Chaotic Conceited God



This liquid was originally an ordinary strong liquor and was not toxic in itself, so it couldn't do any substantial damage to Ming Yu.    


However, the liquor was poured all over Ming Yu's face, covering his face and hair. Some of the liquor still slid down Ming Yu's face towards his chin and finally fell to the ground.    


Looking at his appearance, he seemed to be in a rather sorry state.    


If it was a normal concealed weapon attack, Ming Yu would definitely be able to react, but this wine did not have any killing power at all. Furthermore, Ming Yu was responding with a relaxed state of mind, so at that moment, his face was already filled with the strong liquor.    


"Hur hur, there's going to be a good show."    


All of the Devil Destroying Headquarter members who were by the side put down their bowls and chopsticks and looked over. The noisy sounds had all disappeared, and all of their gazes were focused on Ming Yu. Even the few members who were eating at the same table as Ming Yu quietly got up, and retreated into the distance, leaving empty space.    


They looked at Ming Yu's miserable appearance of being splashed with alcohol and his hair and clothes. Surprisingly, none of them were prepared to help. Those people looked as if they were taking pleasure in Ming Yu's misfortune.    


Previously, when this Ming Yu used Dark Sky Ridge to act like a gale wind, he openly revealed his relationship with a peerless beauty, and immediately after, publicly embraced and kissed her. Such arrogant and boastful actions made everyone remember this Ming Yu in front of them.    


And precisely because of this, when they saw a Devil Destroying Headquarter member make a move against Ming Yu, no one stopped him.    


Even those Devil Destroying Headquarter members who hadn't lost anything because of sending Hei Ji back to Crystal, still wanted to use some methods to wear down Ming Yu's insolent spirit, so they all chose to remain silent.    


As for the few teenagers who lost money because of giving the crystals to Hei Ji, they all looked at Ming Yu with a playful expression. As they watched Ming Yu's bedraggled face and his eyes closed, they were all guessing what this trash would do next.    


If this trash dared to rebel against them, they would definitely break his bones and shatter his tendons. Let's see how he would continue being this arrogant!    


Surprisingly, Ming Yu didn't go on a rampage. He didn't even complain because his face was covered with alcohol.    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he gently placed the bamboo chopstick on his right hand down and wiped the wine off his face with the cloth. He did not say a word during this entire process.    


"Hey, speak, are you mute? I want you to return the crystal that you lied to me about. "    


As the youth spoke, he reached out his right hand and twisted it towards Ming Yu's left ear: "You are deaf and can't hear me!"    


The speed of the teenager's attack was extremely fast. With a speed that was even faster than before when he was shaking the alcohol, his right hand was like a dragonfly touching the water. The speed was so fast that it was about to grab Ming Yu's ear.    


However, at this critical moment, an afterimage flashed by. Ming Yu's left hand grabbed the youth's right hand finger with lightning like speed.    


At the same time, Ming Yu opened his eyes once again. However, this time, his eyes were no longer clear. Instead, they were filled with killing intent. The moment he opened his eyes, his entire demeanor changed drastically.    


Almost at the same instant, everyone felt an extremely cold sensation. A sword-like Mental Energy abruptly shot out in all directions, causing the entire scene to fall into a state of icy coldness and killing intent!    


No one in the Devil Destroying Headquarter would have thought that Ming Yu would release such a terrifying willpower in an instant.    


Huo Siyu, who stood in the distance, took a deep breath. She remembered that back then, she was under house arrest by Ming Yu, and when Ming Yu walked into the room, his eyes were filled with killing intent, but that killing intent and coldness was still hidden in his eyes.    


It was not only Huo Siyu, but Expert of Sixth Layer of Core Controlling Stage felt the same way for all of the other Devil Destroying Headquarter s as well. Only the seven Core Controlling Stage leaders felt that it was relatively easy and the few eight Core Controlling Stage leaders also looked at Ming Yu with curiosity.    


Who would have thought that at this moment, when Ming Yu opened his eyes, there would actually be such a loud noise, which caused everyone in the Devil Destroying Headquarter to have different thoughts.    


Beside Ming Yu, the teenager whose right hand was grasped by Ming Yu felt it the most!    


He possessed the strength of the sixth stage of the Core Controlling Stage and his fighting strength was extraordinary at a young age. Because he could completely control a seventh stage Holy Weapon and had a suitable martial skill, his overall fighting strength absolutely could not be underestimated.    


It was because of this that he had his own self-confidence and reliance.    


But who would have thought that when he felt Ming Yu's mental will, he felt his entire body turn cold and his scalp go numb. He felt his heart palpitate for a moment and almost subconsciously, he pulled his right hand in front of him.    


But how could Ming Yu give him that chance?    


The youth clearly felt that his right hand was grabbed tightly by Ming Yu. It was as if copper oil was poured onto his hand, and he couldn't leave.    


"You like to pick your face off, how can I, Ming Yu, not accompany you to the end?"    


The moment he finished, Ming Yu's fingers exerted force and his wrist suddenly twisted!    


In the blink of an eye, a cracking sound could be heard, followed by the miserable scream of the youth.    


Ming Yu actually crushed the teenager's right hand finger in an instant. Although the teenager possessed a level seven Holy Weapon and could use his battle experience and powerful cultivation to display an extremely powerful martial skill, his physical fitness was nothing compared to Ming Yu.    


Ming Yu already possessed the Infinite True Fire's astral body tempering, and with his own elixir infused into his body, the quality of his body had long since far surpassed his peers!    


At this moment, Ming Yu gave the teenager a feeling that Ming Yu was a warrior with immense strength. It was extremely heavy and powerful!    


"Let go of me!"    


Although the teenager was shocked, due to the pain and Ming Yu's reckless actions, he was completely infuriated. He clenched his left fist like lightning and punched towards Ming Yu's face.    


"F * ck off."    


Ming Yu directly stood up and stomped on the boy's lower abdomen. Ming Yu's strength was so great that he could directly kick the boy dozens of meters behind him, and it was the boy who stumbled and stomped a deep pit with his feet to remove the heavy force. However, the burning pain coming from his lower abdomen was so real that it made him grimace.    


Who would have thought that Ming Yu would be so ruthless? He only sent the young man flying in an instant.    


Originally, everyone was prepared to watch a good show, but they did not expect Ming Yu to bring out such a stunning performance in just a few seconds.    


However, everyone knew that everything was about to end, because the young man was about to take out his level seven Holy Weapon.    


As expected, the moment the youth stood up, his face was ashen, his left wrist trembled, and a dim light flashed. Before he could even see the shape of the Holy Weapon, he had already felt the terrifying strength contained within!    


Vaguely, it appeared to be an extremely sharp spear.    


The moment the spear's shadow flashed, the youth had already grasped it in his hand.    






In that split-second, an explosion resounded like a thunderclap on the ground. Before the crowd could even react, an afterimage shot out from the area tens of meters away like a cannonball. Even that afterimage was blurry.    


It was Ming Yu!    


"What …"    


"F * ck off."    


Ming Yu's right leg stepped forward to grab the ground, then he took another step forward, and with a twist of his waist, his left shoulder directly smashed into the young man's chest. At the same time, the Infinite True Fire Aura suddenly erupted from Ming Yu's body, and overlapped with his right leg which was about to hit the young man's left shoulder.    


The Devil Destroying Headquarter members present all revealed looks of shock. They never would have thought that Ming Yu would actually knock the youth flying before the youth could even take out his level seven Holy Weapon!    


Originally, everyone thought that Ming Yu would lose in some way, but they never thought that not only did Ming Yu not lose, on the contrary, the moment they weren't prepared for it, he ended the battle with a shoulder strike!    


If that young man were to bring out a level seven Holy Weapon, then the situation would definitely not be good for Ming Yu.    


However, Ming Yu used the best way to explain to everyone what martial arts in this world was, only speed is unbreakable!    


and so on...    


Not only that, at this moment, the level seven Holy Weapon that everyone had not taken out, was directly in Ming Yu's hand!    


The tip of the spear was extremely sharp, and just by looking at it a few times, one's eyes would be burnt by the Holy Weapon's sharpness. That was the spiritual nature of Holy Weapon, because it was a level seven Holy Weapon, this spear contained an even more terrifying sharp aura, making it hard for people to resist.    


This spear was called the Dark Dragon Lance, it was a genuine level seven Holy Weapon!    


"You …"    


In the distance, the teenager, who had been knocked out of his mind by Ming Yu, finally staggered up while holding his chest. He spat out blood, his body was covered with dirt, and his hair was in disarray.    


Trembling, he pointed at the spear in Ming Yu's hand and said, "Give me back the Dark Dragon Lance!"    


The Dark Dragon Lance was the young man's trump card. Therefore, when the dragon spear was stolen, he had already become hysterical and insane.    


However, Ming Yu did not have any intention of returning the favor. He only coldly looked at the youth, then said: "It's better to be clear about some things, the crystals that you gave to my partner before, were given to you by you voluntarily, and you have no right to ask for them back. The reason why I gave them to you was because I did not want to argue with you, but who would have known that you would give me such a hard time?"    


"What do you mean?" The youth had an extremely ominous premonition.    


The truth was, yes, he had sensed correctly, and the answer was indeed unknown, because Ming Yu immediately held the Dark Dragon Lance in his hand and flipped it over, then said indifferently: "Since you had taught me what it is to be an inch forward, I will also use a tooth for a tooth. This Dark Dragon Lance, should be a level 7 Holy Weapon, but, I have confiscated it."    




Hearing Ming Yu's words, everyone couldn't help but sweat. Wasn't this so called forfeiture to the extent of stealing his level seven Holy Weapon? In other words, this Holy Weapon was taken by this daddy!    


"You … You're going too far! "    


He originally wanted to go up and teach Ming Yu a lesson, but he didn't dare to do so right now. Thinking about Ming Yu's terrifying power just now and the explosive power that was completely out of line with his own, he had a lingering fear.    


Moreover, his biggest reliance on the Dark Dragon Lance was taken away by Ming Yu, so it was impossible for him to be Ming Yu's match.    


While the youth was stuck in a dilemma, someone from the other members of Devil Destroying Headquarter had already walked over to Ming Yu and coldly shouted: "As a new person, you want to rebel?"    


Instantly, three youths with Devil Destroying Headquarter walked out from the crowd, directly standing ten meters in front of Ming Yu. Each of them had an extremely heavy aura, suppressing towards Ming Yu!    


All within the Devil Destroying Headquarter were young members, which one of them was not full of vigor? Originally, they were already unhappy with Ming Yu, but now that they saw Ming Yu directly push the youth back, all of them flew into a rage and directly stood out!    


It could be said that among the Devil Destroying Headquarter members, the emotions of all the youths rose greatly!    


Only the girls had not expected things to turn out this way.    


It was just because the Devil Destroying Headquarter rookie called Ming Yu had been splashed with alcohol by that youth just now that the situation had developed into this kind of situation, which was hard to imagine.    


However, only the youths present understood that at such an age, many bloody incidents had occurred because of a small matter. This matter had already involved one's dignity.    


For a moment, the scene became uncontrollable.    


It was true that Ming Yu's strength alone was amazing, but if this continued, the three Devil Destroying Headquarter members in front of him would definitely beat Ming Yu until he bled from the head, and he would even heavily injure him!    


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