The Ace Bodyguard

C618 Taotie

C618 Taotie

Before they had even entered this space, they had heard that this space was created by the Divine Monarch. Back then, when the Divine Monarch defeated the Taotie, in order to suppress the Taotie, he had specially created this space. And, at the end of the tunnel, the two of them had also felt a boundless baleful aura, as if it were from a powerful Vicious Beast.    


But as he jumped down the end of the path, that endless infernal energy vanished. If it really was the Taotie, then with her and Lver's strength, they wouldn't be able to contend against it. With the Taotie's powerful ability, she would definitely be able to easily kill the two of them.    


Earlier, in the valley outside, with a low growl from the Taotie, the powerful force had traveled through the entire Small Space and entered the valley in the outside world, killing countless experts there. Fortunately Guang Yuanzi had made his move in time, otherwise, everyone would have died under the Taotie's low growl.    


Not good!    




Wang Xiao and Lver spoke out at the same time, the expressions on their faces greatly changed, it was extremely ugly, and even paled to the point of being bloodless. After that, Wang Xiao reacted very quickly and grabbed onto Lver's hand. He turned and ran towards the passage, against such a strong Vicious Beast, he did not even have the courage to fight.    


If it was a warrior of the Fifth Elder's level, Wang Xiao might still be able to fight, even if it was stronger than the Fifth Elder, he would still have the courage to fight. But in front of a powerful Vicious Beast like the Taotie, Wang Xiao didn't even have the courage to fight.    


After all, in front of the Taotie, he and Lver seemed extremely insignificant and insignificant, like ants. Grabbing Lver's hand, Wang Xiao no longer cared about his image, and directly rushed forward without hesitation. Normally, if he had met with some other danger, with Wang Xiao's personality, he would definitely show off a very powerful appearance in front of Lver, and get attention from Lver. However, in front of such a powerful Vicious Beast, he was really not in the mood to act cool at all.    


Lver also cried out in shock, and then she escaped together with Wang Xiao. The current her did not have the mood to call Wang Xiao an idiot, nor despise Wang Xiao for being cowardly, being afraid of living, and so on.    


Hu hu hu hu!    


As the two of them fled for their lives, due to their extremely fast speed, they heard the sound of a fierce wind blowing by their ears.    


Crash! *    


Just as the two of them were several meters away from each other, a voice akin to a flood could be heard. Following that, an endless baleful aura surged forth like a flood. In an instant, it submerged the two of them. A strong killing intent invaded their minds, causing them to tremble uncontrollably.    


Boundless infernal energy, boundless infernal energy, suddenly filled the surrounding space. Wang Xiao could feel the boundless killing intent, it was like a majestic river of blood, submerging him and Lver within, the blood river released an evil Qi, able to kill the two of them anytime.    


After feeling the strong and resplendent infernal energy, both Wang Xiao and Lver were unable to breathe. Their chests were extremely heavy, as though they were pressed down by a huge rock on top of their chests. At the same time that Lver's face turned pale, her complexion became extremely unsightly.    


Wang Xiao erupted with his full strength, and continued to hold tightly onto Lver's hand as he desperately ran forward. No matter what, he couldn't die here. No matter what, he couldn't let anything happen to Lver so he had to bring Lver and safely escape this place. Whether it was him or Lver, they had to leave this place alive.    


Lver was originally in a state of shock, but when she felt Wang Xiao's warm hands, which had been tightly holding hers from start to finish, a very warm feeling rose in his heart. It was as if as long as Wang Xiao was by his side, he would not be afraid even if he met a most dangerous places.    


Lver, who was originally in a state of shock, suddenly felt the warmth from Wang Xiao's hands. For the first time, she discovered that she also needed the protection of someone else. Once, she thought she was strong enough to live on her own and didn't need anyone's help.    


But today, Lver realised that what she had thought was wrong. No matter how strong she was, she was just a woman after all, and still needed the protection of a strong man. When the two of them had escaped more than ten meters away, their bodies were actually locked up.    


and Lver wanted to continue their escape as they ran forward with all their might, but their bodies did not listen to them. No matter how much they struggled to escape, their bodies still could not move.    


He never thought that the Taotie would actually be so powerful, to be able to imprison both him and Lver. The Taotie must have cultivation, otherwise, it would not have been able to imprison both him and Lver so easily from such a distance. But it was also very normal. Even some of the Vicious Beast in the Divine Monarch's dimension had cultivation, let alone the Taotie.    


Lver realized that she was trapped, and couldn't move at all. She looked at Wang Xiao with fear in her eyes, as if asking him what to do, and how to remove the seal from the Taotie.    


Regarding Lver's pleading eyes, Wang Xiao could only shake his head helplessly. The current Wang Xiao was already unable to protect himself. Even if he wanted to protect Lver and help Lver, he still wouldn't be able to do it.    


Wang Xiao and Lver turned their heads to look at the same time.    


When the two of them turned around, they saw that on the black stone wall, a Vicious Beast had appeared out of nowhere. No, it should be said that it was the head of a Vicious Beast. This was because the thing that appeared from the rock wall was only a head. One could see that this head was somewhat similar to a goat's head, dragon whiskers, and had a single horn. All of its characteristics were exactly the same as those Taotie recorded in the ancient books.    


The Taotie could only pop out one head, while the other parts of its body were pressed down in the mountains. However, a head was actually half the size of a room. Just that head alone was the size of a dozen or so adult bodies, and its fangs were extremely sharp.    


This was their first time meeting the Taotie, so the shock in their hearts could only be described with one word: incomparable. Although they had read about Taotie in many ancient books, when they saw it with their own eyes, the two of them were so shocked that their minds could not recover. Fortunately, the Taotie was trapped in the great mountain of Small Space. The moment they leave the Small Space, it would bring a huge disaster to the humans of Earth.    


The area around the Taotie's head seemed to form an extremely small space. Even though this space was small, it could still create a strong pressure.    


Ka-cha! *    


Ka-cha! *    


The Taotie twisted its head and turned its neck, then struggled out of the mountain. As the Taotie struggled, the mountain shook more and more, as if it could collapse at any time. Seeing this evil being struggling to escape, Wang Xiao and Lver became even more nervous.    


If the Taotie struggled out of the cliff, not only would the two of them become the Vicious Beast's food, countless people in the world would also become the Vicious Beast's food. As long as Taotie walked out of the Small Space and entered the outside world of Earth, it would bring about a very scary disaster.    


The Taotie was very brutal, ferocious, and also very edible. It liked to eat people. It had appeared in the Ancient Times before, and it had caused the destruction of a small country. Almost everyone had been eaten by it, and if not for the Divine Monarch, more countries would have been affected.    


But in this world, there was no way to find such an expert like Divine Monarch. Not to mention an expert like the Divine Monarch, even a Junior God Level expert wouldn't be found at that time. Having lost an expert like the Divine Monarch to fight the Taotie, the entire human race would be in danger.    


Ka-cha! *    


Ka-cha! *    


The Taotie was still struggling with difficulty. It had already been suppressed here by the Divine Monarch for over ten thousand years, and had already slept for over ten thousand years. It had not eaten for over ten thousand years already, so it could not wait to go out for a meal.    


Following the Taotie's suppression, a crack appeared on the huge wall, and the crack became larger and larger. The Taotie was struggling, trying to break free from the mountain while staring at Wang Xiao with its blood-red eyes, as though it was treating the two of them as food.    


Not good!    


Seeing the Taotie struggling and the cracks constantly appearing on the walls of the huge mountain, Wang Xiao became anxious. If the Taotie really managed to escape, not only would he and Lver die a miserable death, his relatives on Earth, his friends and family would also be harmed.    


Her father Wang Ping and his younger sister Wang Xiaoyue both lived within Huahai City. When the Taotie escaped, Huahai City would be the first thing they would receive. At that time, Father and Little Sister, Zhang Tingting, Zhou Susu and the others would be in danger.    


Lver had the same thoughts as Wang Xiao, but although the two of them knew about this, they were helpless. It was because the two of them did not have the ability to stop everything. Not to mention that they did not have the ability to stop everything, they did not even have the ability to protect themselves.    


Wang Xiao's heart was bitter, his body could not move at all. Ever since he became an expert, he had experienced countless dangers, and had almost died on countless occasions. But in the past, regardless of what kind of crisis he had experienced, Wang Xiao firmly believed from the beginning to the end that he would definitely be able to escape.    


But this was the first time Wang Xiao felt despair, despair of being able to do anything. Because this time, he was not facing any experts, nor was it Yin Tianzheng, nor was it the Fifth Elder, and even more experts of the Qianqiu Sect. This time, he was facing Taotie, the divine beast Taotie with powerful Ancient Times.    


Ka-cha! *    


Ka-cha! *    


On the walls of the mountain, the gigantic crack lines continued expanding unceasingly. It was as though if the mountain continued expanding further, the mountain would directly be split into two. Wang Xiao could already feel the feeling of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, as well as the feeling as though the entire mountain would collapse at any moment.    


Lver opened her eyes and mouth wide, staring at the scene in shock. With her current expression, it looked as if she wanted to say something to Wang Xiao, but she couldn't say it in that moment. Maybe it was because she didn't want to speak, because she knew that Wang Xiao was powerless now and didn't have the slightest ability to escape. If Wang Xiao still had the ability to escape, even if he only had a sliver of power, he would have brought her to escape in a panic.    


Looking at the rocks that were continuously cracked, Wang Xiao helplessly shook his head and let out a helpless sigh. Perhaps this was heaven's will, and heaven's will was like this, maybe heaven was destined for him and Lver to die here, to die in the stomach of Taotie, and since heaven's will was already decided, then he would just leave it to fate.    


Although Wang Xiao was not the type of person who would resign himself to fate and easily believe in heaven's will, in front of the powerful Taotie, he had no other choice but to leave himself to fate at this moment. However, when he thought about how he had Lver to accompany him, Wang Xiao did not have any regrets. Being able to die with Lver could also be considered fate. With Lver accompanying them in the underworld, they wouldn't be lonely anymore.    


Looking at Lver, Wang Xiao said: "Lver, with you accompanying me, I'm satisfied. Even if I die, it's worth it."    


Lver said with a depressed expression: "Idiot, what are you talking about? I don't want to die yet."    


"Lver, looks like this is heaven's will, heaven's will is fated to be like this, there is nothing we can do, since this is heaven's will, how can we have the power to resist?" Wang Xiao continued.    


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