following ten days, she felt that golden light gradually improving her appearance and body, causing her entire temperament to undergo a tremendous change.    


Moreover, she felt that the golden energy seed within her body had really grown into her own stomach. She felt as if there was a life being born within her!    


In the month that Lin Xi's temperament had changed, she had met King Ming and became the imperial concubine. Everyone thought that Lin Xi was carrying King Ming's dragon seed, but only Lin Xi knew that she was carrying Diling's flesh and blood.    


And the children of the Diling Sea, were the Ming Xuan in everyone's eyes!    


Ming Xuan already had endless ambition in his heart. When he found out his identity, the violent feeling in his heart increased even more.    


It was as if a seed had already been planted in Ming Xuan's heart, and after knowing of his mysterious and noble ancestry, the seed in Ming Xuan's heart gradually sprouted.    


Until four years later, his ambitions, his thirst for power and power, had already sunk to the marrow of his bones, and he was completely unable to extricate himself!    


Ming Chenyuan's face was filled with astonishment. He shifted his gaze to Lin Fei, only to find that she had already landed beside Ming Xuan while he was distracted.    


"Ming Chenyuan, I'm sorry. Xuan'er really isn't your flesh and blood. Just give up on that thought." Lin Xi said coldly with an expressionless face.    


Yesterday, she was still smiling sweetly in front of Ming Chenyuan, but today, she directly turned hostile.    


Honestly speaking, she had never loved Ming Chenyuan before. Ever since she met that strong and mysterious man, she couldn't tolerate anything else in her heart.    


In everyone's eyes, Ming Chenyuan was a god-like existence, but in Lin Xi's heart, he was nothing. This was because Diling Sea was countless times stronger than Ming Chenyuan, and she was even giving birth to his flesh and blood!    


Subconsciously, Lin Xi already felt that she was born to be nobler than Ming Chenyuan. Ming Chenyuan wasn't worthy of her at all!    


Because of this, when her child wanted to turn traitor and become the new King Ming of the Great Liu Dynasty, not only did Lin Xi not oppose it, she even strongly supported it!    


Diling Xuan's white hair fluttered in the wind, his blood-red eyes stared coldly at Ming Chenyuan who was standing on the stage, and his eyes were filled with incomparable arrogance: "From today onwards, my surname is Diling, the Great Liu Steel Dynasty will cease to exist from today onwards, I am the new King of this empire, and the Diling will be the new title of this empire."    


Lin Fei, who was beside him, did not say a word and silently agreed with Diling Xuan's decision.    


This dynasty with a population of three billion belonged to her and Diling Xuan. Diling Xuan was the well-deserved emperor, and she was the empress dowager with the authority to rule the world.    


She was able to easily control the lives of others and had unparalleled authority. Everyone had to respect her, serve her, and worship her as if she were a god!    


At this time, Diling Xuan's heart was also at ease. He possessed the mysterious and noble bloodline of the Diling, and was the undisputed strongest warrior in this land.    


He was born superior to others, and was destined to be looked up to by everyone. He was destined to be an emperor, enjoying all the glory and wealth.    


Behind Diling Xuan, Shen Zhenhou's lips curled up into a grin. From today onwards, the political situation in the imperial court would completely change. After enduring for so many years, his plan was finally going to be implemented!    


"Hua …"    


At this moment, Ming Chenyuan's face was filled with grief as he fell back onto the Dragon Throne.    


Today, he had suffered the greatest betrayal and blow in his life!    


Diling Xuan had a strange look on his face as he said indifferently, "Ming Chenyuan, I have loved you for many years. As long as you lower yourself and commit suicide in front of everyone, I will leave you with your corpse and not behead you."    


Hearing this, Ming Chenyuan's face turned pale again. All his years of kindness in nurturing Diling Xuan had been exchanged for the merciless act of forcing a palace to commit suicide in front of everyone!    


Sadly, lamentably!    


"How dare you!" "Not only do you call yourself King Ming, you even dare to call yourself 'I'. You have already committed the crime of betraying your country, we will definitely kill you!"    


The one who spoke was Faang Xie, and beside him were over thirty experts, they were all Patriarchs of the Royal families in the Great Wu, and all of them had reached Ninth Layer of Ultmost Point Stage level 1. Each of them had the strength of at least seven thousand lions!    


Although their individual combat ability wasn't very strong, when the 30 plus people released their powerful auras, the auras were like the waves in the ocean, crashing down towards Ming Xuan like a ferocious beast.    


At the same time, behind the Heroic Soul Hall, there were already hundreds of elite soldiers wearing dark golden armor holding onto spears.    




Faang Xie ordered everyone to rush towards Diling Xuan!    


In the face of such a terrifying formation, Diling Xuan was extremely calm. He only stood still on the spot with his hands behind his back. He had no intention of dodging at all!    


In the next moment, everyone's attack approached, but at the same time, a terrifying, ruthless pressure flashed across Diling Xuan's blood-red eyes. His white hair fluttered in the wind, and a wave of extremely terrifying blood-red Lightning s exploded outwards towards his surroundings.    


Moreover, it was extremely vast. With his entire body of blood-red Lightning as a guide, he continuously channeled his true energy into the red Lightning, causing it to expand and attack the surrounding area as thick as an adult's arm.    


Those elite soldiers were clad in dark golden armor, their defensive capabilities were astonishing. However, when the blood-red colored Lightning swept past, it was like cutting through tofu, directly rushing into the elite soldiers' bodies.    


"Bang!" Bang! "Bang!"    


Those elite soldiers' bodies exploded, they didn't even have the chance to scream before they exploded into Blood Fog s!    


At the same time, those terrifying Lightning shot toward the bodies of the more than thirty Peak Expert of the ninth stage of the Mortality Transcending Stage in front of them.    


One by one, they fell to the ground, their bodies spasming and twitching non-stop. The residual energy from the blood red Lightning surged into their bodies and continuously ravaged their meridians.    


"He can't even withstand a single blow."    


At this moment, in his heart, the Mind Pill was constantly transferring energy to his body. From top to bottom, Diling Xuan's body was covered in the color of blood Lightning, his white hair was floating in the air, and his blood-red eyes were filled with violence!    


Just now, he had only released a single bolt of his own lightning power, and it had completely annihilated hundreds of elite soldiers. But those thirty odd experts, each of them had Mortality Transcending Stage s, and were experts that could rule over a region.    


Seeing this scene, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. Diling Xuan was too terrifying. His power was so strong that it could make people's hair stand on end.    


Faang Xie was also prepared to attack, but upon seeing Diling Xuan's powerful attack, he couldn't help but retreat.    


"Rumble …"    


Right at this moment, the sound of countless heavy footsteps came from outside of Heroic Soul Hall. Everyone looked in horror, only to discover that densely packed, fully armed soldiers were slowly approaching, wrapping the entire outer perimeter of the Heroic Soul Hall.    


These soldiers were fully armed, the quality of each soldier's body, and even their combat ability had been strictly checked. Not a single one of them had an extremely strong battle force, and they were the imperial guards of the empire!    


The imperial guards s that surrounded the Heroic Soul Hall numbered at least thirty thousand, and outside the palace, there were a total of three hundred thousand imperial guards s, encircling the entire palace so that not even a drop of water could leak out.    


Furthermore, there was a huge army rushing towards the palace, with the intention of annihilating the entire palace.    


Those imperial guards s were all commanded by Shen Zhenhou, and Lin Fei had secretly bribed the military generals. In fact, they had already turned traitor, and were currently guarding outside the palace.    


As long as Lin Xi gave the signal, they would call for all the elite soldiers to charge in!    


Faang Xie's army guarded the border and there was no time to call them over. Xue Buhui had already been sacrificed and his eight hundred thousand imperial guards s were in a state of helplessness.    


These troops originally all followed the orders of the highest authority, the lord of the kingdom, Ming Chenyuan. But now, with a million and six hundred thousand of these troops, the remaining eight hundred thousand imperial guards s had completely turned traitor!    


Even though Ming Chenyuan still had the imperial guards and other trump cards hidden in the palace, but facing such a vast army pressing in with Diling Xuan leading the way, it could be said that Ming Chenyuan was already in a desperate situation.    


In front of the Heroic Soul Hall, the hearts of all the civil and military officials, the patriarchs of the dynasty's aristocratic families, as well as all the meritorious officials and generals of the imperial court, started to waver.    


They didn't have the ability to resist at all. At the moment, only Ming Chenyuan had the right to fight against Diling Xuan!    


"Ming Chenyuan, you've already seen the ending. Now, kill yourself to atone for your crimes, I'll leave you with an intact corpse." Diling Xuan looked at Ming Chenyuan indifferently with a cold smile on his face.    


"Unfilial son."    


Ming Chenyuan slowly stood up from the Dragon Throne. His entire body was also emitting a strong wave of energy. His true energy was like a sea as it spread out towards his surroundings.    


The hatred that he had suppressed for a long time burst out like a volcano. He suddenly roared, and with the momentum of thunder, jumped down from the Heroic Soul Hall. As he landed, he punched towards Diling Xuan who was at the bottom of the stairs.    


At this moment, the blood colored Lightning broke out of Diling Xuan's body and also threw out a punch. This was the first time he truly made a move since he had reached the Core Controlling Stage, and the vast amount of Lightning almost tore the air apart!    


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