Chaotic Conceited God



Although there was only a weak light in the interrogation room, the arrival of Bu Yilian, with her beautiful face as white as jade, seemed like a bright light that was about to disperse the cold and gloomy atmosphere in the room.    


It was not the uniform of the Heavenly Silkworm Escort Office, but Bu Yilian's entire body was emitting from her inside, and it only belonged to the seventh level of Star Swallowing Stage. That kind of terrifying aura of Star Nucleus, was actually filled with incomparable dignity!    


She was a woman with exceptional beauty, and furthermore, a woman who possessed the seventh stage of the Star Swallowing Stage.    


To be more accurate, she could become the escort king. With her combat experience, she would be able to deal with assassins.    


As for the Darkspear King, no matter where he was, he would be looked up to and respected by everyone. It was absolutely not just a set of luxurious uniform.    


Executioner himself knew that his actions just now were out of line. He quickly stood up and walked to Bu Yilian, clasping his hands together as he explained, "Lord Darting King, you didn't know just now, this lowly spy actually used his head to attack me. This subordinate has the power to make him taste an even more painful taste, after a while, he will confess …"    




Bu Yilian raised her hand and slapped across Executioner's face, leaving a clear palm print on his face.    


"Lord Darting King, you …" Executioner looked astonished.    


"How many days did he last?" Bu Yilian slightly raised her head, without even looking at Executioner, she only coldly asked.    


Executioner endured the bone-piercing pain on his head and the stinging pain on his face. He gritted his teeth and replied, "Three days."    


Bu Yiliandai raised her brows slightly as a mocking smile appeared on her slightly thick lips. "Three whole days?"    


"Integrate …" Three whole days. "    


Executioner felt a chill down his spine, and cold sweat began to seep out of his back.    


Bu Yilian turned around and stared at Executioner, her face frosty. "For three whole days, a spy at the second level of the Star Swallowing Stage, with such a limited physical body, and without being able to commit suicide, with so many methods, you still have no way of making him confess. Before, didn't you set a record of being able to get a sixth stage Star Swallowing Stage assassin to confess within an hour?    


"I …"    


All the higher ups are waiting for your news, because only after obtaining the useful information, will we be able to get more information on our Scarlet Moon, and then we can deal with them. This is no longer a problem for you alone, it's a problem for the entire escort company, for the entire Barbarian Imperial Region.    


Executioner half knelt on the ground, he lowered his head and said solemnly: "This subordinate deserves to die, we did not succeed in the job, please punish me, Lord Darkdart King!"    


In fact, he knew in his heart that in the past three days, he had used countless methods to interrogate Ming Yu, but Ming Yu didn't have the slightest intention to confess. Sometimes, he didn't even have the slightest intention to shout at all.    


Sometimes, even he himself suspected that he was not ruthless enough, so he tried his best to get Ming Yu to confess. But today, he finally felt like Ming Yu was about to confess.    


There were some things he didn't dare to say, but in his heart, he truly felt that Ming Yu was a monster!    


He had seen cold-blooded assassins beg for mercy before, but he had never seen a spy who was so cowardly and afraid of death actually be so stubborn.    


He knew that he shouldn't admire Ming Yu. It was because everyone here had committed heinous crimes, so that kind of indescribable emotion was more of fear, right …    


Yes, fear.    


The fear that a person at the second level of Star Swallowing Stage brought to this person at the fifth level.    


The youngster who was sitting on the steel chair with his hands and feet tied in chains and his eyes fixed in the shadows was like a wild beast that could not be tamed even by the heavens!    


"You can leave first."    


Suddenly, Bu Yilian's tone became unperturbed once again. This woman's control over her own emotions was so profound that no one could guess what she was thinking.    


Although there were many questions in the Executioner's heart, he could only answer: "Yes."    


After which he called the guard beside him and left the cell, closing the door behind him.    


For a moment, only Ming Yu and Bu Yilian were left in the iron prison.    


Bu Yilian didn't talk to Ming Yu immediately. She just stood there and looked at Ming Yu, who was chained to the steel chair.    


The scene was very quiet, so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.    


After the time of five breaths passed, Bu Yilian slowly walked towards Ming Yu. Her red lips slightly parted as she said, "Frankly speaking, I am a little surprised."    


"I had originally thought that only assassins with Scarlet Moon would receive the torture and special training, but who would have thought that such an unremarkable spy would be able to keep his mouth shut, and even set a record for the longest period of interrogation under the sixth stage of Star Swallowing Stage."    


Ming Yu laughed softly and raised his head. His voice was hoarse as he said, "If you guys can't last until now, you..." "And why would it appear?"    


"What do you mean?"    


"If you don't show up, what will happen to me …?" Explain my innocence in person. " Ming Yu said each word with difficulty, but within his hoarse voice, a sense of hope was ignited.    


Bu Yilian's laughter was like silver bells ringing the moment she finished her sentence. For the first time, she was teased by a prisoner from the Sky Judgement Prison. "I didn't expect you to be defending yourself at such a time."    


This was indeed out of Bu Yilian's expectation. She originally thought that Ming Yu would stay silent and not keep silent at all, and then use her special method to get Ming Yu to confess. However, she didn't expect Ming Yu to take the initiative to explain it to her.    


"I did not defend myself. I am innocent." Ming Yu's tone was hoarse, but he was as determined as ever.    


Bu Yilian walked in front of Ming Yu and lifted Ming Yu's chin with her lily-white hands, making Ming Yu stare back at her: "You know, it's precisely because of you low level spies that caused the death of Nangong Huai, and also because of these assassins, the people beside me will never be able to revive after being killed. Now with your arrogant attitude, you can let me easily believe that you're right, do you think, this is possible."    


"Then kill me."    


"You think I don't dare?"    


All of a sudden, Bu Yilianyu raised her hand and a thread of golden silk, even thinner than a blade's edge, tied onto Ming Yu's neck. Suddenly, Bu Yilianyu raised her hand, and a thread of golden silk, thinner than a blade's edge, suddenly tied onto Ming Yu's neck.    


Ming Yu slowly closed his eyes, "Let's do it."    


Bu Yilianyu tightly held onto the silk and stared at Ming Yu. From the feeling she got from the silk, she could clearly feel Ming Yu's body gradually relax. He was ready to die.    


Bu Yilian's face turned cold as she said, "You don't know how angry I am when my own brother was killed by the Ghost Face, and just a few days ago, my junior brother and sister were killed so cruelly by the Tomb Keeper! Now that Tomb Keeper is dead, but the ghost mask will not be removed, the hatred in my heart will never be dispelled, and you, are the only one who is connected to the ghost mask. If you do not speak, I will torture you a hundred times more until you open your mouth! "    


Ming Yu closed his eyes and listened to everything silently.    


Then he shook his head and said, "If I told you that the Ghost Face spared my life at the last moment three days ago, would you believe me?"    


Bu Yilian didn't say anything.    


"I can't see through this person called the Ghost Face, but when I interacted with him, every person he killed, no matter who it was, must have committed a crime. Are you sure your brother is that clean?"    


"How dare you!"    


Bu Yilian suddenly pulled back the silk and it actually scratched Ming Yu's left shoulder, cutting off the skin and flesh.    


For a time, blood flowed unceasingly.    


Then, he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Bu Yilian as he said, "I thought that only killers and bandits would rely on their own martial power to bully innocent people, but I never would have thought that the so-called righteous people would have such a tyrannical side."    


As soon as she finished her sentence, Bu Yilian turned around and slapped herself in the face.    


If the slap wasn't enough, he would slap Ming Yu in the face again. In the end, the third slap caused Ming Yu to cough up blood and his teeth to shatter!    


"A dog's mouth."    


Bu Yilian took out an expensive silk handkerchief, wiped off the blood on her right hand, and threw it on the ground.    


Ming Yu didn't say a word, but he clenched his fists tightly.    


In the face of absolute power and absolute suppression, he was like a dog in the face of power.    


No, not even a dog!    


She calmed herself down, her expression becoming calm and serene once more. "I could have spared your life if you had told me the truth, but you can't save anyone if you keep begging for death."    


The meaning the higher ups conveyed to me is very clear. If you still refuse to confess after death, I will give you a chance to prove your innocence, and two hours later, someone will bring you out of the tenth floor of the Sky Cleaving Prison and escort you along with the other fifty death row prisoners to the Forbidden Area of Death in the center of the Wilderness.    


Ming Yu was still bleeding from his mouth, but after hearing this, his body suddenly trembled for a moment.    


Bu Yilian had already expected Ming Yu's reaction, so she continued: "This item is very important to the higher ups of the escort team, but within the Forbidden Area of Death, there is a Vicious Beast that even I, the Darkdart King, am afraid of. Every year, this Vicious Beast will fall into a hibernation period of slumber, and what you all need to do is to bring that thing back while it is sleeping."    


Ming Yu squinted his eyes.    


The meaning behind his words was that the things that the higher ups of the escort team wanted were of great benefit to the higher ups themselves, but because of the dangers of the Forbidden Area of Death, no one dared to search for them, only allowing them, the prisoners who were on death row, to test the waters, to find something that was extremely joyful, and to be unable to find anything. Even if they died there, it would save them the time to execute the death penalty!    


In other words, he had a slim chance of survival!    


Even if you did something that would be useful for the escort company, if you were to be of use to the Scarlet Moon, it would be absolutely impossible for you to do such a thing, because once you do that, if Scarlet Moon knows that you have betrayed the organisation, then you will also die. So, if you want to prove your innocence, you have to take that thing back within the set time limit.    


"We will give you fifty-one people to consume the Heaven's Wonder Flower Powder. This poison will take effect in a month, causing all your organs to rot. Only the higher-ups of the escort company will be able to cure it, so if you run away, you will still die. The only way to survive is to get it."    


After saying that, Bu Yilian turned around and walked out of the door. She seemed to have thought of something, and stopped and turned back to remind him: "Right, I forgot to tell you, if you get that thing, not only will you be able to survive, you will also be rewarded with ten thousand Star Soul Pill. You know more about how tempting that thing is than me."    


Ming Yu's chest heaved up and down.    


Ten thousand Star Soul Pill, if exchanged for merit points, that would mean …    


"That's right. If you can obtain it, ten thousand Star Soul Pill would be worth ten thousand contribution points. It would simply be a heavenly treatment."    


Bu Yilian looked at Ming Yu as if she was looking at a dead man, smiled and said, "So you must love this mission so much that you will go crazy for it. Bu Yilian looked as if she looked at a dead man, smiled and said," So you will love this mission so much that you will go crazy for it.    


With a smile, he turned around, opened the metal door, and closed it again. Then, his beautiful figure completely disappeared.    


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