Chaotic Conceited God



Deep into the night, the Radiant Main City had already descended into silence.    


Even in the bustling street market in the evening, people had already left due to the arrival of dusk. They could only feel that in this vast city, there were countless specks of light that were constantly emitting faint rays of light. They were communicating with the morning star in the night sky while breathing in and out subtle auras of the stars.    


It was Expert of Star Swallowing Stage, who was in the middle of cultivating the Radiant Main City.    


To most people, night was the best time to sleep, and to the extremely competitive cultivator, night was the best time to cultivate. Almost everyone was meditating, using their own Star Aperture s to comprehend the Power of Star s, constantly absorbing and strengthening their own cultivation.    


Meditation also seemed to be sleeping. It was accompanied with every exhale and exhale of countless cultivator, as if the entire earth was trembling slightly, symbolizing that the entire Brilliant Main City was falling into a deep slumber of tranquility.    


However, at this very moment, a group of people were crawling on the ground in a dark corner of an alley that was not illuminated by the moonlight.    


They had completely retracted their auras, but even so, if someone were to come and investigate, they would definitely feel a sense of fear from the bottom of their heart when they saw the figures of these people.    


There were a total of ten of them, and the real core of them all was the leader.    


This person had long, thick, black hair that covered his shoulders. Although his face could not be seen clearly in the darkness, one could see the grave and stern corners of his face and the pair of sharp eyes that were faintly discernible in the darkness!    


A loose, grayish-brown robe was draped over his body, but even so, the bulging muscles of his chest were still able to forcibly push the robe up. Under the wide sleeves, his muscled arms were slowly hanging to his sides.    


He did not carry any weapon with him. However, just by standing there, he gave off a feeling of being threatened. It was as if he was a sharp weapon, and a formless, sharp aura was being stealthily emitted.    


That was Saber Qi!    


"Sect Master, look, when will that kid come out?"    


A black clothed man respectfully said to the leading man.    


"No rush, he's just a brat that's still wet behind the ears. He can't take it anymore at a time like this."    


With just a slight tremble of his voice, his voice was clearly heard. "When we deliberately release our weak auras, that kid will naturally feel threatened. I've heard that this person is extremely arrogant, and with this personality, after we've determined that these auras are not enough to threaten him, there's a high chance that he'll deal with the danger alone. That's when we'll be able to reveal our true colors."    


"Master is wise."    


After the man behind him left, he did not say anything else and quietly waited.    


They believed in the leader unconditionally because this man was the leader of the gang: Qin Xiong!    


In the past, Qin Xiong relied on his own Source Core Soul s to shake the world, creating a gang to kill in the remote and small city outside of Radiant Main City. He had also shone for a few years because a few years ago, he was caught and sent to prison.    


It was also at that time that he saw that one of his subordinates had quite good talent. He had accepted a person as his sworn brother, and that person was Ling Feng.    


They had originally planned to share wealth and rebuild the gang after leaving prison. Unexpectedly, Ling Feng fell into the hands of a kid named Ming Yu!    


This was completely out of Qin Xiong's expectation.    


He was very clear on Ling Feng's strength. His killing move was decisive, so how could an ordinary person possibly put him to death? Today, he heard a rumor that Ming Yu had used the hand of Qing Xue'er to kill Ling Feng.    


He felt sorry for Ling Feng!    


It was also because many years later, only the nine powerful elites behind him could help him recreate the honor of the gang, and Ling Feng was a chess piece that he valued a lot. If he could make the right use of it, then when Ling Feng grew up in the future, his gang could also speed up its growth.    


But now, this trash called Ming Yu who came out of nowhere directly cut off his road to rebuilding the glorious faction of the Broken Killing Gang.    


How could Qin Xiong not hate him?    


After killing Ming Yu today, he would lead the nine elite troops behind him out of the Radiant Main City. With such a huge Brute Force Imperial Region, he did not necessarily want to stay in this place of the Beacon Continent. In the future, he would definitely find some other place to take root and start all over again.    


If not for the defensive patterns that prevented the alarm from being triggered in all the buildings, Qin Xiong and the others would have immediately gone in to kill Ming Yu.    


And now, everything was ready. They were waiting for Ming Yu to appear and they would be able to kill him in an instant!    


Qin Xiong, who had previously been imprisoned, possessed the strength of the peak of the second level of Star Swallowing Stage. Right now, he had directly broken through to the third level of Star Swallowing Stage, and his own strength had increased explosively, and the nine experts behind him, on average, possessed the strength of around the second level of Star Swallowing Stage.    


However, Qin Xiong was a very reliable person.    


He knew that he had to kill Ming Yu, but he was prepared to bring so many people with him in order to kill Ming Yu in an instant without giving Ming Yu any chance to resist. This way, without alerting the enemy, it would be much harder for the imperial government and the royal family to track them down.    


Moreover, Ming Yu did not have any connections at all in the Radiant Main City. In this place, who would have the chance to kill such a trash today?    


Thinking of this, Qin Xiong and the others were determined to get it. They were like cheetahs buried in the grass. Their eyes were dark as they quietly waited for their prey to take the bait.    




This kind of wait lasted for Mo Yue for half an hour.    


At this moment, Qin Xiong was starting to get impatient. They intentionally suppressed their auras, making Ming Yu feel that they were a bit dangerous, but they were definitely able to win. However, Ming Yu did not come out from that Jade Pavilion.    


Could it be that he didn't feel any danger?    


Everyone was still waiting patiently, but even after two hours had passed, there were still no signs of movement from the Jade Jade Pavilion.    


"Did he die in there? F * ck!"    


Qin Xiong's eyes slightly narrowed and a wave of saber Qi fluctuations appeared all over his body. However, he quickly restrained himself. He knew that he could not alert the enemy like this.    


However, Ming Yu still did not come out. They could only feel that Ming Yu was still cultivating in the Jade Pavilion, absorbing the star power of heaven and earth. However, they didn't find any trace of him coming out.    


After a short period of time, they felt that from the seventh floor of the Jade Jade Jade Pavilion, there were some faint sword Qis. Those sword Qis were very weak, yet they existed in reality.    


When Qin Xiong felt this, he could not help but come to a realization.    


He immediately laughed coldly, "So that's how it is. I'm cultivating a martial skill, and because I'm too engrossed in it, I don't feel our presence. Hehe, let me see how long you need to train for."    


The nine people behind him also felt the same way. They definitely couldn't let this opportunity slip by and alert the enemy.    


Thus, he kept waiting like this.    


But in this long wait, the full moon at the edge of the sky had already begun to tilt downwards. Unknowingly, the sky had already been painted with a faint layer of fishbelly whiteness.    


There was no time to commit the crime now.    


Qin Xiong was very patient. He ordered one of his men to keep watch while the others all left.    


Therefore, they had to wait for the arrival of the second night, and they could only pray that Ming Yu would not leave the Jade Jade Pavilion during the day and lose his target. Of course, even if Ming Yu entered the Universe Escort Office Branch, they would not be afraid, because if Ming Yu entered the Universe Escort Office, he would only be taking a mission, and after that, he would definitely leave the Radiant Main City. At that time, it would also be a good opportunity for them to take action.    


Of course, if Ming Yu was still going on a mission with his accomplices, it would be a bit troublesome. But since Ming Yu was on Qin Xiong's death list, Qin Xiong had to cut off Ming Yu's head to resolve the hatred in his heart!    


The second night arrived quickly. It was the same as the previous night, and they were still waiting.    


And then there was still that long night …    


Everything seemed familiar to them, as if the scene was replayed once more. This was because Qin Xiong and the rest had been waiting for the whole night.    


There was still no result!    


The only difference was that the faintly discernible sword Qi from the seventh floor had become slightly more powerful, but that was all.    


"F * cking hell, practicing a trash sword skill for so long and having such low talent? What the hell are you practicing? Get the hell out here right now!"    


Qin Xiong clenched his fists tightly. At this moment, he was starting to find it unbearable, but he had to endure it.    


However, it was the same on the third, fourth, and even fifth day after that!    


Ming Yu seemed to be completely immersed in the training of that martial skill and had no intention of coming out.    


This made Qin Xiong break down, and so did the nine people behind him. If it weren't for Qin Xiong's insistence on waiting here, they would have all entered Jade Jade Pavilion red-eyed. Even if they triggered the alarm, they would have cut Ming Yu into a thousand pieces.    


It was because he had been too slow!    


Qin Xiong knew he had to calm down. He spent a lot of time and time waiting for Ming Yu to come out. If he didn't wait now, then everything he did before would have been for naught.    


The more time passed, the more impossible it was for Qin Xiong to let Ming Yu go.    


Previously, Qin Xiong only wanted to put Ming Yu's decapitation in front of Ling Feng, but now, he was going to use his most brutal method to make Ming Yu suffer the most brutal pain before he died.    


He waited like this until the evening of the seventh day.    


The sword energy in the seventh floor of Jade Jade Jade Pavilion was clearly stronger than before, but to Qin Xiong, it was nothing. He had been patiently waiting until now, when suddenly, his eyes flashed with a bright light!    


Because! Ming Yu stopped his cultivation and seemed to feel the aura that he and the others were deliberately releasing!    


Qin Xiong opened his hand and signaled the nine people behind him to stay put. At this time, they must not alert the enemy. If Ming Yu sensed that something was wrong and didn't come out, then all their waiting would be in vain.    


Thankfully, Ming Yu was able to slowly walk out from the seventh floor's Jade Jade Pavilion.    


When Qin Xiong released his Spiritual Strength, he could clearly feel Ming Yu's presence moving down the stairs in the Jade Jade Pavilion far away at the corner of the street. In the end, that figure walked out of the door of the pavilion!    


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