Chaotic Conceited God



That back figure was completely imprinted into Lee Feng's eyes.    


It was also imprinted in the eyes of Yu Lingloong, who was still staring at that moment.    


Yu Lingloong's clear back figure was completely seen by Yu Lingloong. She suddenly covered her nose and mouth with her right hand, and her eyes that were originally filled with mist actually started to tear up. Within the tears, there were a myriad of emotions, but there was no sadness. "Isn't it you? …"    




At this moment, the eyes of the three hundred thousand World of Dynasties experts were fixated on the tall and sturdy figure in front of them.    


That person was dressed in black clothing and black boots, exposing only his hands and neck. His hair fluttered in the wind, and despite his upright posture, he was still majestic and could not understand despite the rustling of his clothes.    


Just who was this man?    


But only Zi Huang and the Nine Hyperphagocytic Species behind her, who were standing opposite of the man, were not curious. Instead, they were stunned and shocked!    


Because they could clearly see the man's face, so they called out his name,    


"Ming Yu!"    


The young man standing in front of him with his head held high and chest held high, with a handsome face and a pair of cold, bloody eyes, was the young man who once stood alone in front of the southern gate of the Tianqin Dynasty and used his own strength to kill the: Ming Yu!    


"You …"    


No one was more shocked than Zi Huang. She didn't see Ming Yu being swallowed with her own eyes, but the person who swallowed Ming Yu was her!    


It was clear that after she devoured Ming Yu, she completely devoured Ming Yu's entire body. It was also because of this devouring that Zi Huang finally turned from a super Phagocytic Species with 999 bodies into a unique ultimate Phagocytic Species, which was also the origin body of the Phagocytic Species!    


It could be said that Ming Yu's sacrifice was Zi Huang's greatest stepping stone.    


At that time, Ming Yu could not have been more dead. But now, not only did Ming Yu come back to life through this strange method, the most ironic thing was that he came back to life through his own body. He could see the light of day again!    


This had long since exceeded Zi Huang's expectations. She couldn't believe what was happening right in front of her, nor did she understand why all of this was happening.    


However, even if she didn't understand, Ming Yu already understood it in his heart!    




It was the flame that helped reconstruct Ming Yu's body!    


Originally, Ming Yu was destined to die, but who knew that Zi Huang's devouring power would coincidentally fuse with the Infinite True Fire and Everlasting Profound Ice that Ming Yu had thought hard about for three months without being able to do so.    


Originally, the Devouring Power was to mix all the energy together and then digest it. It was this process of mixing that helped Ming Yu complete the final step of his comprehension. That pure black flame was the true body of the Amethyst Cold Fire!    


It was also the third ultimate meaning of the Infinite Yin Yang Spell. No matter how strong the devouring power of Zi Huang was, it was impossible for her to devour Ming Yu's invulnerable Cold Fire, not to mention that she still had the protection of the Ancient Jade. The devouring power couldn't devour the Ancient Jade itself, so it was even more impossible for her to devour the invulnerable Cold Fire.    


Under this double protection, the Amethyst Cold Fire became stronger and stronger, until it finally grew!    


Of course, if Ming Yu's soul had already been devoured, then he would have died as well. However, when Ming Yu's body was finally devoured, the Ancient Jade had already sealed Ming Yu's soul within.    


The Amethyst Cold Fire could grow flesh and form bones once again, completing a big leap for flesh and blood. Ming Yu's new body was forged entirely from Zi Huang's huge source of energy!    


Not only did this freshman not weaken Ming Yu's Blood Bone, he even increased his strength, causing the Infinite True Fire to disappear, and no longer possess the true power of fire. However, the Blood Bone within Ming Yu's body was the source of making the Emberless Cold Fire.    


In other words, Ming Yu already possessed the fire Battle Body that was compatible with Yin and Yang.    


As for his strength, it had directly reached the ninth level of the Core Controlling Stage because of the increase in energy created from his breakthrough with Zi Huang. However, with his current strength, the primordial energy hidden in his body, even Ming Yu himself was unable to determine just what kind of height he had already reached.    


He only knew that he once felt that this world was vast and grand, but now, looking at this world, he felt that it was beneath his feet!    


But while Zi Huang was still in shock, among the three hundred thousand World of Dynasties experts behind Ming Yu, including the master of the Four Sects, everyone heard her voice and heard this youth's name.    


"Who is Ming Yu?"    


The sect leader couldn't help but frown. He seemed to have some impression of this name. Seeing Zi Huang's reaction, he wondered who Ming Yu was.    


"It's Ming Yu?" Which Ming Yu? " However, at this moment, Flame God Sect Master, who was beside Archbishop of Dead Soul Cult, stared at the young man in front of him with eyes like a tornado. Some thoughts seemed to have come up from the depths of his mind.    


Just at this time, a red colored girl's figure flashed over like lightning. She excitedly threw herself into the arms of Flame God Sect Master, who was supporting Flame God Sect Master, and cried out in joy: "Daddy, it's Ming Yu … That Ming Yu is him! "    


The clan master s of the Burning Flame Veins were also stunned for a moment.    


However, it was at this time that Flame God Sect Master gently pushed him aside and looked at Yu Lingloong, asking her word by word: "Are you talking about that young man who crazily grew from the very beginning, killed countless Phagocytic Species and ultimately killed twenty of their leading disciples by himself? the youngster from our Flame God Sect? "    


It was rare for Flame God Sect Master to be so excited. Even his voice was trembling.    


The Blade Slaying Alliance Master, Archbishop of Dead Soul Cult, Singing Valley Master and the rest of the people behind them all heard Flame God Sect Master's question.    


"There's no mistake, it's him." Yu Lingloong choked with sobs.    


Behind him, the group of Super Genius all gathered together, looking at the figure of the figure in front of them.    


They had actually believed their own speculations, but they were still not sure. It was only when everyone looked at the youth in the dust in front of them and suddenly looked back, that they heard his somewhat guilty words, "I'm sorry everyone, I've come too late."    


Everyone was stunned.    


It was him.    


It was that youth …    


It was the young man who had saved all the lives of the super sects and created the miracle in front of the South Gate Pass. It was the young man who had saved all the lives of the super sects and created the miracle in front of the South Gate Pass.    


However, it was this young man who could be called a hero. Now, he stood here once more, with the faith in miracles and everlasting faith that had been swallowed within him.    


That burning sensation, dreams, hope, everything surged forward like floodwaters towards the Super Genius, intimidating all of their hearts. This youth's blood was boiling, and right now, who wouldn't have their eyes turn red, even becoming filled with hot tears?    


They did not know why they were crying, but even if they could not hold back the flow of tears, they could only let the emotions in their chests gradually expand as they wantonly burned in their chests!    


"Ming Yu!"    


Yu Lingloong wiped the hot tears from her eyes and shouted from the other side of the sand filled sky, her clear voice echoing in the air, "You're not late, you're …" "Hero …"    


In the end, Yu Lingloong was choked with sobs and could not continue speaking because she was too excited. She was overjoyed and even now, there was no one who was more afraid of what was happening before them as it was just a dream.    


The people behind him were also thinking the same thing.    


But in the end, everything before their eyes was real, because they could feel it. It was just that their hearts were still beating with shock and their blood was still boiling.    


They could not imagine that the person in front of them was Ming Yu. They originally thought that it was only Zi Huang's trump card, but now it seems that this was actually their World of Dynasties's trump card?    


If it was said that there was no hope before and they had become desperate, then now, everyone was betting their hopes on Ming Yu. All the hope that was carried in those hearty eyes was placed on Ming Yu alone.    


If he could bear the burden of the ten thousand people's hopes, then even if he was a youth, he could still bear the words "hero"?    


"I didn't think that you would be able to survive. I never thought that you would be able to do so."    


At this moment, Zi Huang's cold voice sounded from behind him. Her voice became a bit hoarse. Her charming and gentle face also became much older. From a woman that seemed to be twenty years old, she had turned into a middle-aged woman.    


It was because her energy was used to reconstruct Ming Yu's body.    


"So these are your last words before you die?" It sounds pretty boring. "    


Ming Yu turned around and looked at Zi Huang with his bloodshot eyes. Blood was flowing in his body and every cell in his body was throbbing. He knew how powerful he was now.    


Now that Zi Huang had lost her energy, she would no longer be a match for him.    


"Is that so?"    


Zi Huang narrowed her eyes, the Scepter in her hand had not been put down, because she did not believe that she had lost, "Although I don't know what method you used to be reborn, and you have also absorbed my energy, but the previous me is still an extreme origin body, and the current me is still an extreme origin body!"    


Zi Huang was right. When she stepped over that hurdle, even if the energy was sucked dry, it would still be at the source.    


As long as she had the Ji Yuan Body, she still had that much potential. However, this moment of emptiness was not enough to knock Zi Huang off her pedestal. Besides, Zi Huang had never thought that she had nothing to gain from it!    


Suddenly, the moment Zi Huang's words fell, she abruptly retreated backwards, merging directly into the million strong army of Phagocytic Species.    


The scepter was raised high in the air as the purple lightning extended. Suddenly, Zi Huang's body released a violent suction force, and her authoritative voice resounded in all directions:    


"The survival of the race, you all must have the energy to offer it up!"    


Right at this moment, the million strong Phagocytic Species army suddenly felt their entire bodies stiffen, and were unable to move. All the energy in their bodies was actually turned back into a long stream of thunder energy, a million lightning bolts surging towards Zi Huang from all directions!    


Their energy was taken away, and although their lives would not disappear, it was still from zero, starting from a part of their bodies, consuming them, and each Phagocytic Species returned to their original point.    


Now, not only was the energy of the million Phagocytic Species deprived, even the earth was trembling. All of the life force of the earth rushed to the center of Zi Huang's body, helping her return to the peak, surpassing the peak!    




When the World of Dynasties experts saw this scene, they could not help but shout out at the top of their lungs.    


Ming Yu was their last hope. Right now, all of the Four Sects masters present were severely injured, so they naturally could not be a match for Ming Yu. Ming Yu's strength was not something that could be underestimated, and even if he were to fight Zi Huang who had lost all her strength, he would still have a eighty percent chance of victory.    


But if she was allowed to absorb the power of a million Phagocytic Species and revive them, who would be able to stop her?!    


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