Chaotic Conceited God



Qin Fann, Lu Jian, and Wang Han could see the price list at the front of the hall from a distance. The price list was not just average; it was also the cheapest house.    


After all, this was the most bustling place in the city, and the price was rising without a care for their lives.    


"I think the Blessed Paradise Inn isn't bad. Senior Brother, the four of us will stay in a standard room. The treatment should be good too, I'll treat you."    


Ming Yu smiled and took the lead to walk towards the cashier counter.    


"Get out of the way."    


What he couldn't tolerate the most was Ming Yu's showy look. He walked straight to the front desk, discussed with Qin Fann and the others about opening four luxurious suites, and threw the Crystal Card from Sky Room No. 3 on the ninth floor to Ming Yu.    


"Our Flame Refinement Clan's senior brothers and sisters have always taken care of the younger generation, this is a luxurious suite for you, don't be surprised, you can take care of it. Although we don't have any change, the money added up to the Xuan Weapon and Heaven and Earth treasures can let you stay here for a year or so without a problem."    


Lu Jian sneered at Ming Yu.    


A luxurious suite cost 688 Elemental Condensation Pill, which was more than the total number of standard rooms Ming Yu took for three a day!    


Although the three of them had collected the money together, it was enough to prove how rich they were.    


"Thank you for your kindness, Senior Brother."    


Ming Yu didn't show the white faces that they expected. Instead, he cupped his hands towards Qin Fann, Lu Jian, and Wang Han and happily went upstairs.    


Lu Jian and the rest looked at each other. Originally, they wanted to let Ming Yu suffer a loss and let him know how rich they were, but who knew that this thick-skinned fellow would so readily accept it without a trace of shame …    


Lu Jian couldn't help but regret his decision. The luxurious suite's price was six hundred and eighty-eight Elemental Condensation Pill. Adding them together in three days, the price was a bit of a headache.     


But when he thought about it, although the money was expensive, he still stayed in the center of the town for three days. Besides, after this mission was completed, they could get more money. Thinking about it, Lu Jian's complexion improved a little, and he went to the luxurious suite on the 10th floor with Qin Fann and the others.    


Qin Fann had one room while Lu Jian and Wang Han were a couple. Naturally, they also had one room.    


Ming Yu was in Sky No. 5 room downstairs.    


Ming Yu placed the magnificent Crystal Card on the inscription pattern on the door. With a light flash, the sandalwood door automatically opened.    


Instantly, Ming Yu saw luxurious decorations in the room. The spacious and bright hall was carved into the golden wall, and beneath him was a soft dark red fluffy carpet. When stepping on it, it felt soft and soft, without making any sound, and the surrounding furnishings, whether it was the tables, chairs, or sofa, were all made with fine sandalwood.    


The entire room was decorated in a classical way. It was spacious, but it also felt warm and cozy.    


Ming Yu closed the door and walked to the window of the spacious hall. Opening the window, he looked at the brightly lit night scene and felt the noisy atmosphere downstairs. He could not help but feel intoxicated.    


Previously, Ming Yu had been crazily training in his Flame God Sect, and was in a state of extreme nervousness all the time. Now that Ming Yu had arrived, he felt a little more relaxed for the first time.    


Although this place was filled with endless desire, when he accidentally felt this bustling and bustling atmosphere, he could not help but pause and have a light taste.    


"Mm …"    


Ming Yu stretched lazily and walked into the bedroom. He laid on the soft bed and felt relaxed.    


It was already late in the night and the night life of the people within the City of Delight had only just begun. At this moment, Ming Yu actually felt a little sleepy.    


As he thought about this, he closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.    


However, in the next moment, Ming Yu felt the Ancient Jade in his chest heat up and a black ray of light instantly rushed out of Ming Yu's chest, transforming into a graceful figure in front of the bed.    


Her black dress wrapped around her perfect figure, her snow-white skin emitted an enticing glow under the candlelight, her hair cascaded down like a waterfall, and that exquisite jade face was more like a finishing touch from a dragon, bestowing a poetic soul to her already perfect body.    


"Hei Ji?"    


Ming Yu flipped himself over and sat up. Looking at Hei Ji's graceful figure under the lights, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "Uh, what are you doing now …"    


Honestly speaking, Ming Yu was on guard. He remembered the first time he met Hei Ji, this little tigress was trying to tease him. Now, only Ming Yu and Hei Ji were in the room.    


However, Hei Ji didn't seem to tease Ming Yu this time. She just opened her hand and said to Ming Yu, "Give me the clothes you bought for me today."    


"Do you want to try it on now?" Ming Yu didn't expect Hei Ji to be so anxious.    


Hei Ji rolled her beautiful big eyes. "None of your business."    


"Alright, take it to exchange …"    


Ming Yu was too lazy to argue with Hei Ji, so he handed the Black Gold Wrister s' black clothing and leather boots to Hei Ji.    


Hei Ji took the tight suit and glanced at Ming Yu. "If you dare to use the Touch of the Dark Soul and peek at me, see how I'll deal with you, hmph."    


Ming Yu shrugged. If he was really that bored, he would have seen everything long ago.    


After Hei Ji finished her sentence, she excitedly ran to the bathroom beside the bedroom to change her clothes.    


When Ming Yu looked at the bathroom, he felt a little speechless. The partition wall of the bathroom was made of dark blue high-grade grinding crystals. It was originally a good decoration, but you could vaguely see the hazy figure of a person inside the wall.    


Ming Yu quickly saw Hei Ji's beautiful figure faintly discernible from within the dark blue crystal.    


"..." Although Ming Yu only saw the silhouette of the figure, the hazy feeling brought with it an even more enticing feeling.    


It was unknown how much time had passed. When Hei Ji had completely changed her clothes and was about to leave the bathroom, Ming Yu turned around and coughed embarrassedly.    


"See how I dress?"    


Hei Ji's clear and beautiful voice sounded.    


Ming Yu turned his head and took a deep breath when he saw the way Hei Ji was dressed.    


The short-sleeved tight suit on her upper body exposed Hei Ji's snow-white arms, creating an obvious contrast with her black dress.    


Her lower body was tightly wrapped in a short skirt. Her legs were wrapped in a pair of brown deer skin and knee-length boots that perfectly fit her calves, perfectly revealing the long curves of her legs.    


Although it only exposed a small portion of his knees and thighs, but overall, the curves of his long legs were still very beautiful, and the brown deer skin also showed a little bit of wildness.    


The most important thing was her delicate and beautiful face. Her large eyes fluttered and her eyelashes trembled slightly. With a single glance, she seemed to be full of vitality. At the same time, because of her perfect appearance, she gave people an incomparably stunning feeling.    


"Mm …" "Not bad."    


Ming Yu gave his own evaluation.    


Although this set of black clothes was inconspicuous within the myriad of dresses that were in a mess, Hei Ji still wore this low-key set of clothes, giving off a breathtaking feeling.    


He kept a low profile, but he didn't lose his cool.    


"That's good."    


Hei Ji walked forward slowly and grabbed Ming Yu's left wrist.    


"What are you doing …" Ming Yu couldn't help but to be on guard. Her beauty was so close to him that he could even smell the faint fragrance on her body. Ming Yu felt that Hei Ji was planning to do something bad again!    


Unexpectedly, Hei Ji didn't even take a step forward, she only poured her consciousness into the Black Gold Wrister on Ming Yu's left arm, took out more than two thousand Elemental Condensation Pill, and stored them in her ring.    


Ming Yu couldn't help but be puzzled. Just as he was about to ask something, he was suppressed by Hei Ji's words.    


"Big sister, I've been feeling so bored these past few days that I've been preparing to stay here and have fun for a while, so that I don't have to stay in the Ancient Jade anymore." A faint smile appeared on the corners of Hei Ji's mouth.    


Ming Yu was a little surprised at first, but immediately replied, "Hei Ji, what are you talking about? This City of Delight is a mess, if you stay outside, it's very easy for you to encounter danger, do you know? "    


Ming Yu truly felt that he was in danger.    


Last time, Meng Ruyan had left Ming Yu on her own accord because of her willfulness, which had led to her almost losing her life in the end. Ming Yu definitely did not want this kind of thing to happen again on Hei Ji, although Hei Ji was the same as him, with her cultivation at the second level of Core Controlling Stage, it was impossible for Ming Yu to defeat Hei Ji in terms of combat strength.    


This meant that without Ming Yu's protection, Hei Ji might have been in danger that he could not deal with.    


"Are you stupid?"    


However, Hei Ji shook her head, and said: "If I encounter any danger, I would of course remove my soul form at the first moment and return to the Ancient Jade. Also, due to my relationship with the Ancient Jade, I can't get too far away from you, so I prepared to stay by your side."    


As her cultivation base continued to rise, Hei Ji was now able to persevere for longer periods of time. She was no longer able to persevere for more than a few minutes.    


"Then what did you take my Elemental Condensation Pill for …" Ming Yu asked helplessly.    


"Of course, I want to reserve a luxurious suite of my own."    


Hei Ji put her slender fingers on her chest and shook it at Ming Yu. "Do you still want to share a room with your sister?" "You wish."    


After saying this, she directly turned around. Her black hair swept over the remaining fragrance. That graceful figure had already left and pushed open the door as she left.    


"Damn, this troublesome woman …"    


Ming Yu walked to the corridor outside the door and personally saw Hei Ji open a luxurious suite on the first floor. Only after Hei Ji went upstairs and used her Crystal Card to open the Sky No. 6 room next door did he feel relieved.    


Since Hei Ji said that he could contact her soul at the first moment and return to the Ancient Jade, Ming Yu was not too worried. As long as he could sense Hei Ji's existence, there shouldn't be a big problem.    


Maybe it was because this girl had been stuck in the Ancient Jade for too long, so it was normal for her to want to come out and relax.    


Well, there shouldn't be a problem.    


While thinking, Ming Yu returned to the bedroom and laid back on the bed. He quickly fell asleep as he looked at the ceiling that was covered with exquisite engravings.    


Ming Yu didn't plan to train during these three days, so he was prepared to relax a little. Sometimes, he just wanted to rest for the better future.    


It wasn't until the next morning that Ming Yu woke up from his beautiful dream. He stretched comfortably, washed up, and cleaned up before walking out of the luxurious suite. He went up two floors to the rooftop on the tenth floor.    


This was an open-air cafeteria specially built for guests who had customized luxurious suites. All the delicious food here had a 50% discount.    


It was a sunny morning.    


On the large rooftop, there were over a dozen exquisite round wooden tables. At this moment, some customers had already ordered their own breakfast and were enjoying the delicacies here.    


Qin Fann, Lu Jian, and Wang Han woke up early. They also thought that it was a holiday and had been eating here for about a quarter of an hour. They chatted as they ate, feeling very satisfied.    


Ming Yu saw that they didn't want to talk to him, so he sat down and called for the waiter to come over and order.    


Just as he was looking at the ancient menu made from bamboo slips, hesitating for a moment, a familiar aura approached him.    


Ming Yu raised his head and saw that Hei Ji was wearing a casual black tight suit and was wearing a pair of deerskin boots as she slowly walked over.    


The bright sunlight shone onto Hei Ji's snow-white face. She opened her mouth and smiled, as if a tender and alluring flower had bloomed in full bloom.    


Ming Yu smiled at Hei Ji and made a "please" gesture with his right hand towards the seat beside him.    


Unexpectedly, Hei Ji didn't even look at Ming Yu. Instead, she smiled and walked to the table of Wu Tie and the others not far behind.    


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