Chaotic Conceited God



Originally, the fifth stage of the Mortality Transcending Stage was called shedding the shell. With this realm, one could absorb true essence and fuse it into one's own skin and bones, allowing the skin and flesh of one's body to become extremely tough, durable, and able to resist both fire and ice at the same time.    


It was precisely because of this that a cultivator of the fifth level of Mortality Transcending Stage would not feel any cold even when he was naked in the midst of snow and winter. Even when it was a hot summer day, he would not suffer from sunstroke or lose his skin.    


Once one reached the fifth stage of shedding the shell, the cultivator's strength would reach the strength of two hundred lions.    


However, the fifth form of the Limit Yin-yang Spell was called the Golden Cicada Thin Wings Armor. This technique would make the skin and bones forged as thin as a cicada's wing, but as hard as metal and impervious to swords and spears.    


Ming Yu sat cross-legged and absorbed the pure energy from the Elemental Condensation Pill. Then, he started to swim around his body as the key technique of the Golden Cicada's thin wing armor appeared in his mind.    


Ming Yu very carefully converted the pure Yuan Qi into his own Zhen Qi. After that, he directed the extremely concentrated Zhen Qi to flow through the special and obscure meridians in his body.    


Ming Yu's skin and flesh were absorbing all the Zhen Qi at a crazy rate.    




Ming Yu took out another ten Elemental Condensation Pill and swallowed them, and the Elemental Condensation Pill entered Ming Yu's body once again.    


Because Ming Yu had fought several times in the life and death situations before, the potential in his body had been completely stimulated, causing Ming Yu to feel like he had broken through. Adding to that, his own blood was empty, and his body needed a large amount of energy.    


She felt that the lost Qi and blood in Ming Yu's body were gradually recovering under the Elemental Condensation Pill's replenishment. Moreover, there seemed to be a huge amount of energy brewing in Ming Yu's body, but this piece of skin and bone was blocking the trap beast inside Ming Yu's body!    


"Even I, at that time, was not so powerful when I was at the fifth stage of shedding my shell …" Hei Ji muttered to herself. When she looked at Ming Yu, there was a trace of confusion in her eyes.    


She only wanted to silently watch as this man dashed forward. She hoped to be able to protect this man when he was at his weakest. That was because just now, he had used her hot blood to protect her life …    


Hei Ji was a weak girl. When she thought about staying with this man for the next few days and how he seemed to want to give her blood transfusion, Hei Ji's face flushed red.    


She sneaked a glance at Ming Yu and realized that he was still cultivating with his eyes closed. She didn't notice the change in her, so she let out a sigh of relief.    


Time passed slowly.    


After about an hour, Ming Yu had already swallowed ninety Elemental Condensation Pill. The berserk zhenqi in Ming Yu's body surged like thunder and a dull rumbling sound could be heard.    


This kind of berserk true energy was something that ordinary people could not withstand. However, it was useless as Ming Yu's body was extremely abnormal. He had actually forcefully endured it!    


Immediately after, Ming Yu swallowed another ten Elemental Condensation Pill s. All of a sudden, the Vigorous Genuine Qi s rolled in his body, and in the next moment, all of his Zhen Qi gathered into his limbs and bones, and finally poured into Ming Yu's skin and flesh.    




Ming Yu roared and a wave of air rushed out from his body and swept up the surrounding fallen leaves.    


Amidst the flying grass, Ming Yu's skin started to crack open, and he turned into dust in the air.    


Following that, Ming Yu's skin and flesh, which looked like they were brand-new, faintly revealed a dark gold color!    


If one looked closely, it was as if golden blood was flowing in Ming Yu's exposed face, neck, hands, and skin. It looked extremely magnificent and strange.    


The next moment, Ming Yu opened his eyes. The dark golden color disappeared from his skin and everything returned to normal. It was as if nothing had happened to Ming Yu.    


However, Hei Ji knew that the current Ming Yu had once again entered a whole new level. Although Ming Yu looked as if he hadn't changed at all, in reality, that violent true energy had been completely absorbed by his body.    


It was fine if he didn't move, but once he did, his strength was like thunder!    


This was the truth. Now that Ming Yu had successfully decapitated and refined the Golden Cicada thin wing armor, he already possessed the terrifying strength of a thousand lions!    


"Congratulations on your successful breakthrough." Hei Ji smiled sweetly at Ming Yu and said.    


Ming Yu took a deep breath to calm his roiling Zhen Qi and said: "You saw it earlier, if that Blood Servant didn't die, he would definitely find another Blood Servant to give me another thunderbolt. I'm afraid that I won't be able to return to the palace in two months."    


"But, the Crimson Gold Blood Lingzhi hasn't been gifted to your mother." Hei Ji asked anxiously.    


If she were to leave just like that, then Yang Xuerong would surely have passed away from sickness two months later.    


"So there's no time to lose. I must infiltrate the palace before dawn and deliver the Crimson Gold-ranked Blood Lingzhi. Otherwise, once I'm discovered alive, my Fallen Flower Hall will never have a peaceful day again!"    


Just as he finished his sentence, Ming Yu had already gone up and grabbed Hei Ji's soft waist. Like lifting a chicken, he quickly put Hei Ji's delicate voice on the horse that was tied to the tree.    


Then Ming Yu jumped on his horse and sat in front of Hei Ji. He turned around and said, "Hold me tight."    


"..." "Right."    


Hei Ji nodded obediently. Her jade-like arms wrapped around Ming Yu's well-proportioned waist. Ming Yu kicked the horse's belly and it immediately galloped forward.    


Due to the lack of time, Ming Yu had to speed up. The bumpy ride on the horse forced Hei Ji to hug Ming Yu tightly and lean on Ming Yu's broad back, giving Hei Ji a sense of security.    


Ming Yu galloped his horse at full gallop. Four hours later, he tied the horse at the entrance of an alley three miles away and then sneaked into the palace with Hei Ji.    


By the time he reached Fallen Flower Hall, it was already noon.    


Ming Yu opened Yang Xuerong's bedroom door quietly and brought Hei Ji to Yang Xuerong's bed. Under the moonlight, Ming Yu noticed that Yang Xuerong's face was pale and her lips were pale. She was obviously not sleeping soundly.    


Ming Yu immediately took out the Pure Gold Blood Lingzhi from the Storage Bag. Instantly, a rich medicinal fragrance filled the room.    


Using his true energy to shatter the Crimson Gold Blood Lingzhi into a golden powder, Ming Yu pointed his finger and the golden powder from the Crimson Gold Blood Lingzhi transformed into a stream of light that slowly entered Yang Xuerong's mouth.    


All of a sudden, the drug's power spread throughout Ming Yu's body. He could clearly feel that Yang Xuerong's vitality was returning to her body. Her breathing became regular and her face finally had a shade of red.    


Ming Yu instantly felt gratified because with his own hard work, he finally saved his mother's life. He immediately opened his mouth and said, "Mother …"    


However, the moment he opened his mouth, Ming Yu immediately stopped talking.    


Ming Yu wanted to tell Yang Xuerong about the good news of the cure and share this joy with her, but if Yang Xuerong knew that Ming Yu was still alive and was exposed, she would definitely be tortured and interrogated about Ming Yu's whereabouts.    


If Yang Xuerongruo didn't say anything, the one who would be hurt would be herself.    


Ming Yu clenched his fists tightly. The palace was dangerous, he was forced to a corner, he couldn't even return to the palace, and now he didn't even have the right to bid farewell to Yang Xuerong!    


"So, I will let you know the price for angering me! Two months later, we'll see! "    


Ming Yu growled in a low voice. He then left Yang Xuerong's chamber with Hei Ji, gently closing the door. They then left the palace before dawn.    


Walking forward slowly, Ming Yu asked: "Hei Ji, you previously said that reaching the sixth stage of Mortality Transcending Stage would cure your injuries, do you know of any method to reach it quickly?"    


"Well, I have a plan." Hei Ji said.    


Hei Ji obviously knew Ming Yu's intentions. Although Ming Yu had broken through to the fifth level of the Mortality Transcending Stage, for dynasties that were going to gather heroes in two months, the journey had only just begun!    


In order to get back on track and reunite with Yang Xuerong, Ming Yu must become even stronger!    


A light flashed across Ming Yu's eyes as he said, "Why don't you tell me about it?"    


"Although there is only a single level of difference between shedding and sculpting, this is still a watershed in Mortality Transcending Stage."    


Hei Ji explained seriously: "After all, shedding the shell is the limit of the body within the Mortality Transcending Stage, and sculpting the soul is the beginning of forging spirit. If you want to reach the sixth stage of Mortality Transcending Stage within two months, that's practically impossible, unless you can obtain the Snow Lotus With Ice Soul."    


Ming Yu raised his eyebrows: "Yes, keep going."    


Hei Ji pouted her lips and said: "But don't be happy too early, because this Snow Lotus With Ice Soul, is originally meant to be a precious medicine for Soul Forming Realm warriors to cultivate to the Spirit Refinement Realm. Of course, Spirit Refinement Realm warriors can also use it to nourish their Spiritual Strength and increase their cultivation."    


"If you can withstand the extreme cold soul pressure brought by the Snow Lotus With Ice Soul, you might be able to succeed."    


"I'll give a hundred points for this suggestion." Ming Yu said in a speechless manner.    


He finally understood, if he were to give the Snow Lotus With Ice Soul that only a Soul Sculpting Realm martial artist could endure to his, a martial artist who had just broken through to the decapitated realm, then what else could he be other than risking his life?    


Hei Ji rolled her eyes at Ming Yu and said, "Then I really can't imagine it."    


Ming Yu thought for a while and found that it was the only way out, so he asked: "My little sister, do you know where Snow Lotus With Ice Soul grow?"    


"The colder it is, on top of a mountain peak that gathers nature's spirit energy, the more likely it is that Snow Lotus With Ice Soul exists!"    


"Moreover, normal people wouldn't be able to get their hands on Snow Lotus With Ice Soul because once it appeared, the surroundings would become extremely cold. Even some experts at the sixth level of Mortality Transcending Stage would find it difficult to approach it and would have no choice but to withdraw before they could even get their hands on it."    


"Because my soul is of the extreme yin nature, I will not fear this cold. However, it will greatly affect you cultivators."    


Hei Ji thought for a moment, then continued, "However, I do remember that there is a fruit called the Fire Seed. If you can consume it, you will be able to resist the cold for a short period of time, so in order to find the Snow Lotus With Ice Soul, the Fire Seed is also indispensable. At that time, there will definitely be many genius experts fighting for the Snow Lotus With Ice Soul. It won't be easy for you to obtain it. "    


After listening to Hei Ji's words, Ming Yu started to ponder.    


According to Hei Ji, the coldest place in the Great King Ming Dynasty was the extreme north of the palace, Snow Moon City!    


And only the top of the so called mountain peaks that gathered the spirit energy of heaven and earth would be considered the peak of the Shenghan Peak within the Arctic Mountain Range at the borders of Snow Moon City. Only then would there be the possibility of having a Snow Lotus With Ice Soul.    


The Snow Lotus With Ice Soul and the Crimson Gold Blood Lingzhi were the same, they were both precious medicines that were a thousand years old, but the prices between the two were worlds apart.    


The Pure Gold Blood Lingzhi could only help mortals treat their illnesses and revive the dead. The Snow Lotus With Ice Soul, on the other hand, could stimulate the user's mental potential to the maximum, completing the perfect transformation from the Soul Sculpting Realm to the Spirit Refinement Realm.    


It was precisely because of this that the price of the Crimson Gold Blood Lingzhi was five million, and the Snow Lotus With Ice Soul's price had directly reached nine million. Its price was almost double that of the Scarlet Gold Blood Lingzhi.    


But in reality, the Snow Lotus With Ice Soul's value was even higher than that, because the powers, gangs, clans, and even the official families of Snow Moon City would all be eyeing this Snow Lotus With Ice Soul covetously!    


Honestly speaking, if he wanted to obtain the Snow Lotus With Ice Soul, it was even harder than ascending to the heavens.    


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